".- -... --.,.- .. "."~ '---: . '-',... , .... _. ::". ....~.,.- ....... t. ...~•. =........... _.~I.....,. ...... ....'"-. ,,- -... '-..;,.. ' -". ~ -. ... " . .. .. .. .. I ' -~ - , ........ .Vol.58 No.3· BARUCH COLLEGE, CUNY FEBRUARY 28, 1990 "., By TONI COLAVITO According to the Director of AdmissionsJohnFischer,incom­ ing freshmen for the Fall semes­ ter of 1990 must show proof of immunization for measles, mumps and rhubella before reg­ -istering. Provost John McGarraghy. Studentsthatregisteredin the Fanof1989mustalsoshowproof President Joel Segall and DSSG President Sean Mason. by a certain date. However, PROVOST ALLOCATES Fischer said, "Students that registered earlier than Septem­ ber 1989 may not require proof, .Board Votes to End EXCESS FUNDS but theyhave tobe kept on a list . CUNY BUDGET CUTS OVERESTIMATED andtheCollegehastokeepthem . off campus if there is an out- BY DIANE LEPPEK break in the school." Security- Expenses_. Provost John McGarraghy al- creating a surplus of'a savingsin The Office of"the Dean ofStu- . located $450~000in excess funds the budget." dents will be sendingoutletters Students Fear Cutbacks in Services this Springsemester tothethree In December, McGarraghy dis- within the next few weeks de­ academicdepartmentsandto stu- .tributedthe money to the three scribing to students what the By EDWARD ASANTE dent servic.e.s·'be.$.use~,the-'state., schools of the college, School of procedure is' for obtaining the edacat.iODbud8et~AOtreduc8d,q·LiberalArtsandSciences,School proofcrtheimmunizationshots. The Baruch College many times -on the issue and I asmuchas e~·inthe F'all Of. of BuSiness Public Administra- Fischer explained, "Most indi- Association's Board of Directors believe th;at students should not 1989.· ~~~~~~~~__e .~on, ~~001:~~~:~fi;; ~~~~:~·_.~~'·~~~~~~:~·~~,~~~~4·)~'''~~tai~~:~~~~of.-.·~7~~~~:,~·~tr pec~a'12Dtil\iOti~~~.~- l~~~~~~ .p .':-~'" ... ~... " ·c ..' .,,, " ...,:_ •.. ~. .. ... .. .. .. .'.'.. ',.. ,. .. :.'~:,=~,~ "~ 7ti~1~~.7=-;'. ~,~ ~.~ ;;·_:··7'::~:·~~·~:~{;f\::;2_~~·::~P:fi~: _:ItA%~4~~ ~ ,.~:~·:,;·:'~;d>c:' ~~~,:e ~~g~:~;~It,~:'~~)lt.the-:o~~4.i!~,~¥.~~. .. ',. "-, ._ ,., 'C, .. .. ~~. ·1Ililli()n~B8rumConege ~·Eam.Gf~lhdiieym:,·,;."-,, ,'. "~;~ .. - ' .. .~~ ·:'St1rden-t· ~ntet~at~l'$.'C<'~ ·~d'·: .. tlie·bm~;o7B-/~·-me.-.' . President Joel8ega.1l. hiring addi.tionaladjunct'(tem- . (StlideIits~nna~ntationor Street.~. college 1'Uher tbim tak. up the , Theschoolp1acedahiringfreeze porary)professorsandprtlfession- get ~em lm~umzed.. .. The vote will enable the re- payment of the' entire amount, . ---:-."--o~.~!!~~~~~cteti=-_··a1~~~~~!!_~~~~etp--,=_.~l~, ~, ~~ r:e~, --'-·r~ Oi$l~~J9lX!.~.'h~a p~- -·pay~!O,®O f~~~~'"t:-~.a.r.~r·· .-.:.~~,~~.~~ cal stafCt custodial staff, adjunct ease crowded classes and lessen manwno:'.eglSte!ed In -septe.~- viously been applied tosecurity an another $10,000 each addi­ professors,andcounselorstosave the workload on over booked ·berl989,co~plal:ne.d,:'T0~el:s costs to other of student activi- tional year so that the student money for the expected cut last counselors for. this semester. ~h~sle~lloverag~nhJusthl~kell~ ties.AllsixstudentsontheBoard burdenwilleventuallybe phased semester. Assistant Dean Joan Japha JUnlor high and big Sc 00 'voted-at-their¥eb.. 15 meeting in out. McG8riaghy said, "The college C nt,. d' P 7 Continued on fage 7 favor of the proposal to cease. ,This sum, according to Mason did not fill certain positions thus 0 UUU! on age payments of security. All five however amounts to about 10 . !.