Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal 1937-1939 Indexed and prepared by Michael Elliott of the Special Collections Division, Akron-Summit County Public Library The first column lists the name of the deceased and the second lists the date on which an obituary appeared. Please note that it is quite common for an individual’s obituary to appear in two or three consecutive issues of the newspaper, with an abbreviated version appearing on at least one day. If the obituary that appears on the date given is not as detailed as you had hoped, check the issue for the previous and/or following day. Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal, 1937 -1939 Name Date Abbott, Elmina 10/8/1939 Abbott, Fauntella 4/5/1938 Abbott, George H. 5/4/1938 Abel, James R. 6/29/1939 Abele, Frank H. 4/7/1937 Aber, Ada Viora 2/12/1937 Aber, Harley H. 11/14/1938 Aberth, Rosina 11/6/1939 Abood, Sam 10/10/1938 Abraham, George 4/9/1938 Abraham, Joseph 10/13/1938 Abramovitz, Lewis 11/1/1938 Acker, Christena A. 3/31/1937 Acker, Ella M. 9/16/1937 Acker, George 9/20/1938 Acker, Harry G. 11/25/1937 Acker, Minnie 8/9/1938 Acker, Rebecca 12/5/1938 Ackerman, Evelyn L. 9/1/1937 Acquaviva, Lucia 7/18/1939 Adair, Homer 5/5/1937 Adair, Sarah A. 10/14/1938 Adams, Eva G. 11/4/1939 Adams, Hazel Elizabeth 5/14/1939 Adams, James M. 3/21/1938 Adams, John B. 7/26/1937 Adams, Silas P. 2/18/1939 Adams, William B. 1/25/1939 Adkins, Charles 8/19/1939 Adkinson, Virginia 2/15/1939 Adolph, Pettronella Mary 3/23/1938 Aeillo, Frank 10/11/1937 Aeillo, James J. 8/22/1938 Agar, Victoria Louise 10/19/1939 Ahl, Mary B. 10/30/1937 Ahrendt, Fritz 8/30/1939 Aitken, Robert W. 2/6/1939 Akers, Charlotte 8/21/1939 Akers, Harvey 10/20/1939 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal, 1937 -1939 Akins, Gertrude E. 5/16/1939 Alanskus, Joseph 1/13/1937 Albergo, Theresa 2/1/1938 Albertson, Bernice I. 5/22/1939 Albertson, Robert W. 12/4/1937 Albright, Ada 10/19/1939 Albright, George L. 2/4/1937 Albright, Hazel B. 11/6/1939 Albright, James E. 4/16/1937 Alderdice, Robert A. 4/25/1938 Alderfer, Charlotte 1/11/1937 Alderfer, Elizabeth 1/7/1939 Aldstadt, James S. 3/6/1937 Alexander, David Jan 6/16/1938 Alexander, Madge 9/26/1939 Alexander, Marion 4/13/1938 Alexander, Robert R. 2/5/1938 Alexander, Theresa M. 4/28/1939 Aley, Herbert 1/21/1939 Allan, Thomas C. 6/27/1938 Allemann, Camille 10/12/1939 Allen, Benjamin D. 1/22/1937 Allen, Elvis 8/1/1939 Allen, Harry 6/2/1938 Allen, Ida Sisler 7/14/1937 Allen, Irwin D. 4/28/1938 Allen, James G. 3/2/1937 Allen, Mrs. J. B. 6/25/1939 Allen, Nora L. 9/25/1939 Allen, Patricia Ann 2/13/1939 Allen, Royce 8/16/1937 Allgood, Mary 10/13/1939 Alling, Mary E. 4/29/1937 