Editor he ap e apids ress Thi» column U writton by the edi­ T M £ R T tor, end he elone is responsible for MAPLE RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, NOVEMBER 14, 19:55 Subscription $1.00 Per Year the opinions expressed. Vol. 6 No. 29 THAT MILLION-DOLLAR B. R. TYL£R PASSED jACTIVITIES IN DDR TRAFFIC SURVEY B$A PARTIES It muy look good to »ome, that is A YOUNG PIONEER AWAY NOVEMBER 10 LOl^AL SCHOOL bat ’“struments of war.” the folks who do the trick, llowevcf HALLOWE’EN NIGHT Benjamin R. Tyler was oorn from a hardheaded view point it is a Hallowe ’en parties at the two Mai ion couniy, Ohio, on July I Cur first debate is with Chesaning piece of ---------- foolishness. We will Maple Rapids churches were much en ­ 1862, and departed this life at his ’ ,•■.0,1 at Chesaning, Thursday even ­ let our readers supply the word we joyed Thursday evening, October 31. home in Lebanon township, Clinton ing, November 21. Maple Rapids de- didn ’t want to use. So far as any .\t the Methodist Episcopal church, county, Michigan, November 10, butcra will defend the negative side real good is concerned the govern ­ .<fler much merriment, there was a 1!)36, at the age of 83 years, three of the ([uestion. ment might as well send out the parade of the masked members. The months and twenty-four days. Resolved: That the several nations cheeks to the fellows who are sup­ decision of the judges was given as In 18111 he was united in holy .should make government monopolies posed to do the work, and pay them follows : matrimony to Sarah C, Walker ot of the manufacture and sale of eom- for not doing it, as the farmer is paid Children Champaln County, O., who was born The fiist home debate is December for the hogs he does not raise or the I’lettiest—.Agatha Archer. in 18(58, and who preceded him in 13th. wheat he does not harvest. Most Ridiculous —Helen Margaret death, Mrs. Tyler having died Janu October Honor Roll If Michigan need.s that million dol ­ Heist. ery 11, 1922. To this union were lars anywhere it would in our opinion Be.'-t Disguised —Harry Dean. born eight children, .six of whom are Students receiving a grade of “B” be be tter to Spend jt in a larger state Adults left to mourn their loss, one daugh in all four subjects are: Ernest police force and" actually do busines.s Pi ettiust—Nellie Blemaster. ter, PcaiT, having died September 6, Conklin, Betty Paine, Irene Hicks, now instead of waiting a year for the .Most Ridiculous —Harold Annis. 1923 and another daughter, Edith Kenneth Moore, George Somers, Iva survey. People are being killed Jiest Disguised —Mary Cole. Ellen, having died in infancy. John.son. NOW. Why wait a year to get a After u variety of Hallowe ’en .Mr. Tyler is survived by three sons. Those receiving one “A” and the survey—a picture of conditions— games and conte.sts, a pot-luck sup­ William I'yler of New Jersey, Chailes rest “B’s” are: Leo Somers, Roy when we can see it and know all er v.u.s served. Tyler of Lebanon townshiji, Clinton .Anderson, Margaret Bailey, Geral- about it NOW. ,A masquerade was also a feature I'ounl.v and Harry ’Fyler of Mapb • line I-audenbeck, Donna Barrett. if the party at the Congregutional- Rapids; three daughter.-!, Mr?. Min 'Fhose who received two “A’s” and According to a recent vote of t hristian church. First prize for the nie Kirk of Essex town. “hip, Clinton the re.it "B’s” are: Maxine Georgia, farmers regarding a continuation of .dolts was awarded to Mrs. L. K. county; Miss Gladys M. Tyler of Helen Reist, Frances Sowle, Wayne the ••Corn-Hog ” plan, it seems the re­ Dull and first pri'/.e for the children to .Middleton, and Mrs. Floience Henry pham, Barbara VenSickle, Doris sult was favorable to the proposition. liva Tyler. of Maple Rapid.s; fourteen grand 'Fait. In our opinion a vote of this kind is N'arious games and contests and an rhildren and other relatives ami Fhose who received three “A’s and not very conclusive, however. Of a.'nateiir radio iirogram furnished the friends. one “B”; Pauline Abbott, Barbara course those w ho were interested evening ’s entertainment, after which , Funeral services wore conducted by Brown. would vole yes and those not into - sandwiches doughnuts, sweet cider Rev. Charles Ostrom at the C. F. ested would not vote. It would be and coffee were served. Abbott ’Funeral Home on Wednesday Eighth Grade Newt. iluite surprising if a thousand young afternoon. November 13, at 2 o ’clock. people would vote to discontinue the CLASS PARTY