THE SPECTRUM VOLUME LVIII Z 545a STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1942 NUMBER 4 Scabbard and Blade We Did Our Part Bismarck, N. D. Oct. 23, 1942 Annual State 4-H Dr. Frank L. Eversull, NDAC President: Elects Twelve Juniors I want to personally thank your faculty and student body for your Twelve juniors with payroll splendid part in the saving of North Show And Sale Dakota crops. Not only has the statis in the advanced ROTC actual work you have performed been of tremendous importance, but equally course have been elected to Scab- important has been the lift in morale bard and Blade, national honorary Marine, V-1 resulting from youth of the state lay- military fraternity for ROTC stu- ing aside educational pursuits to help On Campus Today our farmers in their hour of need. The dents. schools of the state have made an out- Confusion Is standing contribution to victory. Livestock and poultry exhibits for the 17th annual They are: John Moses, Richard Carley Governor. North Dakota 4-H club show and market sale were in place Waldo Gerlitz Explained this morning in the NDAC judging pavilion and exhibitors Sam Hess Bruce Hoverson Students enlisting in the navy were preparing their animals for James Kyser V-1 and the marine reserve pro- the judges who will judge all ex- Ellsworth Moe grams may not be enrolled in Paper Gets hibits tomorrow. Sale of the ani- Arvid Melby ROTC at the time of their enlist- mals is scheduled for Monday, Roy Gordon ment, but are allowed to take the according to H. E. Ming, state Jack Rilling course both before and after this First Class 4-H club leader, who is in charge Arnold Stockstad time. First class rating has been of the event. Animals appearing Murray Schaetzel, personnel Harold Ugelstad awarded to the Spectrum by the in the show would have been sold Vilas Walhood director, made this announcement at auction anyway Rilling said. this week to clear up confusion Associated Collegiate press asso- Formal pledging exercises will ciation. The award is based on 99 Animals On Exhibition be held for the new class in the among the students in reference to enlistment in the reserve pro- papers published during the sec- Twenty-nine counties are repre- gunroom Tuesday afternoon fol- ond and third term of last year sented with 99 head of baby lowing the ROTC regiment's gen- grams and the taking of basic ROTC. when James Ford was editor and beeves, hogs and lambs entered eral assembly. Newly elected Willie Boehrs business manager. in the show. For the first time, pledges of Company M, third regi- Arrangements for temporarily dropping ROTC while in the The rating is a degree higher a class of market turkeys has been ment of Scabbard and Blade, the added and birds will be shown NDAC chapter, were entertained process of enlistment may be than the one awarded in the past made with Major Hart. This year. In commenting on the and sold along with the livestock. at the organization's Founder's Judging of the animals which day banquet Oct. 27. Elmer An- training is very helpful in all paper the judges credited staff the reserve programs, and en- members by saying, "Both typog- include 40 baby beeves, 26 hogs derson, captain of the local group, and 33 lambs, will be done by was in charge. listed men are encouraged to raphy and makeup as well as take it. n e w s w r i tin g are excellent members of the NDAC animal husbandry department. Navy V-1 and V-7 men are re- throughout. Most of the lower quired to take physical education. scores are caused by omissions, Institute Opens Tuesday Army Aviation Both physical education and RO- rather than weaknesses in the Tuesday the state 4-H achieve- TC are permissible, however, and material itself." ment institute will be called to it would be to the student's ad- The paper was criticized for order by Peter Fog, Lisbon, with Cadet Board vantage to take both. Army re- lack of editorial material and was State 4-H club leader, H. E. Rill- discussions of this year's institute serve and army air corps reserve advised to "strive to make the ing, is in charge of the 17th an- theme, "My Country Needs Me," men are encouraged to take editorial page really one of corn- nual 4-H club show on the NDAC taking up the major part of the Visits Campus ROTC, although it is not required. ment and opinions." campus this weekend. Mr. Rill- sessions continuing during the ing also directs the 4-H club week. A traveling Army Air Force Army reserve men who are taking basic ROTC are eligible for ad- achievement institute which opens The Little Country Theatre will Aviation Cadet Board will visit at NDAC Tuesday. the