KingsmanBC.com “THE VOICE OF BROOKLYN COLLEGE SINCE 1950” TheFALL 2018 - ISSUE 12 KingsmanWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2018 THE bATTLE FOR BEDFORD LOUNGE CONTROVERSIAL PROF SQUARES OFF WITH STUDENT ACTIVISTS IN STUDENT CENTER P. 4-5 Photo Credit: Quiara Vasquez adjunct professors BC Journalism alums review: r.o. kwon's hold sit-in thrive in cali "the incendiaries" p. 3 p. 6 p. 7 2\BULLETIN\WEDNESDAY, December 12, 2018\THE KINGSMAN KINgSMANBC.com/BULLETIN The Kingsman Staff _____________ General Inquiries [email protected] Editor-in-Chief Quiara Vasquez [email protected] AVAILABLE STAFF POSITIONS FOR SPRING 2019 Business Manager The Kingsman is looking to fill two PAID POSITIONS for the spring 2019 se- Rosy Alvarez mester and beyond. NO PRIOR JOURNALISM EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED. rosybethalvarez@gmail. com Layout Editor (~$70 per issue) - Your responsibility is the layout of our paper - Layout Editor each week, you’ll take the articles our writers turn in each week and put them Samantha Castro together into an issue. You will need to know or be willing to learn Adobe InDe- castro.samantha.98 sign. In addition, you will be expected to do some basic copy-editing. @gmail.com Managing Digital Editor Business Manager (~$50 per issue) - Your responsibility is the accounting - keep- Allison Rapp ing track of our budget, and making sure everyone on staff has their payment [email protected]. forms signed in time. In addition, you will be expected to write at least one ar- org ticle per semester. Managing News Editor Ryan Schwach And, of course, we’re always looking for staff writers, especially ones with an rschwach11@gmail. interest in covering campus sports and arts. com If you’re interested, contact us at kingsmanbc (at) gmail.com, or write directly to Sports Editor editor-in-chief Quiara Vasquez at quiara (at) zoho.com. Jasmine Peralta jasmine.peralta@hotmail. com Staff Writers Noah Daly Kevin Limiti Faculty Advisor Ronald Howell Club Hours Mondays & Tuesdays 10AM - 4PM @ Roosevelt Room 118 Talk to us! _____________ Are you a CUNY student or faculty member with something to say? The Kingsman’s Opinions section Got a photo? Wanna give is accepting submissions. Send your op-ed to us a shout-out? Tag us on [email protected] before 11:59 PM Saturday. Twitter @TheKingsmanBC (The Kingsman only publishes articles written by Brooklyn College students and faculty, related to goings-on at Brooklyn College or CUNY. We reserve the right to reject submissions which are off-topic, obscene, or excessively wordy.) news/kingsmanbc.com THE KINGSMAN/WEDNESDAY, December 12, 2018/news/3 Adjunct Professors Protest Outside BC President’s Office By Rosy Alvarez them worried about Business Manager employment every time a semester ends. On Tuesday, Dec. 11, adjunct Adjunct professors professors and students alike sat are not allowed to outside of BC President Michelle call in sick the day Anderson’s office to protest low of their class, nor wages and lack of opportunity at do they get paid if Brooklyn College. they miss class; if an Adjunct professors Zachary adjunct professor LaMalfa and Rachel Kauder misses a class they Nalebuff were eager to express their are responsible for goals and the purpose of the sit-in. finding their own When asked how long professors substitute teacher. and students have been organizing These professors do for fair wages, LaMalfa said, “I’ve not get pre-tax transit participated within the last six benefits and are not months, but other professors have secured onto one been protesting for years and the campus, which leaves union has been fighting for higher them bouncing wages for over a decade.” around the city Adjunct professors lined up along the wall outside of President Anderson’s office. / Rosy Alvarez An important detail to recognize semester-to-semester to worry about.” This is the reality The Board and higher-level is that adjunct professors are not wherever there is a class open for for many teachers and professors administration has not yet considered faculty. This means that them. throughout the country. They are acknowledged or responded to any adjunct professors do not make The crowd sat along the wall on left to fend for themselves and are of the protesters. Kauder Nalebuff a promised yearly salary, rather the second floor of Boylan Hall plagued by income inequality, lack and LaMalfa both say, “we’ve been they are only paid for limited with legal pads and papers that had of low-income housing, and lack of dismissed and ignored.” office hours and for when they are yet to be graded. Students showed available teaching opportunities. Kauder Nalebuff added, “CUNY lecturing. Adjunct professors often up in support and brought food to Most of the professors who were could be the first to implement spend their personal time juggling share with the professors