SOUPS Soup of the Day: 14.00 TL Sevim’s Homemade Tarhana Soup (Hot Spicy): 17.50 TL Ingredients of Tarhana: Onion, Garlic, Red Sweet Pepper, Green Pepper, Flour, Parsley, Dry Mint, Black Pepper, Red Pepper Flakes, Salt SPECIIAL TASTES Hestia Turkish Dumplings: 32.00 TL (Rice Yoghurt with Garlic for 2 TL additional) (Options: With Soy Mince, Green Lentils, Chickpea) 250 gr. Hestia Vegan Turkish Dumplings of Your Choice, Hestia Vegan Turkish Dumplings Sauce with Tomato and Fresh Mint Thetis Stuffed Balls (Piece): 11.00 TL (Options: With Soy Mince, Green Lentils, Potato) Mehmet the Whale’s Lahmacun: 13.00 TL (Options: With Soy Mince, Green Lentils) 1 Vegan Stone Oven Lahmacun of Your Choice, Tomato, Onion with Sumac and Parsley, Head Lettuce, Lemon Mermaid Stuffed Mussels (Gluten-free) (Piece): 4.50 TL *(This product may not always be available. Please ask for information) French Fries : 11.00 TL 200 Gr. French Fries, Vegan Ketchup, Vegan Mayonnaise BURGERS Narcissist Burger: 38.00 TL Cashew Sauce, Chef's Special Sauce, Olive Oil, Thyme Narcissist Cheeseburger: 42.50 TL Tomato, Pickled Gherkins, Cashew Sauce, Chef's Special Sauce, Olive Oil, Thyme Venus Burger: 38.00 TL Chef's Special Sauce, Olive Oil, Thyme Venus Cheeseburger: 42.50 TL Cashew Sauce, Chef's Special Sauce, Olive Oil, Thyme Nev’in Mom’s Burger: 38.00 TL Gherkins, Onion with Parsley, Cashew Sauce, Chef's Special Sauce Nev’in Mom’s Cheeseburger: 42.50 TL Lettuce, Tomato, Pickled Gherkins, Onion with Sumac and Parsley, Cashew Sauce, Chef's Special Sauce, Chronos Roasted Narcissist Steamed Burger: 15.50 TL Special Steamed Hamburger Sauce Narcissist Steamed Cheeseburger: 16.50 TL Vegan Plain Cheese (20 gr.), Special Steamed Hamburger Sauce Venus Steamed Burger: 15.50 TL Special Steamed Hamburger Sauce Venus Steamed Cheeseburger: 16.50 TL Vegan Plain Cheese (20 gr.), Special Steamed Hamburger Sauce Nev’in Mom’s Steamed Burger: 15.50 TL Nev’in Mom’s Steamed Cheeseburger: 16.50 TL Special Steamed Hamburger Sauce Alev Alev Burger: 39.00 TL Head Lettuce, Tomato, Pickled Gherkins, Onion with Sumac and Parsley, Cashew Sauce, Tahina Sauce with Roasted Alev Alev Cheeseburger: 43.50 TL Vegan Plain Cheese (20 gr), Head Lettuce, Tomato, Pickled Gherkins, Onion with Sumac and Parsley, Cashew Sauce, Tahina TOASTS Nefertiti Toast: 23.50 TL Tomato, Roasted Green Pepper, Olive Oil, Thyme Tutankhamun Toast: 25.50 TL Naz’an Toast: 20.50 TL SALADS Antigone Salad (Gluten-free) : 38.00 TL Cabbage, Grated Carrot, Tomato, Pickled Gherkins, Sweet Corn, Walnut, Thyme, Olive Oil Smyrna Salad (Gluten-free) : 38.00 TL Zeus Falafella Salad (Gluten-free) : 57.00 TL Roquette, Scallion, Red Cabbage, Grated Carrot, Tomato, Pickled Gherkins, Sweet Corn, Roasted Sesame, Walnut, Thyme, Olive Oil, Pomegranate Molasses, Lemon Nev’in Mom’s Patties Salad (Gluten-free): 57.00 TL Red Cabbage, Grated Carrot, Tomato, Pickled Gherkins, Sweet Corn, Walnut, Thyme, Olive Oil, Pomegranate Molasses Thor’s Patties with Yoghurt Salad (Gluten-free): 57.00 TL Sweet Corn, Roasted Sesame, Walnut, Thyme, Olive Oil, Pomegranate Molasses SANDWICHES & WRAPS Nev’in Mom’s Patties Sandwich / Wrap: 38.00 TL Chef's Special Sauce, Head Lettuce, Tomato, Pickled Gherkins, Scallion, Olive