Jacksonville State University JSU Digital Commons Chanticleer Historical Newspapers 1997-03-13 Chanticleer | Vol 45, Issue 10 Jacksonville State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.jsu.edu/lib_ac_chanty Recommended Citation Jacksonville State University, "Chanticleer | Vol 45, Issue 10" (1997). Chanticleer. 1198. https://digitalcommons.jsu.edu/lib_ac_chanty/1198 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Historical Newspapers at JSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chanticleer by an authorized administrator of JSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A&E: GODFLESH PAGE 8 SPORTS: AUSTIN EARNS HONOR PAGE 9 ANNISTON - (NBC 13 News) The State Department of Corrections proposed a plan to convert part of Fort McClellan into a state prison when the base closes in 1999. The fort's redevelopment authority rece~veda letter Monday, informing them of the prelinienary plans. The authority cautions that people should not panic; they say Anniston won't see a prison anytime The Lady Gamecocks look on as the final seconds of their season tick ofSthe clock in their loss to FZU. Rebecca Maton~c soon. BIRMINGHAM - (B~rm~nghamPost- JSU's NCAA hopes end with loss to FIU Herald) A Birmlnghani pol~ceman wa"s ond half," forward Melissa Harden sald "We Hopefully, next year we will be in the same Injured Sunday when a homemade bomb by Rebecca Matanic just couldn't connect (on our shots) as well as spot and we'll be more experienced, we'll win exploded in a vacant house Pollce Chief Sports Editor they were connecting " that game (tournament championship) and go Johnn~eJohnson sad, " it had the poten- A second half 14-0 FIU run was too much Desplte the loss, coach Dana Austln was on." t~alto kill h~m" Pol~cewere patrolling In for JSU to overcome as the Golden Panthers pleased w~thall her team has accomplished Senior Alfredia Seals led the Gamecock the area after res~dentscomplained that the pulled away for a 91-71 victory and a trlp to this season after being picked to fin~shnlnth. attack with 23 points, including 15 in the first house attracted drug dealers and vagrants the NCAA Tournament, Saturday In DeLand, In the conference. half, and eight rebounds. Shneka Whaley and Fla. "I'm not down at all, I'm t~ckledto death Shirley each added 13 points and Kathy LOS ANGELES, Calif. - (LA Times) Six The Lady Gamecocks battled back several w~ththe season that we've had," Austln sa~d. 0' Konski chipped in with 11. months after the slaying of Tupac Shakur, tlmes to narrow double d~gltdefic~ts JSU "They (Lady Gamecocks) worked hard to get "This is just going to make us work harder rapper Notorious B.I.G., whose real name closed to withln three 56-53 on a four polnt to this Dolnt We lust fell short " to come back next year and do the same is Christopher Wallace, was gunned down play from Suzan Shirley with 1355 remaln- "They iust played really well as a team," thing," Whaley said in a drive-by shooting on Wilshire .- -. lng FIU answered w~ththe declslve 14-0 run Harden said. "They just had a great game. I Boulevard Wallace was leaving a party seeJ~~ page 11 to put the game out of reach think we had a great season. I had a lot of fun. following the Soul Train Awards. Police "We were pumped comlng out for the sec- say no eyewitnesses have come forward. DETROIT, Mich. - (Detro~tNews) Police Students get down at SGA's Casino Nite are lnvestlgatlng the story of a Detro~t woman who says her husband beat her, by Jeana Miller tornado watch or tornado then killed a prostltute Tlmberly Wllllams warning the (same) night (as sa~dthat her hu~band,Rlckey LeMar News writer Casino Nite)." Narvaez Williams, repeatedly h~ther with a golf On Wednesday evening, March 5, the said. club, then made her watch him beat and Student Government Assoc~ationheld the The SGA held its first strangle a prostltute he had lured into the fourth annual Casino Nite at Leone Cole Casino Nite in 1994 as a house. Audltor~um Over 300 students attended fund-raiser for the computer the event Th~syear's theme was DISCO lab in Houston Cole Library. MIAMI, Fla. - (Mlam~Herald) Residents Cas~noN~tt '97 "Get Down Ton~ght" According to Narvaez, of Mlaml's L~ttleHavana gathered on Calle '70s muslc, compl~mentsof 92-5, created everyone liked it so much Oche for Mlaml's Carnaval Last year's the dlsco atmosphere while students tested that the SGA has continued Carnaval was cancelled after the shooting their skllls at various cas~nogames having it every year since