DETAILED TENDER NOTICE oFFlcE oF EXCUTIVE ENGINEER (WORKS DIVISION)ZP NANDURBAR. NOTICE INVITING E-TENTER NO.ETN- 11.2015-201 6 Executive Engineer (W D ), ZillaParishad, Nandurbar invites online percentage rate tender from contractors registered in appropriate class / category with Zilla Parishad Nandurbar for following works in Nandurbar District. Works for Open Category Sr Name Of Work Tender Tender E.M.D. Class of No Amount Form Cost (1%) Agency I Metalling to Veli to Wadibar Road Km 0/00 to Rs.23,69,600/- Rs.1 0001 Rs.23,6961 V- A and 2/00 Tal.Akkalkuwa Dist. Na ndurbar Above 2 lmprovement of VR-77 TO Join VR 206 Taluka Rs.23,69,503t Rs.1000i- Rs.23,6961 V-A and & District Nandurbar Above J B.T. to Molgito Bhagdari Road Km 2/000 to Rs.18,95,3651 Rs.500/- Rs.18,954/- V-A and 4/000 Tal. Akkalkuwa Dist. Nandurbar Above 4 lmprovement of lslampur To Tavalai Road Ch. Rs.14,28,570/- Rs.500l Rs.14,286/- Vl and 0/000 To 2/500 (VR - 75 ) Tal :- Shahada Dist.- Above Nandurbar 5 Constructing Road From Amoda To Kakaheda ( Rs.'14,28,568/ Rs.500/- Rs.'14,2861 Vl and Shiv Road ) Ch. 0/000 To 1/500 Tal :- Shahada Above Dist.- Nandurbar 6 lmprovement of Mhasawad Pimpri Road (VR-NF Rs.'14,28,552/- Rs.500l Rs.1 42851 Vl and ) Ch. 0/000 To 2/000 Taluka- Shahada Above 7 lmprovement of Vadfali Movan Bagada road Km. Rs.14,28,5401- Rs.500/- Rs.14,2851 Vl and 0/000 to 1/000 (ODR-68)Tal. Akkalkuwa District: Above Nandurbar B lmprovement of MSH-B to Ammalpada retpada Rs.14,28,469/' Rs.500l Rs.14,2851 Vl and lchhagavan road 3/900 to 4/900 (VR-12) Tal. Above Taloda District: Nandurbar o S.T.B.T. to Padalda to Aavage Road Km 0/00 to Rs.14,27,7561- Rs.500l Rs.14,2781- Vl and 1 /500 Tal.Shahada Dist.Nandurbar Above 10 lmprovement of Kalmadito Aslod Road Km Rs.14,21,9561 Rs.500l Rs.14,219l- Vl and 0/00 to 2/000 Tal.Shahada Dist.Nandurbar Above 11 Construction of slab drain on Prakasha Rs.14,21,6281- Rs.500/ Rs.14,2161- Vl and Nandarde Road Km. 2/000 to 3/100 VR-80 Above Tal.Shahada Dist.Nandurbar 12 S.T./8.T. to Prakasha Tarhawad Road Km. 2/800 Rs.14,21,605/ Rs.500/ Rs.14,2161- Vl and to 3/800 VR-21 Tal.Shahada Dist.Nandurbar Above Works for Un Employed Engineer Category Sr Name Of Work Tender Tender E.M.D. Class of No Amount Form Cost (1Yo) Agency 1 Construction Slab Darin on Mojapada to Rs.14,21,6231- Rs.500/ Rs.14,2161- Vl and Singulibar Road Tal. Akkalkuwa Above Dist.Nandurbar I Construction of Bijarigavan road to Bantipada Rs.14,20,9011 Rs.500/ Rs.14,2091 Vl and Z.P. school road K.M. 0/00 to 2/000 Tal. Above Akkalkuwa Dist. Nandurbar. 3 lmprovement of S.H.4 to Kakarda Road (V.R- Rs.1 3,48,1 03/- Rs.500 Rs.13,481 Vl and 60) Km.2/500 To 4/00 Tal. Shahada Dist. Above Nandurbar. 4 S.T.B.T. to Nandarkheda Vardhe Tembhe Rs.13,46,943 Rs.500 Rs.13,469 Vl and VarulKandiAnarad Road (ODR-19) Km. 3/500 Above To 5/00 Tal. Shahada Dist. Nandurbar. E lmprovement of Gujrath Border to Porambi Rs.9,52,336 Rs.200 Rs.9,523 Vll and Prcharideo Road.Km. 3/000 to 3/500 (VR-09) Above Tal. Akkalkuwa Dist. Nandurbar Rs.9,51,14'1 6 Construction of Smashanbhumi at Vaghode Rs.200 Rs.9,511 Vll and Taluka & District Nandurbar Above 7 lmprovement of Badrizira to Nalwe Road & Rs. 9,47,847 Rs.500 Rs.9,478 Vll and Constructing Low Level Pavement ch 0/00 to Above 1/00 Taluka & District Nandurbar B lmprovement of Dhanora Nandpur Road ( VR Rs.9,46,697 Rs.500 Rs.9,467 Vll and 122) Ch 0/00 to 1/00 ,Taluka & District Above Nandurbar q lmprovement of lchhagavhan MDR-1 to Rs.9,03,'110 Rs.500 Rs.9,031 Vll and Ratanpada Ranapur Kakalpur Modalpada Joint Above to MSH-8 Road Km. 5/500 to 6/500 [O.D.R. 1B], Tal. Taloda 10 lmprovement of Amalad To Gujarat Border 1 Rs.B,99,B82 Rs.500 Rs.8,999 Vll and Bahurupa ) Road (VR-40) Ch.1/000 To 2/000 Above Tal :- Taloda 11 Repairs to MO Quarter & Staff Quarter (Twin Rs.7,22,178 Rs.500 Rs.7,222 Vll and Unit-1 & Uint No-2)@ Horafali Tal.Akkalkuwa Above I for Labour Co Class of Tender Tender E.M.D. Name Of Work Sr AgencY Amount Form Cost (1'/o) No Rs.200 ExemPtion Vll and Nandarkheda Road O D'R- Rs.6,30,486 1 Repairs to Prakash for M.S.S. Above Dist- 11 Km 2/500 to 3/500 Tal-Shahada Nandurbar. Rs.200 ExemPtion Vlll and Road (VR 120) Rs.4,99,850 Repairs to Kolda to Chaukifali 2 I for M.S.S. Above \ ,,.