OLIC ION- Vol. XVII, No.. 10 October, 1935 ·THE SEVENTH NATIONAL EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS An .Interpretation Congress and Social Security Review of the Cleveland C10ngress Lay Organization in West Virginia Fort Wayne --- N.C.C.W. Convention Host Parent-Teacher Cooperation in Pittsburgh Training Catholic Leaders in Michigan Our Common Catholic Interests: Bishop Lillis and Hierarchy Lauded at Golden Jubilee Celebra­ tion-Archbishop McNicholas Sketches Growth of Church in the United States-Father Burke Tells of Organization by the Bishops of N. C. W. C., Its Purpose and Work-Holy Father Stresses Necessity of Union and Organization-Widespread Appeal of the N. C. C. M.'s "Catholic Hour" Broadcast Month by Month with the N. C. W. C. A NATIONAL MONTHLY - OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE 2 CATHOLIC ACTION October, 1935 FACTS ABOUT THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE :-: What It III What It Doell :-: "Thi. organization (the N. O. W. C.) i, not onl1/ u,eful, but neceuarll. •.• TABLE OF CONTENTS We prai,e all 1Oho in an1/ 1Oa1/ cooperate in thi. great work."-POPIl PIus XI. The National Catholic Welfare Conference was organized in September, 1919. October, 1935 The N. O. W. O. is a common agency acting under the authority of the bishops to promote the welfare of the Catholics of the country. PAGE It has for its incorporated purposes "unifying, coordinating and organizing the Our Common Catholic Interests 3 Catholic people of the roited States in works of education, social welfare, immigrant Bishop L illis o,nd Hierarchy aid and other activitie~ .· Lauded at Golden Jubilee It comprises the following ~epartments and bureaus: Gelebratiorv-Archbishop Me­ N ieholas S ketches Growth of EXEOUTIVFr-Bureaus maintained: Immigration, Publicit1/ and Information, Hutorical Ghurch in the United S tates Recordlt, Publication3 Bu,ine13 and Auditing and Latin American. -Father Burke Tells of Organization by the Bishops EDUOATION-Divisions: Stati,tic, and Information, Teacher,' Registration, Librar1/. of N. G. W. G., Its Purpose PREss-Serves the Oatholic press in the United States and abroad with regular new" and Work - Holy Father feature, editorial and pictorial ,ervice,. Stresses Necessity of Union SOCIAL ACTION-Covers the fields of Indultrial RelatiofUl, International Affair" and Organization - Wide- Oivic Education, Social Welfare, Famil1/ Life and Rural Life. 8preo,d Appeal of the N. G. G. M.'s "Gatholic Hour" LlllGAL--Serves as a clearing house of information on federal, state and local legislation. Broo,dcast LAY ORGANIZATIONS-Includes the National Council of Catholic Men and the National Council of Oatholic Women, which maintain at N. C. W. C. headquarters perma­ The National Eucharistic Con­ nent representations in the interests of the Catholic laity. These councils function gress: An Interpretation . .. 7 through some 3,000 affiliated societies-national, state, diocesan, district, local By V ery Rev. John J. Burke, and parish; also through units of the councils in many of the dioceses. G.S.P. Holy Father's Address to the The N. C. C. M. maintains at its national headquarters a Gatholic Evidence Bu­ reau and sponsors a weekly nationwide radio Oatholic Hour over the network of the Congress . .. 11 National Broadcasting Company• . The N .. C. C. W. maintains in Washington, D.O., the National Oatholic School of Cleveland's Tribute to Our Soc.aZ Servtce. Eucharistic Lord ... ... 12 The Conference is conducted by an administrative committee composed of seven By Mrs. Sara Varley McGarthy archbishops and bishops aided by seven assistant bishops. Month by Month with the Each department of the N. C. W. C. is administered by an episcopal chairman. N. C. W. C .. .... ... .... 16 Through the general secretary, chief executive officer of the Conference the reports of the departments and information on the general work of the headquart~rs' staff are Important Enactments of the sent regularly to the members of the administrative committee. 74th Congress . .. 19 The administrative bishops of the Conference report annually upon their work to By William F. Montavon the Holy See. Annually at the general meeting of the bishops, detailed reports are submitted by Parent-Teacher Cooperation in the administrative bishops of the Conference and authorization secured for the work Pittsburgh . ....... .. ... 22 of the coming year. No official action is taken by any N. C. W. O. department without authorization of Fort Wayne--Host to the 15th its episcopal chairman. Annual Convention of the No official action is taken in the name of the whole Oonference without authoriza- N. C. C. W •.... ......... 23 tion and approval of the administrative committee. It is not the policy of the N. C. W. C. to create new organizations. Training Leaders in Michigan . 