Roll of members of the New Zealand House of Representatives, 1854 onwards Sources: New Zealand Parliamentary Record, Newspapers, Political Party websites, New Zealand Gazette, New Zealand Parliamentary Debates (Hansard), Political Party Press Releases, Appendix to the Journal of the House of Representatives, E.9. Last updated: 17 November 2020 Abbreviations for the party affiliations are as follows: ACT ACT (Association of Consumers and Taxpayers) Lib. Liberal All. Alliance LibLab. Liberal Labour CD Christian Democrats Mana Mana Party Ch.H Christian Heritage ManaW. Mana Wahine Te Ira Tangata Party Co. Coalition Maori Maori Party Con. Conservative MP Mauri Pacific CR Coalition Reform Na. National (1925 Liberals) CU Coalition United Nat. National Green Greens NatLib. National Liberal Party (1905) ILib. Independent Liberal NL New Labour ICLib. Independent Coalition Liberal NZD New Zealand Democrats Icon. Independent Conservative NZF New Zealand First ICP Independent Country Party NZL New Zealand Liberals ILab. Independent Labour PCP Progressive Coalition ILib. Independent Liberal PP Progressive Party (“Jim Anderton’s Progressives”) Ind. Independent R Reform IP. Independent Prohibition Ra. Ratana IPLL Independent Political Labour League ROC Right of Centre IR Independent Reform SC Social Credit IRat. Independent Ratana SD Social Democrat IU Independent United U United Lab. Labour UFNZ United Future New Zealand UNZ United New Zealand The end dates of tenure before 1984 are the date the House was dissolved, and the end dates after 1984 are the date of the election. (NB. There were no political parties as such before 1890) Name Electorate Parl’t Elected Vacated Reason Party ACLAND, Hugh John Dyke 1904-1981 Temuka 26-27 07.02.1942 04.11.1946 Defeated Nat. (KBE 1968) ADAMS, Amy Juliet 1971- Selwyn 49-52 08.11.2008 17.10.2020 Retired Nat. ADAMS, Paul Gavin 1948- List 47 27.07.2002 17.09.2005 Defeated UFNZ ADAMS, William 1811-1884 Picton 4 25.07.1867 09.07.1868 Resigned ADAMS, William Acton Blakeway 1843-1924 City of Nelson 6-7 06.02.1879 10.05.1881 Resigned ADAMS-SCHNEIDER, Lancelot Raymond 1919-1995 Hamilton 32-35 02.05.1959 28.10.1969 Nat. (PC 1981, KCMG 1984) Waikato 36-39 29.11.1969 29.10.1981 Retired ADERMAN, Ernest Philip 1894-1968 New Plymouth 27-34 25.09.1943 25.10.1966 Retired Nat. (OBE 1967) AITKEN, John Guthrie Wood 1849-1921 City of Wellington 15 25.11.1902 15.11.1905 Con. Wellington East 16 06.12.1905 29.10.1908 Retired ALEXANDER, Marc Antonius 1958- List 47 27.07.2002 17.09.2005 Defeated UFNZ ALGIE, Ronald Macmillan 1888-1978 Remuera 27-34 25.09.1943 25.10.1966 Retired Nat. (Kt. 1964) ALISON, Ewen William 1855-1945 Waitemata 15-16 25.11.1902 29.10.1908 Retired ICon., Con/05 ALLAN, Kiritapu Lyndsay 1984- List 52 23.09.2017 17.10.2020 Lab. East Coast 53- 17.10.2020 ALLEN, Alfred Ernest 1912-1987 Franklin 32-36 