Transliteration of Arabic 1/6 ARABIC Arabic script* DIN 31635 ISO 233 ISO/R 233 UN ALA-LC EI 1982(1.0) 1984(2.0) 1961(3.0) 1972(4.0) 1997(5.0) 1960(6.0) iso ini med fin Consonants — — ((4.1 — (3.1)(3.2) — ʾ ā ﺎ ا 01 02 (2.1) (3.3) (4.2) (5.1) ʾ ’ — —, ʼ, ’ ˌ —, ˈ, ʾ ◌ٕ ,◌ٔ ء 03 b b b b b b ﺐ ﺒ ﺑ ب 04 t t t t t t ﺖ ﺘ ﺗ ت 05 th th th ṯ ṯ ṯ ﺚ ﺜ ﺛ ث 06 dj j j ǧ ǧ ǧ ﺞ ﺠ ﺟ ج 07 ḥ ḥ ḩ ḥ ḥ ḥ ﺢ ﺤ ﺣ ح 08 kh kh kh ẖ ẖ ḫ ﺦ ﺨ ﺧ خ 09 d d d d d d ﺪ د 10 dh dh dh ḏ ḏ ḏ ﺬ ذ 11 r r r r r r ﺮ ر 12 z z z z z z ﺰ ز 13 s s s s s s ﺲ ﺴ ﺳ س 14 sh sh sh š š š ﺶ ﺸ ﺷ ش 15 ṣ ṣ ş ṣ ṣ ṣ ﺺ ﺼ ﺻ ص 16 ḍ ̧ ḍ d ḍ ḍ ḍ ﺾ ﻀ ﺿ ض 17 ṭ ṭ ţ ṭ ṭ ṭ ﻂ ﻄ ﻃ ط 18 ẓ ̧ ẓ z ẓ ẓ ẓ ﻆ ﻈ ﻇ ظ 19 ʿ ʻ ʻ ʿ ʿ ʿ ﻊ ﻌ ﻋ ع 20 gh gh gh ḡ ġ ġ ﻎ ﻐ ﻏ غ 21 f f f f f f ﻒ ﻔ ﻓ ف 22 ḳ q q q q q ﻖ ﻘ ﻗ ق 23 k k k k k k ﻚ ﻜ ﻛ ك 24 l l l l l l ﻞ ﻠ ﻟ ل 25 m m m m m m ﻢ ﻤ ﻣ م 26 n n n n n n ﻦ ﻨ ﻧ ن 27 h h h h h h ﻪ ﻬ ﻫ ه 28 (1.1) (3.4) (4.3) (5.2) (6.1) at a, t h, t h, ᵗ ʰ, ẗ t h, ﺔ ة 29 w w w w w w ﻮ و 30 y y y y y y ﻲ ﻴ ﻳ ي 31 ā y y — ỳ ā ﻰ ى 32 lā lā lā lā laʾ lā ﻼ ﻻ (1.2) (2.2) (3.5) (4.4) (5.3) (6.2) -ʼl al-, ʾˈal al- al- al- al- ال 33 Thomas T. Pedersen – http://transliteration.eki.ee Rev. 2.1, 2008-02-04 Transliteration of Arabic 2/6 DIN 31635 ISO 233 ISO/R 233 UN ALA-LC EI 1982(1.0) 1984(2.0) 1961(3.0) 1972(4.0) 1997(5.0) 1960(6.0) iso ini med fin Vowels and diphthongs ā ʼā (5.4) ā, ā (3.6) ʼā ā, ʾâ ʾā ﺂ آ 34 a a a a a a ◌َ 35 u u u u u u ◌ُ 36 i i i i i i ◌ِ 37 ā ā ā ā aʾ ā ◌َ ﺎ ◌َ ا 38 ā ā ā — ā ā ◌ٰ 39 ā á á à aỳ ā ◌َ ى 40 — — — à āỳ ā ◌ ﱝ 41 ū ū ū ū uw ū ◌ ُﻮ ◌ ُو 42 ī ī ī ī iy ī ◌ِ ﻴ ◌ِ ي 43 (5.5) — an aⁿ ᵃⁿ á áʾ, an ◌ً ,◌ ﴽ 44 — — — — áỳ an ◌ً ى 45 46 (5.5) — un uⁿ ᵘⁿ ú un ◌ٌ (5.5) — in iⁿ ⁱⁿ í in ◌ٍ 47 aw aw° aw aw aw aw ◌َ ﻮْ ◌َ وْ 48 ay ay° ay ay ay ay ◌َ ﻴْ ◌َ يْ 49 (3.7) (5.6) (6.3) 50 ū uww, ūw uww ū uww, uw̄ uww ◌ ُو (3.8) (5.7) (6.4) ī iyy, ī īy, iyy ī iyy, iȳ iyy ◌ِ يّ 51 Other signs (1.3) (3.9) (4.5) — — — °◌ ◌ْ 52 (1.4) (3.10) (4.6) (5.8) (5.5) ̄◌ ◌ّ 52 (3.11) (5.9) ◌ʼ ’ ʾ‐ ◌ ◌ʼ ٱ 54 Additional characters H p p — p — p ﭗ ﭙ ﭘ پ 55 č zh ch, — č — č ﭻ ﭽ ﭼ چ 56 zh zh — ž — ž ﮋ ژ 57 — v — v — v ﭫ ﭭ ﭬ ڤ 58 — v — v — v ڥ 59 — f — q q q ﻒ ﻔ ﻓ ف 60 — q — f f f ڢ 61 g g — g — g ﮏ ﮑ ﮐ گ 62 g g — g — g ﯔ ﯖ ﯕ ڭ 63 — v — v — v ﯟ ۋ 64 Thomas T. Pedersen – http://transliteration.eki.ee Rev. 2.1, 2008-02-04 Transliteration of Arabic 3/6 Punctuation , ، 65 ; ؛ 66 ? ؟ 