'tv*x THE SENTINEL LEADER SPARTA MTrmr.AM ? ASK MB Generous Treatment ot Axis Prisoners in United States ; ANOTHER 1 A General Quiz Improves Conditions tor Captured Amerprirani c The Questions 1. The inscription on the Liberty BeU, "Proclaim liberty through- Red Cross Reports out all the land," was taken from Wr3 To obtain complete croc he tin* tnytrss- where? Men in German Hands ttoos for the Mile-.-Minute Cloth (Patlera No. &313). Met chart tor working and 2. The territory of China is how Well Fed and Housed amount of materials specified. Mod IS much larger than that of Conti- centr tn coin, your name and kddreea. nental U. S.? and the pattern number. 3. An obsequious man has a Due to an. unusually Large demand and By BARROW LYONS current war conditions, slightly wore manner that is what? WNU Staff Correspondent Is required In filling orders for a few at 4. The ancient city of Pompeii the most popular pattern numbers. was destroyed by what? FIRST-AID j In some 30,000 families Send your order to: 5. What is the most uxed nt all to the ' throughout our land today the ioiks are tnmiong oi some sol- textiles? SEWING CIRCI.E NEE OLE WORK fl. What city guards the en- AILING HOUSE dier from home who has fallen ue Sooth WeUs St. Chicago. trance to the Strait of Melacca? »r ROGU ft. WHITMAN ^ into enemy hands—now a pris- Enclose 15 cents (plus one cent to 7. The German long range gun oner ot war far away. When our cover cost of mailing) for Pattern "Big Bertha" shelled Paris dur- 1 Ro«er B. Whitman—WNU mtun*. I troops make the great push ing World War I at a range of STORING FURNITURE against the mainland of Europe, how many miles? i there will be more boys taken 8. The city of Istanbul, Turkey, Question: I intend to move to my prisoners. is said to fie on what? sister's apartment, leaving my fur- niture and other equipment in the In the war prisoner camps within Mark Twain on Uses to The Answers apartment where I am now living. the United States, we hold some 175,000 enemy soldiers captured 1. The Bible (Leviticus 25:10). This is on the second floor. The Which Books May Be Put radiators will be drained so that mosUy on the battlefields of Africa, 2. One-third larger. Sicily and Italy. Of th*se, 125,000 3. Servile. there will be no heat in the apart- A young girl once asked Mark ment. Will my furniture be safe are Germans, 50,000 Italians. Only 4. Volcanic eruption in 79 A. D. 116 are Japanese. Twain if he liked books for gifts. (Mt. Vesuvius), from the cold during the winter? I "Well, that depends," he said. 5. Cotton. am also leaving my living room out- Many protests have been made "If a book has a leather cover it 6. Singapore. fit, rug, radio, gas range, refrigera- to army authorities, because of the is really valuable as a razor strop. 7. Seventy-six. tor, chrome kitchen set and a ward- good Ueatment given these prison- If it is a brief, concise work, such 8. The Golden Horn. robe with my husband's clothes. He ers. Lots of people don't under- cs the French write, it is useful is in the army. stand why enemy prisoners should S CRISP and colorful as a love- to put under the short end of a Answer: Unless the quality of the be given the same comforts, the ly May day—a white Shasta wobbly table. An old-fashioned finish is poor, there is less likeli- same medical attention, the same Daisy teacloth, 42 inches square. book with a clasp can't be beat aa hood of the woodwork of the furni- food as our own soldiers. ' It's made of bands of white, a missle to hurl at a dog, and a r with warm flannel- ture being damaged by cold than by But there is a reason so compel- cleverly set together with red or large book like a geography is aa eular achea, puna, coughs. dampness, which might be harm- ling, that none can complain when any other color you like. It will good as a piece of tin to nail over m vipers eomfcrt irritated i fid. After sponging (without fiood- it is understood. It is not for the transform your card table into a c broken pane of glass?" kniMS. Outside, warms hlr, plaster. { ing) the woodwork with tlie thick lovely luncheon or tea table! Modem medication in a base contain- sake of the prisoners, but in the ing old faahkmed mutton wet, only suds of a mild soap, follow with interest of our own soldiers held by clean damp cloths, and wipe dry. 25c, double supply 2je. Get Penetro. the enemy. They