West London Sub-regional Transport Plan, 2014 update Information All information is current until 31st March 2014 Maps All maps are © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved (100032379) (2014) GLA Images All photographs and images are © TfL Visual Image Services unless otherwise stated Contents 1 Introduction 2 Travel in west London 3 Addressing the challenges • Supporting growth areas and regeneration • Delivering the vision for London’s streets and roads • Improving air quality and meeting CO2 targets • Making west London safer • Transforming the role of cycling 10 Addressing the sub-regional priorities in 2013/14 12 Investing to improve west London from 2013/14 16 Future opportunities 18 Funding Appendix A: Significant schemes that unlock and facilitate growth West London Sub-regional Transport Plan, 2014 update iii The west London sub-region The west London sub-region consists of the London boroughs of Brent, Ealing, Panel members: WestTrans Hammersmith & Fulham, Harrow, Hillingdon and Hounslow. Needless to say, the Tim Forrester transport network in the sub-region is influenced by neighbouring areas, principally London European Chair and TfL Sub- central London. Partnership for Transport regional Ambassador Paul Curtis Alex Williams TfL Policy Manager TfL Boroughs Richard McGreevy Strategy Advisor Georgina Barretta West London Alliance West London Heathrow Airport Ian Nichol Ian Frost sub-regional TfL LIP Coordinator partnership West London Business Danielle Shap Frank Wingate Hillingdon Brent Alan Tilly Rachel Best Hounslow Hammersmith & Fulham Mark Frost Chris Bainbridge Harrow Ealing Hanif Islam Nick O’Donnell iv West London Sub-regional Transport Plan, 2014 update Introduction The purpose of this west Sub- regional Transport Plan (SRTP) update Publications Future publications is to provide information on: Roads Task Force (RTF) Safe London Streets: Our Six Road The 2050 Infrastructure Plan will set Report, July 2013 Safety Commitments, February 2014 out London’s high level infrastructure » Developments over the last 12 The RTF report sets out a vision TfL have set out six commitments requirements, together with funding months for world-class streets and roads. making clear how TfL and their partners implications for transport, energy, » Commitments made in the It provides a road map to ensure will reduce the number of people killed water, waste, telecoms, green TfL Business Plan and through London’s continued vibrancy and and seriously injured on London’s infrastructure and social infrastructure. economic growth by tackling the roads by 40 per cent by 2020. Local Implementation Plan (LIP) A draft report for consultation impacts of rapid population growth. funding Travel in London (TIL) Report 6, 2013 will be published in mid 2014 and » Future opportunities to improve The RTF progress update was The TIL report summarises trends a final report in the autumn. published in March 2014. transport and address the relating to travel and transport. This Further Alterations to the London Plan remaining challenges Safe Streets for London: The Road year’s topics covered the legacy of the are proposed which include key elements This plan aims to help boroughs with Safety Action Plan for London, 2013 Olympic and Paralympic Games and of the Mayor’s Vision for Cycling and the the monitoring of the RTF vision. the development of LIPs and TfL in Safe Streets for London sets a RTF report. The Examination in Public developing the priorities for business target of a 40 per cent reduction London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic for the draft Further Alterations to the planning in order to address the in killed or seriously injured Games: The Transport Legacy, 2013 London Plan will be in autumn 2014 and medium to longer-term challenges (KSI) casualties by 2020. This report reviews the progress made in a more significant review is expected after the next mayoral election. for London and the sub-regions. Safety Action Plans, Spring 2014 embedding the transport legacy and sets out key transport legacy opportunities. Pedestrian Design Guidance This SRTP is accompanied by a During spring 2014, three focused The new Pedestrian Design Guidance poster which provides a snapshot safety action plans were published: Improving the Health of Londoners: Transport Action Plan, February 2014 will be drafted during the spring of the challenges, priority work » Motorcycle Safety Action Plan and published in summer 2014. areas and opportunities that can » Pedestrian Safety Action Plan TfL’s first Health Improvement Plan sets out the main impacts of transport Cycle Design Guidance be collectively addressed over the » Updated Cycle Safety Action Plan coming years and shows the initatives on health, the ways in which TfL is The revised London Cycling Design that have been