Received Request ID Exemptions Cited Requester Name Organization Request Description Request Status Final Disposition Date 2/1/2019 19-008 7-F Krieger Rebecca - Requesting a copy of the resolution letter for OCR Case no. 09-16-2060. Closed Granted/Denied in Part (b)(6);(b)(7)(C) 2/1/2019 19-0080 -F Houston Johnathan LRP Publicat on I am requesting the following documents issued by the Office for Civil Rights for the period of December 16 2018 to December 31 2018: Copies of letters letters of finding substance closure Closed Granted/Denied in Part (b)(6) letters and public policy documents "Dear Colleague" documents ncluding any and all attached documents of resolution and/or agreements involving or applying: 1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act 2) Title IX of the Education Amendments 3) Section 50 of the Rehabilitation Act ) Tit e II of the American with Disab lities Act with respect to students (preschool through secondary) and/or the public education institutions that they attend inc ud ng any and all attached documents of resolut ons and/or agreement addressing the allegations issued by OCR headquarters in Washington D.C. or any of the regional OCR offices. 2/1/2019 19-00805-F Wilkins Emily Bloomberg Government I request access to and copies of any and a l emails received or sent from Education Department employees n the Office of Inspector General Off ce of the Secretary or Office of the Deputy Request for Docs Sent - (b)(5) Secretary regarding replacing acting inspector general Sandra Bruce from December 1 2018 to January 31 2019. P ease inc ude any commun cation received or sent from the above off ces and the White House. 2/1/2019 19-00806-F C aramel a CJ MuckRock All processing notes and internal communications regarding FOIA request #18-027 7-F including any communications regard ng the request between the FOIA off ce and the White House Executive Request for Docs Sent - (b)(6) Office of the Pres dent or Office of National Drug Control Pol cy. 2/1/2019 19-00807-F Strong David - Document Request #1: I request a copy of the June 27 201 electronic correspondence from Debbie Baus to the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) as Closed Granted/Denied in Part - referenced in OSEP Director Melody Musgrove Ed.D.'s "Letter to Baus" dated February 23 2015. Document Request #2: I request a copy of the March 11 2016 correspondence from Ms. Jennifer Carroll Law Clerk Walsh Gallegos Trevino Russo & Kyle P.C. to OSEP as referenced in OSEP Acting Director Ruth E. Ryder s "Letter to Carroll" dated October 22 2016. (Date Range for Record Search: From 06/01/201 To 11/01/2016) 2/1/2019 19-00808-F Bynem Char ty Winthrop University I request that a copy of the following document(s) be prov ded to me:all records concerning number of students with student debt after graduation located n the state of South Carolina in the Request for Docs Sent - (b)(5);(b)(6);(b)(7)(C);(b)(3) years 2015-2018. :30 USC § 3730(b)(2) 2/1/2019 19-00810-F Stout Em ly MuckRock News I am requesting an opportunity to view or obtain copies of public records that show the cohort default rates of students at Western Washington Univers ty over the past 10 years broken up by Request for Docs Sent - (b)(5);(b)(6);(b)(7)(C) year. I would also ike to know the demographics of the peop e who f led for default such as first-generat on status gender race and the type of degree they obtained at Western Washington University. The H gher Education Act of 1965 defines a first-generat on college student as an individual whose parents did not complete a baccalaureate degree or in the case of any indiv dual who regu arly resided w th and received support from only one parent an indiv dual whose only such parent did not comp ete a baccalaureate degree. 2/1/2019 19-00813-F Lemos Frank National Minority Business Advisory Council Hello I am making four requests for information. Request #1 - All federal money a located to k-12 schools in the State of Washington over the last 5 years. Request #2 - All federal funding Request for Docs Sent - - allocated to all 29 individual school distr cts in Washington State over the past 5 years. Request #3 - All federal funding al ocated to technical colleges in the State of Washington over the last 5 years. Request # - A l federal funding allocated to the Washington State Office of Super ntendent of Pub ic Instruction over the last 5 years. Thank you very much. (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/201 To 01/01/2019) 2/1/2019 19-0081 -F Fish Joshua New London Public Schools Meeting minutes from two meet ngs 12/18/18 and 1/16/19 typed by