PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Branford Permit No. 155 Deep River, CT BRANFORD EVENTS Town Hall 1019 Main Street Branford, CT 06405 eventseventsVOLUME 3 • QUARTER 2 • 2015 POSTAL CUSTOMER MORTGAGE • HOME EQUITY BUSINESS • COMMERCIAL Awesome Loan Rates essexsavings.com Essex, 35 Plains Road, 860-767-2573 • Essex, 9 Main Street, 860-767-8238 • Chester, 203 Middlesex Avenue, 860-526-0000 Madison, 99 Durham Road, 203-318-8611 • Old Lyme, 101 Halls Road, 860-434-1646 • Old Saybrook, 155 Main Street, 860-388-3543 Call Toll-Free: 877-377-3922 • www.essexsavings.com Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender DELIVERING TOWN NEWS TO EVERYONE IN TOWN branford 2q cover.indd 1 5/28/2015 2:27:55 PM Helping businesses succeed with Multi-Channel capabilities! HelpingRevolutionizing businesses succeed Print through with Multi-Channel Strategic Marketing! capabilities! HelpingProud recipient businesses of the 2014 International succeed Bennywith Award Multi-Channel from the Print Industries capabilities! of America! Back to Back to Back!! We’ve done it again ERevolutionizing Print through Strategic Marketing EE && design | marketing | communication designdesign marketingmarketing communicationscommunications 1414 Towns Towns • •217,00 217,00 Readers Readers • •Every Every Quarter Quarter || | | s 85,00085,000 READERS READERS • •9 9TOWNS TOWNS • •EVERY EVERY QUARTER QUARTER && eventsmagazines.comeventsmagazines.com sxp ev banner.indd 1 10/23/13 2:56 PM sxp ev banner.inddEE 1 10/23/13 2:56 PM designdesign marketingmarketing communicationscommunications 1414 Towns Towns • •217,00 217,00 Readers Readers • •Every Every Quarter Quarter || | | 85,00085,000 READERS READERS • •9 9TOWNS TOWNS • •EVERY EVERY QUARTER QUARTER EventsEvents logo.indd logo.indd 1 1 eventsmagazines.comeventsmagazines.com 4/16/104/16/10 12:53 12:53 PM PM sxp ev banner.indd 1 10/23/13 2:56 PM sxp ev banner.indd 1 10/23/13 2:56 PM HOW TO MARKET YOUR WIN EventsEvents logo.indd logo.indd 1 1 4/16/104/16/10 12:53 12:53 PM PM Your Awards of Excellence win lets prospects and customers know that your company is among the best in the business. This is a powerful motivational tool that helps print buyers recognize the value of choosing you as their partner in print. Let them know that they’re working with someone who achieves excellence. Increase your success rate on job bids by promoting your award-winning status as part of your HOWmarketing efforts. TO MARKET YOUR WIN YourTake Awards the oftime Excellence to market win your lets win prospects by using and one customers of PINE’s know creative that promotion your company tools. is amongYou’ll be the glad best you in thedid! business. This is a powerfulLet Your motivational Customers tool andthat helpsEmployees print buyers Share recognize the Glory. the value of choosing you as their partner in print. Let them know Your wall shouldn’t be the only one decorated with awards. Order personalized certificates for your customers and employees so that every time that they’re1 working with someone who achieves excellence. Increase your success rate on job bids by promoting your award-winning they look up, they’re reminded of their partnership in your company’s excellence. status as part of your marketing efforts. Notify Local Newspapers Today. For the past 3 years the spotlight has been on Essex Printing Take the2 timeThis to kitmarketincludes youra sample win bypress usingrelease onethat ofyou PINE’scan mailcreativeto your promotionlocal newspaper tools.or You’lltrade publication. be glad youIf you did!have questions regarding this press Let rYourelease, Customersplease contact [email protected] Employees Shareor by thephone Glory.at 508-804-4152. 1 YourMakewall shouldn’t Your Awardbe the only Partone ofdecorated All Yourwith Marketing.awards. Order personalized certificates for your customers and employees so that every time 3theyPulookt theup,AOEthey’relogo,remindedalong withof theirthe wordspartnership“PINE Awardsin your company’sof Excellenceexcellence.Winner”on your business cards, your company signage,Web site and print and we have been honored to win 6 major printing awards, advertising. Great conversation starters! Notify Local Newspapers Today. 2 This kitCreateincludes a aPromotionalsample press release Mailerthat Kityou canformail Yourto Customer.your local newspaper or trade publication. If you have questions regarding this press 4release,Includepleasea photographcontact [email protected] the winning piece,orcopiesby phoneof theatwinning508-804-4152.piece, and even an invitation to your own awards celebration.You could even offer (for a limited time) a discount on their next job. including a prestigious International “Benny” Award. Make Your Award Part of All Your Marketing. 