campus of NDAC to enlist vanced ROTC when they become Convo PresentsSingers entertain the expected 425 dele- men in the air force as prospective juniors. Former members of the cast of gates Tuesday evening and the pilots, bombardiers, and navigat- SHOULD ENLIST NOW "The Swing Mikado," the Deep Officer Candidates Fargo Chamber of Commerce will ors on Monday, Tuesday and be hosts at a banquet Wednesday Men who are already juniors River Singers were presented to night. Wednesday, November 2, 3 and 4. or seniors and plan to enlist in the student body in a convocation Students may complete their en- the Navy V-'7 program are Thursday morning. "The Swing Under Scrutiny listment and be sworn into the advised to do so before Nov. 1. Mikado" ran in New York and Army Air Force by presenting Although nothing has been re- Chicago for two years. Of General Ulio themselves to this board. Whipple Is ceived lately, there was an an- Three parts of the Deep River Maj. Gen. James Ulio, Adjut- Students desiring to enlist must nouncement last spring stating Singers' program dealt with ant General of the U. S. Army, present the following papers: that no upperclassmen could en- American folk songs, semiclassical accompanied by Brig. General Oxford Prexy (1) Birth Certificate. list in the V-7 program after Nov. and spiritual numbers and selec- Clayton Adams will visit Fargo (2) Three letters of character 1 of this year. tions from "The Swing Mikado." this afternoon and inspect the Of- James Whipple was elected recommendation. ficer Candidates' School here on president of the Wesley Founda- (3) Statement from the Regis- the campus. tion Oxford club council at a trar certifying that the stu- Students are invited to witness meeting of the group in the First dent is an undergraduate in Reporter Quenches Thirst the review which will be held Methodist church, succeeding John good standing. south of the Library this after- F. Irwin. (4) Written consent of parents With Hallowe'en Spirits noon. An all-out membership drive or guardian. (Such forms may General Ulio, a former resident directed at the Methodist-prefer- ence students and officer candi- be secured at the Personnel Doubtless you have heard many Beheld an tavern call-ed Bison. of Fargo, will be honored at an Office.) weird tales—purely fictional— informal banquet at the Elks club dates at NDAC was launched. Arrangements for physical ex- about the origin of All-Hallows tonight at 7. Other NDAC students elected My eve 'til then was dull and to offices were David Haibeck, amination may be made through Day, when ghosts and goblins run boring The public is invited to attend treasurer; and the following com- the Military Department and may wild, and spooks foretell your fu- I entered, and my hopes were and tickets may be purchased at mittee chairmen: membership, Ila be taken prior to an interview ture if you're foolish enough to soaring. the registrar's office here at the Jahnke; worship, Phillip Thomp- with this Examining Board. A walk backwards down a cellar At the bar I promptly sat, college. son; world outlook, John F. Irwin; local physician will physically ex- stairway with a candle and a Merely with a friend to chat. amine students. The Aviation mirrow. dining room, Jean Petchel; news- Cadet Board will give students I lifted nothing to my lip, paper and motive, Douglas Fisk; The story about the ATO's date Candidates' School and publicity, James Wilkinson. the mental screen test and will who ditched him for a broom is a Nay, not e'en a tiny sip. interview students passing this lie! Yet, as I criss-crossed out the Holds Services Four other offices were filled by test. Desirable students will be door, council members attending neigh- The myth that Hallowe'en is a boring colleges and by working enlisted and sworn into service. state of mind enjoyed only by Quoth the bouncer, "Nevermore" With Catholic services at 8 and Deferments to continue in college Protestant services at 9 the Of- young people of college age. morons is not entirely true. Nov. 6 was set for the annual will be granted as requested by The fact that J. Alexander Out in the crispness of the night, ficer Candidates' School holds the student. fall party with further announce- Blurb in his "autobibliography" I sensed that something was not worship services in the Little ments to appear later. Students who plan to enter the clears the mystery is good enough rite Country Theatre regularly every Army Air Force are urged to com- for us. For anyone who has read For in the dim and darkened Sunday morning.
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