Countryside and Town: Population in Iowa’s Counties Within and Outside of Incorporated Places, 1990 - 2010 May, 2011 Sandra Charvat Burke At each decennial census, population information is had at least 40 percent of the population living outside of reported for incorporated places1 as well as for the any town. Davis, Iowa, and Van Buren Counties had more unincorporated2 area of each county. In 2010, 79.0 percent than half their residents living in open country areas in 2010. of Iowans (2,405,529) lived within incorporated places, with For many counties, the two decades between 1990 and the other 21.0 percent (640,826) residing outside the 2010 were periods of population loss. Although Iowa’s boundaries of any incorporated town or city (Table 1). The overall population increased by 120,031 (4.1%) between figures for the incorporated place population in 2010 2000 and 2010, 66 counties experienced population decline. represented an increase in both number and percent of the Some counties had fared somewhat better between 1990 and population from 2000 (2,265,364; 77.4%) which in turn 2000, still, during that decade, 45 counties registered losses were gains from 1990 (2,125,922; 76.6%) (Figure 1). even though the state grew 5.4 percent (Table 2). There The population living in the countryside in Iowa, were varying patterns among the counties during these outside of towns and cities, declined between 2000 and 2010 decades in how losses or gains were distributed between the by more than 20,000 residents. This loss was a reversal of incorporated communities and the unincorporated areas. In the gains made the previous decade when the population in some counties, population was lost from both the unincorporated locations increased by 10,000 (Table 2, unincorporated countryside and from incorporated town Figure 1). In 2000, residents in countryside locations in locations. Other counties registered gains in both types of Iowa numbered 660,960 and were 22.6 percent of the locations while still others recorded gain in one type but loss population. In 1990, those in unincorporated areas made up in the other (Table 2). Although there were county-to- 23.4 percent (650,909) of the state’s residents. county variations, unincorporated areas declined in 75 There are clear and significant differences across the counties between 2000 and 2010 and declined in 56 counties counties in the proportion of residents living within or between 1990 and 2000. Incorporated town locations lost outside of incorporated places. For six counties in 2010, 90 population in 62 counties between 2000 and 2010 and in 29 percent or more of the residents lived within an incorporated counties during the earlier decade. community. These six counties (Black Hawk, Linn, Polk, Even though unincorporated areas are less densely Scott, Story, Woodbury) contain Iowa’s largest cities and, settled than towns and communities, as a broad generality, although they each have large numbers of residents in for many counties the losses experienced in their unincorporated areas, the cities are large and proportionally unincorporated areas were larger than the losses from their dwarf the number of country residents (Table 