3 Put theThrowAOE logo, Youralong Ownwith Celebrationthe words“PINE andAwards Awardsof Excellence Ceremony.Winner” on your business cards, your company signage,Web site and print 5advertising.Not onlyGreatdoesconversationyour own eventstarters!give you the opportunity to bring in customers for a tour, but it gives you a public forum to present your custom- ers with their own awards. Bring in all the key players: your customers, your print team and their families, key suppliers who contributed to the Createprojects a Promotionalsuccess, and a PINE Mailerstaff member Kit forcould Yourpresent Customer.the award to you. Everyone loves a good party! 4 Include a photograph of the winning piece, copies of the winning piece, and even an invitation to your own awards celebration.You could even offerCreate(for a limitedE a Jointtime) PrintSSEXa discount Ad withon their Yournext job.Customer. P RINTING 6 For trade or local press, this ad could feature the award and your winning entry, along with a thank you to the companies and people involved in Throwthe project. Your OwnIf you Celebrationneed a photo from andthe Awardsaward presentation Ceremony.let us know! 5 Not only does your own event give you the opportunity to bring in customers for a tour, but it gives you a public forum to present your custom- ers withOthertheir Grandown awards. Ideas:Bring in all the key players: your customers, your print team and their families, key suppliers who contributed to the 7projects success,Display copiesand a PINEof yourstaffawardsmemberin everycouldlocationpresentoftheyourawardcompany.to you.It’sEveryonea great lovesmoralea goodbooster!party! Use social mediaSSEXto announce your win tweet, blog, add to yourRINTINGLinkedIn and Facebook profiles CreateE a Joint Print Ad with Your Customer. P Develop an announcement for yourWeb site featuring your winning entry. For trade or local press, this ad could feature the award and your winning entry, along with a thank you to the companies and people involved in But - our spotlight has always 6 Announce the award on your on-hold message for your customers. the project. If you need a photo from the award presentation let us know! Add an award announcement to your fax cover sheet or e-mail signature. Revolutionizing Print through Strategic Marketing! Other GrandDevelop Ideas:a feature for your newsletter that explains the story of the print job that led to your award. Include quotes from the people who 7 Displayhandledcopiestheof yourjob atawardsdifferentin everystageslocationand photosof yourfromcompany.the Gala.It’s a great morale booster! UsesocialPrint labelsmediaannouncingto announceyouryouraward,win tweet,whichblog,can beaddusedto youron yourLinkedInpackaging,and Facebookbrochuresprofilesand bids. RevolutionizingProud recipient of thePrint 2014 through International Strategic Benny AwardMarketing! Develop Purchasean announcementT-shirts and distributefor yourWethemb sitewithfeaturingan awardyourannouncementwinning entry.to your top customers or employees. been on our valued customers! Announce the award on your on-holdBmessageestfor your ofcustomers. the Best from the Print Industries of America! Add an award announcement to your fax cover sheet or e-mail signature. Call today! Develop a feature for your newsletter that explains the story of the print job that led to your award. Include quotes from the people who handled the job at different stages and photos from the Gala. Print labels announcing your award, which can be used on your packaging, brochures and bids. 5 Crystal Pond Road • Southborough, MA 01772-1758 Revolutionizing Print through Strategic Marketing! PurchaseT-shirts and distribute them with an award announcement to your top customers or employees. 2014 Print IndustriesPhone 508-804-4100 • 800-365-PINE of America www.pine.org See how we can help your Call us to today to learn how your company will benefit WinnerInternational in “Benny” CallNew Award Today! England Winner See how we can help your business succeed • 860.767.9087 Print Industries5 Crystal Pond Road • Southborough, of NewMA 01772-1758 England’s Phone 508-804-4100 • 800-365-PINE business succeed from a partnership with Essex Printing Awards2013 of AwardExcellence ofwww.pine.org Excellence WinnerCompetition WinnerTwo 2014 inPinnacle New Awards England Winner 860.767.9087 860.767.9087 PINE promoAwards pc.indd 1 of Excellence Competition4/22/2013 14:18:11 www.essexprinting.com PINE promo pc.indd 1 4/22/2013 14:18:11 branford 2q cover.indd 2 5/28/2015 2:27:56 PM First Selectman’s Corner With the town’s budget now in place for the new fiscal year begin- we kick off the seventh season of jazz-on- ning July 1st, we are ready to start working on a variety of projects the-green on June 25th, view the awesome to keep Branford an ideal place to live, work,
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