AAEC LIB/BIB-NO. 378 RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT LUCAS HEIGHTS NUCLEAR ANALYSIS IN GEOLOGY AND GEOCHEMISTRY A bibliography compiled by E.A. NEWLAND March 1973 ISBN 0 642 99544 3 AAEC LIB/BIB NO. 378 AUSTRALIAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT LUCAS HEIGHTS NUCLEAR ANALYSIS IN GEOLOGY AND GEOCHEMISTRY A bibliography compiled by E.A. NEWLAND Literature search covers the period 1967 - 1972 Abstracts checked were:- Geophysical Abstracts published by United States. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey (GA) 1967 - no, 293 June 1971 Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA) vol. 21, 1967 - vol. 26, no. 21, 1972 CONTENTS PART I General References 1-82 PART II References on Borehole Logging 83 - 115 National Library of Australia card number and ISBN 0 642 99544 3 The following descriptors have been selected from the INIS Thesaurus to describe the subject content of this report for information retrieval purposes. For further details please refer to IAEA-INIS—12 (INIS: Manual for Indexing) and IAEA-INIS-13 (INIS: Thesaurus) published in Vienna by the International Atomic Energy Agency. ACTIVATION ANALYSIS: BIBLIOGRAPHIES; BOREHOLES; GEOCHEMISTRY; GEOLOGY; NEUTRON BEAMS; WELL LOGGING PART I GENERAL REFERENCES 1972 ARUSCAVAGE, P.J. and MILLARD, H.T. Jr. Neutron activation analysis procedure for the determination of uranium, thorium, and potassium in geologic samples J. Radioanal. Chem.; 11: no. 1 67-84 (June 1972) MSA 26: 47664 1972 BATE, L.C. Determination of minor elements in soil profiles by neutron activation analysis CONF-720920 From 2nd International Conference on Forensic Activation Analysis. Glasgow, Scotland, 27 September 1972 NSA 26: 50216 1972 BECKER, Donald A. and LeFLEUR, Philip D. Neutron activation analysis. Application to trace element analysis in biological and environmental materials pp.447-53 of Trace Substances in Environmental Health, edited by Delbert D. Hemphill, Columbia, Mo., University of Missouri, 1972 NSA 26: 40589 1972 BECKER, V.J.; BENNETT, J.H. and MANUEL, O.K. Iodine and uranium in sedimentary rocks Chem. Geol.; 9: no. 2 133-6 (April 1972) NSA 26: 40820 1972 DESAI, H.B.; PARTHASARATHY, R. and DAS, M. Sankar Neutron activation analysis for thorium in zircon Talanta; 19: no. 3 363-6 (March 1972) NSA 26: 25145 1972 (... of Zircons and standard rock samples) -35S :.?m•'symf -?!?« 1972 1972 ECKHOFF, N.D.; ERVIN, P.P.; CLACK, R.W. and LAMBERT, J.P. JOHNSON, Walter H. Jr. and PRICHETT, William C. (to Atlantic Richfield Some sensitivities of some heavy metals in typical environmental Co.) matrices pp.455-62 of Trace Substances in Environmental Health, Resonant scattering of gamma rays as selective means for edited by Delbert D. Hemphill, Columbia, Mo., University of determining an element of interest Missouri, 1972 U.S. Patent 3,654,464 4 April 1972. Filed 22 January 1970 NSA 26: 40590 1972 NSA 26: 31034 1972 ELKADY, A.A.; DUFFEY, D. and WIGGINS, P.P. KOVALEVSKII, A.L. Neutron capture gamma rays from mixtures and geological samples Biogeochemical prospecting for uranium deposits Nucl. Instrum. Methods; 100: no. 3 461-5 (1972) At. Energ. (USSR); 33: no. 1 557-62 (July 1972) (In Russian) NSA 26: 35772 1972 NSA 26: 50574 1972 FIARMAN, Sidney and