Oil, Thyme Zeus Falafella Sandwich / Wrap: 38.00 TL Nefertiti Sandwich / Wrap: 38.00 TL Tutankhamun Sandwich / Wrap: 39.50 TL Walnut, Olive Oil, Thyme Delilah Albanian (Liver) Soy Cube Sandwich: 32.50 TL Onion with Sumac and Parsley, Olive Oil, Thyme Aphrodite Sandwich / Wrap: 38.00 TL Cashew Sauce, Chef's Special Sauce, Head Lettuce, Tomato, Pickled Gherkins, Sweet Corn, Walnut, Olive Oil, Thyme Poseidon Sandwich / Wrap: 38.00 TL Cashew Sauce, Chef's Special Sauce, Tomato, Pickled Gherkins, Roquette, Lemon, Olive Oil, Thyme Naz’an Sandwich / Wrap: 38.00 TL Walnut, Olive Oil, Thyme Arwen Kokoretsi Sandwich: 38.00 TL Gandalf Tantuni Sandwich: 38.00 TL Pepper Pickle, Lemon, Olive Oil, Cumin, Thyme Elektra Patso ( French Fries ) Sandwich: 14.00 TL Harmony Patso ( French Fries ) Sandwich with Vegan Cheese: 17.00 TL WRAPS Brutus Wrapped Adana Kebab (Hot): 38.00 TL Thyme Caesar Wrapped Urfa Kebab (Not Hot): 38.00 TL with Coconut Milk, Tomato, Pickled Gherkins, Head Lettuce, Onion with Sumac and Parsley, Olive Oil, Thyme Narcissist Wrap: 38.00 TL Special Sauce, Olive Oil, Thyme Venus Wrap: 38.00 TL Olive Oil, Thyme Gandalf Tantuni Wrap: 32.50 TL Vegan Lavash, 100 gr. Vegan Tantuni made with Soy Cube, Tomato, Onion with Sumac and Parsley, Hot Pepper Pickles, Lemon, Olive Oil, Cumin, Thyme Alev Alev Wrap: 39.00 TL Thor’s Wraped Patties with Yoghurt: 39.50 TL Delilah Albanian (Liver) Soy Cube Wrap: 38.00 TL Onion with Sumac and Parsley, Olive Oil, Thyme MAIN DIISHES Nev’in Mom’s Patties (Gluten-free): 50.00 TL Gherkins, Scallion, Hot Pepper Pickles, Cashew Sauce, Chef's Special Sauce, Olive Oil, Thyme Zeus Falafella (Gluten-free): 50.00 TL Grated Carrot, Red Cabbage, Tomato, Pickled Gherkins, Roquette, Scallion, Hot Pepper Pickles, Lemon, Olive Oil, Thyme Delilah Albanian (Liver) Soy Cube (Gluten-free): 50.00 TL Pepper Pickles, Onion with Sumac and Parsley, Olive Oil, Thyme Arwen Kokoretsi (Gluten-free): 50.00 TL Pickled Gherkins, Hot Pepper Pickles, Olive Oil, Thyme Gandalf Tantuni (Gluten-free): 50.00 TL Gherkins, Hot Pepper Pickles, Onion with Sumac and Parsley, Olive Oil, Thyme Thor’s Patties with Yoghurt (Gluten-free): 50.00 TL Pickles, Scallion, Olive Oil, Thyme Zakharion Soaked ( Islama ) Patties: 50.00 TL Tomato, Roasted Green Pepper, Onion with Sumac and Parsley, Olive Oil, Thyme Mix Plate (Gluten-free): 65.00 TL Vegan Tantuni made with Soy Cube, 60 gr. Arwen Vegan Kokoretsi made with Oyster Mushroom, 60 gr. Delilah Albanian (Liver) Soy Cube, Head Lettuce, Roquette, Scallion, Red Cabbage, Grated Carrot, Tomato, Pickled Gherkins, Onion with Sumac and Parsley, Sweet Corn, Roasted Sesame, Walnut, Thyme, Olive Oil, Pomegranate Molasses, Lemon MOM’S DIISHES *(Some of the products below may not always be available. Please ask for information) Pandora Cabbage Stew (Gluten-free): 15.00 TL 250 gr. Pandora Vegan Cabbage Stew of Your Choice Helios Stuffed Eggplants (Gluten-free): 19.00 TL Pan Cauliflower (Gluten-free): 15.00 TL Dionysus Eggplant Ragout (Gluten-free): 15.00 TL Green Beans with Olive Oil: 15.00 TL White Beans: 14.00 TL Chickpeas: 14.00 TL Rice Pilaf: 11.00 TL Bulgur Pilaf: 11.00 TL Bulgur Pilaf with Vegetables: 11.00 TL Homemade Pasta with Vegan Cheese: 