as security gathered teach humanities courses, fair labor practices which would multiple jobs, while also grading guards loomed over them on both and feel that they have a larger then set the tone for progressive papers and projects and answering ends of the hallway. workload because they can’t simply countrywide legislature.” This hundreds of student emails. They This is the first time there has been stick a scantron into a scanner and protest comes months after NYU do not get health care coverage and a sit-in outside of Anderson’s office. get an instant grade. Humanities announced that they are opening are not allowed to use health center Since adjunct professors work on professors dedicate hours of their their doors to students of all services on campus. different campuses at different personal time to grade papers, incomes and allowing their med- They also have very little to no job times every semester, it’s difficult to many of which they’re not paid for. school programs to be tuition-free. security; adjunct professors don’t organize everyone to protest in one The professors are also concerned Another main concern the find out if they’ll be employed for place. about students. Kauder Nalebuff professors have is their lack of the semester until a week before the A fellow adjunct professor named said, “Students get their tuition healthcare. One professor, Tom semester starts. This makes them Alex was speaking to LaMalfa and raised very often but if I don’t have Waters said, “If I taught enough feel easily disposable and leaves said “Well, I have three other jobs the time to grade papers and am classes to be eligible for healthcare, not being fairly compensated to I still wouldn’t be able to afford it.” plan quality coursework during Faculty professors are allowed to my personal time, what are they use the Health Center services on really paying for?” LaMalfa added campus free of charge, but adjunct that often times he won’t know he’s professors aren’t allowed that same teaching a class until six days before opportunity. the semester starts, which leaves Privacy was also on their minds. him with little time to prepare a Kauder Nalebuff and LaMalfa syllabus. explained that often times they Both Kauder Nalebuff and LaMalfa discuss sensitive topics with got their masters at Brooklyn students that other people are College and were excited when technically not allowed to hear but they were offered an opportunity to the spaces they’re given for office teach here until they discovered the hours are so small, there is no way dark side of that dream. to give students individual privacy. “CUNY is very exploitative of both They’re often crammed into a small students and faculty, said LaMalfa, space with three other professors “They bait fresh graduate students and crowds of students outside to work for them and through their door. unfair labor laws they basically tell Kauder Nalebuff had one important you, ‘well if you love your work then message to share with the Kingsman. you should be fine doing it for free.’ “Students are at the forefront of The professors further explain that social change. It’s easy to be cynical they earn half of what the lowest but students’ organizations have paid, salaried professor earns and been an incredible support system that they bear full-time work loads and gives me hope for the future. One of the adjunct professors holding the protest sign. / Rosy Alvarez at only part-time pay.” Things don’t need to stay this way.” 4\News\WEDNESDAY, dECEMBER 12, 2018\THE KINGSMAN Kingsmanbc.com/NEWS Protesters Challenge Langbert several public safety officers who had been asked to escort Langbert in and out of the building. With music blaring from across the hallway and Langbert’s talk filling up with more protesters than people actually there to hear him speak, it took a minute and forty-five seconds into his remarks for a protester to begin reading the controversial blog post out loud to Langbert. Langbert responded by asking for a security officer and saying the protester was breaking the law by interrupting the meeting. When the man didn’t stop, Langbert asked if he had “cognitive difficulties,” and a back and forth erupted between Langbert, protestors, and Young Republicans trying to get the event back on topic. Just as the event reached a fever pitch, Jason Carey stepped to the podium and tried to mediate the discussion. “For the record, I’m just here to make sure we have a decent discussion on topics that are really… Professor Langbert speaking at the event. / Ryan Schwach um, difficult to talk about because By Quiara Vasquez & Ryan Schwach could still be offended by it, and Stofko. She gestured to a cartoon everybody has some really strong Editor-in-Chief & Managing News rightfully so, but personally I think flower emblazoned on her sweater.
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