• Books and Stationery LREIT ATTRACTION! I

• Books and Stationery LREIT ATTRACTION! I

*•#«* 4» ■ *i >1 e « 0 - A &i* ' ■sa TIE CURTtN RKF1BLM4.V TIB CUNTO* RKTlUJUft. rvuuiiu iruT miimt, mr orrtemi #a *c* o7 rut count * Robert Mrnith toe Oo., TOT ,-------------- - — - mw —>------- ---------^ t II I ^ iraii.tw aaiu,.--------------------------- « U I >1—1 -* _______ #44 Ou* —*«•—*. *#*« eaib, ____ _____ II u i •mh rnmm. #4. #_______ _____fA t# -----**■« — «> ._____________ i feiggs <Tir,»- 'f raw------------*• «# 1 i '*•*** — —: -—t mminniS tt VOLUME XII. 9T. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 17 , I8 G8 . mr m;f| j— *L** >l** tt. *•»*» y—..............,at IJMId.lt 47 . » tail Cot arv Cantaia ^Tmi Itwanr ii rut NEW ADVERTISEM’TS. NEW ADVERTI8 EM*TS. Drugs . GROCERIES. GROCERIES. f hr £ lint an »t publican Cot uty —The Board of Canvassers of Clin ­ Etitmr HfpkAUoaa Your hum Me aer ton twenty met at the oIBce of tkeCounty vent believing that Clinton county waa In itTI.IT 0» » l« I .. RED JACKET AXE DtaariLi Hi:4ovALti rr. itisiit, Aran, it, iin . Clerk on Tnemky, lor the porpuae ol can gfeat need of n jail, voted fur it, and aep- # Inret.fnve vl.o wuli (4 uk« on I LelUt* Peleal ms rsIXara'i eaimi^Jalr U« 1S«T vaaaing the rote of the county on the sere- poaed n Urge majority would do ao | but .SrtecU *e mhiAmI vtih Mum k 0», MHow ef Um LOCAL MATTERS. ral prufMMdttooA aehmitted to the people at finding It otherwise, waa anxious to know Trl*. »etf m i«««n VaMlaf. un ti the reaaon. The moat prgMilr$nt one seem* lr«S tai tiu<|>** l Pelrftl AfrOff Will*IHmrt rStrvielvt recent election. E N. Fitch, of Ovid, wan In IK* Chargee iba mt»j "tLer leiaUf | OSD FRIENDS Punk Hold .—Work on the plank ruail to be that St. Johna gate pledget to insure •rop y. A Temphlei ivtsuinteg fuii iu>uwu<>u« te ebueen Chairman, and 11. C. Smith, Secre­ l«>»ie*e w esui fTmiie r IIY >1. urtYcM irw S«(piiiw lo lit. Lukm i* losing pushed tary. The following la the complete rote the loriUnt of county aent there, which A#* A f Umn4 roleme eniliHilSf IAS Ms* I im a duutsl rn^revlttee.1, ernl the t’aueU H<*u* iT.aeaehv have not been redeemed, and do not pfo- to wiid with |mt vigor. in the county : CmnittM, viih Xlnle• 4*4 mifiarr-« iu U fur Xr<Ueiu >4tt«l J. t*. IIANNEV. paev to anj wore than other citiaetaa-^aim ea reMvIpt ef 11 eewte. Ad n«i CaciTT Kki ».