Catalogue of a Miscellaneous Collection of Greek and Roman

Catalogue of a Miscellaneous Collection of Greek and Roman

Deposited on loan by order of the Trustees of the Hispanic society of America K&u M&tE-'Jt#. SiL ?F*Wa h it 'I y a , //Sr i I Pf ■ • . CATALOGUE OF A MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION OF GREEK AND ROMAN COINS, THE PROPERTY OF A WELL KNOWN COLLECTOR. The Collection comprises some very fine Egyptian Medallions, and Greek Coins of Cities, in Gold; also, some fine Roman Gold Coins, Roman Consular Silver, Large Brass, &c. &c &c. A FEW ANGLO-FRENCH COINS. * WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. S.. LEIGH SOTHEBY, AT HIS HOUSE, 3, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, On WEDNESDAY, 3d of FEBRUARY, 1841, at One o’clock. To be Viewed on the Monday and Tuesday previous. Printed by J. Davy & Sons, Queen Street, King Street, Long Acre. This hook is 1 oaned, as "unrelated to the objects of The Hispanic r ‘.etv of America. By or dr - ; t>, ; 'J . CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest Bidder to he the Buyer ; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders; the Lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again II. No person to advance less than Is.—above Five Pounds '2s. 6d.— and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, if required, in part of pay¬ ment of the Purchase-money; in default of which, the Lot or Lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. V. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expence, imme¬ diately after the Conclusion of the Sale; in default of which, Mr. S. Leigh Sotheby will not hold himself responsible if lost, stolen, damaged or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. If, at the expiration of One Week after the conclusion of the Sale, the Lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expence, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Mr. S. Leigh Sotheby will have the option of re-selling the Lots uncleared either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required or deposited in part of payment shall be for¬ feited ; and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re¬ sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their obedient Servant, S. LEIGH SOTHEBY, hTellington Street, Strand. LOT / 1 Lead impressions; false Greek, and refuse Roman Copper, / ^ \(j9 ' &c.—a large quantity qy/* 2 Copper Coins.—Bactrian, found at Cabool, 126; Cufic Copper, 22, some curious — 148 / — Roger, Count of Sicily; Indian of Tippoo Sultaun, 1 3 * C> &c.—a lot 4 — Greek, Egyptian, and Roman, chiefly of small size 86 }5 — Roman.—The As, and its parts, small size; Con¬ sular, various — — 25 * /0 ' m 6 — Family coins, miscellaneous — 30 * S/' ' — Consular, various — 30 , ' 'iJyy 8 — jEgyptian Imperial.