67 Numbers 0 ٠ 68 1 ١ 69 2 ٢ 70 3 ٣ 71 4 ٤ 72 5 ٥ 73 6 ٦ 74 7 ٧ 75 8 ٨ 76 9 ٩ 77 Thomas T. Pedersen – http://transliteration.eki.ee Rev. 2.1, 2008-02-04 Transliteration of Arabic 4/6 Notes * Character forms: iso isolated form, ini initial form, med medial form, fin final form. ham°zaẗ (hamzaʰ). taʾˌ mar°buwṭaẗ (tā’ marbūṭaʰ). The definite article. Se individual notes. madaẗ̄ (maddaʰ). sukuwn (sukūn). šadaẗ̄ (šaddaʰ). ham°zaẗ ʾ‐al°waṣ°l (hamzaᵗ al-waṣl). Characters used in various Arabic-speaking countries to represent sounds not found in standard Arabic. Not all transliteration systems have a complete list of these characters. 1.0 DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) 31635: Umschrift des arabischen Alphabets as referenced in Klaus Lagally: ArabTeX – a System for Typesetting Arabic. General notes: i. Hyphen is used to separate grammatically differing elements within single units of Arabic script, notably the noun from the article and/or from the particles wa-, fa-, ta-, bi-, li-, ka-, la-, sa- and a-. 1.1 As t in the construct state. ,ل ,ظ ,ط ,ض ,ص ,ش ,س ,ز ,ر ,ذ ,د ,ث ,ت) letter “sun” following the with assimilated is article definite The 1.2 .(ن 1.3 Sukūn is not transliterated. 1.4 The consonant is written twice. 2.0 International Standards Organisation. (http://www.iso.ch). General notes: i. If the Arabic text supplies vowels, it will be entirely transliterated; if the Arabic text does not supply vowels, only those characters appearing in the text will be transliterated. .saʾˌala َﺳَﺎءَل ;((ruwˈus ruwˈusú رُؤُسٌ .E.g ˌ. bearer: without ,ˈ :(ئ ؤ أ) With bearer 2.1 . ʾˈalšam°sū ﺃﹶﻟﺸﱠﻤﹾﺲﹸ .e.g hyphen, a without word next the to joined always is article definite The 2.2 3.0 International Standards Organization. This standard was withdrawn and replaced by ISO 233:1984. Nevertheless, this version of ISO 233 can still be found in various publications. General notes: i. The standard distinguishes between transliteration with and without i‘rāb (case endings): With i‘rāb Without i‘rāb bayt baytᵘ ﺑ ﹶﻴﺖﹸ bayt baytuᵘⁿ ﺑ ﹶﻴﺖﹲ maʿnà maʿnàⁿ ﻣﹶﻌﻨﻰﹰ miṣriyyīn miṣriyyīnᵃ ﻣﹺﺼﺮﻳﻦﹶ ii. Hyphen is used in transliteration to separate grammatically differing elements, especially the noun from the article and/or from the particles wa-, fa-, ta-, bi-, li-, ka-, la-, sa- and a-. .ibn transliterated always : i‘rāb without transliteration