■ r' .v; V ••U' ■ NBT PREsS BUN AVERAGE DAl^t GIRCt^TION Feseeut hv V. S.. Weatfe** OF THE Ev e n in g h e r a u d Mrir Haveil ■ " for the month of March, 1927 Bain and warmw follow- 4,996 ed by Glepri^g -l^ednesday. VOL. XLL, NO. 158. daMifled Adrertitflng on Page 10. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY. APRIL 5, 1927. (TWELVE PAGfiS) PRldB THREE CENTS TREAT ESKIMO W hen 35,000 Staged African'Diamond Rush, BOARD A C #IS THROUGH RADIO Corvo-S . Doctor in Fairbanks Tells RESIGNATION OF Nurse at Seward What to Do SBOWSREALTOR for Patient. SO FAB IN CHICAGO ' Seward, Alaska, April 5.— SAMIMSON Heavy storms and low temper­ M E D j m W F ature over the Bering Sea forc­ ed Joe Crosson, pilot with the Wilkins Arctic expedition, to Selectmen Take Only Way give up his attempt to carry Estate of Lo^JM an Who David Seplllu, wealthy Eski­ mo, reported dying on Isolated Two Bombs Exploded as Left to Settle Assessors St. Lawrence Island, to a Was D e^ ed Broke at BUDGET IS PASSED Nome hospital by plane, it was Trouble— Ahem to lay reported here today. Sepillu Death Is Sued B ; 14 Fer Polls Open— 5,000 was being treated today by ra­ BY STATED SOLONS dio Instructions given by a Sidewalks Again. doctor in Fairbanks to a nurse 600 Detectives and Two at the patient’s bedside. Storm conditions will prob­ ably cause postponement of the Bin Carries 33 Million Ap- Compam'es of MiGtta on The Board of Selectmen in a Wilkins Polar dash, it was be­ That the late W. L. Buckland special meeting last night voted to lieved. had an estate equity valued at more G n a r d— Exceptioim^ accept the resignation of Samuel than $50,000 at the time of his sui­ propriation; Sunday Hoc­ Nelson, Jr., as a member of the cide in Florida last Spring is dis­ Heavy Vote Recorded. Board of Assessors. The resigna­ SEEK DAMAGES IN closed In the suit' being brought key Games Favored. tion will take effect immediately. against his estate by 14 ppople^ to Mr. Nelson was elected to the board recover $32,000 Vhich they claim DEATH OF LUCAS Weepah'may have its gold rush-^-dowh In the African Transvaal they’re rushing for diamonds. Above Hartford, Cohn., April „ 5.— A Chicago, April 5— One hoodlam last fall for a three-year term. The are two remarkable photographs of a diamond rush March 4 at the Grasfontein farm in the Llchtenburg to have invested with him in his I'ldrida projects. Yhe action is be*-, budget appropriation bill of 33,- was believed wounded, a plate glass Selectmen will not appoint a mem­ district of the Transvaal in which 35,900 men participated. The upper picture was taken soon after the window was riddled with bullets- flag fell, starting the great throng of Boers off on a two-mile dash for supposed treasure fields. Below ing bronght by William S.. Hyde 625i602 was passed without debate ber to fill the unexplred term but are some of the sight-seers who gathered for the event. of this town in- behalf of the 14 by the Senate here today after an and women voters and eleotloa will ask the town to elect another Fanuly Enters Claim Against plaintiffs and property of the Buck- explanation by Senator Edward -^^orkers were terrorized today when member next fall. land estate, how administered by the Hartford Connectient Trust Hail, of New Britain, chairman of gangsters attacked a polling, place The acceptance of Mr. Nelson’s State; Asserts III Treat­ company, has'beeh atth^hed.'- the appropriations committee.* Ap­ during the mayoralty election to­ resignation is somewhat unexpect­ The original iiivehtpry - of the propriations In the budget will day. ed. It does, however, bring to a Japan Sends Reinforcements Buckland estate totaled $80,3'43.05 head a troublesome condition which ment Was Fatal. care for the expenses of the state Police stationed a t ' the polling — <*> <$> but a blanket mortgage 'bh the for the fiscal period beginning July has existed-in the Board of Asses­ property of $30,00.0 brought this place returned tke fire. It was the sors since the election of John Jen­ down to the figure at which It' is 1, 1027. The Action today was first .sefiouB outburst of violence sen to the board a year, ago last Fear More Trouble at Han­ now inventoried. It was the gen­ "the first on this particular matter fall. The Selectmen, although Allegations that Matthew Xiucas PLAN TO EVACUATE U.S.WINSnGHT by the Legislature. alter the voting began. suffered a fractured jaw, five frac­ eral impression in Manchester when aware of the lack of harmony .the Buckland cuicida occurred, that . The House today received a fav­ Police bn Guard. among the three assessors, tried tured ribs and numerous cuts and kow From Mob^Eleven he was insolvent