.- e V A REVISION OF THE GENUS CALLIP TAMUS SERVILLE (ORTHOPTERA : ACRIDIDAE) BY N. D. JAGO Univenity of Ghana. Accra Pp. 287-350; 26 Text-jigtcres BULLETIN OF THE BRISISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISSORY) ENSOMOLOGY Vol. 13 No. 9 LONDON: 1963 THE BULLETIS OF THE BRITISH BIUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), institrited in 1949, is isszted iit jizte series, correspondillg to the Departments of the Alirsezm, niid mz Historicnl series. Parts Lcill appear nt irregzrlnr iiitervals as they become retidy. Volimes vil1 coiztaiit aboitt three OY fow htcndred pnges, nitd will not itecessnrily be cmnpleted withilz o.ne cnlenhr year. Tltis paper is Vol. 13, Xo. g of the Entomological series. The nbbreviated titles ojperiodicals cited follou those of tka WorId List of Scientijic Periodicals. 0 Trrictees o[ the British Miiseuni 196.3 PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH iMUSEUM ~sslldj1 .\I(Z)' 196.3 Price Ti;w+v-tz;.o Sltillings A REVISION OF THE GENUS CALLIP TAMUS SERVILLE (ORTHOPTERA : ACRIDIDAE) By N. D. JAGO CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION . 289 MATERIAL . 292 TREATMENT 294 ACKXOWLEDGEMENTC. * 294 KEY TO THE GENERA OF THE SUBFAMILY CALLIPTAMINAE . 295 CALLIPTAMUSServille, 1831 . 29s SYNOPSIS The trans-Palaearctic genus Callipíamus Serville is revised, thirteen species now being included in the genus. The genus consists of two main elements, a northern temperate group of four species and a southern ternperate group of nine. The genus Metromerus Uvarov is synonymized with Calliptamus. A provisional key to genera in the sub-family Calliptaminae has been drawn up, together with keys to species and subspecies in the genus Cailiptamus. Observations are given on polymorphism in the genus, geographical vanation, and posible correlation of variation with climatic factors. Two species are newly described. INTRODUCTIOS Calliptamzts Serville, 1831,with Gryllzcs Loczcsta itnlicus L., 1758 as type, originally contained two additional species now known as ArcyPtera ficsca (Pallas, 1773) and Vderm aeneo-oculata (De Geer, 1773). In 1838 Serville added C. ictericzis and C. margilzellzcs to the genus, though omitting mention of Acridium barbarzcm Costa, 1836.His descriptions were based on Spanish material, and it ic clear that he confused \ C. italiczcs (L.) (which does not occur south of the Pyrenees) with C. wattenwylianus (Pantel), “ ictericzcs ” being erected for C. bnrbnrics (Costa) material coliected near bladnd. Early in 1838, the genus under its emended form of Caloptelzus (created by Burmeister), contained the type of this genus and four other species now known as 4 t Sfelnnoplzrs fenticr rubriint (De Geer, 1773), Melnnoplus bz’vittatzcs (Say, 183j), EUYY- phjmits haemntopiis (L., 17j8), and Rnchitopis melnnoplzis (Burmeister, 1838). Later in 1838, Burmeister introduced Caloptews sicdits, clearly synonymous tvith C. bnrbnrzis (Costa). Wder geographical data were @ven by Fischer (18j3),his genus including Cnlopferttis sictclus, barbarus, ifaliczcs, and ictericzcs. C. barbarus he claimed intergraded nith italiczis, while the latter was described as possessing a variety 9nnrgiizellrcs. It may be noted that Senille suggested varietal status for iiiarginellzts when he described it in 1838, 1. Bolivar (1876)later endorsing this view. ESTOM. 13, 9 24 290 ?;. D. JnGO Walker (1870) described CaZupteizzrs discoidalis as new, and placed italiczcs (L.) and icfericzis Serville in Caloptenais : he probably confused his species with barbnrzis (Costa) and ~~atfe~t~yliasziis(Pantel) as Serville had done earlier, since his “ ifaliczis ” occurred in Syria and Israel, his “ ictericzis ” in Sorth Africa. The emended name Calliptelzzis \vas given to the genus by Sta1 (1873). The type of the genus and five other species were included, the modern Splzodmnerzrs sernpis (Serville, 1S38), Plegmatopteriis iriszis (Serville, 1838),Eziryphymzrs hnematopzis (L.,I758), Calliptamiczu semirosezs (Senille, 1838), and Arceziryí&hynzzts eryflzropzis (Thunberg, 181j). 1. Boli- var (1876),writing on the Orthoptera of Spain and Portugal, mentioned C. italiczts (L) and C. ictericris (Serville), the fonner probably being C. mzffenwylialzzrs (Pantel) and the latter C. bavbarzis (Costa). Since the name C. ictericzis was also applied later to material of C. wattenwylianzu (Pantel), e.g. by Brunner (1882),it is difficult to interpret Bolivar’s species. Brunner, in 1882, started a trend by synonymizing ali previously recopized species and subspecies under C. italiczis (L.), his Caloptenzrs brzinlzeri Sta1 later being made type for the genus Pnracaloptelztcs 1. Bolivar. As late as 1898 1. Bolivar stili agreed with Brunner in giving C. wattevzwylialzzis vanetal status ody. Kirby (1890)clarified the correct generic synonymy, and fured C. italicus (L.) as logotype. In 