14.00 TL Vegan Cheese, Walnut and Parsley STUFFED VEGETABLES *(Some of the products below may not always be available. Please ask for information) Feronia Stuffed Pepper (Gluten-free): 17.50 TL (Rice Yoghurt with Garlic for 2 TL additional) Penelope Stuffed Chard (Gluten-free): 17.50 TL (Rice Yoghurt with Garlic for 2 TL additional) Poros Stuffed White Cabbage (Gluten-free): 17.50 TL (Rice Yoghurt with Garlic for 2 TL additional) Fethiye’s Stuffed Black Cabbage (Gluten-free): 17.50 TL (Rice Yoghurt with Garlic for 2 TL additional) Gülşah’s Stuffed Vine Leaves (Gluten-free): 17.50 TL (Rice Yoghurt with Garlic for 2 TL additional) DESSERTS *(Some of the products below may not always be available. Please ask for information) Achilles Raw Cheesecake (150 gr) (Gluten-free) (No Added Sugar) : 36.00 TL Cherry, 1 Slice of Achilles Vegan Cheesecake of Your Choice Adonis Cake (No Added Sugar): 22.00 TL (Cake Cream Filled and Chocolate Pudding Coated) (Options: With Carrot, Apple, Cocoa, Orange, Lemon, Raisin, Dried Apricots, Dried Figs, Pumpkin, Kaki Persimmon, Coconut, Tahini, Dates) 1 Slice of Adonis Vegan Cake of Your Choice Black Pearl Coconut Raw Cookie (Gluten-free) (No Added Sugar ): 16.50 TL Xena Filled Cookie: 13.00 TL Dilruba’s Ice-cream & Sorbet: 6.00 TL Elv’in Semolina Dessert with Milk (No Added Sugar): 9.00 TL Erdem’s Tahini Pudding (200 gr) (Gluten-free) (No added sugar): 19.00 TL With Plant Milk, Tahini and Molasses Lazushi Baked Rice Pudding (200 gr) (Gluten-Free) (No Added Sugar): 16.50 TL Hurina (Burma Dessert with Sherbet) (4 Pieces):20. 00 TL Cocolatta (2 Pieces) (Gluten-free) (No Added Sugar): 13.00 TL Ege’s Chocolate Pudding ( Supangle ) (200 gr) (No Added Sugar): 19.00 TL Cocoa Pudding on Cake Pieces Felicita Raw Balls (40 gr) (2 Pieces) (No Added Sugar): 18.00 TL Bartu’s Wet Cake (No Added Sugar) (Slice): 19.00 TL Wet Cake with Walnut and Cocoa Beren’s Filled Cupcake (No Added Sugar): 19.00 TL Cupkake with Carrot and Cinnamon Which Filled with pudding and Coated with another pudding April’s Cake - Tart (No Added Sugar): 19.00 TL Cherry, Yaren’s Vegan Baklava ( Dessert with Sherbet) (4 Pieces ) :20. 00 TL BEVERAGES Kajran (Ayran made with Cashew) (20 cl.): 16.00 TL *(This product may not always be available. Please ask for information) Coca-Cola (33 cl.): 9.00 TL (Sugar-free, Light) Fanta (33 cl.): 9.00 TL Sprite (33 cl.): 9.00 TL Cappy (33 cl.): 9.00 TL (Options: Peach, Apricot, Sour Cherry, Orange, Mixed) Fuse Tea (33 cl.): 9.00 TL (Options: Peach, Lemon) Fruit Soda (Mineral Water): 6.50 TL (Options: Apple, Lemon) Soda (Mineral Water): 5.50 TL Water: 4.00 TL Tea: 5.00 TL *(This product may not always be available. Please ask for information) Tea in Cup: 7.50 TL *(This product may not always be available. Please ask for information) Turkish Coffee: 12.50 TL *(This product may not always be available. Please ask for information) Herbal Tea : 10.00 TL *(This product may not always be available. Please ask for information) Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice: 13.50 TL Turnip Juice (25 cl.) : 9.00 TL Shaman’s Secret Kombucha (Fermented Cold Tea): 17.50 TL (Options: Green Tea, Original).
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