, ,,. 1;" Ration Calendar Colder - CO"EI •• un :14 ....Ir.. April "; D, I a~d F blue .,alDp' upl,. A"II ., IOWA: Colder \aday; fresh to A aD' II ' •• 016 ... ,. t.",. .. ,,,, ., GAS """ eoa,.as G .Jrplre .., 111 troll&' winds tbroughout IUGAa ... ,on ,12 ox",e. lila, II, the state, IBOIS ••• p.. 17 ..,1... J... Ill. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper • FIVE CENTS TBIII: ASSOCIATED .a1ll:88 IOWA CITY. IOWA FRIDAY. APRIL 16. 1943 rBB AS80ClA~ID ".ss VOLUME XLID NUMBER 172 Ir t -. Is • I • ,'I) IQ a · ers· DO III 00 n­ of ld TICKLISH JOB NO. 11 CLEARING ENEMY MINE FIELDS Furore Over Pacific lSe on OWl Gives General Prospecl u.s. B,)lribers.. Roaring Eires lid Confinue~asSfimson 'e- n- To Americans ' on Home Fronl Hit Jap ,Base Pledges More Plan~s Envelop Vilal lie Damage 3 Convoy MacArthur Assured WASHINGTOl\' (AI') - 'rho oniet) of WUl' iliforUlution Jast Arms·(enler m Jlight said American ciyilians tbis yeu,' face yurious shortage~ - Vessels Approaching Of Enough Aircraft oz either occasionally !lOV OI'O 0 1' conLi n lIUUS - ill U "serious food New Guinea Harbor To 'Counter' Enemy IIY situulion. " .,. he British Lose 23 Planes le, , Tho OWl ·1I.i<llhis is the gellOl'ul prospcct - govel'lleu by many ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN WASHINGTON (AP) - Planes In 400-Mile Journey leo fucto1'8 not completely predictable- fol' t he yeaI' 011 tire nome AUSTRALIA Friday (AP)-A en 0 ugh to "counter" Japan's Id­ front: . ' stepp~up air attack in the To Blast Motor Plants he , More food produccd Lhan in l'eeonl-bl'cokiJ1g 1942 but less of it strQng Japanese attempt to sUQply southwest Pacillc will be forth- ,e­ for civiliull consumption, and man their bases at Wewak, on coming, Secretary of War Stimson LO 'DON (AP )-GcI'mariy's ie­ 'rhis is the pialure : thc north coast of New Guinea, assured his weekly press confer- war industries werc dealt au­ e­ "Consen 'ati\'cly and l'oughly esti mated, anu assuming average now is under attack by General ence yesterday. other 'shatlCl'Ulg blow )Yednes· he weather, ci\'iliuns ,vi II have about 3 pel'cent morc foo(l thllll iu the Douglas Macm1hul."s bombers. "We will keep our American dllY night whell Britain's bQlhb· and Australian Wcrs supplied with Ihe pre·war years but about 6 percent less tbon in 1942. eni ll!!\de !l "very hea\'y'.' a,t· e- Today's communique disclosed sulCicient plancs not only to re- "'I'hcl'e will be little fancy food but there will b(J enough of tuck 011 StllHgal't, lellving tre­ ~re that an enemy convoy at six Iner- place our losses but to build up his it i/, it is f~il'ly shlll'cd u nd con· T chant vessels and thl'ec warships OUt' aircraft to counter the, Increas­ mendol1s .fires l'oll).'illg flnq dell , e rst was sighted approaching' Wewak ing eJ1emy air strength," l'\e said. smoKQ billo,\ling 14,000 ,feet SC~~~';':PO I't , months in prepaI'· AfL Faction 01 WLB ana were. immcdlately bombed, "The needs of the southwest Pi!­ a\,lovc one of the nemy's, ffiost alioll, asserted its purpose was thl'ec of the mcrchantmen' beIng clIic are being kept conll,tantly in v i tal aJ'I ~lam ent an c1. en gin eerin8' neitber to "alarm nor reas· mind and there will be a con- centers. sure." It added: Opposes Anti-Inflation hit heavily. stanUy increasing Dow of military Twcnty-three of tliO ' planes Varies Periodically I An ~,()OO-lon ship was obseL:ved supplies, particularly aircraft. to that rom'cd 400 mil~ .8Cll·O ho, · si nking at the stern, anuther ,ll;ted that theater." "The tood situation is not en­ Order by· President tile territory 10 bla t 'tllttgatt'. rapidly, leaving. an oil slick and' a Direct Answer plane, tank and submarine motol' Urely predictable, Requirements I The war secretary spoke in di- 5,000-ton ship was forced ashore rect answer to ihe rising clamor p~ants .were lost to anti-air;,cr~( t vary from time to time. Supplies Vote Hold-the-Line fire and Nazi night fighters. Ten 01 any given place at any ,;:iven and. Qeached. :tram Australian public officials of the miSSing pianes weL'e from Move as Violating Northwest at l\'loresby and othel's for more llelp to 'beat CanaGilan squa'drons, which took time depend on varyjng factors. Wewak is some ,450 miles norlh- off the Japanese attac;ks and re­ Production depends ' on weather an important part in the rajd, At No-Strike Agreement west ,of the allied base of Port tain the hard-won allied air ini­ least. three Gerr;nan night Ilgh,tcrs I nnd other fluctuating