SCHNEIR, Gary KRAEHENBUCHL, U.; ROLLI, H.P. and von GUNTEN, H.R. Photon activation analysis for trace elements Activation analysis of rare earths in rock standards and in lunar Environ. Sci. Technol.; 6: no. 1 79-81 (January 1972) samples NSA 26: 11560 1972 Helv. Chim. Acta; 55: no. 2 697-701 (1972) (In German) NSA 26: 35780 1972 GRIMBERT, A. Development and prospects for geochemical prospecting of LOBANOV, E.M.; BABAEV, A. and KHAIDAROV, A. uraniferrous strata Neutron activation determination of Tantalum in minerals CEA-CONF-1979 also issued as CONP-710456-1 (In French) Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSR.; 15: no. 1 21-3 (1972) (In Russian) From 3rd International Symposium on Geochemical Prospecting. Toronto, NSA 26: 42694 1972 Canada, April 1971 NSA 26: 38400 1972 LUKENS, H.R. and BRYAN, D.E. Material identification by activation analysis HAHN-WEINHEIMER, P. Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc.; 15: no. 1 148-9 (June 1972) Advances in prospecting for uranium NSA 26: 42699 1972 Kerntechnik; 14: no. 6 249-53 (June 1972) (In German & English) NSA 26: 50581 1972 MIRANSKII, I.A. and RAMAZANOV, R. Sh. Determination of microquantities of elements in rocks and ores by instrumental activation methods and summation spectrometers At. Energ. (USSR); 33: no. 2 706-7 (August 1972) (In Russian) NSA 26: 47679 1972 1972 1972 NADKARNI, R.A. and HALDAR, B.C. RICHARDS, J.R. Neutron activation analysis of copper by substoichiometric Lead isotopes at Dugald River and Mount Isa, Australia extraction with neocuprione Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta; 31: 51-62 (January 1972) Anal. Chem.; 44: no. 8 1504-6 (July 1972) NSA 21: 10453 1972 NSA 26: 40578 1972 (Solid-source mass spectrometer lead-isotope studies shov? that although (Biological and geological material) Dugald River Prospect, Queensland and Broken Hill, N.S.W., are over 800 miles apart, they appear to have been derived from sources very NASS, H.W.; MOLINSKI, V.J. and KRAMER, H.H. similar in U-Th-Pb relative abundances) Determination of uranium in various materials by delayed neutron counting ROTTSCHAFER, J. Mark; BOCZKOWSKI, Ronald J. and MARK, Harry B. Jr. Mater. Res. Stand.; 12: no. 4 24-6 (April 1972) Preconcentration techniques for trace analysis via neutron NSA 26: 35763 1972 activation Talanta; 19: no. 2 163-72 (February 1972) OHNO, Shigeru; HIKI, Miyoko and YATAZAWA, Michihiko NSA 26: 19942 1972 Determination of some transition elements in soil by neutron activation analysis SHOWALTER, D.L. and SCHMITT, R.A. Radioisotopes (Tokyo); 21: no. 7 411-4 (July 1972) Applications of activation analysis to geochemical meteoritic NSA 26: 47660 1972 and lunar studies Advan. Activ. Anal.; 2: 185-219 (1972) OLAFSSON, J. and RILEY, J.P. NSA 26: 30658 1972 Some data on the marine geochemistry of Rhenium Chem. Geol.; 9: no. 3 227-30 (May 1972) SIMKOVA, M. NSA 26: 47678 1972 Possibilities of the activation analysis service in the Institute of Nuclear Research, Rez. REED, J.H. and MANDLER, J.W. Radioisotopy; 13: no. 2 459-74 (1972) (In Czech.) In situ elemental analysis for Oceanographic applications NSA 26: 27745 1972 Isotop. Radiat. Technol.; 9: no. 2 183-4 (Winter 1971-1972) NSA 26: 8763 1972 Van GRIEKEN, R. and HOSTE, J. Annotated bibliography, on 14 