are the real object Pulish with a paste wax, applied Tou breathe freer al- in very thin coats, each allowed to of our forbearance and solicitude. The first German soldier to be taken prisoner in Ireland was Ser- most instantly aa tust And, of course, our national honor geant Manfrak, who bailed out of his Junkers piane aft* it had been hit 3 drops Penetro Nose Merchant Marine Academy dry hard before rubbing. Then cov- Drope open your eoid- is involved, for we agreed to give by U. S. army fighters. He is shown at intelligence headquarters, en- TS The army has West Point; the er the pieces with heavy paper to clogged nose to (i prisoners the same food and care Joying the rations on the tray before him, despite a bandaged arm and your head cold air. navy has Annapolis; and now the keep out the dust. Lut if the pieces numerous bruises. ills CauUoo: Use only aa as our own men under the Prisoners directed. Me. 2H times merchant marine, too, has its own are upholste"ed in mohair or woolen of War convention signed and rati- aa much for 60c. Cet academy at King's Point, N. Y. fabric they should be thoroughly If*fe Drtpi fied at Geneva on July 27, 1929. ians who escaped from a branch protected from moth damage. You camp at El Paso, part of the Lords- Why not keep a game scrap- should also moth-proof your rug and Reciprocal Good Treatment. burg, N. M., camp, and one German Yanks Had to Blast book? It is sure to come in handy your husband's clothing. Reliable reports made to the army who got away at Crossville, Tenn. when the children are shut in on Early Stained Glass indicate that the good treatment we There has been complaint from Japs Out of Holes rainy days, or when a party is in The first stained glass in Amer SNAPPY FACTS Wash the refrigerator thoroughly have accorded prisoners has won the offing. and wipe all inside surfaces with a organised labor lately because we ica was made by Evert Duychincl r\ solution of bicarbonate of soda, about for our own men in German prison have used some of the war prison- On Marshalls of Holland, on Long Island in 1835. a tablcspoonful in a quart o! warns camps tondiuons that are at least ers for tasks in lumber camps and Doughboys of the Seventh infantry- As sewing needles are getting RUBBER water. The door of the box should as JOUU as uiuac iiuu^t Which del - on road work, where there was no division who captured Kwsjalelr. very scarce just act your old . be left partly open. All exposed met- man soldiers live. American labor available. Genernl and other islands of the Kwajalein needle cushions out aiid squeeze I al parts of the range, refrigerator, These facts were revealed for the Gullion gives labor assurance that atoll during the invasion of the Mar- , or press gently. Like magic the' prisoners of war are not being put and the metal furniture should be first time to your correspondent by shall islands literally had to dig the • needles will appear. It&r to work on any job where civilian given a thin coat of vaseline to pro- Maj. Gen. Allen W. Gullion, provost Japanese out of the ground Col. , Mere than IS Mmsrican axto- tect them against corrosion. It labor is available in adequate sup- ! A spwl mafitm (•mpanlts are making marshal general of the army, who ply. Prisoner ^f war labor is a Syril E. Faine, infantry, of New screwed to the scrub Military vehlclos far United might be wise to cover the radio to has general supervision over prison- Straitsville, Ohio, who is now in the j *>rush in such a Position as to fit protect it from dust. If it is a porta- temporary expedient to relieve the between the State* soldiars end our Allies ers of war. The actual guarding of existing shortage of man power. United States, acted as deputy chief I thumb and the index -+m4 ;fcay hava flr.t coil •« ble unit, place it in a carton. The the prisoners is a function of the cf staff of the division during the six- 1 fin6er will greatly reduce the grip- tira* mm4 offeer rubber items. radio should he kont in a dry place. prison c»mp commander who is un- The United States agreed at the day car;»paizn. He said the Japa- p'ng required ^ ueneva convention to return all Forty Ihowtond od.S Honol hBm have der the control of the commanding nene defenders of the mid-Pacific VENTS IN STORM SASH general of the service command.
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