25 It helps, unifies, and leaves to their own fields those that already exist. By Dorothy E. Broeder It aims to defend and to advance the welfare both of the Catholic Church and of October Study Topic-"Youth our beloved Coun try. in the Program of the Eucha- It seeks to inform the life of America of right fundamental principles of religion ristic Congress" ... .... .. 27 and morality. It is a central clearing house of information regarding activities of Catholic men Lay Organization in West Vir- and women. ginia ............ .... 30 All that are helped may play their part in pr~moting the good work and in main­ N. C. C. W. Plans Its Fifteenth taininar the common agency, the National CatholIc Welfare Conference. Annual Convention ...... " 31 OATHOLIC ACTION records monthly the work of the Conference and its affili­ The contents of CATHOLIC AC­ ated organizations. It presents our common needs and opportunities. Its special TION are fully indexed in the articles are helpful to every Catholic organization and individual. Gatholic Periodical I,we0. CATHOLIC ACTION published monthly by the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Entered as second-class matter at the po ~t-office at Washington, D. C., under the Act of :March 3, 1879. All changes of address, renewals and subscrip­ tions should be sent direct to CATHOLIC ACTION, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Washington, D. O. Bub,cr.ptio,.. Rate, Publication, llJditorial and E0ecutive Office, $2.00 per year; $2.25 outside the United 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W. I I States. Make checks or postal money orders WASHINGTON, D. C. payable to CATHOLIC ACTION. CATHOLIC ACTION "CATHOLIC ACTION con.i." nol merely 01 lhe pur.uil 01 per­ .onal Chrbtian perlection, which it OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE however belore all olher. il. fir., and greate" end, bUI il al.o con.itt. 01 a Irue apo.tolate in which Catholic. 01 et>ery .ocia' cIa.. participate, coming thu. to be united in lhough' and action NATIONAL CATHOLIC around Iho.e centera 01 .ound doc­ trine and multiple .ocial acti"ily, legitimately con.titu,ed and, a. a re­ lIull, aided and .u.tained by the au­ WELFARE CONFERENCE thori'y 01 the bi.hop•. " -Pope Piu. XI. VOL. XVII, No. 10 OCTOBER, 1935 OUR COMMON CATHOLIC INTERESTS AT THE notable ceremonies attendant upon the of his life, we can not fail to learn the lesson that he recent celebration _of the golden sacerdotal jubilee of has always taught-that nothing is more important the Most Rev. Thomas J. Lillis, Bishop of Kansas City than to love God and to love our neighbor." and acting chairman of The Most Rev. John J. Glennon, Archbishop of St. Bishop Lillis and the N. C. W. C. Adminis- Louis, who preached the sermon on the text "Come, Hierarchy Lauded at Golden trative Committee, oppor- follow Me," traced the history of the Church from Jubilee Celebration tunity was given to review the time Christ called the first poor fishermen to be His not only the outstanding Apostles down to the present and then sketched · the work of the distinguished jubilarian as priest and career of Bishop Lillis as curate at Shackelford, pastor bishop but also to emphasize the great contribution of St. Patrick's in Kansas City, Bishop of Leaven­ to the advance of religion and the welfare of the na­ worth, Coadjutor, and finaliy, Bishop of Kansas City. tion by the American Hierarchy of which Bishop Lillis has been so long an honored member. It was in the address of Most Rev. John T. Mc­ At the solemn pontificial Mass celebrated in Kansas Nicholas, O.P., Archbishop of Cincinnati, and episco­ City's huge convention hall in the presence of more pal chairman of the N. C. W. C. Department of Edu­ than three score bishops and twelve thousand of the ~ation, delivered at a luncheon in honor of Bishop clergy and laity, the Most Rev. Amleto Giovanni Ci­ Lillis that there were brought out impressive facts ot cognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States, in interest to all our readers, in fact, to the whole Cath­ the course of his remarks said: olic body, with reference to the service of the American "The jubilee before this altar is more than a cele­ Hierarchy during the war and post-war period. Arch­ bration; it is an occasion for recollection for all of us. bishop McNicholas paid warm tribu.te to the pioneer Our most reverend jubilarian this morning is thinking bishops, "prelates of heroic stature," who gave such of the many graces he has received and he gives thanks telling inspiration to their successors /lnd laid the foun­ for the many blessings God has bestowed upon him. dations upon which a mighty superstructure has been We ali, people, priests, and bishops, offer thanksgiving raised. to God because He gave Bishop Lillis to the Church." Recalling that it was only one hundred and forty-six The Papal Delegate referred to the great number years since Pope Pius VI gave to the United States its of churches and parochial schools built under the ad­ first bishop, the illustrious John Carroll, Archbishop ministration of Bishop Lillis.
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