30.11.1957 26.10.1972 Retired Nat. (CMG 1973) ALLEN, Edmund Giblett 1844-1909 Waikouaiti 13-14 04.12.1896 05.11.1902 Lib. Chalmers 15-16 25.11.1902 29.10.1908 Defeated ALLEN, James 1855-1942 Dunedin East 10 26.09.1887 03.10.1890 Defeated Con. (KCB 1917, GCMG 1926) Bruce 11-20 04.05.1892 22.03.1920 Resigned R/08 ALLEN, John Manchester 1901-1941 Hauraki 26 15.10.1938 28.11.1941 Died Nat. ALLEN, Keith Reading 1931-1984 Tauranga 37-40 25.11.1972 15.06.1984 Retired Nat. ALLEN, Percy Benjamin 1913-1992 Bay of Plenty 31-37 06.04.1957 30.10.1975 Retired Nat. (QSO 1976) ALLEN, William Shepherd 1831-1915 Te Aroha 11 05.12.1890 03.04.1891 Declared void ALLWRIGHT, Harry c1837-1892 Lyttelton 7-9 04.09.1879 15.07.1887 Defeated AMOS, Philip Albert 1925-2007 Manurewa 34-37 30.11.1963 30.10.1975 Defeated Lab. ANAE, Arthur John 1945- List 45 12.10.1996 27.11.1999 Defeated Nat. List 46 15.03.2000 27.07.2002 Defeated Nat. ANDERSEN, Virginia Ruby 1975- List 52 23.09.2017 17.10.2020 Lab. Hutt South 53- 17.10.2020 ANDERSON, George James 1860-1935 Mataura 17-22 17.11.1908 18.10.1928 Defeated R. ANDERSON, John Crawford c1848-1930 Bruce 10 26.09.1887 03.10.1890 Retired ANDERSON, Robert Arnold 1936-1996 Kaimai 42-44 15.08.1987 12.10.1996 Retired Nat. ANDERTON, James Patrick 1938-2018 Sydenham 41-44 14.07.1984 12.10.1996 Lab., NL/89, All/91 (CNZM 2017) Wigram 45-49 12.10.1996 26.11.2011 Retired PC/02, PP/04i ANDERTON, William Theophilus 1888-1966 Eden 25-27 27.11.1935 04.11.1946 Lib. Auckland Central 28-32 27.11.1946 31.11.1960 Retired ANDREW, John Chapman 1822-1907 Wairarapa 5-6 28.01.1871 06.06.1877 Resigned ANDREWS, Samuel Paul 1836-1916 City of Christchurch 7 10.09.1879 08.11.1881 Defeated ANGUS, Derek Alan 1938- Wallace 40-42 28.11.1981 27.10.1990 Retired Nat. (QSM 1990) ANSELL, Alfred Edward 1876-1941 Chalmers 23-24 14.11.1928 01.11.1935 Defeated R., CR/31 ANSTEY, John 1856-1940 Waitaki 19 10.12.1914 27.11.1919 Defeated Lib. ARDERN, Jacinda Kate Laurell 1980- List 49-51 08.11.2008 08.03.2017 Lab. Mt Albert 51- 08.03.2017 ARDERN, Philip Shane 1960- Taranaki-King Country 45-50 02.05.1998 20.09.2014 Retired Nat. ARMSTRONG, Arthur Ernest 1902-1980 Napier 27-29 25.09.1943 27.07.1951 Defeated Lab. ARMSTRONG, George 1822-1905 Akaroa 4 21.02.1866 30.12.1870 Retired ARMSTRONG, Hubert Thomas 1875-1942 Christchurch East 21-26 07.12.1922 08.11.1942 Died Lab. ARMSTRONG, John Gordon 1935-2018 New Plymouth 43 27.10.1990 06.11.1993 Defeated Nat. ARNOLD, James Frederick 1859-1929 City of Dunedin 14-15 06.12.1899 15.11.1905 Lib. Dunedin South 16 06.12.1905 29.10.1908 Dunedin Central 17 17.11.1908 20.11.1911 Defeated ARTHUR, Alexander Creighton 1851-1914 East Coast 10 13.12.1889 03.10.1890 Defeated ARTHUR, Sir Basil Malcolm, Bt 1928-1985 Timaru 33-41 21.07.1962 01.05.1985 Died Lab. ATKINSON, Arthur Richmond 1863-1935 City of Wellington 14 06.12.1899 05.11.1902 