—Vespasian, Nerva, Caracal la, Gordian III., Gallienus, &c., some fine 25 > /9 ' 9 — Nearly the same — — 35 10 ■/ ■ rious 36 •fa - / / JL1 tus; Augustus, 2; Caligula; Domitian; M. Aurelius 9 »/ / f T 12 • — Nero; Domitian; M. Aurelius; Commodus; Severus; Julia Domna,—some well preserved _ 6 J /" 13 - -Commodus; Severus Alexander; Philip, jun.; Byzantine, 44, various — 48 / ( 4 ) ROMAN COINS. CONSULAR. Denaru. * // t 7 * 14 Porcia, Calpurnia, Opeimia, Rutilia, &c. — 1 /<£ ♦ 15 Norbana, Tarquitia, Cloulia, Volteia, &c. — ( 7i 16 Flaminia, Farsuleia, Papia, Plsetoria, &c. — * ♦ 7 17 Lucilia, Minutia, Thoria, Scribonia, &c. — / 18 Norbana, Satriena, Allienus, Minucia, &c. — // 19 Antonia (Legions of M. Antony) 6, Fonteia, Cassia, f sidia, &c. — — ✓ .. /x 20 Scribonia, Licinia, Atilia, Coponia, &c. — // 21 Julia, Procilia, Aquiiia, Acilia, &c. — r '' 2 22 Volteia, Opeimia, Sergia, Pompeia, &c. — f 23 Plaetoria, Carisia, Cassia, Julia, &c. — * > '? 24 Natalia, Metellia, Fundania, Satriena, &c. — / * 25 Herennia, Titia, Crepusia, Procilia, &c. — *r 26 Procilia, Lucretia, Domitia, Thoria, &c.—all well pre¬ / V served, — — 1 r J -r 27 Lucretia, Titia, Servilia, Satriena, &c.—all in good con¬ dition — — 12 r 28 Julia, Plaetoria, Valeria, Satriena, &c.—all in good preser- j? / 4 '/ ration — — 12J^p ' 0 29 Procilia, Julia, Marcia, Vibia, &c.—well preserved \cfiZ3<7y'J' Rustia, Cassia, Scribonia, Poblicia, &c.—in good condi- , / 30 « /4 tion — — i2*^* ^ 7 'r /Z> 31 Porcia, Julia, Flaminia, Carisia,—well preserved VljT/Z / r 32 Tituria, Domitia, Pomponia, Thoria, &c. — 14^ ^ —r < /r 33 Papia, Marcia, Julia, Tituria — 14 7/ 34 Julia, Papia, Junia, &c. including four incuse, very curious" / 7 and well preserved — 14 7 /c 35 Pomponia; Durmia (“ M. Durmius IIIVIR”^ one other . of large size, “ Roma,’’ and eight others, some fine z 7 36 Aburia, Junia, Fonteia, Didia, &c.—all fine 7 37 ^Emilia, Scribonia, Thoria, Pomponia, &c..—mostly fine 9 / / ( 5 ) >//^V 38 Quinarii, &c. chiefly of the Porcia Family 17 ///■ Imperial, &c. Denarii.—Pompey, 2, one with head of Numa; Julius Caesar; M. Antony and Augustus; Augustus, “ yEgypto Capta,” very fine; Juba, of Mauritania — — 6 - Augustus; Vitellius; Nerva, 2, Hadrian; Sabina, /v & c. — — 11 Medallions.—Marc Antony and Octavia, see Morell, page 21, No. 1, very well preserved; Augustus, rev. * / a triumphal arch, in good condition 2 -Augustus, rev. capricorn, well preserved; Hadrian, Philip, sen. and jun.—the three last struck in Egypt 4 //> Miscellaneous Silver Medals.—Pope ClementXlII. fine; and three Copper Medals of Benedict XIII., /i Charles of Spain, and Francis I. of Sicily 4 . - James, the son of James II., termed the Old Pre¬ tender, with his consort Clementina, on the birth of Charles Edward; and a Prize Medal on the taking of Java, 1811, rare — — 2 English Silver Coins.—Edward I., Pennies; Charles 1., Pennies, 2; Charles II., Shilling, by Simon. , // ^ Scotch—Alexander III., Pennies, &c. 16 GREEK COINS. Silver. CITIES. 