completed or are improving health and the 10 actions Standards are due to be published for being taken over the next three years. public consultation in summer 2014 planned within the sub-region. and will be finalised later in the year. West London Sub-regional Transport Plan, 2014 update 1 Travel in west London Modal share for London residents in the west London sub-region* Cars and motorcycles continue to Sub-regional mobility forums account for the largest share of An outcome of TfL’s Single There was record demand on Passenger kilometres on the trips originating in west London. Equality Scheme 2012/2013 is the the Underground with 24 million Overground have increased by There has been no significant change creation of sub-regional mobility There was journeys made each week 82 per cent since 2008/2009 9.5 million in the share of trips originating forums. The forums provide a platform for representatives of TfL, cycle hires in by public transport, including rail, borough and disabled and older 2012/2013 the Underground and bus. people’s organisations to discuss 30% 2% Interventions are committed and strategic accessibility issues. under way to enhance capacity and Last year TfL successfully piloted 2% 8% manage congestion in west London. the forums in the central and These include the construction of south sub-regions and they will 43% 14% Crossrail and the lengthening of now be rolled out to the remaining trains on the London Overground. sub-regions during 2014/15. 1% 76% of the The recommendations of the Mayor’s Health and travel in London sub-region’s Travel made by modes other than 70 million passangers 33 per cent of trips 3350 bus stops Roads Task Force provide direction move through Heathrow in the sub-region are the car provide opportunities for are accessible for making more efficient use of the Airport annually for leisure improving the health of Londoners sub-region’s road network for the through physical activity, improving movement of people and goods. The air quality, reducing road traffic London wide mode share, 2012 rollout of cycling infrastructure in west collisions and noise, and reducing London including Barclays Cycle Hire community severance. and a Barclays Cycle Superhighway 32% 5% For example, additional cycling form part of a broader effort to London-wide is expected to give 3% 8% improve air quality and health impacts up to 6,000 extra years of healthy by shifting transport to active modes. life and £250m of economic 36% The sub-regional partnership will health benefits annually. 15% continue to work together to make More on health and travel can be 1% the most of these opportunities and found in TfL’s Transport Action Plan. address the sub-regional challenges. * Source: London Travel Demand Survey, 2011/12 (Average day/seven – day week) 2 West London Sub-regional Transport Plan, 2014 update Addressing the challenges When the west sub-regional In addition five other challenges Challenges in every sub-region What are the priority work areas? Transport Plan was first developed were identified and agreed in 2010 it helped to translate the for each sub-region. Improve air quality to meet and • Cycling enhancements with Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) exceed legal requirements and ensure connections across boroughs On an individual basis, each west health benefits for Londoners goals, challenges and outcomes London local authority strives • WestTrans is leading on a cycle strategy for the west sub-region. at a sub-regional level. to deliver its responsibilities Transform the role of cycling It was agreed with boroughs that while effectively and efficiently, in a very and walking in the sub-region • Investing in area, corridor, and junction all MTS challenges must be considered challenging financial and operational studies to address challenges on Meet CO targets across London, and addressed locally environment in order to address 2 the road network through LIPs, there were some which these and other challenges. • Freight routing enhancements, including journey planning would benefit from having a concerted However, as a number of key issues West London-specific challenges effort at a sub-regional level. are cross-boundary, key priority work • Development of Old Oak Common Enhance east-west capacity Opportunity Area Planning Consequently, the challenges of areas were agreed for the sub-regions. and manage congestion Framework (including Overground improving air quality, reducing CO 2 While each priority area can be and Crossrail spur) emissions and achieving the targets Improve access to, from and addressed in isolation, the inter- • Smarter Travel initiatives targeted at for – and desired results from – an related nature of these issues within key locations key trip generators
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