PAGE FOUR THE WILDCAT — CHICO. CALIFORNIA FRIDAY. MAY 23. 1952 Campus Has Its Social and Service Organizations I nterfratermty Panhellenic F raternities.. Sororities Council • . • Council • • • Chico State’s five social fraternities, all local, have sponsored ______ Members of Chico State's four sororities have had an eventful many events for the student body during the past year. The fall The Interfratemity Council w as: The activities and problems of all year and their wind-up activities ate scheduled for this week and barbecue at which the Kick-off Queen was elected was Chi Tau’s founded in 1929, in order to coordi­ sur sororities are brought together the next. Three of the sororities. Pi Kappa Sigma, Delta Sigma nate the activities of foe fratemi- i through. the* * Panhellenic Council," £ psijon ancj Theta Sigma Upsilon, are chapters of national sorori- offering to the students. It was followed by the Knights of Fal- ties. Run on foe same basis as foe which has four officers, foe presi- r ^ ® , ___ 5 ___. ____________._ ,____ , ff pre.Homecoming dance. In February, the Sweetheart Formal, Panhellenic Council, its five officers dents of foe sororities. These offices ties; Alpha Chi, the oldest sorority on campus, local J! ” which the Sweetheart of Chico State was elected, was sponsored are rotated each year. are rotated each year, with foe or­ Bill Nichols, of Lambda Pi, is ganiZation holding foe presidency , * Alpha Chi bv members of Lambda Pi. TWIRP4 AlP*ba Chi :was founded in 1919 for “eelc, five days of topsy-turvy' president of foe council. Bill Mar­ becoming treasurer foe following tin, vice-president, was elected to year. Each sorority also has a Pan- Sororities Aid in the piarpóse of promoting ideal5 of .vents in which the woman took Departmental represent foe Knights of Falstaff, helienic representative. u connradesti ip. leadership and schol- „’er the man’s role, was sponsored Howard Behymer of Delta Psi Delta Janet Long of Delta Sigma Epsi- Know America” arshÍP1 among its members. Its flower , lota Sigma. The week was cli- Organizations is thie orchid and its colors are lav* U f with the annual TWIRP Week, May 14 to 20 sfidair and wlbite. ?ance to which the gals took the Gl ria Butzbach is president 01 fellas traded dances, and generally Alpha Chi for foe comtag year. called the evening their own. The Beta Tau Beta The week of May 14-20 was set OtiuS' 1 include Naricy Cuter, Pioneer .Day Primer, first school j The Home Economics club is an aside by fraternity women through-; vice -President: Mary Gosseti, secre­ dance on the Pioneer Day schedule, j organiZation for home ec majors on out foe United States as “Know tary Pat Matdden, treasuiter; Dear­ was held at Moonlight Gardens and ; campus and is a member of the Na-; Your America" week, a time when esleí 1 McCune, social leader, Eve- ..„joneered” by members of the tional College Home Economics club they, along with other citizens, re­ lyn McKinney, sergeant-at-arms; Knights of Falstaff. Delta Psi Delta organiZation, dedicate themselves to the preser- Ramona Strang, musics';: Jane De members opened the annual Pre-, vation of the basic American prin- j Bock, historian: Mary Lopez, re­ pioneer Day dance, "Cherokee!/*.£,. C lU O ciples. porter. and Mildred Jenson, corres­ Gulch," to all students. Women students who are physical Here are some of the projects re­ ponding secretary. All five fraternities, although pn -1 education majors and minors are' ported at foe last biennial meeting Advisers are Mrs. Roy Bohler and manly social, work with the college i eijgjbie to join the P. E. club, which of foe National Penhellenic Confer­ Mrs. Russell Morris. on many activities during the year. I on activities throughout the ence delegates: In October, Alpha Chi played They are fundamentally alike. j year Delta Sigma Epsilon is patron of hostess to the other sororities for a the Seeing Eye Foundation and dressy dance entitled "Sophisticated gives financial aid to foe McGuffey Autumn." Pledge dances were held Letter From Industrial Arts Society as well as foe collection of T rimhttn P i i This organiZation was formed for in the fall and spring. L iuinuuu m * j the industrial arts majors who are old McGuffey readers. They con- 1 tribute to foe U. S. Marine Hospital Delta Sigma Epsilon In the year 1944, when there were i interested in furthering the cause 111 a T -rk «MR?«*» *w m few men on the Chico State campus, I industrial arts in education, for Lepers, Carville, La., and offer Delta Sigma Epsilon appeared on the ony active frat was foe Iota. four scholarships to undergraduates. this campus in June of 1924. and has Sigma. A group of fellows who were j C . 0 . 