- administrative and faculty mem- percent of-the total cost ofstu- hers voted against the measure. dent payment towards security Graduate Student Government There is some fear that the and with inflation and otherfac- vote will force the administration tors considered; the percentage to cut other student services in coveredwill drop to aboutfour or Proposes Activity ·Ftre..·Increase order to be able to cover security five percent. ' costs atthe student aetivitycen-. Asked ifhe thought the ad­ ·ByMlCIIAELE.KEEI,y ter. SeanMason, presidentofthe ministratienwould tak~ retali­ .- DaySessionStudentGovemment atoryaction in termsofcutbacks The Graduate StudentAssein- . : $2.00'goe.s to~~ds the G.S-A., (DSSG)andanex-officiomember to student services in order'to bly (G.SA) has petitioned the .... ~~ng, th~ reII).~~!1g $0.85 goes to. of the Board.,said that "In the come up with.the money Icst, Student Elections and· .: ,. the. CU~ Government, the past there have beeh threats to Masorisaidtnat-'itwouldonlybe --Governence •.Review-Com~ittee-:· ·_.-Unl\lerslty-,St:ude.nts~enate-u- dose''down 'the stua-efit. actiVity---~a .testament ·~'the-PreSiden~s . (S.E.G.R.C.) to place a referen­ . (U.s.8.) - the CUNY WIde stu- center however I do not believe lack ofcommitment to stuUentS dum on to raise the Graduate .: , de~t government. Th~ pr~d ,thattheadministration will want Intheseereesbeeeuseitwill show 'StudentSActivitiesFeesto$21.35 . ..': inCreaseof$10.00wou~d~go?i- totakesuchanactionduetoheavY Inconsistency in his gesture to­ in theballotduringtheMay1990 rec~ly to the.G.S~A. I~ng Its __ !1_~e an,d a!'t_ticipated protest." __\V.~ds_~ttJ.l~n~.," Ha.f;!_.\V~n~_~~ to -----stllaent elections. Joel Segall,~sidentof the say t~t student services have , .. ~$12.00. Therevenues would The petition would onlypermit Baruch College, in an interview sufferedtremendouslyinthelast G~S.A. the to plaCe the propOsed .: go 'towards clubs and services. withtheTicker priorto theBoard's 'referendum on a ballOt in, the· "We have one of the lowest meeting said that "I have talked . COnJi1wetl Oft PageS. May elections, and not give the student activity·fees !Ulywhere, . G.SA the .authoritY:tonUse the· .~~ and We're· hoping to make the' fees. fee higk enough so the G.~A ceIn order-tQ puttbevote-....:: .weuldD'tbave·togothr~:-tbia,. the studentIJ, the petition.Bas to: '. .," P~8S.ain~couple ,~.·'~·LisaOeJirlre-Faye, havethesignature8«lo-pemmt ..-, the C:, · -iJ ., ~. ~ ~ ~.-. ~' graaWifi~:BGdY~ia::;. .,..,,., .....~:.=.:, .. ~'·G·13'A· .. sbic.L -nus ·EDJTOR4Al$···~ -­ o 2 'C ' ••-'" ....'..... _ .. ... ••"'" .ofthe . pmawmt UI. ~., ._ , . P favoref-nquestiDg'to:'ID&ke-·t;he, .{:: ~,~ld give us-enougb, money to LETTE~OP-ED ,Pg.3 .... ,"Tffe···H·ttbt·· . ballot,'Th~ballotwould];"~cI:~·.'··:.:":<....?- :2'2;~:.,)~:: ... ~:.,,~"7 .. '.. : ....•. ,....