1902, Jacobsen & Bianchi put the genera Sphodromerus, Calliptamzcs, and Paracaloptelztcs into a group, the Calliptamini. Caloptelzzis coelesyrielzsis (Giglio- Tos, 1893) \vas added to Calliptamzcs by them, though siczrlzrs Burmeister and wattelzwylia.nzs (Pantel) retained their varietal status. To the varieties of Caloptemis barbarzis, Vosseler added var. deserticola in 1902. Kirby’s catalogue of 1910 synonymized most of the post-Linnaean species under Callifitamzis italiczis (L.),six other species being included in the genus CalliPiamus : discoidalis Walker, marmarotzis Fischer-IValdheim, cephalofes Fischer-Waldheim, vzrlca.nizts Krauss, tarsizis Fischer-Waldheim, and sczitz’fer M’alker. Of the first four, zuclcanizis was given its correct name of C. plebeizis (Walker) in 192j, and the others synonymized under C. barbnrzis (Costa). C. tarsizrs and C. sczitifer were eventually removed from the genus. Recognition of C. bimaculatzu lirauss, 1902 (now in the genus Cdoptefiopsis)l C. abbreviatzis Ikonnikov, 1913,and C. okbaensis Kheil, 1915, started the last phase in taxonomic development, in which the numbers of species and subspecies in the genus greatly increased. Uvarov (1922)still recognized only two species. Between 1928 and 1940,however, 8 new species and 4 subspecies appeared. In 19ji, Ramme descnbed C. italiczis ilzszrlaris., C. temicercis syriaczrs, C. telzuicercis azwnlztipes, C. barbnrzis pallidipes, and C. palaestinensis erythrocnemis, Maian naming C. temi- cercis iraciis and Mishchenko C. barbarzis italztis. Also in 1951 Nishchenko described two new subspecies of Aletromerus coelesyriensis (Giglio-Tos) : ilzfricntris and hissaricus. In rgj2, C. nfg?mtzcs Ramme and C. bnrbarzispnllidipes f. salilza hlaran were described. The basis of the following revision is a comparative study of the male phallic complex. This provides good species and subspecies characters. The components of the phaliic complex can be seen in Text-figures I and 2, orientation irc sifci within the insect being demonstrated in Text-figure 2: J, p. 293. The nomenclature of the phallic comples is largely that followed by Dirsh (1956) . v A REVISIOS OF THE GESUS CALLIPTAMUS SERVILLE 29 1 (for key to abbreviations see Test-figure 1). Xot ali the phaiiic cornponentc are of taxonomic value. The epiphallus, while poscessing characterc of genenc importance, can be very variable (see Test-figure Ij: Jr, o, Q. p. 31j). So too are the cingular rami (Text-figure Ig) and anterior espansionc of the penis valves (Test-figure Ih). BIost ctability is found in penis and cingular valve morphology, to which aii other charac- ters (phaíiic or esternal) can be related. Within the genuc aedeagal types faii into two groupc : f b k FIG.I . Esploded generalizeci diagram of male genitalia in genus Calli9tun~sServille. a. arch of cingulum and median dorsal cingular valve ; b. zygoma, a transverse dorsal part of cingulum to u-hich arch of cingulum and cingular valve are joined by membrane ; C. dorsal part of ectophallic membrane ; d. epiphallus ; e. oval sclerites of epiphnllus ; f. cingular apodeme ; g. ramus of cingulum ; h. interna1 anterior espansions of penis valves, for muscle attachment ; i. ejaculatory ducts ; j and k. endophallic sacs ; 1. lateral appendices of penis valves ; m. apes of penis valve. Tlie above letter key has been used throughout the paper for al1 phallic diagrams. a92 K. D. JACO (i) Those with elongate blade-like penis valves, whose membranous lateral appen- dices curl upwards over the tongue-like cingular valve, e.g. C. ifnlicris (L.) (Test-figure 10:c and D. p. 307). The group contains the northern temperate element of the genus, best adapted to cooler, wetter, boreal conditions. Of the four species in the group, C. abbveviatzts Ikonnikov has probably evolved from C. ifaliczts (L.) under isolation in the Far East and central Asia, while C. tzirarzicrrs Tarbinsky has evolved from C. wattenuyliams (Pantel) when the two species were separated by the unfavourable semi-desert conditions which now prevail in the Bliddle East (Test-figures 6 and 7, PP. 301,302). (ii) Those in which the penis valves are blunter, often rugose and deeply pigmented, the lateral appendices of the penis valves merely abutting on the cingular valve later- ally, the appendices being thickened and frequently auricular in shape. The cingular ralve is broad and apically thickened, the posterior edge usuaiiy being straight in outline, e.g. C. bnrbnvtis (Costa) (Text-figure z j: c and F. p. 339). The group forms the southern temperate element of the genus, best adapted to warmer, drier, semi-desert or dry hlediterranean conditions. Of the nine species in the group, C. bnrbarus (Costa) has widest distnbution, and has given rice to two island species (C. madeirne Uvarov and C. plebeizis (Walker)),tvhile
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