AT THE Euiial was made in the Pa.vne ceme­ Helen Reist, Reporter. practice of observing Christmas, or a METHODIST CHURCH tery. thousand children should vote again.sl The S. P. I. Class of the Methodist History has been very interesting. "Santa Claus.” Uncle Sam is pla.' ■h'.irch held its monthly party at the ■M. E. CHURCH vY'e are studying abou( Abraham ing “Santa Claus” and buying th • ■huveh Friday evening. Fifteen mein- ‘will HAVE FAIR Lincoln ’s presidential term during the (iresents on the credit of the people. ■I'ls were present and two visitors, When several hundred families were sent to Alaska from the Middle West to settle the Matanuska Valley, the Red Cross sent a nurse, Madeleine de Foras, Our thoughts are now turned to the Civil War. There may he a ••kick” some da.' .oth from Fowler. Many' very in- to remain with the.m for a year to help protect their health. Among the first sponsoring of another Methodist In Arithmetic we are studying when the hills come in. .Tiestiiig games were played and en ­ friends she made were the little pioneer, Arthur Heck, 4 years old, and "Prince, ” church fair, Saturda.v, November 23. about the "Cost of Running a Meat joyed by all. .A lovely supper was the pup who went with his young master to Alaska. 1933, and it is the wish of your presi­ iVIarket.” How much the manager VISIT THE SCHOOLS ■eived by Mr. and Mrs. Ostrom and dent, chairmans and committee.s that has to pay for expenses. Mr. and .Mrs. Moore. Then the class EDUCATION WEEK. we make this the best fair ever held. We are studying the chapter on ■,enl to the auditorium of the This is Education Week and the MRS.F. G. CASTERLINE ESSEX CENTER NEWS Life is filled with problems with spelling in our English books. Some hi.rih and practiced singing for the public are supposed to be interested love and with service and in unselfish V. ords are rather difficult, others are hoir .Sunday. Kveryone left for in one of the greatest institutions in DIED TUESDAY By Mrs. Emma Roberts service to your church, you will find simple. ■.'(ine declaring they had an enjoyable .America, the public school. We Our community was greatly shock- much pleasure. .Strive to be pre.scnt Science is especially interesting. evening. I Mrs. Susan Smith of Maple Rapids wonder how many will visit the local at the church Novemlier 23rd. It is We are trying to discover every pos ­ eil Tuesday aitenmon by the sudden vi. ited her son, Herman and wife, ehools this week. .At least this mat death of -Vlr.-,. !•. (1. Uasteiliue. She by youi- presence and co-opcration sible and reasonable way of predict- Wednesday and ThursUay. ter should be given some place in .hat we may hope for its lullfillment. ng weather. .After reading the E. AID mmm had walked down town in the after­ Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Smith and our thinking. Teacher.s have spent Ft'.ere will he a fried chicken and chajiter on weather we are going to noon and seemed in usAial health. She mother were Thursday dinner gue.sts years in training just to he able to chicken-pic dinner, liakud goods correct lhe.se ways of predicting AT f^RS. C. D. CROOK’S leturned to her home a little after at Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mr. and do the job of teaching the children booth, candy booth, fancy work weather and see what ones are true .V very splendid meeting of the 2 o ’clock and about 4 o ’clock was Mrs. C. F. Roberts. of our communities. They are giving booth, fish pond, novelty booth, rug or reasonable. Methodist Episcopal Aid Society was found in a back room upon the floor Mr. and Mis. M. 1). Perrigo of of their best in time and energy tc and (HIlit booth and many attractions. 'Fhe following arc ways of predict ­ lield at the home of Mrs. C. D. tirm k lifeless. She and her husband carry on this work. .Again it is • liaple Rapid ", spent Sunday afternoon Price of dinner 35c. —Sec’v. ing weather; i,n I'hui'sday. Aovembe ' 7, vith i have been residents of Maple at tiie C F. Hobeits' home. work, not of a few weeks or months, Rapid.s for nearly forty years, When the smoke from a chimney dinner rcceipi oi Si 11.3-') at noon. .Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Smith STATE SEEKS DATA but a work that takes years to ac­ and her many friends join in extend ­ goes to the ground it is the sign of At the usual time ihc Tiiecliiig wu.- I vi.dted his sister, Mrs. Myrtle Hiner ON AUTO CRASHES complish.
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