1 U\.. Pi Kappa Sigma's Forget-Me-Not grown until it is the largest sorority fund provides subscriptions to five not in sympathy with foe policies ■ The California Student Teacher w on campus today. It is also a social of foe other groups decided to form association is a voluntary organiZa-; Shrine Hospitals for Crippled Chil- sorority, whose purpose is to foster a group of their own. They met and j tion of junior* and senior class stu-; BILL NICHOLS dren. They are patronesses to See- friendships, uphold scbolar- JANET LONG ing Eye, Ina have a loan fiutf for ^ and gtrengthen character planned their organiZation as a so- j dents in teacher training, is secretary; Dave Williams of Iota ■ nr» r»m ■ I nrir avuf fld'O * _ - ___ cial fraternity. Officers were duly, , Ion is president of the Panhellenic undergraduate members and give: It is foe Omicron Chapter of foe Sigma, treasurer, and Bob Given, of Council. Dona Morgan of Theta annual scholarship awards. The elected mid in time foe group was ¡ C o m m e r c e C lU O Chi Tau, reporter. — . _ _ --.-—^National Delta Sigma Epsilon which recognized as a local fraternity on j To create interest in foe commer- Sigma Upsilon is vice-president. Georgia Fox Brown award provid« u on today, and there are Representatives are Tom McCamp- Secretary of foe council is Carmel tumon for a student at YpsilanU, ^ 39 active members. This year. the Chico State campus. Through I g^Id through participation in belL of Lambda Pi; John Muir, the years till 1946, foe group re- j social and educational activities is _ , . - _ — = . _ = . RodrigueZ of Alpha Chi. Carolyn , _ the sorority became a full member Knights of Falstaff; Ross Hightower, j Torkelson, treasurer, represents Pi Theta Sigma Upafon snew ly es- of fhe National Panhellenic CounciL mained active on foe campus in so-1 jhe goal toward which these mem-, Iota Sigma; Jerry Hill, Delta Psi Kappa Sigma. cial affairs. When veterans of World j jjers work. tablished national project is with 0 ^ « ^ chapter each year par- War II began to return Lambda P i) . • r . Delta, and Don Applegate, Chi Tau. j Marilyn Carlson of Theta Sigm athe______ American_____ _____ Association______________ for Cleft ticipates in Homecoming activities began also to grow. By 1947 when | r LeUT u€ CIS Advisers include Bradley Page, Lew j Up^jion will preside over the coun- Palate Rehabilitation. “Theta Fun by giving a luncheon for alumnae. D. Oliver, Homer Lowe, Dr. Herman J cjj next year. Working with her Boxes” and "Theta Su” dolls are the college had reached its highest | This is Chico State’s French club, A Thanksgiving box and Christmas J- J>e^ers’ ? i,! ^ novan Swanson jwm be Gloria ButZbach. Alpha Chi, sent to four orphanages located at box are sent to a needy family each enrollment in foe history of the which seeks to create a better speak-1 and Russell Kidder. vice-president; Beverly Volpato. Pi Salem, Va.; Abe line, Kan.; Pueblo. school, Lambda Pi was on foe pro- ¡^g knowledge of French in a social The activities of foe Interfrater- year. In foe spring, foe members verbial band wagon.; 1947 brought atmosphere. Kappa Sigma, secretary, and Coral Colo., and Buffalo. N. Y. Scholar- give their annual birthday luncheon, nity Council this year included a 1 —selberg. ” -Delta s t - ssSigma------ s*—iiEpsilon,----- ;treas------— ship loan funcjs are available for celebrating foe birthday of this many social events as well as a Far spaghetti feed given for all members1 ^ members. Western Conference co-champion­ Atelier of fraternities and foe faculty. chapter. Many a lu m n i return for ship in football and many activities Chico State’s Art club for inter­ Anna Louise B arn ey , dean of wo­ the occasion. with social groups. During the fall ested art students includes many art men. acts as adviser for foe group. semester of 1947 an organiZation, majors and minors. Jean Dunning Will Be The Panhellenic Council controls Theta Sigma Upsilon now an organiZed fraternity, called rush and open bidding rules. It also Religious The school year of 1951-52 has the Knights of Falstaff was formed. Alpha Psi Omega W.A.A. President assists organiZations on campus by been a very eventful one for the During the spring semester of 1948 The honorary dramatics fraternity ushering at plays and conferences, Organizations Theta Sigma Epsilon sorority under Lambda Pi began to outgrow its in­ gives several drama productions Jean Dunning was installed as, and in many other ways. This year. the able leadership of Dona Morgan, fancy on foe campus. They ran, and each year; this year’s included “The president of foe Womens A d S e t f c iIPanhdlenic'^o^i^ a wintofesh- ~ ~ president The first semester saw eventually got elected for Sheriff of Silver Whistle,” “Valiant,” "Two Association at a picnic dinner last i 'on ts an.d.
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