Alling, Williston 12/7/1938 Allison, Ella 11/13/1937 Allison, Esther J. 2/1/1937 Allman, Dalzell Mason 4/17/1937 Allman, Sarah 10/21/1939 Allyn, Helen Fisher 2/17/1937 Allyn, Margaret M. 12/21/1939 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal, 1937 -1939 Alpern, Aaron H. 4/22/1937 Amato, Katherine 5/4/1937 Ambros, Paul 7/24/1939 Ambros, Zuzanna 11/12/1938 Amend, Wilhelmina Meutsch 5/4/1937 Amity, Emily G. 9/12/1939 Ammerman, Katherine Ann 6/21/1937 Ammon, Charles H. 4/28/1937 Amos, Jennie M. 10/25/1939 Anastazia, Chriz 6/28/1939 Anderosn, George E. 4/11/1938 Anderson, Anna 5/11/1939 Anderson, Anna M. 5/27/1937 Anderson, Aura M. 3/30/1938 Anderson, Carl J. 7/3/1937 Anderson, Charles A. 1/22/1939 Anderson, Clarence O. 2/9/1938 Anderson, Dora E. 2/6/1937 Anderson, Emma A. 3/5/1937 Anderson, George A. 1/11/1938 Anderson, Gertrude 6/15/1938 Anderson, Harold E. 11/5/1937 Anderson, Ida M. 7/26/1938 Anderson, Inez R. 3/21/1938 Anderson, Iona 8/10/1938 Anderson, James R. 6/19/1937 Anderson, Jessie 7/16/1937 Anderson, Leona L. 10/18/1937 Anderson, Malte A. 9/3/1939 Anderson, May Phelps 5/20/1939 Anderson, Raymond S. 6/13/1939 Anderson, Virginia 10/16/1939 Anderson, Willis O. 7/14/1939 Andes, Barnhart 5/3/1939 Andes, Elizabeth 3/7/1938 Andre, Susan Bauer 3/16/1938 Andreas, Benjamin F. 4/27/1938 Andreo, Lila Kouri 3/22/1939 Andress, Dillman 2/9/1937 Andress, Harry Ellsworth 4/10/1937 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal, 1937 -1939 Andrew, John George 5/13/1937 Andrews, Helen MacGill 3/9/1937 Andrews, Joan Shirley 5/13/1937 Andrews, Mary A. 4/14/1937 Anemer, William 12/19/1939 Angelo, Mary 9/30/1937 Angelos, George 9/23/1937 Anger, Clarence J. 2/27/1939 Anger, Karl 5/3/1938 Angerstein, William 2/9/1937 Angle, Alpha 6/16/1939 Anstine, Kate Eshelman 11/29/1938 Antal, Steve 7/24/1937 Antes, Della 3/21/1939 Antes, Genevieve Hewitt 12/27/1938 Anthony, Howard B. 6/8/1937 Anushock, John 10/1/1938 App, Harry S. 3/14/1938 Apple, Harry 1/16/1937 Appleton, Hannah E. 11/18/1937 Appleton, Jennie Roush 7/21/1939 Arbogast, Sue E. 4/20/1937 Archer, Benjamin F. 5/28/1937 Archer, Donald Wayne 5/14/1937 Archer, Samuel 2/8/1937 Arconti, Tomaso 8/7/1939 Arenson, John H. 3/9/1939 Armstrong, Evan A. 6/30/1937 Armstrong, Josephine 1/25/1938 Armstrong, Richard T. 6/28/1939 Arnacka, Myrtle 1/22/1938 Arndt, Orletta Walters 8/23/1938 Arnold, Amelia Marie 11/28/1938 Arnold, Charles Edward 12/10/1938 Arnold, David Howard 2/26/1937 Arnold, Emily Rhodes 12/9/1938 Arnold, Hannah Samantha 3/31/1938 Arnold, Isabella 8/14/1939 Arnold, Katie Schuler 3/5/1937 Arnold, Lena Margaret 6/5/1939 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal, 1937 -1939 Arnold, Lou Ida 2/23/1938 Arnold, Mary