MeV neutron activation analysis, 1972 EURISOTOP-65; NSA 26: 40571 1972 ^V 8 1972 1971 WATT, J.S. BARTOSEK, J.; KASPAREC, I. and SKUTHAN, B. Radioisotope detector-radiator assemblies in x-ray fluorescence Activation analysis aid in geophysical investigations on analysis for copper and zinc in iron-rich minerals fluorite-bearing strata Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isotop.; 23: no. 6 257-64 (June 1972) Z. Angew. Geol.; 17: no. 8 333-7 (August 1971) (In German) NSA 26: 38188 1972 NSA 26: 25136 1972 ZINNER, H.; HENKELMANN, R. and STAERK, H. BEREZNAI, T. 183n Rapid determination of Tungsten in rocks using W Activation analysis of rare earth elements Radiochem. Radioanal. Lett.; 10: no. 4 191-200 (10 June 1972) J. Radioanal. Chem.; 9: no. 1 1, 81-100 (October 1971) NSA 26: 40576 1972 NSA 26: 17344 1972 BERNAT, Michel and GOLDBERG, Edward Application of the lo/Th method to Phillipsite and the geochemical consequences 1971 Compt. Rend.; Ser. D, 273: no. 4 454-7 (26 July 1971) (In French) ANDREEV, V.K.; EGIAZAROV, B.C.; KORYTKO, L.A. and SEL'DYAKOV, Yu.P. NSA 26: 12043 1972 Portable neutron-irradiation apparatus. This paper is summarized in At. Energ. (USSR); 31: no. 2 140 (August 1971) BHAGAT, Surinder K.; FUNK, William H.; FILBY, Royston H. and SHAH, K.R, as paper no. 520/6148 (In Russian) Trace element analysis of environmental samples by neutron NSA 26: 40937 1972 activation method J. Water Pollut. Contr. Fed.; 43: no. 12 2414-23 (December 1971) ARROYA, Alfredo and BRUNE, Dag NSA 26: 8769 1972 Epithermal neutron activation analysis of uranium in rocks Acta Chem. Scand.; 25: 2351-2 (1971) BILAL, B.A.: BRAETTER, P.; MUEHLIG, B.; ROESICK, U. and ZIMEN, K.E. NSA 26: 14696 1972 Activation analysis determination of uranium traces in marine 239 systems with separation of Np by counter current ion exchange ASWATHANARAYANA, U. Radiochim. Acta; 16: no. 3-4 191-2 (December 1971) (In German) Th/U ratio as an aid in prospecting for diamonds in the NSA 26: 25146 1972 Kimberlitic rocks of India Curr. Sci. (India); 40: no. 24 663-4 (20 December 1971) NSA 26: 15216 1972 ^SBffSS^~? 10 11 1971 1971 BOCK-WERTHMANN, W.; NIEBUHR, H. and SANSONI, B. COOK, B.; DUVAL, J. and ADAMS, J.A.S. Bibliographies in nuclear science and technology. Section 14: Progress in the calibration of airborne gamma spectrometers for Activation analysis May 1971 geochemical exploration. June 1971 AED-C-14-5 GJO-935-l-(Pt. 1) pp.45-60 NSA 25: 57368 1971 In Nuclear techniques, in geology and geochemistry NSA 26: 3099G 1972 BORCHARDT, G.A. and HARWARD, M.E. Trace element correlation of volcanic ash soils CZUBEK, J.A.; FLORKOWSKI, T.; NIEWODNICZANSKI, J'. and PRZEWLECKI, K. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.; 35: no. 4 626-31 (July-August 1971) Progress in application of nuclear techniques in geophysics, NSA 25: 54513 1971 mining and hydrology in Poland. May 1971 A/CONF 49/P-338. Presented at 4th International Conference on the BRUNFELT, A. and STEINNES, E. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Geneva, 6 September 1971 Activation analysis of geological materials NSA 25: 51693 1971 Kjemi; 31: no. 9 13-16 (11 November 1971) (In Norwegian) NSA 26: 11576 1972 DOCTOR, Z.K. and HALDAR, B.C.
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