DEALS OF THE $DAY$ PG. 3 FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2019 DEALS OF THE Schools Bare facts: Lynn eld re ghter negotiating$DA dealY$ By Thomas Grillo But multiple sources con rmed the 60-year- called police because she thoughtPG. 3 the man pitch ITEM STAFF old captain is considering an agreement that might assault her. would allow him to retire with full bene ts. “She was visibly shaken while I spoke to The Lynn eld re ghter who police say It’s unclear how much his pension is worth. her,” the of cer wrote in the four-page report. walked into a convenience store naked last He earned $130,818 with overtime last year. “She had tears in her eyes and said she was $159M month is quietly negotiating a deal to retire, Charles Kostro, executive director of the Es- horri ed at the sight of aDEALS naked man.” the Item has learned. sex Regional Retirement System, said since But Walsh insists it’s notDEALS true. John H. Walsh faces a charge of disorderly Walsh is not a retiree, he doesn’t know what In an interview with theOF Item THE last month, budget conduct after a clerk at a 7-Eleven in Middle- his monthly retirement bene t would be. Walsh denied the incident happened. ton, R.I., alleged he approached the register Walsh did not respond to a request for com- “The bulk of the allegation$DA is Yuntrue,”$ he By Gayla Cawley with his genitals exposed and bought a Coca ment. said. “It’s true that I got arrested,PG. 3 but I’m not ITEM STAFF Cola. When police responded to the 911 call in guilty, I didn’t do anything wrong.” Walsh, who has been on the force since April, the store owner said Walsh entered the The convenience store’s surveillance sys- LYNN — Superinten- 1979, was placed on paid administrative store without any clothes, bought a soda and tem was not working the day the alleged of- dent Dr. Patrick Tutwiler leave pending an investigation. Lynn eld drove away in a black Mercedes Benz, accord- fense happened, police said. told the School Commit- Fire Chief Glen Davis and Town Administra- ing to the police report. tee on Thursday night tor Robert Dolan declined to comment. The owner said she “went into shock” and FIREFIGHTER, A3 the proposed $159.3 mil- DEALS lion scal year 2020 Lynn OF THE Public Schools budget al- lows the district to take Pondering the future $DAY$ some steps forward, but A lotPG. 3of still leaves a large num- ber of its needs unmet. Although Tutwiler said questions the 7.25 percent budget increase over last year’s budget of $148.5 million in SaugusDEALS represents the largest in many years, it will take OF THE more than $40 million By Bridget Turcotte to close the gap for Lynn ITEM$DA STAFFY$ Public Schools in order to SAUGUS — PG.A 3car repair meet those needs. shop owner wants to expand One of the major unmet his business to include auto needs, which fostered the sales, but neighbors and select- most discussion from the men have concerns. committee, was the need Zalam Daaboul has owned for more social workers in Saugus Auto Repair, Inc., on the district’s schools. Hamilton Street for nine months. School Committee mem- The property is owned by 74 ber Brian Castellanos Hamilton Street LLC, an entity read an email he received managed by Satchi Selliah. from an eighth grade civ- Daaboul wants to add selling ics class that requested cars to his list of services. But the district budget more neighbors and selectmen are money for social workers not all on board. in schools throughout the “I don’t want to see Hamilton city, which they said could Street turn into an auto mile,” greatly reduce mental said neighbor Rick Smith. “It is health problems. a residential neighborhood.” Castellanos said the The site raises public safety district is spending funds concerns, including dumpsters to implement a K-5 so- being left open, stray tires roll- cial-emotional learning ing down the street, and tow curriculum, but doesn’t trucks delivering vehicles over- have the social workers to night, said the Hamilton Street support it. Social worker resident, who believes the shop caseloads are too high in is already selling used vehicles. the district, he said, which “Good neighbors respect our has a negative impact on public safety, our selectmen being able to meet the and the process,” said Smith. needs of students. Jean Bartola, a Town Meet- Tutwiler agreed more ing member, said that while social workers are need- she was stuck in bumper-to- ed, citing a clinical rec- bumper traf c, she counted 23 ommendation that says cars on the lot. the ratio in the district ITEM PHOTO | SPENSER HASAK “The place is awful looking,” should be one social work- said Bartola. “It’s such a pretty er per 250 students. For Samairy Santos