in ﺑﻦ and ﺍﺑﻦ .iii 3.1 See entry under the section “Vowels and diphthongs” and note 3.2. .su’āl ﺳﹸﺅﹶﺍﻝ ,li’am ﻟ ﹺﺌ ﹶﻢ ,ra’à ﺭﹶﺃﻯ .e.g transliterated, not is letter base The : ؤ and ئ ,أ Special condition for 3.2 Thomas T. Pedersen – http://transliteration.eki.ee Rev. 2.1, 2008-02-04 Transliteration of Arabic 5/6 3.3 Hamzaʰ is not transliterated initially, elsewhere by ’. without al-madīnaʰ; ﺍﳌﺪﻳﻨﺔ .e.g ʰ, state: absolute the in i‘rāb without al-madīnaᵗᵘ; ﺍﳌﹶﺪﹺﻳﻨﹶ ﹸﺔ .e.g With i‘rāb: ᵗ, 3.4 .an-nabī madīnaᵗ ﺍﳌﺪﻳﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﻨﺒﻲ .e.g ᵗ, state: construct the in i‘rāb .ن and ,ل ,ظ ,ط ,ض ,ص ,ش ,س ,ز ,ر ,ذ ,د ,ث ,ت :letters “sun” with assimilated is article definite the in The l 3.5 .aš-šamsᵘ ﺍﻟﻟﺸﱠﻤﹾﺲﹸ .E.g 3.6 ā is used initially, ʼā elsewhere. 3.7 ū used in final position. 3.8 ī used in final position. 3.9 Sukūn is ignored in transliteration. 3.10 Šaddaʰ is rendered by doubling the consonant. 3.11 Hamzaᵗ al-waṣl (alif waṣlaʰ): With i‘rāb transliterated by its original vowel with a breve, indicating i‘rāb after a without ăl-malikⁱ; baytᵘ ﺑﹶﻴﹾﺖﹸ ﭐﳌﹶﻠﹺﻚﹺ ,bi-ĭhtimāmⁱ ﺑﹺﭑﻫﺘﹺﻤﺎﻡﹺ .e.g pronounced, not is vowel the that ﺍﳌﻠﻚ .e.g breve, the without consonant a after i‘rāb without bi-ĭhtimām; ﺑﭑﻫﺘﻤﺎﻡ .e.g i‘rāb, with as vowel .al-malik bayt ﺑﻴﺖ 4.0 United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN). (http://www.eki.ee/wgrs). 4.1 Not romanized in itself. Se “Vowels and diphthongs” section for other uses. ﺑﹺﻨﹶﺎءﹶﺍﺕ ,su’ila ﺳﹸﺌﹺﻞﹶ ,ra’īs ﺭﹶﺋﹺﻴﺲ ,su’āl ﺳﹸﺆﹶﺍﻝ ,bi’r ﺑﺌﹾﺮ ,akhadha ﺃﹶﺧﹶﺬﹶ :. E.g position. initial in romanized Not 4.2 .quri’a ﹸﻗﺮﹺﺉﹶ ,qara’a ﻗﹶﺮﹶﺃﹶ ,binā’āt 4.3 Tā’ marbūţah is romanized h, except in the construct form of feminine nouns, where it is roman- ized t instead. 4.4 The l of the definite article al is assimilated with the following “sun letters” (t, th, d, dh, r, z, s, sh, s, .ash-Shāriqah اﻟﺸﺎرﻗﺔ :.E.g d, t, z, l, n). 4.5 Marks absence of the vowel and is not romanized. 4.6 Marks doubling of the consonant. 5.0 American Library Association/Library of Congress. General notes: i. Hyphen is used to connect the definite article al with the following word; between an inseparable prefix and the following word; between bin and the following word in personal names when they are written in Arabic as a single word.
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