Defeated Con. ATKINSON, Arthur Samuel 1833-1902 Omata 4 09.03.1866 28.12.1867 Resigned ATKINSON, Harry Albert 1831-1892 Grey and Bell 3 20.06.1861 27.01.1866 Resigned Con. (KCMG 1888) Town of New Plymouth 4 29.04.1867 18.03.1869 Resigned Egmont 5 03.10.1872 06.12.1875 Resigned 6-11 03.01.1876 22.01.1891 Resigned ATMORE, Harry 1870-1946 Nelson 18 14.12.1911 20.11.1914 Defeated ILib. 20-27 17.12.1919 21.08.1946 Died Lib/19, Na/25, Ind/28 AUCHINVOLE, Christopher John 1945- List 48 17.09.2005 08.11.2008 Nat. West Coast-Tasman 49 08.11.2008 26.11.2011 List 50 26.11.2011 20.09.2014 Retired AUSTIN, Howard Neill 1924-2008 Hobson 38 29.11.1975 26.10.1978 Nat. Bay of Islands 39-41 25.11.1978 15.08.1987 Retired AUSTIN, Margaret Elizabeth 1933- Yaldhurst 41-44 14.07.1984 12.10.1996 Defeated Lab., UNZ/95 AUSTIN, William Rex 1931- Awarua 38-41 29.11.1975 15.08.1987 Retired Nat. AWATERE HUATA, Donna Lynn 1949- List 45-47 12.10.1996 19.11.2004 Expelled ACT, Ind/03ii BACOT, John Thomas Watson 1821-1888 Pensioner Settlements 1 13.08.1852 15.09.1855 Defeated BAIGENT, Edward 1812-1892 Waimea 4 28.06.1867 30.12.1870 Defeated 6 04.01.1876 15.08.1879 Retired BAILEY, Ronald Leslie 1926-2015 Heretaunga 33-39 26.11.1960 29.10.1981 Retired Lab. (QSO 1987) BAILLIE, Chris List 53- 17.10.2020 ACT BAIN, James Walker 1841-1899 Invercargill 7 01.09.1879 08.11.1881 Retired BAKSHI, Kanwaljit Singh 1964- List 49-52 08.11.2008 17.10.2020 Defeated Nat. BALDOCK, Larry David 1954- List 47 27.07.2002 17.09.2005 Defeated UFNZ BALDWIN, William 1838-1917 Goldfields, Otago 3 14.04.1863 27.04.1865 Resigned Manuherikia 4 17.03.1866 15.02.1867 Resigned BALL, Darroch Leicester c1982- List 51-52 20.09.2014 17.10.2020 Defeated NZF BALL, Thomas 1809-1897 Mongonui 4 20.03.1866 01.03.1870 Resigned BALLANCE, John 1839-1893 Rangitikei 5-6 24.04.1875 15.08.1879 Lib. Wanganui 7 05.09.1879 08.11.1881 Defeated 9-11 22.07.1884 27.04.1893 Died BANKS, John Archibald 1946- Whangarei 40-45 28.11.1981 27.11.1999 Retired Nat. Epsom 50 26.11.2011 13.06.2014 Resigned ACT/11 BARBER, William Henry Peter 1857-1943 Newtown 15-16 25.11.1902 29.10.1908 Defeated Lib. BARCLAY, Alfred Richard 1859-1912 City of Dunedin 14 06.12.1899 05.11.1902 Defeated Lib. Dunedin North 16 06.12.1905 29.10.1908 Defeated BARCLAY, Bruce Gillespie 1922-1979 Christchurch Central 36-39 29.11.1969 28.06.1979 Died Lab. BARCLAY, James Gillespie 1882-1972 Marsden 25-26 27.11.1935 30.08.1943 Defeated Lab. BARCLAY, Ronald Morrison 1914-2003 New Plymouth 35-37 26.11.1966 30.10.1975 Defeated Lab. (MBE 1978) BARCLAY, Todd Keith 1990- Clutha-Southland 51 20.09.2014 23.09.2017 Retired Nat. BARFF, Edmund 1833-1882 Westland South 4 06.04.1868 30.12.1870 Defeated Hokitika 6 14.01.1876 15.08.1879 Defeated BARKER, Richard John 1951- Hastings 44 06.11.1993 12.10.1996 Lab.
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