STELLA AURORAE: THE HISTORY OF A SOUTH AFRICAN UNIVERSITY Volume 3 The University of Natal (1976–2003) Bill Guest Occasional Publications of the Natal Society Foundation PIETERMARITZBURG 2018 Stella Aurorae: The History of a South African University Volume 3: The University of Natal (1976–2003) © Bill Guest 2018 Published in 2018 in Pietermaritzburg by the Trustees of the Natal Society Foundation under its imprint ‘Occasional Publications of the Natal Society Foundation’. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without reference to the publishers, the Trustees of the Natal Society Foundation, Pietermaritzburg. Natal Society Foundation website: http://www.natalia.org.za/ ISBN 978-0-9921766-7-9 Editor: Christopher Merrett Proofreader: Cathy Munro Indexers: Cynthia and Bill Guest Design and layout: Jo Marwick Body text: Times New Roman 11pt Front and footnotes: Times New Roman 9pt Photograph acknowledgements: All photographs courtesy of UKZN Archives and Killie Campbell Museum Library. Printed in South Africa by CPW Printers For my daughters Annabelle and Philippa, my step-daughters Linda and Diana and their loved ones CONTENTS Author’s note Abbreviations List of figures Foreword Acknowledgements Part One: 1976–1989 Chapter 1 Campus administration and development 3 Chapter 2 Staffing and teaching 49 Chapter 3 Research and community service 103 Chapter 4 Student life 165 Chapter 5 Desegregation and celebration 219 Part Two: 1990–2003 Chapter 6 Campus administration and development 249 Chapter 7 Staffing and teaching 303 Chapter 8 Research and community service 379 Chapter 9 Student life 455 Chapter 10 Rationalisation and retrospect 509 Bibliography 545 General index 555 AUTHOR’S NOTE The use of racial terminology is always controversial and potentially offensive. This is particularly the case in the South African context in which, unfortunately, its extensive presence in historical commentaries and records makes it impossible to avoid. For the sake of consistency, in this book such references that imply a place or country of origin are given in upper case, for example, African, European and Indian. References that denote dubious classification by skin colour are given in lower case, for instance black, coloured and white. No offence is intended in the use of these terms. ABBREVIATIONS ACCI African Centre for Crop Improvement ACU Association of Commonwealth Universities AECI African Explosives and Chemical Industries AFRA Association for Rural Advancement AGM annual general meeting AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIPF Associated Institutions Pension Fund AITRP Aids Training Programme ANC African National Congress ANCYL African National Congress Youth League APC Alan Paton Centre (UKZN, Pietermaritzburg Campus) ATR Alan Taylor Residence AZASO Azanian Students Organisation BA Bachelor of Arts BA (Hons) Bachelor of Arts Honours B.Acc. Bachelor of Accountancy B.Agric. Bachelor of Agriculture B.Arch. Bachelor of Architecture B.Comm. Bachelor of Commerce B.Ed. Bachelor of Education BESG Built Environment Support Group B.Mus. Bachelor of Music BOSS Bureau for State Security B.Prim.Ed. Bachelor of Primary Education B.Proc. Baccalaureus Procurationis (Law) B.Sc. Bachelor of Science B.Sc. (Agric.) Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) B.Sc. (Ag. Mgt.) Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Management) B.Sc. (Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) B.Sc.Ed. Bachelor of Science Education B.Soc.Sc. Bachelor of Social Science BSS Black Students Society BTF Broad Transformation Forum B.Th. Bachelor of Theology BTU British Thermal Unit BWO Black Workers Organisation CA chartered accountant CACE Centre for Adult and Community Education CADD Community and Development Disciplines CAE Centre for Adult Education CAMDEV Centre for Advanced Management Development CAO Central Admissions Office CAPRISA Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa CARE Courtesy Accountability Respect Efficiency CASS Centre for Applied Social Sciences CATNIP Cataloguing Network in Pietermaritzburg CBE Commander of the Order of the British Empire CCMA Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration CEAD Centre for Environment, Agriculture and Development CEAD Centre for Environment and Development CENGOPO Centre for Government and Policy Studies CEO chief executive officer CHESP Community Higher Education Service Programme CHESS Centre for Health and Social Studies CoDAL School of Community Development and Adult Learning COSALC Committee of South African Library Consortia COSATU Congress of South African Trade Unions COSL Community Outreach and Service Learning CSD Centre for Science Development CSDS Centre for Social and Development Studies CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research CUED Centre for University