ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL 16 September 2015 Dear Sir/Madam You are hereby invited to attend a meeting of the Ards and North Down Borough Council which will be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, The Castle, Bangor on Wednesday, 23 September 2015 commencing at 7.00pm. Yours faithfully Stephen Reid Chief Executive Ards and North Down Borough Council A G E N D A 1. Prayer 2. Apologies 3. Declarations of Interest 4. Mayor’s Business 5. Mayor and Deputy Mayor Engagements for the Month (To be tabled) 6. Minutes of Meeting of 26 August 2015 (Copy attached) 7. Minutes of Committees (Copies attached) 7.1. Planning Committee dated 1 September 2015 7.2. Environment Committee dated 2 September 2015 7.3. Regeneration and Development Committee dated 3 September 2015 7.4. Corporate Services Committee dated 8 September 2015 7.5. Community and Wellbeing Committee dated 9 September 2015 7.5.1. Matters Arising – Antisocial Behaviour at Conlig Playpark (Copy report attached) 8. Requests for Deputation 8.1. The Rowan (Correspondence attached) 8.2. Include Youth (Correspondence attached) 9. Consultation Documents 9.1. Department of Justice – Code of Practice Issued Under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 – Comments to be submitted by 2 November 2015 (Copy information attached) 9.2. Northern Ireland Assembly, Committee for Social Development – Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Bill – Comments to be submitted by 6 October 2015 (Copy information and report attached) 9.3. Department for Employment and Learning – New Further Education Strategy for Northern Ireland - Comments to be submitted by 2 October 2015 (Copy information attached) 10. Setting Budgets and District Rates for 2016/17 (Copy report attached) 11. Community Planning - The Big Conversation (Copy report attached) 12. Bangor Shared Space - A Request for Support (Copy report attached) 13. Conferences, Invitations etc. 13.1. NILGA/APSE Regional Elected Member Development ‘ The New General Power of Competence’ 28 and 29 October 2015 (Copy information attached) 13.2. Meet-the Buyer Event – CityWest Hotel, Dublin 21 October 2015 (Copy report attached) 13.3. Social Enterprise NI Conference and Awards 2015 (Copy report attached) 14. Transfers of Rights of Burial 15. Sealing Documents 16. Notices of Motion 16.1. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor T Smith "The haunting pictures of Alan Kurdi have shocked the world and focused attention on the growing EU refugee crisis. We must make sure that , as a country, we fulfil not only our legal obligations but also our moral obligations to those in need. While this council welcomes recent moves by the Government to do more to assist those fleeing in fear of their lives, we will write to the Foreign Secretary calling on Westminster to take a leading role in addressing this humanitarian disaster. We also as a Council must stand ready to work with Government and play whatever part we can to ensure refugees who come to our Borough will have the support and assistance they need. And finally, as a community we must be prepared, by word and by deed, to welcome those who may come to Ards and North Down - so they can be helped to rebuild their lives in safety and security." 16.2. Notice of Motion Submitted by Councillor Cummings “That this Council acknowledges the endeavours of the newly formed Edmund De Wind VC Centenary Committee who are raising funds to purchase a WW1 Field Gun, identical to that which was gifted to the people of Comber post WW1 and was subsequently removed during the governments WW2 scrap iron appeal. Further, the Council tasks an officer to complete a report into the feasibility of permanently positioning the Field Gun back in the Memorial Garden, The Square, Comber in time to coincide with and to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of Second Lieutenant Edmund De Wind, VC of the Royal Irish Rifles who was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for acts of gallantry at Thiepval, France in 1918.” 16.3. Notice of Motion Submitted by Councillor Cooper “That this council recognises the startling level of suicides in N.I. and asks officers to bring back a report outlining all aspects of suicide prevention adopted by other UK councils with a view to producing and adopting a policy specifically aimed at reducing the risk of further suicides in our borough.” 