Mayor Proclaims Thomas McKay Day > See Article on page 7 October 2012 After the Fire www.newedinburgh.ca Passion at its fiery best at Lumière 2012. Photo: Andrew Alexander On Beechwood, No News is Bad News New Bridge Won’t Solve By Jane Heintzman solid hoarding placed along After the structure was erect- What began as a tragedy in Beechwood in the course of the ed, it wasn’t long before the frus- Ottawa’s Traffic Woes March 2011 became, as the summer, which serves at least tration of some local residents months rolled by without vis- to mask the scarred landscape boiled over, and a large banner A coalition of communities (including Manor Park ible signs of progress, a grow- that weighed so heavily on our was emblazoned on the hoard- Community Association, Rockcliffe Park Residents ing inconvenience, and finally spirits for over a year, as well ing with the message: OUR Association and New Edinburgh Community Alliance), an outrage as both residents and as to provide a more effective COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU demanding a smarter solution to the National Capital businesses in New Edinburgh barrier to entry on to the site, TO BUILD SOMETHING- and the surrounding communi- which had become a hazardous NOW!! Needless to say, the Region’s traffic problems engaged Freilich and Popowitz ties approach the end of their magnet for adventurous young property owner had the banner to objectively review and critique the Interprovincial collective rope in the face of folks and even thieves attracted removed in short order, and Crossings Study. the changeless, derelict site of by loose bits of copper pipe and the once commercial heart of other marketable materials. Continued on page 5 >The full review and critique is provided on page 22. this area. Many of us still find it breathtaking and deeply dis- turbing that the decisions and actions of a property owner can have such a profound impact on the life of a whole community, but that’s the brute reality of urban life. Jean Barton’s powerful mes- sage in her announcement of the imminent closure of Books on Beechwood (see page 3), a cherished institution in our com- munity for nearly two decades, underscores the desperate need for changes in the structure of tax and other regulatory incen- tives to promote constructive commercial development in core urban areas. Discouraging the kind of open-ended dete- rioration of empty, derelict properties that has bedeviled the commercial core of our own community for decades should be a priority. The loss of Books on Beechwood is a body blow to this neighbourhood. There are grounds for real con- cern that before the logjam on Beechwood is broken and a redevelopment launched, we may lose yet more of our few surviving businesses as they, like Books on Beechwood, are squeezed out by the ongoing drop in regular clientele. Photo: Louise Imbeault Perhaps we should be grate- Beechwood Village Alliance’s inaugural event—Art in the ful for the small mercy of the Parking Lot—was a big hit. >See article on page 29. Page 2 NEW EDINBURGH NEWS October 2012 The Ottawa Built Heritage tunate to have such dedicated Advisory Committee has been people caring about the com- disbanded and will be replaced munity. It is ours to make of NECA President by the Sub-Committee on what we will. NECA is happy Built Heritage. The majority to be involved in helping with on this sub-committee of the the heritage and museum Joan Mason Planning Committee will be aspects. Councillors who are known as Please join New Edinburgh ‘Heritage Advocates.’ This is a residents Katherine Arkay Reports bold statement and NECA real- and Janet Uren as they team ly hopes it turns out to be true. up with Heritage Ottawa on Our Councillor Peter Clark has October 7, 2 pm at 62 John The Landscape Happy Birthday Thomas We hope to see you all at volunteered to sit on the sub- Street, the Fraser Schoolhouse, Mackay the NECA AGM, October 17, As a mature community, with committee. If anyone wishes to take you on a guided tour NECA offers belated birthday 7 pm at St. Bartholomew’s the extra responsibility for to sit on the new committees of New Edinburgh’s industrial wishes to Thomas Mackay Church Hall, 125 Mackay a HCD, NECA has taken a please see www.ottawa.ca/en/ past. Get to know your com- on the occasion of his 220th. Street. We will report to you lead in advising City stud- city_hall/volunteerservices/ munity’s roots! For informa- Thank you to the City of on our progress to date, and ies into development issues. volunteer_ottawa/. tion call 613-230-8841 or visit Ottawa for recognizing the what’s ahead in these changing One example is the new www.heritageottawa.org. founder of New Edinburgh’s and challenging times. If you Infill Guidelines that define New