1, Figure 2). towns. Fifty-four counties had losses in their unincorporated In contrast to these highly metropolitan counties, there are areas during both decades, 22 counties experienced gains in others that continue to have a large proportion of residents unincorporated population both decades, and the other 23 living in unincorporated locations. Twenty-three counties had gain one period and loss in the other (Table 2, Figure 3). Figure 1. Population W ithin and Outside of Incorporated Places, Iowa, 1990 - 2010 Many counties fared better with their populations within Thousands 3500 incorporated towns and cities. Although 24 counties Total W ithin Incorporated Places Outside Incorporated Places recorded losses both decades in their populations within 3000 incorporated places, 32 experienced gains both decades in this group and 43 counties had one decade of growth and the 2500 other of loss (Table 2, Figure 4). For the counties that 2000 experienced one decade of growth and another of loss, the growth almost always came during the 1990 to 2000 period 1500 followed by a reversal into loss between 2000 and 2010. 1000 In the entire 20 years between 1990 and 2010 the state’s incorporated cities and towns gained nearly 280,000 500 residents while the unincorporated areas lost over 10,000 people (Table 3). Twenty-five counties (continued page 3) 0 1990 2000 2010 Table 1. Population Within and Outside of Incorporated Places in Iowa’s Counties, 1990 - 2010. Population Within Incorporated Places Population Outside Incorporated Places Total Population Number % of Total Number % of Total County 2010 2000 1990 2010 2000 1990 2010 2000 1990 2010 2000 1990 2010 2000 1990 Adair 7682 8243 8409 4715 4840 4745 61.4 58.7 56.4 2967 3403 3664 38.6 41.3 43.6 Adams 4029 4482 4866 2040 2209 2306 50.6 49.3 47.4 1989 2273 2560 49.4 50.7 52.6 Allamakee 14330 14675 13855 7837 8205 7449 54.7 55.9 53.8 6493 6470 6406 45.3 44.1 46.2 Appanoose 12887 13721 13743 8138 8942 8847 63.1 65.2 64.4 4749 4779 4896 36.9 34.8 35.6 Audubon 6119 6830 7334 3529 3761 3999 57.7 55.1 54.5 2590 3069 3335 42.3 44.9 45.5 Benton 26076 25308 22429 17016 16268 14160 65.3 64.3 63.1 9060 9040 8269 34.7 35.7 36.9 Black Hawk 131090 128012 123798 120697 117023 112902 92.1 91.4 91.2 10393 10989 10896 7.9 8.6 8.8 Boone 26306 26224 25186 17949 17928 17490 68.2 68.4 69.4 8357 8296 7696 31.8 31.6 30.6 Bremer 24276 23325 22813 17203 16136 15510 70.9 69.2 68.0 7073 7189 7303 29.1 30.8 32.0 Buchanan 20958 21093 20844 12751 12778 12373 60.8 60.6 59.4 8207 8315 8471 39.2 39.4 40.6 Buena Vista 20260 20411 19965 16104 15573 14646 79.5 76.3 73.4 4156 4838 5319 20.5 23.7 26.6 Butler 14867 15305 15731 9279 9413 9420 62.4 61.5 59.9 5588 5892 6311 37.6 38.5 40.1 Calhoun 9670 11115 11508 6870 7949 7757 71.0 71.5 67.4 2800 3166 3751 29.0 28.5 32.6 Carroll 20816 21421 21423 16361 16424 15770 78.6 76.7 73.6 4455 4997 5653 21.4 23.3 26.4 Cass 13956 14684 15128 10406 10776 10958 74.6 73.4 72.4 3550 3908 4170 25.4 26.6 27.6 Cedar 18499 18187 17444 11188 10912 10228 60.5 60.0 58.6 7311 7275 7216 39.5 40.0 41.4 Cerro Gordo 44151 46447 46733 39050 40519 40449 88.4 87.2 86.6 5101 5928 6284 11.6 12.8 13.4 Cherokee 12072 13035 14098 8504 8803 9492 70.4 