patiently waits for the Fecteau-Leary Junior/Senior High School little neighborhood. I don’t per- instance, earlier this year, graduation to start on Thursday. For more photos from the commencement, and to sonally think the thing belongs see photos from KIPP Academy Lynn’s graduation, see page A7. For photos of Lynn there. I really don’t.” BUDGET, A3 Tech’s graduation, see page A8. But a long line of auto service shops on the property predates local zoning, which means it is not subjected to the town’s zon- Lynn comes around ing bylaws for the neighbor- hood, said Wendy Reed, clerk for the Board of Selectmen. on school carousel The property has always had a gas station and repair shop, so there are no written restric- By Bella diGrazia calls and letters of old-timers tions on the property, she said. ITEM STAFF sharing their memories of the The Saugus Police Depart- merry-go-round. LYNN — Two years later ment wrote a letter in opposi- “I was in tears because all I tion to the application because Winn Hackett is still looking wanted was to dig up this his- of a long history of problems at for information on the vintage tory so bad and to understand the establishment, including a merry-go-round behind Little the connection of the carousel number of unlicensed vehicles Theatre School. But, her histor- to the city of Lynn before it’s routinely being parked on and ical hunt did inspire a $15,000 retired here at Little Theatre,” off of the property. renovation. Hackett said. “I got goosebumps Chairwoman Debra Panetta, In 2017, Hackett, the owner from all the stories. One woman who lives in the neighborhood, of the Lynn eld Street nurs- who went here when the carou- said she walks her dog past the ery and kindergarten, asked sel was around remembered the property at odd hours of the ITEM PHOTO | OWEN O’ROURKE for the community’s help with boy she had a crush on in the night and witnesses cars being The carousel behind Little Theatre School in Lynn is her six-year investigation into 1950s. It was just very sweet.” packed into the lot. now fully functional, and has fresh paint, a new canvas the carousel’s background. She on top and a new motor. said she received a lot of phone CAROUSEL, A3 SAUGUS, A3 INSIDE King’s Beach bedeviled Saugus Ninety Nine celebrates 25 years in town. A2 by bacteria levels Opinion By Bella diGrazia of 75 percent for 2018, vastly Jourgensen: A towering ITEM STAFF lower than 2017’s score of 92.2 testament to Lynn. A4 percent. Local of cials in both LYNN — King’s Beach failed communities said breaches in Sports its report card. Again. century-old sewer pipes lead- Classical softball The water along the stretch ing to Stacey Brook are the falls to Gloucester of sand, split between Lynn reason for high levels of bac- in NEC battle. B1 and Swampscott, is at the bot- teria. ITEM PHOTO | OWEN O’ROURKE Entertainment tom of the list on the Metro- “We’ve done the research, politan Beaches Water Qual- we’ve crunched the numbers, Lynn and Swampscott of cials say breaches in century-old Marblehead’s Delaney to sewer pipes leading to Stacey Brook are the reason for high perform at Wilbur. B8 ity Report Card, receiving a primary beach safety score BEACH, A3 levels of bacteria at King’s Beach. OBITUARIES ..............................A2 SPORTS ................................ B1-3 CLASSIFIED ........................... B6-7 HIGH 69° VOL. 141, ISSUE 147 OPINION ...................................A4 COMICS ....................................B4 ENTERTAINMENT .......................B8 LOW 54° POLICE/FIRE .............................A6 DIVERSIONS .............................B5 PAGE A8 ONE DOLLAR A2 THE DAILY ITEM FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2019 OBITUARIES Ninety Nine celebrates 25 years in Saugus Robert B. O’Donnell, 57 SAUGUS — The Ninety Nine Restaurant & Pub in Saugus celebrated its 25th LYNN — Robert B. O’Donnell, anniversary with an event age 57, of Lynn, died on Thurs- that generated more than day, May 30, 2019, peacefully $1,400 for the Saugus at his home, with his family at Public Schools. his side, after a lengthy illness. During the anniversary He was the husband of Kath- event, guests participated leen (Puglise) O’Donnell, with in a spirited game of triv- whom he shared 27 years of ia and a commemorative marriage. ceremony that honored A lifelong resident of Lynn, the restaurant’s team Robert was the son of Robert members. A percentage of A. O’Donnell of Lynn and Rita the restaurant’s total net (LeBrasseur) Bukur of Arizona. sales that entire day were Bob was a graduate of Lynn donated to the Saugus Vocational Technical Institute, Public Schools.
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