16.4. Notice of Motion Submitted by Councillor Martin “That this Council requests a report on the feasibility of rolling out a pilot scheme to local Primary schools in our Council area which would provide the opportunity for school children to learn basic computer programming techniques.” ***IN CONFIDENCE*** 17. Business Case – Voluntary Severance (Item Withdrawn) 18. Bangor Sportsplex Ground Settlement – Legal Case (Copy report attached) 19. Tender for the purchase of 2 No. Replacement 8x4 Hook Loader Skip Collection Vehicles (Copy report attached) 19.1. Ards and North Down Village Plans (Copy report attached) 20. Exploris – Update on Operational Agreement (Copy report to follow) 21. Land at Lough Cowey (Copy report attached) 22. Land at Former Bus Station, Donaghadee (Copy report to follow) Circulated for Information (a) Notification of New PSNI Postholders (Correspondence attached) (b) Woodland Trust – Letter of Thanks (Correspondence attached) (c) Debt Management Advice Service (Correspondence attached) (d) Minutes of Meeting of South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust 24 June 2015 (Correspondence attached) (e) Housing Executive 44th Annual Report (Correspondence attached) (f) DVA – Introduction of the new Commercial Bus Service Permit System (Correspondence attached) (g) Department of Culture, Arts & Leisure – Appointments to Arts Council NI & Sport NI (Copy correspondence attached) (h) Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment – Appointment of Five New Board Members to the Board of the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland (Copy correspondence attached) (i) Birthday Honours 2016 (Copy correspondence attached) MEMBERSHIP OF ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL Alderman Angus Carson Councillor Cummings Alderman Alan Chambers Councillor Dunne Alderman Robert Gibson Councillor Edmund Alderman Deborah Girvan Councillor Ferguson Alderman Alan Graham (Mayor) Councillor Fletcher Alderman Ian Henry Councillor Gilmour Alderman Wesley Irvine Councillor Kennedy Alderman Bill Keery Councillor Leslie Alderman Alan McDowell Councillor Martin Alderman Marion Smith Councillor McClean (Deputy Mayor) Councillor Adair Councillor McIlveen Councillor Allen Councillor Menagh Councillor Anderson Councillor Muir Councillor Armstrong Councillor Roberts Councillor Armstrong-Cotter Councillor Robinson Councillor Barry Councillor Smart Councillor Boyle Councillor T Smith Councillor Brooks Councillor Thompson Councillor Cathcart Councillor Walker Councillor Cooper Councillor Wilson ITEM 6 ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL A meeting of the Ards and North Down Borough Council was held in the Town Hall, The Castle, Bangor on Wednesday, 26 August 2015 commencing at 7.00 pm. PRESENT: In the Chair: The Mayor Alderman Graham Other Members: Deputy Mayor Councillor McClean Aldermen Carson Chambers Gibson Girvan Irvine Keery McDowell M Smith Councillors Adair Dunne Muir Anderson (7.30pm) Edmund Roberts Armstrong Ferguson Robinson Armstrong-Cotter Fletcher Smart Barry Gilmour T Smith Boyle Leslie Thompson Brooks Martin Walker Cathcart McIlveen Wilson Cooper Menagh Officers: Chief Executive, Director of Community and Wellbeing, Director of Environment, Director of Organisational Development and Administration, Director of Regeneration, Planning and Development, Head of Regeneration, Procurement Officer, Corporate Communications Manager, Democratic Services Manager and Democratic Services Officer. 1. PRAYER The Chief Executive commenced the meeting by reading the Council prayer. NOTED. 2. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Alderman Henry and Councillor Cummings. Apologies for lateness were received from Councillor Anderson. NOTED. C.26.8.15 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Mayor (Alderman Graham) asked for any declarations of interest. Councillor Muir declared an Interest in Item 29.4 – Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Roberts as he was an employee of Translink. NOTED. 4. MAYOR’S BUSINESS The Mayor offered his condolences to Alderman McDowell on the passing of his sister Laura the previous week. Continuing, he then offered his congratulations to Councillor Anderson on the birth of his baby boy and indicated that perhaps a letter of congratulations could be sent to the family. The Mayor then noted that Councillor Fletcher was in attendance with the aid of crutches and indicated that if at any point he wished to speak during the meeting he would waive the requirement for him to stand to address the Council. NOTED. Referring to the Council’s Schedule of Meetings, the Mayor informed members that the October meeting of the Regeneration and Development Committee scheduled to meet on 8 October 2015 coincided with the Bangor Business Awards. Therefore permission was sought to reschedule the committee meeting to 15 October 2015. RESOLVED, on the proposal of Councillor Adair, seconded by Alderman Keery, that the October meeting of the Regeneration and Development Committee be rescheduled to take place on 15 October 2015. The Mayor informed members that correspondence had been received from the ABF Soldiers Charity detailing an event to take place on Saturday, 19 September 2015 at 7.00pm. Tickets for the event were priced at £35 per person, with a Beating of the Retreat to take place at 8.15pm
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