• " . fwletion fora couple ofyears,· ~.. you,favor-8ifinttease m.ther~? .. ·LtSa ~:Prnl'" she said. .·FEATURES Yes or No," said·c.rOJ.·Robbins,' dento/GSA. Thecurrent ~tudentactivities OnThe Street: Pg;11. Is·Oo .the· fonnerDireetor ofGraduate . ~ .: .. fee-h8s notbee~increased si~ce ·d E· -s.:'. .S"-_.:i....~ ·Servi,·-.. 'OCtbe current$lL36.'~...u- Point in Spain Pg.l1 an venmg· IoIaUCU. ' ~ .. ... .. ~,ca.&J.& 1968, the fi~ year it. \!&S. 4iJ- . ·h· .. "hr,.--n' ....~...:...... •.--.;._ ate. stlJdent aetm. fee,.-·t~.~50 . ARTS w 0 IS currenl4.7~~ -,-'.. .. ·tt•... .'. lec:ted.Tberearecurrently2.341 sultantfi &E:G1-c;~~11OW goestotbeStudentc;eDter~.l.OO. ~te'.stuclents. enrolled· .~ ,. ~HardTo Kill Pg.:18 .. ~ ,£.'1:;;.:' ""ti~:"'~ ,:.'" goestoithe Gratluote V~ -the ~ Ul~loIle ~_l~~ Get Var Rocks Pg.15 we S8.1d~~. .pnue, 'graduate students ne~~." Robbins .-"'; ,. ..';'.. .. '.. , .. I Pg'.19 , SPORTS L-__---..:..--~---------------~ - '" ....... -' -• 'T"-' - .. ~. ~ .... - . .. ' .-. ,.~_.- '~ -, ~II" .. ... .~ .. .• '" :;- -:-. ~. .. " .....- ~ ." l . ...-.. - ..... " . ,-: -".': . .'. ~, ....-,: .. .. February 28, 1990 Page 2 The Ticker February 28, 1990 The Ticker· Page 3 EDIT0 RIALS ============================================================================ ==========================================================:==~=====================================0 P-E DS The Ticker letters I Taking A Stand Isn't Free Founded in 1932 Tales of the Darkside: - . - DECLARING THEIR independence ofadmin­ solely to manage the over $1 million of stu­ Kenneth E. Brown Be My Sexist dent fees collected annually. Student organi­ Horror Stories at Baruch College strative constraints, the student representa­ editor-in-chief Valentine? tives on the Baruch College Association's zations also do not pay for the large telephone By ARlHUR LEWIN and MARIA LOPEZ bills that they generate. Aylman pointed out February 20, 1990 Board ofDirectors voted to stop using student Martin Starkey To the editorial staff, Forget"Friday the 13th Wait a minute. The story moment when their students matter what grades you get! fee money to pay the security costs for the correctly that students will be asked to pay managing editor Part 7". Forget "The Texas does not end here. Listen to need them the most, Baruch Anybody knows you don't treat Student Center building. for these services and more ifBaruch was to I question the level of ma­ ChainsawMassacre". Forget this! Ifyou do not have a College tells 'the counselors people like that, let alone turity arid professionalism of Freddie and forget Jason. Ph.D. and want to work as a thatit is time for them to go young, impressionable students DSSG President Sean Mason and the other assume the cost ofsecurity at the Student Toni Colavito the editors and staffofThe You want to get a good scare? counselor, Baruch may hire on vacation. 'Why? -Because trying to make something of student leaders argue that security is a cost Center, which costs hundreds ofthousands of production manager Ticker. I can not believe the Listen to what has been you, but only as a substitute. Baruch requires thecounsel­ their lives. Many, no doubt, edttors ofa college
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