—U Im bwn <U<^M to NCM9I a < 0 , Si 1‘ert Bev, Nee Y»r% via uttu Mteaur, NEW HTOHE. ply pay their uxn ; while aoute have the bold the next anneal Fair of tHe Cflnton BWin ALKVTS Umi D imprcMkiu that they ought to do aomething Coast) Agricultural Saacicty, in thwi village, *o» ir> saw Um |u«t rorm>ed 1mm Aeot haads Dm Ls»is»d #4 1 extra. Another reaeon seems to be that svlotled «tu*.k c4 Urucaw, Cro Aery .ud i>) «ee- VMr, rv«r koafB to «M. I 4ai ell 0* on Thursday anti Friday, October lot anti the copperhead eight hour league and 00 town * “ Men of our TliMee,** wr.i.tmu „ III r4it Tniniydlm <9I» vLrcL Vtl) »- wakd A4 Wv m *L Vhv lowest who arc computed principally of the pm*er aU*4is« Titriot* of Ike !Hr. As el< x»nt nrt.ee #er r«wl. ueare ford w euil prr d r 1. • » • 1 >-*' . 1 • • IkMM MM| 4 an“ tar r Air undr St aw Btsi snsa.—Messrs. Ktltir A lv claaa, who arc to elevate them REID THIS VOIR SELF, (r.»u»x«, mi l * |»w<troll ol Ur Author, Mrs. trn UniiWi ~~ >m4 Cm* ! WW* ^ * -1 "•**• * wilt, of tbit to«m pirrWaatHl one million •vices,” and get rich by reducing fate*, JmriWlM u> Um Om of IMKRIET lli:i:i III:I' STOWE. *Lm li Is all iket you ©i*!ru f*»r ft ]i 41!, , 1 %*•*., staves during the past year, at an average fear a jat! might Coat them from one to three Ihso rot w<brr A R« lloul i ftri m«. t.»d |r9m the U ||J | vm U l.d tkfrr price of SB) per lliouand. vhlli •'* ! cenfa additional taxes. Ik-mdes a large .11/ toll ll Im ).sr I rlrada aad V n tor MV499 9 proportion of the party aecui to Lava a kind Ndfkkorct Pannvric Liit.—The liirectors of the ihih**.......... and C/i Agricultural Society held a meeting on ou»#'V.V/.i! sA instinctive horror of jails. I am glad you have derided to exclude T. *, Wednesday laat. aed verierd the premium j JT^JSSSa !" ‘ ruiM *c all tmin*rat advertisements ftoju your pi|* r 4RMHMn« »4) li.fiinjimr 1 .. ,1,1a •,.! :.K cuuk* r Bet A>r the neat annual Fair. We ahall Watsetoee.. AGENTS WANTrf) TOll Till! of tkr ta(m>fnerftt. and ho|ie otlier publisher* will do ao. It i« Ilhlory of llif New Stairs and j rw *,>11 »e.i7r. 4, pihiteh it in our column* in the course of a iwoeoi ........... Ora*, Block »a4 J*|od . ... well worth cone nlf-r at ion whether the no ­ few week a . tUfl^ .*»•••• tice of all immoral advertrw tuenIs should Trrritorlrs. j Lirmrorr 1 * "it akewbix , THAT J. BCATTFJUkOOD 4 00. a i a Flou * at> Frru Sroaa. — Mr. Joe. Wool !*.f 4 uI.* ........... not be excluded from public journal*, un ­ Trow tl*e Creaat Itlver is tl»e Creat Oee.M. [ to Lu nscovv 1 f«> -W' mtm/4 y fmumu, R«*l _ i | LSSBldl ••••♦< hue opened a flmir and feed atom in thrj less tbeir pdMicatioii would haw a tendency BY ALIiLKT D. Ilk I! Alii»Si»N ____ ______rrrraii a. fa . uzuovKti to vfrri/# nkw Ta*si ........... i.Ati ina :ao i.sts tjsei \m* rr< > rri 112 ea 1 >ii2H. BkU X HIOKI building formerly occupied Iiy the Auiertcan to suppress crime and immorality. By the Nj M lit* uir mf, • »u> »>.» ie 4 X* myh M+mJh. It nriM Ijc aecn*from the above, that the */ AES r*»» IUV vat Company, where he wilt keep a way, wltat unmitigated humbug most ad- WTe ere M*eto f«.r rover ON E