Educational Development CUP Committee of University Principals CUR Committee of University Rectors CV curriculum vitae DBN Durban DEMSOC Democratic Society DESCOM Detainees Support Committee DET Department of Education and Training Dip. Acc. Diploma in Accounting DIT Durban Institute of Technology DMSL Durban Medical School Library (UKZN) DNA deoxyribonucleic acid DP Democratic Party D.Phil. Doctor of Philosophy Dr doctor DRAMSOC Drama Society DSA Durban Student Alliance D.Sc. Doctor of Science D.Soc.Sc. Doctor of Social Science DSRG Development Studies Research Group DSU Development Studies Unit DUT Durban University of Technology DVC Deputy Vice-Chancellor EAP Equity Acceleration Programme ECC End Conscription Campaign ECI Enhancing Care Initiative Ed.D. Doctorate in Education ed.(s) editor(s) EMEC Economic and Management Extended Curriculum programme EMS Enriched Management Studies EMS Extramural Studies ERH Eleanor Russell Hall ERU Economic Research Unit esAL Eastern Seaboard Association of Libraries esATI Eastern Seaboard Association of Tertiary Institutions ESKOM Electricity Supply Commission FNB First National Bank FOYSA Four Outstanding Young South Africans FRD Foundation for Research Development FTE full-time teaching equivalent GCE General Certificate of Education GIS geographical information systems GPS global positioning system HAVEG HIV/AIDS Vaccine Ethics Group HDE Higher Diploma in Education HEARD HIV/AIDS Research Division HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HIVAN Centre for HIV/AIDS Networking HSRC Human Sciences Research Council IBM International Business Machines IDT Independent Development Trust IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IFLA International Federation of Library Associations IFP Inkatha Freedom Party IMF International Monetary Fund INR Institute for Natural Resources INSEAD Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires/European Institute of Business Administration IRMA Integrated Research Management Application ISCOR Iron and Steel Corporation JASA Joint Academic Staff Association JBF Joint Bargaining Forum JMB Joint Matriculation Board JSPSAS Joint Selection Programme for Science and Applied Science KCML Killie Campbell Museum Library KZN KwaZulu-Natal LAN local area network LIASA Library and Information Association of South Africa LLB Bachelor of Laws LLD Doctorate of Laws LLM Master of Laws MA Master of Arts M.Agric.Mgt. Masters in Agricultural Management MASA Medical Association of South Africa MBA Master of Business Administration MBChB Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery M.Comm. Master of Commerce MD Doctorate in Medicine MDM Mass Democratic Movement MEC Member of the [Provincial] Executive Committee M.Ed. Master of Education MEDU Midlands Education Development Unit MEDUNSA Medical University of South Africa M.Med. Master of Medicine MPLA Peoples Movement for the Liberation of Angola MRC Media Resource Centre MRC Medical Research Council (South Africa) MRI Medical Research Institute (South Africa) M.Sc. Master of Science MTB Memorial Tower Building NAMDA National Medical and Dental Association NAPAC Natal Performing Arts Council NASA Non-Academic Staff Association NCHE National Commission on Higher Education n.d. no date NDP non-degree purposes NED Natal Education Department NEHAWU National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union NERSA National Energy Regulator of South Africa NGO non-governmental organisation NIC Natal Indian Congress NICHE Natal Institute for Community Health Education NICRO National Institute for Crime Prevention and the Reintegration of Offenders no. number n.p. no pagination NPA Natal Provincial Administration NQF National Qualifications Framework NRF National Research Foundation NSC National Sports Council NSF National Students Front NSFAS National Student Financial Aid Scheme NU Natal University NUC Natal University College NUDF Natal University Development Foundation NUSAS National Union of South African Students NWG National Working Group OAU Organisation of African Unity OBE Officer of the Order of the British Empire OMI Oblates of Mary Immaculate community OPAC online public access catalogue PAC Pan Africanist Congress PACSA Pietermaritzburg Agency for Christian Social Awareness PAR Pietermaritzburg Archive Repository PC personal computer PFU Preparing for University programme Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy PMB Pietermaritzburg QC Queen’s Counsel RAF Royal Air Force RAP regional access programme RAU Rand Afrikaans University RDP Research and Development Programme RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects RICP Regional Institutions Co-operation Project RMS Risk Management Services RSA Republic of South Africa s. section SABC South African
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