:ert ~ix On the Inside Weather ~on ~ Burlington Stops Hawklets, 19'{) Fair and rather cold to­ ... Pago 4 by. incre;uoill. cloudi­ Student Builds Midget Autos :ie :uJd warmer unday . ... Page S al ffigh today, M: low, 35. 62 Chinese aL SUI L.:~~~~JFrldIlY's hllh, 49; low, 32. ... Page 6 E.t. 1868 - AP Leased Wite, AP Witephoto, UP Leased Wite - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa,, Saturday, November 5, }949 - Vol. 84, No, 31 Minnesota Favored to Knock Mediator Confers with Lewis; Hawks Out of 1st Place Tie By ALAN ~IOYER Calls New Operators' Meeting I D,,' ly Iowan Sports F.:dlbr liN E POLLS - Iowa's 36-man squad arrived here Friday WASHINGTON (II') - Federal is "discussed all \.he angles." I were reported urging him t.o PI'O- afteruoon by a special traill, hop (ul of makin t lillnesota football Mediator Cyrus Ching held a two­ Ching made it clear thaL neilher ceed under the TatL-Hartley law, history - by presenti ng the Gophers with third successive defeat, hour parley with John L. Lewis Lewis nor any union officials wiU as he did once before, in an at­ a trick that hasn't be 11 turned ill man ' a year. Friday and then called southerh take part in the talks with coal tempt to halt the cl'ippUng coal mine owners to meet in Washing­ operators, at least In the early walkout. A crowd of slightly more than 63,000 is exp cted to watch tbe ton 011 Monday in a drive to end stages. He indicated he would Lewis met a double-barreled • high-flying Hawk yes, Ii u with Ohio Slat for th ' Big T II lealler- tilC 47-duy-old coal strike. keep in t('uch with Lewis by tele- setback Friday III a renewed bid ship, clash with Bernie Biermau's Coal operatcrs trom other sec­ phone in case a break develops. to end the strike on a sectional * * * I tions of the countl·y will be called MeanWhile, Preslden' Truman basi .. ·· F vaunted ophers. whose early lalcl', Ching said. , ttavelJ.d back to Washln,ton Only a few hours belore Ching nt huSlashc ans sea: on Rrse Bowl special wus all E but derailed by successive losses to III the ~tecl 8trlke, prospects still f.chll' a decision wheUler made his move. Lewis widened to undertake another showdown an earlier offer to talk with Indi­ Hawkeyes Off Michigan and Purdue. for "II early !;cUlemenL remain­ See The weather forecast for thill ed uncertain. baUle with Lewlll over the eoal ana operat'rs alone. This time he stoppal'e. He made a speeeh made it a two-state proposition. afternoon is clear and cool, with Two agreements have been 's Game Thundar nlch' at St. Paul. taking in illinois. Both turned him For Today the t em~rature at a nippy 50 reached between sleel companies dellTee. It Is tbe S 0 v e nth and Philip Murra.y's CIO unlled Some of MI'. Truman's aides down cold. About 2,000 f 0 0 t b II II fans stral.ht Saturday or nlcc foot­ : tcelworkers, but U.S. steel, the I<WArmel'! Over 1"1' Rock Island d - ball wuther for the Uawks. nalian's top pI'oducer, is nol ex­ POt at 7 a.m. Friday to stage ,10 The Western conference batt! , pected to I'csume bargaining with Faculty Group to Open enthusiastic sendoff for the Hawlt­ undoubtedly the most cruciol Pig thc CIO union until next week at eyes' importont nl(ag ment with Ten con lest of the day, is tht' lhc earliest. Minnesota this afternoon. 43rd b 1\H'E'1l th two 5('hooLs :Ind Union demands, shifting (I'cm Thirty - 51'\( ployers. unlver. ily will go 0 'Iong way lrJ\vard d the to-tent pa(;kage of free pell­ SUI Television Series officials and the coaching ~taft ('Irlin~ wh" 'ill )·ppresent the Big sions and insurance recommcnded boarded the train that will tal, '[ ('\ H I tho Jlos(' Bowl. f(l(;ulty lilclIIbers socu 011 telcvisiou by President Truman's fael-find­ Fiv" 511 I will be SUllday Iowa to Its most important g.Hl' Minnesota, although lifth in the ing board, were keyed to the at 6 p .m. in the first of a series of progralIls featurilJg representa­ of the season. league standings with a two ond IeI'm:. oC Monday's ~cUlement with Livcs from this university, Prof. Orville Hitohcock, speech depart­ - Tbe excitement that ba fill­ two record, is rated from a nine Bethlehem sleel. - ed JOWIl City durin, recent to 18 point favorite, but the pep­ Bolh Lcw;s and Chinlr were ment, said Friday. weeks. a' Iowa's football te m pery Hawks, winner o[ three out sllenl on deLalls of 'heir lonl Station WOC-TV, Duvcnporl , will pres 'lIt a half- Itour pro­ has til ken on lht" luster or a of Cour conference games, arc Iil.lk behind closed doors at lhe gram, Hitchcock said, in which hc, as chainnllll, aud four other Cinderella team, bubbled "ver primed to win their [lrst game SIaUer baLel, Il& thc pep J'lLJly. Pandemonium here In the Minnesota strong­ I faculty ll1ember~ will discuss the Ching would n't comment on reigned dtU'inr the 30-mlnute hold since 1921. Lcwis' reaction to his cali for sec­ "educational impact of televi­ demons&ratlon. It was way back there - 28 tion-by-seclion conlerences with sion upon the whole nation." TailC others were on hand early the uperulol': . He said he and Lew- Reveal NSLI The program wiU originate in to rally the near-dawn ris rs. The yean Il0l0 - that Iowa last the Davenport studios. University high school German won at Minneapolis, the sa.me blind undpr th direction of BII1 year 'he Hawks went on to cap­ Appearlnl' with Hlkhcock will Luckenbill were ready to sound ture an undisputed nlg Ten Refund Plan be Dean Bruce Mahan, e"ten­ their "A's" and get the singing championship. In J939, '45 and Communist Ousted, lion divl,lon; Dean Dewey S\u­ '47 Iowa cilmo out on top in WAsuiNGTON (IP) - The low­ started, but the [ans didn't n ed I d.' I Ci' er Ule final three digits of his It, colle,e of liberal arts; .Pror. them. games p aye a. !twa .y. John McAdam, educallon de­ Refused serial number, the sooner a vet­ CheerJeaders just ~ \l g g e R ted The aU-over series, the Longe t Nine Seats parimen', IUId Prof. H. Clay ....I'&n will get his Natiollal Service slnglng "California, Here 1 Come", ot any loop foe for the Hawks, Lilc Insurance special reCund. nanbbat,er, speech depart. and "On Iowa", and they were stands at 31 victories and 11 de- on 00- op 'Board The order in which checks wiU ment. drowned out in sonl! teats, in lavor at Minnesota . be mailed, beginning In January, "The Ilrst 10 minutes will be EntbusillSU", student from Also at stal< in tit cont st th:'lt CLEVELAND (lp ) - The CIO was announced Friday by the used to estabJish whether televi­ the north - east Dart of town Is scheduled to begin at I :30 is Friday ousted one admitted Com­ veterans administration. sion is really $lgnlficant yet as formed an Impromptu parade FLoyd of Rosedale, II 21 by 16- muni<t from its executive hoarrl tInder the procedure, veterans a medium of communication," IlS they marr:hed to tbe depot. inch bronze pig that since 1935 and refused to seat on the board wUh 000, ooi. 00%, 003, 00., 005, Hitchcock said. Earthquake Causes ResldeDts /)f fraterl1lUe ,80rorl- has gone to the winner of the nine other union Leaders whose U.S.i (lamps More (ontrols "eligibility" was questioned. 006. "7, 008 and 009 will be The group will look at televi­ ties and CtU'rier hall Joined thc Iowa-Minnesota gam. lTowl.n~ para.de as It pa ed About 2,000 persons saw ihe Pres. Philip Murray and other In tbe lint ~oup mailed ehecks. sion's growth over the past six San Diego Workers U:~1; ;lctm~. Iowa ka., off at 7:10 Frl19-v right wing officers all were re­ In the second group are veter­ months, he said, and consider the Noisy Cans surrounded the rail- morning from the Rock b lllnd elected by acclamation as the ans whose serial numbers end Increase oC purchasers and the On Strategic Goods Exports road car where the Hawks were. railroad depot In Iowa City and CIO convention closed. with 010 through 019. Next comes fact that more advertisers are To Rush to S1reets seated and demanded to see the 6,000 Iowans are expected to be The right of the nine left wing those with serial numbers ending moving into tltls area. WASHINGTON (AP) - The govcrnlllcllt Friday clamped SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 111'1 - An team captains. They kept up their on hand for 'be .ame 'his af­ unionists to serve under a newlY 020 through 029. The group will then look into 011 cries till Co-Captains Bob Long- tunOOR. enacted constitutional amendment This procedure I:ontinl.les until television as a teaching device, new controls strat 'gie U.S. goods to keep them 'from slipping ilj­ earth(juake rocked much oC south­ ley, Don Winslow, and Bob Mc- Both teams are ill ncar perfect " barring Communists from the ex­ the final group - 990 through Hitchcock said, and its possibili­ to Ru' 'ia via ommullist hilla - or by practicall y allY other rout.
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