Timothy Enos. The meeting was between Tommy Thompson and myse f. Closed Other Reasons - Not Agency (b)(6);(b)(7)(C) Record 2/ /2019 19-00815-F Rapp James - I am requesting the form of standard mediation agreement if any used in connection with Office of Civil Rights in its Facil tated Resolution Between the Parties process. Closed Other Reasons - No Records - 2/ /2019 19-00852-F Waldman Annie ProPublica All “Reports of Investigation” (ROIs) related to “Teach for America” or federal grants provided to “Teach for America” from January 1 2010 to January 31 2019 or the date this FOIA is fulfilled. Received - - All full audit reports related to “Teach for America” or federal grants provided to “Teach for Amer ca” from January 1 2010 to January 31 2019 or the date this FOIA is fulfilled. All “case closing reports” related to “Teach for America” or federal grants provided to “Teach for America ” from January 1 2010 to January 31 2019 or the date th s FOIA is fulfilled. All “memoranda of interview” re ated to investigations or audits of “Teach for America” or federal grants provided to “Teach for Amer ca” from January 1 2010 to January 31 2019 or the date this FOIA is fulfilled. All “memoranda of activity” related to investigations or audits of “Teach for America” or federal grants provided to “Teach for America” from January 1 2010 to January 31 2019 or the date this FOIA is fulfilled. (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2010 To 1/31/2019) 2/ /2019 19-00906-F (b)(6) - a copy of the full file for all comp aints I have filed. Assigned - - 2/ /2019 19-00908-F Cano-Contreras - Tusd Dav dson elementary invest gation reports and any response made w th Nancy Woll . Assigned - - Manisela 2/ /2019 19-00817-F Vinhal Anthony - 02-18-2223: Please also provide any and a l records documents summaries notes or other relied upon and/or created by OCR and cons dered in its determination and findings related to Office for Received - - Civil Rights Case No. 02-18-2223. 2/ /2019 19-00818-F Christensen Bill - 02-19-5911: Copy of complaint and any additional informat on Closed Granted/Denied in Part - 2/ /2019 19-00819-F B tner Robyn National Student Legal Defense Network A copy of each request for documents subm tted to the Department under FOIA during FY 2019. Closed Granted in Full (b)(6);(b)(7)(C) 2/ /2019 19-00820-F Chiwaya N gel NBC News Digital I am requesting copies of all Income-Driven Repayment Plan Request documents (Form OMB No. 18 5-0102) filed with the Department of Education between Jan 1 2016 and Dec. 31 2018. Request for Docs Sent - - 2/ /2019 19-00821-F Walker Mark The New York Times I request all records concerning Freedom of Information Act requests logs maintained by the Department of Educat on from Jan. 1 2018 through the date of the agency s search for responsive Closed Granted in Full (b)(6);(b)(7)(C) records. The logs should deta l the requests control number the date it was received who made the request what company or organization they were from and the requests subject. 2/ /2019 19-00822-F Hannibal Jennifer MuckRock News An index or log of all Tit e IX complaints -- inc uding the high school date filed nature of the complaint and resolution status -- received between January 1 2017 and the time th s request is Request for Docs Sent - - processed. 2/ /2019 19-00823-F Bagby Vincent - The yearly salary of every Kennesaw State University employee who had direct nvolvement with any of the United States Department of Education cases Equal Employment Opportunity Closed Other Reasons - Not Agency - Commission or any other form of remedy for the fol owing: 0 -15-2331 0 -15-23 1 0 -16-2089 partial Pell Grants to Black students steered toward usury 18% nterest and above loans 0 -16- Record 2118. 0 -16-2889 0 -17-2272 analogue to 07-17-20 0 reversal of acceptance to the University of Missouri Columb a MALT program The yearly sa ary of every emp oyee who committed the infract on who covered it up JAG supervisory comp iance responsibi ity at Kennesaw State University ncluding Finn Ahlberg United States Secret Service Ret Kennesaw State University Po ice Lt later Cpt 2/ /2019 19-0082 -F Waldman Annie ProPublica All emails to or from Jason Botel to or from individuals who work or are affi iated with “Teach for America” (“@teachforamerica.org” or other similar email addresses) or individuals who work or are Request for Docs Sent - (b)(6);(b)(7)(A);(b)(7)(C) aff liated with the “Leadership for Educational Equity” (“@educationalequity.org” or other sim lar email addresses) from January 1 2017 to December 1 2018.
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