and heavily in orable report oh a bill which would Five thousand policemen stood their best to ii’on out the difficul­ bruises were made yesterday, in a AMERICAN CITIZENS debt. allo.w professional hockey playing guard at the city’’s 2,384 precinct ON CHINA POUCY after two p. m. on Sundays, und­ ties. formal claim filed with the. attor­ The Buckland project, the devel­ polling places, while 600 detectives Japanese Warships Now er local option In the various patrolled the streets in riot cars, Best They Could Do ney-general in Hartford against the opment of a tract of land known towns. At a special, meeting with the as the Simmons property in BrSden- armed with revolvers, machine guns- three assessors last month the state by John Lucas, father of the “ Emineilt Domain” and bombs. Govermnent Prepared to Re­ In the Port. town, Fla., was to have called for A hill which .would give the trouble seemed to have, been over­ youth who died sever^.1 weeks ago Tkree Nations to Send Firm the payment of a purchasd price State authorities were in readi­ at the Connecticut Stafe hospital in right , of eminent domain to the come, but when asked to bring In of $325,000. The investors, who Connecticut Power company whose ness at two Chicago armories to their own recommendations as to a Middletown., I t . is further alleged move All Nationals Now r.re suing for the return of their throw troops into action in the Shanghai, April 5.— Japan today Notes to Cantonese Pro­ directorate interlocks with thdt of solution last night, the assessors that young Lucas, who was twenty money, allege that Buckland want­ the Hartford Elesttic Light com­ event of trouble. had nothing to offer. The Select­ years old, died as the result of is sending naval reinforcements to ed to raise $60,000 which he would pany, was reported .favorably into Bombs Explode. men decided, therefore, to take the In Northern China. take up In semi-annual payments ■‘Tack of proper care and medical Hankow, present seat of the Can­ testing Killings. the Senate by the incorporations One alderman in hiding, two 'of best action they could under the attention”, and that death was di­ secured by a mortgage. committee. In addition to the circumstances and accepted the tonese government, where further . Say I*nrchase Failed. his workers chased off the streets, rectly caused by “ the acta and neg­ rights the company now has und­ and the wreckage of two bomb ex­ resignation of Mi. Nelson which lect of employees of said institu­ Washington, April 5.— The mob violence is feared following the They say that Buckland told Washington. April 5.— The er its charter the company is em­ plosions strewing the sidewalks was offered a little over a month, tion.” fighting in the Japanese concession. them he was in a position to get powered to take land, real es­ American government is prepared American government has won its were highlights, of the early hallot- ago. The affair of the Lucas boy be­ Practically all of the Japanese clear title to the Simmons property tate, and privileges. When a per­ The Selectmen feel that there to evacuate all Americans from fight for the adoption of a “ firm but and that the only loss they wopld iiig. gan with a quarrel between Mat­ residents of Hankow are reported to son or persons to whom damage, has • been no co-operation among thew and his sister Jennie in their North China, as well as from the moderate” policy by the powers risk lay in Ihe yossibUUy thatUhe may rise ahaH; not’ agree with the ^he exceptionally heavy . -early have taken refuge on ships lying off vote was declared by both 'William the three members of the board. Jt home on Homestead street in Home­ Yankste valley and Interior points, dealing with the Cantonese Nation­ land sold at a loss after its dev'el- company In the ffihtter of reim­ is composed of SJ Emil Johnson, stead Park.. Police were called and it was stated at the White House the city. nient. They affirm that Buckland bursement, the. company may apply E. DeVer, Democratic Incumbent, chairman^ Samuef Nelson, Jr., and Lucas was found to be mentally un­ alists in the Nanking outrages, failed J make the rhyinehts on, thd a'rid 'William Hale Thompson * Re­ today following the cabinet meet­ When the reinforcements arrive .0 ,t6>.the .Superior'Court for the ap- John Jeilsen. There have been pet­ balanced, He was committed to the there will be eleven Japanese war- Idegtfc notes are being drafted property after they bad invested 'pDintinent- of - three disinterested publican, to bear out their claims ty jealousies among the members, Middletown Institution for an in­ ing.
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