46 Persian, similar to theDaric; iEgina, 2; Athens, 4 7 . /f m 47' Athens, 6, including two Tetradrachms; Syracuse, 3, all different — — 9 / d ' 48-Athens, 2, Tetradrachms, well preserved; Syracuse, 3, Tetradrachms, all different — 5 / /y ’ "5 49 Athens, 2 ; Syracuse, 4, all different — 6 //* ' 50 Syracuse, 4, three with bigas and 2 with quadrigas, all / * V. with different portrait, and in fair condition 5 ^ *-■ 5, Tetradrachms, all different — 5 y yj ‘ ( 6 ) / A ' 52 Syracuse, 3, as before ; Corinth, 3, symbols different 6 53 Syracuse, 4, one having1 the Grecian border round the / /// * head, good portrait; Corinth, 3, one with a counter- yflo mark — — 7 p / J ' 54 Syracuse, 5, Tetradrachms ; Corinth, 4, different 9/w^*(SS t tr o o // ' / 55 Syracuse, 4 ; Corinth, 5, including two of ancient fabric 9 Jr ' / 56 Syracuse, 5, Tetradrachms ; Corinth, 3 — rJ * / 57 As the lot preceding — — 4 ' / 58 Similar —- — 8 S'^ X 2 " 59 Corinth, various types — — 9 f /j ' 60 As before — — 10 / /J ' 61 Miscellaneous, chiefly small — — / A 62 Agrigentum, 5 ; Leontinum, 5 — 63 Leontinum ; Agrigentum, Tetradrachms—both well pre¬ - ' 's? / 4 served — — 2 ^ /V ' r 64 Similar, in good condition — 2 A /Sr ' 65 Agrigentum, various, chiefly small, 9 ; Messana 10 'r ^ /S~' 66 Agrigentum, 8; Gelas, 6 — — 14 't /v 67 Gelas ; Catana,—Tetradrachms — 2\J^A- 1 68 Messana; Gelas, 3 — — 4 'V-* / ' 69 Panormus, one a horse beside a palm tree, another the J, horse’s head with Phoenician characters, both rare and well preserved — — 2 y , / Jy ' 70 Panormus, rare; Leontinum, well preserved 2 ■****■''S? / /C ' 71 Rhegium, Carthage, Messana, Dyrrachium 4 y 72 Agrigentum, “ SI A A NOS,” an elegant type, and very / / ' well preserved, a Tetradrachm — 1 J /a ' 72*Syracuse, obv. a helmed female head, rev. a fine figure / of Diana with her attributes — 1 J '/ 73 Syracuse, obv. head of Pallas, rev. Diana with bow and dog, 2 ; Rhegium, a Tetradrachm 74 Syracuse, a medallion, obv. a fine head of Proserpine, rev. A ' a Quadriga, very rare — 1 yyrr/J ♦ /(.' 75 Messana, 2 ; Gelas; Syracuse,—all Tetradrachms 4 yy ^ * /r' 76 Terina, Velia, Tarentum, Panormus, &c.—some small 16^^ yJ 77 Panormus, 3, small; Roma, 2 ; Terina, &c. 8 // -7 y ( 7 ) <7* />/>?*! 78 Rhenium, 2 ; Posidonia ; Panormus, &c. 11 Y *- X^/p^Ltfa 79 Thurium ; Velia, 3, well preserved; Neapolis, 5 6 / / ipj. JVletapontum, Neapolis, Velia, &c., including" two Cisto- « /*- • (7'fa/ phorii — — 9 81 Selinus, 2 different, scarce ; Segesta, 2 4 , ( 82 Segesta, 3 ; Selinus, 3 — 6 flaXm r.£ 83 Himera, 2, well preserved ; Segesta ; Cales ; Caulonia 5 // /,<re X^^'84 Himera, 3 ; Brettium ; Posidonia — 5 , /* 85 Posidonia ; Himera, 4 ; Tyre, &c. — 6 , /r f /p/p 86 Himera, 7 ; two others, including an ancient rare Indian Coin — — 9 ■'/ KINGS. 87 Macedon.—Alexander III., Tetradrachms 3, different . /3 mintages, Drachms 2 — — 5 88 —— Alexander III., as the lot preceding 5 , // LX 89 -—- Alexander III., 3 Tetradrachms, a Drachm, and 2 Hemidrachm, the latter well preserved and rare 5 / S 90 -- Alexander III., 4 ; Philip Aridaeus, a Tetradrachm 5 V ' r 77$l Sicily.—Gelo, well preserved and rare; Philistis, in A S'7 good preservation, rare — 2 /X ' A 92 - Two of the same, fine — 2 2 93 - Similar, equally well preserved — 2 X '/ ' 94 - Philistis; Agathocles — 2 / /o ,/6 - The same — — 2 / 3 ' ✓ go . - As the preceding lot — 2 '< 7 ' 4?.

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