Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 13, Number 14, April 4, 1986 ganized by the student branch of the League for Industrial McGovern Commission "reforms" that in this 1986 election Democracy, a spawn of the Fabian Society/New Republic! gave 70% of their vote to Janice Hart, the LaRouche Demo­ Socialist Party in the early 1900s. The SDS "Days of Rage" cratic candidate for secretary of state. saw gangs of radical thugs, like Mussolini's squadristi and Stevenson played that same "inside-outside" game with Hitler's SA, smash cars and store windows and beat police the Vietnam war. First, individuals like his father's lifelong and delegates to the Democratic Convention. The difference allies George Ball and Averell Harriman, and the McGeorge between Italy and Germany of the 1920s, and America ofthe Bundy Eastern Establishment liberals had convinced Presi­ 1960s, was that the police upheld the law .. dent Kennedy to enter a war of extermination in Vietnam. Stevenson viciously denounced the police. In a statement, Then, when the Trust had arranged a U.S.-Moscow deal to dated Sept. 17, 1968 he demanded "reform" and "change" hand the country over to Moscow, Stevenson became a ve­ within the Deomcratic Party. He denounced the "feudal hement critic of the war. In 1971·he proclaimed, "The only structure" of the Illinois Democratic machine which, he said, thing we can do for these. people now is to get out. We gave "employed storm troopers in blue" against the SDS terrorists. them helicopters and military supplies. Whar they need is Stevenson then increased his drive to disenfranchise the leadership, and they can only get that if we leave them alone." Party base in favor of the radical counterculture. In April Vietnam got the "leadership"-from Moscow: Cam Rahn 1969 he told the Washington Post, "If we don't give Blacks, Bay is now the largest Soviet naval base in Southeast Asia. wom�n and others more voice, then August and Chicago will Adlai could hardly be surprised by this strategic disaster. be just a prelude." In his term in the U.S. Senate, he consiste'ntly denounced the The very Illinois Democratic machine that he was trying American "arsenals of ugly and un'usable instruments of hu­ to obliterate, especially in Chicago, had long had black and man destruction." He opposed appropriations for the Safe­ female representation and functioned, in the absence of a true guard antiballistic-missile defense system, the Trident nucle­ republican movement like Lincoln's, as an approximation of ar submarines, and the MX missiles. true representative government. The ward leaders sought to Recall now the slander from the New Republic, uttered guarantee residents' concerns of sanitation, street repairs, by the hapless Adlai at his press conference. It was not some public improvements, educational opportunities, and safety. meaningless piece of filth--;-it was exactly what he believed. Indeed, it was the very black wards in Chicago whose polit­ Neo-Nazism is the Fabians' code word for patriotism and ical represeritation Stevenson had undermined with his nationalism. For Adlai, and his controllers at the Trust, like •• / !. barik,exec��ve Willard Straight, using family funds New Republic editorW alterLippmam i was a member NeW,'Republic: Straight of J>oththtBritish Fabian Society andthe Intercol"egia�e KGB disinformation Socialist Society at a time when the'futurefounders of the Communist Party U.S.A. were incubafing in this move­ I ment. Editor Robert Morss Lovett worked with Soviet � Sinceits founding in 1914 theleading voice for the liberal Comintem agent AinesSmedley to co-opt Indian revo­ establishmentin the Unit� States, The New Republichas lutionaries in the United States to work with·the' Soviet been partof a blatantAnglo-Soviet operationto disinfonn Union1Ji'"association with Comitite rn leader M. N. Roy, the American population. The extent of Sovjet influence the founder of the Soviet Tashkent oriental intelligence over the weekly was revealeq when its former editor-in­ operations complex. Editors Ed�und Wilson and Mal­ chief and publisher, Michael Straight, revealed in After colm Cowley aligned themselves with the Coqununist Long Silence that he had been recruited into the same PartyU.S.A : and the Cominteinthe during 19308. Anglo-Soviet spy circleas Harold A. "Kim" Philby, �ho Under Mic)lael Straight, New Republic became · the is today a KGB generalin Moscow. coordilijlting center for Vice-President Henry Wallace's Straight was recruitt;'d into the Ph1lby ciI;cles at the 1946 presidential campaign, which was aborted once it University of Cambridge by Sir AnthonyBlunt, a member waS revealedthat his campaign staffhad been taken over hf the hODJOsexual Cambridge Apostles, who was made by the Communist Party.brother-in--Iaw, His Louis Doliv­ Keepero fthe Queen'sPictures ; oncehis role in thePhi lby et, edited !he faDriIy's United Natjons. World (formerly , networkwas secretly made known to U:S. intelligence. Asia), until Ladislas Farago, a wartirile member of the Straightwas an activeAnglo-Soviet espionageagent, while Office ofStrategic Services, ran an investigation to COD- returning to the United States to take up duties at New 'firmthat Dolivet, was really a Romaniannamed L udovicu Replfblic, which hadbee n founded byhis father, Morgan Brecher, who hadbee n an �mportantComintem agent. EIR April 4, 1986 National 61 © 1986 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. the New Republic magazine, Abraham Lincoln would have been !l "neo-Nazi" because he was a nation-builder and great backs murder defender of the Union; Gen. George Patton and Gen. Douglas AMA MacArthur would have been neo-Nazis because they defend­ ed the sovereignty of the United States. of the comatose For the Trust, Jews . like Trotsky, Meyer Lansky, the Bronfmans, Max Fisher, are mere agents, like the Jews who by Linda Everett were forced to be tax collectors in the feudal period. They fear and despise Jews like the great Mendelssohn family of Germany. LaRouche is being accused (rightly) of wanting On March 15, the American:Medical Association announced the "immediate elimination of Trust agents from business, that it had determined that it is "ethical" for physicians to government and labor and a special prosecutor's office to try starve their coma patients todeath. The ruling by the AMA's Trust agents for treason." Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs allows physicians to "Germanophilic remolding of American culture" means withhold food, water, medicine, and "heroic" procedures the great republican ideals of the German poet Friedrich fromcomatose and non-te�inal patients if the family agrees, . Schiller, the poet of freedom who inspired our Founding and if it meets the patient's previous wishes. Fathers, and the classical music of Mozart and Beethoven. The announcement followed a New Orleans Conference "Total mobilization for total war" is the Trust's war on on "New Ethics for a New Medicine," and is the predictable all republican forces in the worltl-especially the .United outcome of 18 months of collaboration between the AMA States: the attacks on nation-states by the International Mon­ and the premier voice and formulator of the "new ethics of etary Fund, the Soviets and the Trust-dominated State De­ the '80s," theHastings Foundation of New York. partment, the European financial oligarchyand world's larg­ This, of course, is the o� ethics of the 1930s and '40s in est business, Dope, Inc., and the hideous drug-rock counter­ Nazi Germany, among other locations. culture and Trust-created cults. These are the specific forces The ruling was a brutal awakening to just what the eu­ on whom LaRouche has indeed launched "all-out war." thanasia forces .and medical "cost-efficiency" experts have achieved in an avalanche of second-generation "living-will" bills and euthansia court cases which have hit the United • States in the last six months. The AMA has thrown over the Hypocratic Oath. to advocate murders of convenience, and there is no doubt that this will have immense impact on life or death courtdecisions in cOming months, among them,: • Three New Jersey c�rts have denied the requests of the Lincoln Park Nursing Home for a "life advocate" to . protect the rights of their p*ient, 30-year-old Nancy Jobes, considered "permanently comatose" by her husband, par­ ents, and the court-appointed guardian, who want to remove her feeding tube. But this relatively healthy young lady has a high level of awareness, moves her head to foilow her visitors around the room, and respopds to light, pain, and more. Her physicians feel she is, in fact, seriously disabled and not even in a.coma. Her case began * be heard by Judge ArnoldStein $11.95 of theMorris County SuperiorCourt on March 24. Treason • The ruling of the New Jersey State Ombudsman for In America the InstitutionaliZed Elderly, Jack D'Ambrosia, who pre­ vented removal of the feeding tube of a 65-year-old, severly from Aaron Burr brain-damaged patient, Hil�a Peter, will be appealed in the to Averell Harriman Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court. Eber­ hard Johanning, Peter's cqropanion, wants to broaden the · 610 pages; published by New Benjamin Franklin House. conditions set in the 1985 Clair Conroy decision that allows New York. Order from: Ben Franklin Booksellers. Inc .• starvation of incompetent elderly if they will "probably" die 27 South King St.. Leesburg. VA 22075. $11.95 plus within a year, and if there is "limited evidence" that the shipping ($1. 50 for first book. .50 for each additional patient would want all medical care (including nutrition) book). Bulk rates available. removed. • On Oct. 22, Dedham, Massachusetts Probate Judge 62 National EIR April 4, 1986 .
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