IlUNl»liltl> I in nvrif re I Alt *»d Aku.tun (*i. hauer. II^mdU'I m ea»«l ike »«4 U* whole number of vote* given in the county n4 Xtaafiirtarm, tad ere tVTMrrd fe frraiu lha naaorttnent of everything in tht* verti*cmewt an*. lUch one seem* to try lo P^iarC-MeV OlthVTrf ASM kocru.U^eesI lire #r-nev>, 44«lrUI« (owiiTfcowu'ff VIAu»*t« DlTI*»T «fdMil r*»«I td v ”it. mu^ d'L.e, Larrrst Stork for and against the catwlitutioe, waa 4,<HJl tell the Imd, liigv»t story, with the seem 4 lUM Ued* Mthos Fr**|»U .*4 ru.Uouiee «>f the a>,vu, Ji w.mi, 1 * * u», k« eeirvs*. riee^s. 1 line. Greol WrM. |u roe4fe.k.vak.n Iovwom Uusm Io Scoieu Hrtairi, 4«.. A« , ul th« u».fuvo» peir-o .>f —of wlii«'ti 1,441 wan for it* adaption and mg belief that '* the lo^ds** arc not half dead, IkkSBlgSSgmgnsSS^Slon dollar for each article 09 Bsirtvctk Alfreyt If llovi.e, wko J g gQg agninat Its adoption, making the total j who am auettsd to rvs4 and believe them, i ^ ^ ATioN ALTriiLisiiiNo ro, het»d yvuf .u*ef i# «ni uj .vul w 4amy<ia PI lift UIHA A^fD LK|(Ollv broke into a car on IV A M railroad at ___t__ « ;* 1 1 «i t*^ ». ^ cm- am, IU . «r at. Luom , Ms. « u e.u to okutiM-j t.,« ot. ” . , , tiiajnnty againat it 1,131. 1 Be majority in x|jC >rw York ImdejxmUn! is a kingly — -------- —--------------- --------------- ---- ------------- Udlsr, vuk io,.«r. f , *u. .»a . GROCERIES _Ovid _nvtni month* eiace^ in nW^PHmwMfavor of Utmiil sessions of )<>*the luniiturtLegislature .naeim^a.^iiiK*. I W\V~ ”—1 ** tirrnl.rv free. i t *»« 4»-s! mhi n nrifCil ;mrpe>es. Alee, us k*a4 IN HT JOHNS, *l*ff • ei**k ef «tM**Ni ft amber of LlmAeM, ra *r- »M 1.1M. T».e »o«* on th* pr>»Iiibi!c*nr1 .Spc4kii,cm tbo liai lUrt-nir>« of «Uom t’r* n * “• t t. mm.ui fc«w WL it. thry erv Mliiftf raignei brfor« tU. Court oa Tuc Ur, «ml rlatlM. *„ Trrv ci,h», tb«rt« bring only 99 w1k , ..ppo^l the new CoratltutiM on «e- S MtoMri m* Amtm)4 >«•««-. J »*,* k Ageule U untr4 in firry Tow it. Vri:iiV € IfDAIM plrntl Kuilty to the . b.rje »* •“ '' nuyoritj in it. fator. „f the nm-> »uffr.fe rlwtwe, )«J 1JSS lUfii Octvvo l«|n I iso Tim Lsrr.vU.fe. rt*»UM4X a i o, 1" i K * mi tenorU tu .W HUU IWn at J.ck«, f.,r | - - —- - .h.t.uch men would do if, per Price Only #f|.«1(l* At' J. #f'ArfLi4'X)Gi» a ©ci. one year. i jac ru ( ci it — T ..c April t * rm eft lit ■ • TVri k CbuiiHiit »»..»’ |k«k!»•< • lan th*11 torM.* rii ■ lurio: w *Tttfi • ♦ * THOMAN It. Ati.MSW, • Books and Stationery n *»« g rftrftrrj it«rf «tt CTiatr.n Coutiiy Circuit C\a*rt commenced ! i*°*. nmi ? * c* fo J - HJ OULLNWL II sr . N. Y, &«xxr Shkamisu Festival .—A sbeep ew.” Thi* remind* mo of an anecdote of ia».i irru**, uur #1* f-Mtvf e»ih *i II•• aJwrr-1 »)„ url-r# , f jr*.

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