In RevIew Humanities Schismatics, New and Old The Ferrari Humanities This spring, the Ferrari Humanities Sym- brought about by the Reformation, and how posia took the Reformation as their focus, we feel them still. symposia looks at the examining not just the rise of Protestant- reformation. ism and the corresponding Catholic Coun- Dorinda Outram ter-Reformation, but also the technological, Franklin W. Clark and Gladys I. Clark By Kathleen McGarvey political, social, and economic changes that Professor of History the Reformation ushered in, touching on The Reformation divided a hitherto nomi- A 16th-century schism in Christianity science, medicine, law, art, education, and nally united Latin Christendom. And with might seem an unlikely source for a histori- moral and ethical thought. the emergence of Protestant churches em- cal movement the reverberations of which The symposium included a two-credit phasizing individual reading of scriptur- continue to be felt today. But the Refor- course, Reformations in Western Thought, al texts, literacy becomes important. This mation, which left turbulent warfare and and featured lectures from leading schol- helps people to internalize the word of profound changes in religious and secular ars of the Reformation: Susan Schrein- Christ and the religious messages of the thought in its wake, had just such effects. er, professor of the history of Christianity reformers. When the Ninety-Five Theses of German and theology in the Divinity School at the Still unclear, however, is the actual tip- cleric Martin Luther were posted on the University of Chicago; James Simpson, the ping point of religious change; it is too easy, door of the Castle Church of Wittenberg Donald P. and Katherine B. Loker Profes- in 1517, in protestation of the sale of in- sor of English at Harvard; and Diarmaid u REFORMATIONS: A series of academic dulgences—to pay for the rebuilding of St. MacCulloch, professor of the history of the programs this spring explored the Peter’s Cathedral—by the Roman Catholic church at Oxford. technological and social changes inspired Church, that action put in motion a splin- What has the Reformation wrought? A by the ideas of Martin Luther—above, tering of the faith and the creation of Prot- few of the participating faculty members depicted burning an announcement of his estant churches. offer their perspectives on the changes excommunication—and others of his era. 12 ROCHESTER REVIEW May–June 2013 Corbis 3_RochRev_May2013_Review.indd 12 4/17/13 9:49 PM In RevIew given the long prior history of discontent with the Catholic Church, to ascribe every- ExcErpt thing to Luther’s theses in 1517. An ‘Extraordinary, Civilized Declaration’ Thomas Hahn Oxford historian Diarmaid Professor of English MacCulloch delivered the keynote In insisting on the need for widespread address of this year’s symposium, change in their own lives and in the culture “Toleration in Reformation Europe: at large, many of the voices of the Refor- Laughter Versus Tidy-Mindedness.” mation (and the Catholic response, in the In his lecture, he called attention Counter-Reformation) articulated a sense to a little-noted model of religious of “religious values” that resonates strongly tolerance in 16th-century Europe: with contemporary events and movements. Recent evangelical movements in Africa The Diet, or parliament, of and elsewhere in World Christianity clear- Transylvania met in the town ly reflect that original impulse. of Turda in 1568, in the parish Beyond the boundaries of Christian church, which you can still go and practice, the Reformation raises questions visit, now Roman Catholic again, about how we understand the origins and but at that stage was the meet- impact of religious sentiment, whether as ing place of a Diet that decided grassroots spontaneity or top-down policy to give total choice to the people control: the Arab Spring and the civil war of Transylvania, parish by parish. KEYNOTE TALK: Historian Diarmaid MacCulloch in Syria or the spreading capitalist reform It recognized the legal status not discussed toleration and the Reformation. of China versus the failed Cultural Revolu- just of Catholics, Lutherans, and tion model some of the difficulties we face Reformed, but by implication, by omission, because of their teachings, because faith is in handling the historical dimensions of re- by silence, also anti-Trinitarians, and it a gift from God. Transylvania, 1568. What a formed cultural change. made this splendidly trenchant declara- shame we remember Transylvania by some- Finally, there is the central issue of the tion: ministers everywhere should preach one who was never there, Count Dracula, nature of change itself: from a Confucian, the gospel according to their understand- instead of that extraordinary, civilized Hindu, or even a Muslim perspective, the ing of it, and if their community is willing declaration. major divisions within Christianity, let to accept this, good. If not, however, no alone the fine distinctions among Protes- one should be compelled by force if their For a video of the talk, visit the sympo- tant sects, may seem hard to parse, yet on spirit is not at peace. No one is permitted sia’s website: any view the Reformation was clearly a to threaten, put in prison, or banish anyone ferrari-symposia/. central component of internal historical changes that dramatically redefined West- ern identities. these are very complicated documents. Lu- aspects of the Reformation: pluralism. It ther and Calvin say to pick up a text, read was a frontal challenge to the hegemony of Curt Cadorette it, and your interpretation—arrived at in the Catholic system. John Henry Newman Associate Professor in light of your neighbor’s well-being—is le- A good example of where the effects of Roman Catholic Studies gitimate. That leads to one of the wonderful the Reformation are still being felt is in the Martin Luther was a medieval person in Supreme Court case involving the consti- many respects, who saw the social order tutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act. as divinely constructed. And the Peasants’ Symposia Founders Some people see the Defense of Marriage War—an uprising in Germany in 1524–25 Trustee Bernard Ferrari ’70, ’74M (MD) Act as defending a traditional understand- inspired by Reformation thought—made and Linda Gaddis Ferrari established ing of marriage with a religious dimension, his conservative social values really kick in. the annual Ferrari Humanities Symposia drawing on the Hebrew Bible, or Old Tes- The idea that the Reformation says you to broaden the liberal education of tament, to conclude that God says marriage can believe what you want is a mispercep- Rochester undergraduates, enhance the should be between a man and a woman. tion. And the only true egalitarians of the experience of graduate students, and Others, arguing from the perspective of period were the Anabaptists, who believed expand the connections of University John Locke, say religion shouldn’t define in radical equality. Fear of anarchy brought faculty with other scholars from around this union—and if people are willing to ful- Luther’s intolerance to the fore. Theoreti- the world. The symposia include lectures fill the obligations of such a union, why cally, the Reformation is a statement of by visiting senior scholars of human- shouldn’t they enter into it? Christian equality, but practically, how do istic thought with an emphasis on the Locke says in his “Letter Concerning you implement that? The question leads to Renaissance period, intensive short Toleration” that we must agree to disagree religious violence in the 17th century. courses taught by faculty members from and there is no right to impose religious John Calvin and Luther say you can and across the University, and focused study in premises on other people. In some ways should—Calvin would go so far as to say reading groups and similar endeavors. we’re still living out 17th-century religious you must—read religious materials. But issues.r Adam FEnster May–June 2013 ROCHESTER REVIEW 13 3_RochRev_May2013_Review.indd 13 4/18/13 5:16 PM.
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