H. 12/14/1937 Arnold, Stella 8/18/1938 Arnold, William 5/16/1939 Arnoldi, Charles 6/2/1939 Arnott, Estle C. 4/24/1939 Aronhalt, Eva M. 6/2/1938 Arters, Flora B. 2/6/1939 Arthur, Elizabeth 2/25/1939 Arthur, Harry G. 4/25/1938 Arthur, James A. 1/21/1939 Arthur, Patricia Ann 3/22/1937 Arthurs, Dorothy E. 5/18/1938 Arthurs, Ulysses Grant 1/3/1939 Ash, Bessie 5/16/1938 Ashburn, Frank E. 9/29/1939 Ashburn, Thomas H. 3/17/1939 Ashenbaugh, Ronald 1/28/1939 Ashton, Marilyn 12/4/1937 Aspell, Thomas A. 8/2/1938 Atamm, Anna 3/20/1939 Atchison, Harry C. 5/17/1938 Athey, Kenneth Earl 8/11/1938 Atkins, John Kenneth 1/25/1937 Atleson, Benjamin 2/12/1938 Atwood, Jennie 3/29/1939 Aufrance, Edward 8/22/1938 Auler, Kenneth Richard 5/31/1939 Ault, Anderson A. 3/25/1939 Ault, George Lewis 8/17/1937 Ault, Margaret K. 7/21/1937 Ault, Mary M. 12/21/1938 Ault, Mary R. 6/18/1937 Aultman, Helen Louise 7/5/1937 Auman, Lillie A. 4/14/1938 Ausetts, Mary 6/17/1939 Ausherman, Emma M. 7/27/1939 Aust, Florence Irene 4/9/1938 Austell, Ida 5/31/1938 Austin, Kent M. 12/2/1939 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal, 1937 -1939 Austin, Lorenzo G. 2/25/1939 Austin, Minnie M. 6/7/1937 Authenreith, Julius G. 12/4/1939 Averill, Harley C. 9/2/1937 Averwine, William Henry 5/14/1937 Avery, Frank W. 4/6/1939 Avery, William B. 4/10/1939 Aydelott, Harriet L. 4/5/1937 Ayers, Mary B. 8/18/1937 Ayers, Rose Anna 2/21/1938 Azar, Joseph 5/10/1938 Azar, Mary H. 8/19/1937 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal, 1937 -1939 Babb, Shirley 4/22/1939 Babcock, Lucy Maria 11/9/1937 Babish, Andy 7/19/1939 Bachman, George 2/14/1939 Bachtel, Bessie I. 9/30/1939 Bachtel, Phoeba 4/1/1939 Backderf, Margaret 12/17/1937 Backe, Elizabeth 10/11/1937 Backe, John 10/28/1937 Backer, Kathryn 6/14/1939 Backmann, Linnie 12/10/1937 Backus, Bonnie Lee 5/16/1939 Baclawski, Adam 6/30/1938 Bacon, Colonel Willis 11/22/1938 Bader, Ellen 8/11/1939 Badgley, Ralph Edward 4/19/1937 Baer, David 7/30/1937 Baer, Grace E. 4/2/1937 Baerkircher, Esther V. 2/16/1939 Bagley, William 1/25/1939 Bahr, Charles W. 1/16/1939 Bahr, Mary 9/19/1939 Baier, David Gerald 11/5/1939 Bailey, Elsie A. 6/30/1937 Bailey, Eva Isabelle 8/13/1937 Bailey, Fannie 4/26/1938 Bailey, Fred A. 11/12/1937 Bailey, Paul W. 12/24/1937 Bailey, William H. 5/10/1938 Bailey, William W. 2/12/1937 Bair, Alvin H. 8/15/1938 Bair, Clara 4/29/1939 Bair, Dorothy S. 5/3/1937 Baird, Charles C. 11/10/1937 Baird, Herbert 3/20/1937 Baird, Lewis 7/5/2003 Baith, Lula L. 8/4/1937 Baith, Richard L. 10/27/1938 Baitz, George J. 8/22/1939 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal, 1937 -1939 Baker, Albert S.
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