Things NECA is investigating the remarkable achievements by are not a member of NECA, what is and is not appropriate The New Edinburgh HCD is closure of the southern curve proclaiming September 1st please come and sign up. We infill. This helps to prevent the only one without signifi- of Stanley Avenue from River Thomas Mackay Day. Thank need your consideration on the massive, intrusive struc- cant street signs as it is the Lane to the apartment drive- you to the Ottawa Citizen and votes concerning the NECA tures that have invaded us in signage which helps to add way. This would return the area the EMC for covering the story Bylaws and to elect members recent years. NECA’s Heritage character and define the dis- to parkland, eliminate the dan- so well. to the Board. For those who and Development Committee trict. Councillor Peter Clark, gerous curve where the NCC It is as important to raise the would like to be nominated to (H&D) will have more tools to has agreed to cover the costs bicycle path, the entrance to profile of our historic neigh- the NECA Board please get in work with when they challenge of designing the new signs and the Fieldhouse and children’s bourhood as it is to question touch with me (see contact info the inappropriate. work is under way. New pole playground, and the parking inappropriate development. In below). As we reported in June, there banners are also on order and lot, all converge. It would the spring, we plan to host a AGM information, such as are pending proposals for should be up very soon. also calm traffic on Stanley reception to honour the day proposed bylaw changes and developments on River Lane. The ‘cash-in-lieu of park- Avenue, which is crossed by with some of Thomas’ rela- reports, will be available as The lanes are not public streets lands fund’ is adding new fea- most going to the park. This, tives in attendance. handouts at the meeting, on and are a recognized historical tures to parks. NECA, work- plus the new speed humps the website and emailed to the part of New Edinburgh. These ing with Councillor Clark’s Annual General Meeting on Crichton between Keefer membership. proposals would change the office, has been able to acquire and Queen Victoria, should Featured at the AGM this pattern of development on the new exercise equipment for help further discourage drive- year will be the popular BRICK lanes and we are vigorously the park, and in collaboration through traffic. Awards, the New Edinburgh opposing them. The first is 192 with the Crichton Community Heritage Panels we commis- Stanley Ave. Council is seeking a new struc- A note of Caution sioned last year, and a pre- We, the residents and present ture for the playground. There was a burglary on view of the design of the new caretakers of New Edinburgh, New Edinburgh House Stanley Avenue, so let’s be street signs for the Heritage cherish the life and ambi- and NECA will be hosting sure we lock our doors. Conservation District (HCD). ence of New Edinburgh, as New Edinburgh Night at the Beechwood Rebuild NECA needs your support and so many of you tell me. We Theatre, November 2. Do fellowship; please join us for are one of the most desirable join us for a pre-performance NECA is monitoring the situ- wine and cheese following the places in Ottawa to live, as the reception of wine and cana- ation and clarifying informa- meeting. real estate people tell me, and pés as New Edinburgh resident tion with the Councillor. He NECA would also like to NECA needs your support to Janet Uren’s Linden House says, “No news is not good remind residents that there keep it so. The results from presents another of its’ won- news.” It is a shame that the are many ways to participate. the Heritage Ottawa/Waterloo derful productions. This time major Beechwood landowners Please get in touch with one of University HCD Study will it’s George Bernard Shaw’s are content to let the main Nov 10 the NECA executive and let us be out soon to reinforce the You Never Can Tell. For tickets street stagnate. The City does know if you would be willing viability of the HCD concept. call 813-842-4913. Proceeds have a policy that addresses to assist. of the evening will go to New demolition by neglect con- Edinburgh House. cerning heritage properties. Congratulations to New They should also have one that Edinburgh House and the makes it difficult to let main Your NECA Representatives 2011-2012 MacKay United Church on streets deteriorate, thus depriv- successfully sealing the deal ing communities from having a Sarah Anson-Cartwright 745-4194 [email protected] thriving shopping district close Roslyn Butler 746-8037 [email protected] Secretary & Membership that permits our community to have a Centre.
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