influences. VANGEROUS A~$IGNMEN,TS are, of course, part of Army routine, but lew call for more cold courare Moresby. Indications haye accumu- tiaUve in the Australian-Solomons L were shot dO"fn. The result is constant change. WASHINGTON (AP) _ A F L ~han that 01 the sappers wlto must locate and remove the thousands of mines strewn by the enemy. lated recerltly that the Japanese, thealer, General MacArthur lent An air ministry com munique "American civilians, therefore, members of the war labor board Vslnlf electric mine locators, ~hese American soldiers are clearing the way for their armored forces after losing heavily in attempts to powerful support to the plea in his "ed h t th i nel'r Gafsa, wben the ax_Is was retreailn, from central Tunisia. supply their Huon gulf bases of recent statement Ularriing' of flle said tlla.t ,the ' attack , was "v.el·Y ) must expect inconveniences trom yester d ay aSSeI, t a e pres - Lae and Sl\lamai.la directly by ship, " heavy" .and thllt the target was. time to timc and understanding o[ dent's hold-the-line ex e cut i veil ' ,- have tumed to Wewak, unloading gravity of the sit~ation, and his "clearly Identified." indic'ati'n~ the raid wa's made in clear w.eUth~ Ihi. iact I. Illost important in com­ order is II "flagrant violation" of ~ 9 , t .. \t I 'hi ' lhp suppli<;s there ' 'for ovel'land blgh ranking bfIicel'S, . Austra1i<ln A · - It the no-st.rike lIgreemeDi and they 11. 1 r I trupsporlllliOIl by way of Ma, dang. and American, have followed up, er. waS tbe CU'st attac\( on the - prehcndlng thc rood situation." ,-es ' .p> rre WO · a ua _e believe it Is "neltheL' ~'Ound in con- \.I. • :.... \ "An enemy convoy of six mer- President Manuel L. Quezon, city pi ~lO,OOO since the "ight of Elmer DiVis, OWl director. struction nor WOrkable in practice," ~. • chant vessels and three warships refugee chief executive of the March 11. told a press conference Wednes­ They issued their statements in f) '.,. , A ll ~ x' :'·5 -L·· Iwas sighted by our reconnaissance Philippines, added his voice to the CrewS told of great explo~ions food long dar the report had becn and fires caused by two-ton held UP since JanuarY'. He ex­ rhes~::a~f ~n~~~~:~~~gAt~~;~~~c~~ " r.·OS I '0n 5 M'n e s ~~~~o~~~u~;~~k." said today's ~~~~C;;!~t:~:r~:i~:YS!~I:U~o~~: "block-buster" bombs and incen­ lIIalne4," There were'dlfferences company in which the board unani- • .'..... • "Our heavy bombe Immi!di- cern over rcported Japanese air diaries. between two government (acri­ mously trimmed a recommendcd I ately moved to th~ aUack and at concentrations "neal' Australia." callure department) agencle'i I • • • wage increase, refusing to a110w I dusk struck in the approaches to Must Halt Enemy 'l'hc airmen generally agreed over what were the facts." Hand'to Hand Ba'Hie dW k R · SI '600' any pay raise for the correction of - . -. , ,II re or ers I usslans ay . the harboi·. "Japan must not be allowed to 'thai anti-aircraft lire was In- Recently, he said, he bad held it ineq,ualitles on grounds that the Nt 600 P "In a series of mast--hei,ht at- make further gains," he said. "She tense , and many reportod 011- uv so additional facts could be executive order proltibited it. eS nsoners ' (I. FI hi I N~~I'S, ~urn .13 Tanks tacks, threc 'of ihe vessels were must not be granted time to devote coullters with night rhl'hters inserted. In explanation of their votes, heavily hit. aU her energies to consolidating that were up In force to try the AFL members said that the Continue Attack and mastering the immense natu- As originally written in Janu­ IINk A executive order gave them no other Rain- High ~xp Iosives on Inue Ig n o·vorossls rea "An 8.000-ton cargo ship was l'a 1 resources now aval'I a b Ie to her mto. elltprotect plants. Stuttgart's bl&' anna- ary, the report was part of a choice but that it did not mean. observed l'apldly listing with a -resources greater even than Iharp controversy within the OWl they agrecd with the executive On Tunisian-Sicilian A · I FI d heavy oil slick on the water; an- tllose available to Hitler." • • • itself, according to staff members order. "To the conirary," they Network of Airfields gains 00 LONDON, Friday (AP)-Rus- otheL' 8,000-ton vessel was seen to Stimson made no dlrcct refer- Fighter planes of thc American said, "the labor members believe sian troops killed 600 Celmuns and be slowly sinking by lhe stern and ence to the MacArthur warning.
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