67.5 67.3 3568 4232 4606 29.6 32.5 32.7 Chickasaw 12439 13095 13295 7363 7532 7395 59.2 57.5 55.6 5076 5563 5900 40.8 42.5 44.4 Clarke 9286 9133 8287 5887 5669 5135 63.4 62.1 62.0 3399 3464 3152 36.6 37.9 38.0 Clay 16667 17372 17585 13367 13618 13433 80.2 78.4 76.4 3300 3754 4152 19.8 21.6 23.6 Clayton 18129 18678 19054 9836 10364 10446 54.3 55.5 54.8 8293 8314 8608 45.7 44.5 45.2 Clinton 49116 50149 51040 40787 41162 42131 83.0 82.1 82.5 8329 8987 8909 17.0 17.9 17.5 Crawford 17096 16942 16775 12582 11771 10999 73.6 69.5 65.6 4514 5171 5776 26.4 30.5 34.4 Dallas 66135 40750 29755 55826 30452 20034 84.4 74.7 67.3 10309 10298 9721 15.6 25.3 32.7 Davis 8753 8541 8312 3222 3188 3186 36.8 37.3 38.3 5531 5353 5126 63.2 62.7 61.7 Decatur 8457 8689 8338 5568 5802 5692 65.8 66.8 68.3 2889 2887 2646 34.2 33.2 31.7 Delaware 17764 18404 18035 9323 9583 9277 52.5 52.1 51.4 8441 8821 8758 47.5 47.9 48.6 Des Moines 40325 42351 42614 31443 33093 33240 78.0 78.1 78.0 8882 9258 9374 22.0 21.9 22.0 Dickinson 16667 16424 14909 12511 11763 10584 75.1 71.6 71.0 4156 4661 4325 24.9 28.4 29.0 Dubuque 93653 89143 86403 74635 71501 69959 79.7 80.2 81.0 19018 17642 16444 20.3 19.8 19.0 Emmet 10302 11027 11569 8065 8464 8666 78.3 76.8 74.9 2237 2563 2903 21.7 23.2 25.1 Fayette 20880 22008 21843 14215 14680 14245 68.1 66.7 65.2 6665 7328 7598 31.9 33.3 34.8 Floyd 16303 16900 17058 11029 11445 11489 67.7 67.7 67.4 5274 5455 5569 32.3 32.3 32.6 Franklin 10680 10704 11364 7056 6611 6657 66.1 61.8 58.6 3624 4093 4707 33.9 38.2 41.4 Fremont 7441 8010 8226 4539 4797 4803 61.0 59.9 58.4 2902 3213 3423 39.0 40.1 41.6 Greene 9336 10366 10045 6713 7285 6715 71.9 70.3 66.8 2623 3081 3330 28.1 29.7 33.2 Grundy 12453 12369 12029 8185 7836 7332 65.7 63.4 61.0 4268 4533 4697 34.3 36.6 39.0 Guthrie 10954 11353 10935 5674 6212 5819 51.8 54.7 53.2 5280 5141 5116 48.2 45.3 46.8 Hamilton 15673 16438 16071 11882 12193 11578 75.8 74.2 72.0 3791 4245 4493 24.2 25.8 28.0 Hancock 11341 12100 12638 7623 7707 7834 67.2 63.7 62.0 3718 4393 4804 32.8 36.3 38.0 Hardin 17534 18812 19094 12931 13680 13660 73.7 72.7 71.5 4603 5132 5434 26.3 27.3 28.5 Harrison 14928 15666 14730 8481 9062 8721 56.8 57.8 59.2 6447 6604 6009 43.2 42.2 40.8 Henry 20145 20336 19226 13823 14094 12998 68.6 69.3 67.6 6322 6242 6228 31.4 30.7 32.4 Howard 9566 9932 9809 5626 5761 5557 58.8 58.0 56.7 3940 4171 4252 41.2 42.0 43.3 Humboldt 9815 10381 10756 7301 7329 7536 74.4 70.6 70.1 2514 3052 3220 25.6 29.4 29.9 Ida 7089 7837 8365 4891 5176 5294 69.0 66.0 63.3 2198 2661 3071 31.0 34.0 36.7 Iowa 16355 15671 14630 8041 7650 6923 49.2 48.8 47.3 8314 8021 7707 50.8 51.2 52.7 Jackson 19848 20296 19950 11705 12018 11836 59.0 59.2 59.3 8143 8278 8114 41.0 40.8 40.7 Jasper 36842 37213 34795 24622 24826 24040 66.8 66.7 69.1 12220 12387 10755 33.2 33.3 30.9 Jefferson 16843 16181 16310 11106 10965 11350 65.9 67.8 69.6 5737 5216 4960 34.1 32.2 30.4 Johnson 130882 111006 96119 109539 89533 78732 83.7 80.7 81.9 21343 21473 17387 16.3 19.3 18.1 Jones 20638 20221 19444 12108 12084 11664 58.7 59.8 60.0 8530 8137 7780 41.3 40.2 40.0 Keokuk 10511 11400 11624 6637 7179 7053 63.1 63.0 60.7 3874 4221 4571 36.9 37.0
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