down of four exlled Cuban pllots by Cuban Throughout the evenlng, some lucky par- then. Now, according to warplanes last February "We st111 have the tlclpants rece~veddoor prizes, and at the Narvaez, it is one the high- pllots In our hearts, . [but] you also have end of the event, the SGA auctioned sever- est attended events on cam- to have joy In life," sa~done reveler al other prlzes These ~ncluded book pus. scholarships and T-sh~rtsdonated by the JSU student La Dan WASHINGTON, D.C. - (Washlnpton SGA, a blcycle helmet from Scott's B~kes Baker described the event as Post) Senator D~anneFelnsteln says FBI in Jacksonv~lle,a bowllng package from "good clean fun" and coni- agents warned her of poss~blefunnelllng of Ann~stonBowling Center, a phone and mented, "I think it is really ~llicitmoney from Chlna Into campalgn answering machlne from Wal Mart In great." Narvaez believes funds She says the agents would not give Jacksonville, and a telev~slonand stereo this is the beginning of a her the names of spec~f~clndlv~duals or from Rex TV In Oxford long-lasting JSU tradition. corporations "Does thls mean that I check According to Angel Narvaez, SGA "I hope," he remarked, "one every AsIan name? I belleve the FBI at Second V~cePresident, the event ra~sed day it'll be . ingrained in least owes me to say who to look out for" around 2000 dollars, and the turnout was the fabric of JSU life as one good in splte of the weather "Th~sis the of the major traditions on second year In a row that there has been a campus." You gotta know when to hold them... Steven Wolfe Jax state tuition may increase 1-3-4-97 Jamie Donald Allen reported theft of -property - at I by Thomas Webb Robbi Patti, the Budget Committee dollars instead of raising our rev- Weatherly Hall. News writer had only two options available to enues a million dollars." 93-6-97 Patterson Hall resldent reported disorderly conduct at Crow make up for the loss of funds: Patti siiya even after the increase, Hall. The University's Budget increase tuition or cut programs. Jacksonville State will still have 03-6-97 Lavonda W~lloughbyreported theft of property at Curtlss Committee passed a resolution Patti was at the committee's the second lowest tuition in the Hall. Tuesday to increase tuition by $50 meeting, and said there was con- state. 03-7-97 UPD reported consumption of alcohol by a mlnor. per student per semester. The res- Patti also reports that the increase *3-7-97 Freddy Burton Hill 111, 20, of Hokes Bluff, AL was arrested olution will be passed on to the will only maintain the status quo. at Brewer Hall and charged w~thconsumption of alcohol by a mlnor. Board of Trustees, who will either "When I got here it [tuition] "Tnis isn't more (or) better teach- 03-8-97 UPD reported DUI at Naylor Street and Trustee Clrcle. accept or reject the increase. This was $660 and .now it's going ers or anything like that for your 03-8-97 Stephen Dale McCarty, 25, of Jacksonv~llewas arrested at would make tuition $1020 ' next to be over a thousand a money. they've just got to make Naylor Street and Trustee Clrcle and charged wlth DUI. semester. semestel; so that's almost a ends meet, because they budgeted 03-9-97 Ryan Kruz~nsklreported theft of property at Patterson Hall This resolution came about as a for this three percent, and they only 50% [increase]. " park~nglot. result of an anticipated $1,000,000 got one, so they've got to do some- shortfall in next year's budget. thing to get this million dollar dif- The University had made its bud- -Bob Boyle ference." get out in anticipation of receiving SGA President Bob Boyle speak- a three to four percent increase in siderable debate over the issue of ing as a student, says "When I got funding from the state. A shortfall raising tuition to cover the short- here it (tuition) was $660 and now in the budget is now likely, as the fall. it's going to be over a thousand a Alabama Ways & Means Accord~ngto Patti, proponents semester, so that's almost a 50% Committee has given 4-year uni- say "the only way we can do that is (increase). I am adamantly *JSU will be hosting the Alabama Northern Region competition of versity's only a one percent through tuition. but the people opposed to the raise in tuition. as Odyssey of the Mind on March 15 and the State of Alabama Odyssey of increase over last year's funding. opposed to it are saylng why don't are about 7700 other students, I'm the Mind competition on April 12, 1997.
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