-^ n,n +^ 4 /nn ral t\|2\/anrlr Dist.NandUfbaf Vlll and Rs.4,99,009 Rs.200 ExemPtion to Dhulipada Asharamshala to J nepairs Above '1l00 for M.S.S. Dhulipada Road (VR'112) Km 0/0 to -r^r \ta,anrrr t-tiqt NandUfbaf Rs.200 ExemPtion Vlll and Sub centre Building Rs.4,91,041 4 Repairs To Primary Health for M.S.S. Above Dtstrict: at Khai @ Akkalkuwa,Tal-Akkalkuwa' Nandurbar. ExemPtion Vlll and to primary Rs.4,73,321 Rs.200 E. Provid in g internal electrification for M.S.S. Above Dist health centre , Gatadi, Tal- Navapur' Nandurbar. ExemPtion Vlll and Ghulito Kolda Rs.4,73,919 Rs.200 6 Constructing WBM road from for M.S.S. Above Dist:- Km 2/00 to 3/00 , Tal:- Nandurbar' Nandurbar. Rs.200 ExemPtion Vlll and Koparli Karlito Rs.4,73,919 7 Constructing WBM road from for M.S.S. Above Nandurbar' Dist I XunOre Km 4/00 to 5/00 , Tal:- Rs.200 ExemPtion Vlll and Kandre to Kopa Rs.4,73,919 8 Constructing WBM road from for M.S.S. Above Dist:- Km 2/00 to 5/00 , Tal:- Nandurbar' Exemption Vlll and Seal Coat To Rs.4,53,0'10 Rs.200 lmprovement by B.B M Carpet & I for M.S.S. Above ODR-I4 Manmodya To Chirkhan Ujlod Road & Dist' K.M. 2/00 To 3/00 Tal- Shahada Nandurbar. Rs.200 ExemPtion vlll for Z'P ' Rs.4,26,470 10 Repairs to Water Supply, Sanitation for M.S.S. and Above Dist'- Administrative Building, Nandurbar' Nandurbar. be online (e tendering) 1. The complete bidding process will in related class. -.. ^^-+i^inorarl nnnr reoistered with (ZP - Nandurbar) ( LCS are exempted from EMD ) 3. Bidding document can seen and downloaded from the website !f[p_,1111.q!]Atg$grs€g_v.i!from 1 1.00 hours on 0110212016 to 1510212016 up to '15.00 hours. 4. The bid can be submitted in electronic format on the website Elp.(11g!glg!qglg*o_v.infrom 11.00 hours on 0110212016 The deadline for the submission of bid is up to 15.00 hours on Dt. 1 510212016 5. Bids MUST submitted the cost of Tender Fee and cost of EMD on Account of "Chief Accounts and Finance Officer ZillaParishad, Nandurbar" in State Bank of lndia on Account No. 34043020707 IFSC Code. SBlN0000435 by Online Process. 6. Technical Bids will be opened online on 1610212016 at 15.00 hours on website http:l/mahatenders.gov.inin the office of the Executive Engineer (W.D.), ZillaParishad, Nandurbar. 7. Following documents must be submitted in Packetl. a. Declaration of the Contractor on Contractor's Letter Head in pdf format. b. A certificate of Photostat copy of valid Registration, I Tax, Certificate yr. 2014-2015 & Pan card is must essential. c. Photostat of attested copy of Partnership deed and power of attorney, if necessary. d. A list of works tendered for and in hand (Statement No. l) e. A list of work of similar type and magnitude carried out (Statement No. ll) f. Details of plant and machinery immediately available with the Tenderer for this work (Statement No, lll) g. Details of Technical Personnel on the roll of the tenderer (Statemeni No, lV) B. Following documents should be submitted in Packet 2.a.BOQ file duly quoted with agency name filled in by contractor in the cells provided in excel file. 9. Security deposit to be submitted at the time of agreemenlis 2.50% of contract price and balance 2.50Yo will be deducted from the running bill. 10. The guidelines to download the tender document and online submission of bids and procedure of tender notice opening can be downloaded from the website http:i/mahatenders.gov.in 1 1 . Time allowed for completion of each work is upto 2Sth March 2016 and defect liability period 12 months from the date of completion of work. '12. The amount of earnest money will be forfeited in case of successful contractor does not pay the amount of initial security deposit within the time specified as stipulated by the Executive Engineer and complete the contract documents. ln all other cases earnest money will be refundable. 13. Examination of drawing and site conditions - The tendera,r shall in his own interest carefully examine the drawing conditions of contract specifications etc.
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