V --r - VOL XXXV, MV ' IIDNMI.III. II I TfKHDAV.'.MM.Y .'I, IJlttu - NICMI WIJKKLV WHOLE NO '2IU8 to their movements Idled to these entreaties for some time Vattmiimt (Smile. I thty iinvc promised till tumble any longer tu keep silent. oteis and resldenln WIND Him said, "Children. I will put II to OR s PROSPERITY against (he $ll?:WfFN vote. On you nil wish to go Home 7 SUICIDE I 1 SEMI-WEEKL- Y. tnry fires uhirh plngtie epidemic, (lint tlioy will. If llemctnhcr you inny never conic again, you IS81'KI KSU FRIDAYS elected to the Legislature, nee that and you ntity never see Wnlluku If Tl'KmVS these claims nre pnld In full. go back now for the King will not let WALTER C. SMITH. EDITOR. On these promises the-- rnmpulKii fund us have this schooner every tiny, "Oh AND TARIFF for the "solid three' Is sitlil lo be ris- w ow ER we don't cure nbout Wnlluku, we never MU DER? HUUbOKItTlUN UATBSs ing Ktcndlly, nnd the Chinese nre now want to go thcie, wo want to go .60 banking their hopes nnd money on the Pkm. Mokth t Independents. Homo." Htich was tho united chorus. I'u Month, Kofeciu , 76 There wns but one dissenting voice lifc Viak 6 J among eight children, of P Kobeiox 0.00 the that the YrB, Wm. McKinley Opened A Modorn Captain Cook. Story of Hawaii in the eldest buy. Sick and deadly pnle, but The Remains of W. E. iDTariiblj to Adunce. Pijible Mr. Thomas Mansfield of Wnlnlten, and resolute, lie was for keeping on In spite Mills. recently from Manila, In an endeavor to Forties. of everything. Whether his courage A. W. PI2AKSON. the ilnd u short route from i'uiieo to Heed's could have held out for two nights Is Miller Found. Uuslneis Manager. Iluy, where he expected to discover mam- doubtful, and he never luul the satis- moth caves littered with human skele- faction of knowing how great a hero JiUSIMisS L.AKDS. Sunday, snys discover-- d tons, last he hns he might have been nt this time, for HOW LABOR WAS HELPED a secret tra I to Punn. over which he E. K. claims the distinction or being the first MBS. WILDER WRITES the Mother with a few pokes of her LY1.12 A. DICKI!V. Attorney at tjkvr and white man to have traversed In over 201 umbrclln through the side lights suc- Notary Public. I. O. bet 7M1. Honolulu. very II. King and Ilethcl years. Mr. Manslleld Is naturally ceeded In summoning below the Cap- 8t. modest, but since his astonishing discov- tain himself. It seems the possibility LTD.-Cen- ery he adjusts his bonnet with tho aid H. IIACICKISLD &. CO.. oral Figures and Facts of the Advance She Tells or a Trip in the Kame- - of n turn nbout had been suggested to Decomposed Body with Head Blown Cornmtfslon AK'nis, CJueen St.. Hono- of a shoehnrn. htm we Honolulu, so he was II I. Under . before left lulu. of the Workingman jhamiha Third Which was not totally unprepared for the change. Off Discovered in Tont Near V. A. 8CHAKFKR & CO. Importers nnd Republicanism. filuui Motes. Not Finished. The schooner with but little ballast Mokuleia. Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Ha- (Special Correspondence.) wns now bobbing up nnd down like a waiian Islands. cork, no MAUI, July 28. There lias been some but sooner hnd she turned of Wal-nh- ia & COOKB.-(Hob- ert "grip" following about than the wind wns in her favor Deputy Sheriff Andrew Cox LEVVEHS lowers, P. (Special Correspondence.) at Hnmakuapoko recently. The from the Mlutnane - J. I.orey, C il. Cooke.) Importer und Miss Mnssle of Hawaii is visiting her Educntor'Just published its a most Inter and the motion became more endur district vestcrdav afternoon notl- In 19. the- com-imlf- tn dealers lumber and building mat- WASHINGTON, July "In niece Mrs. L. von - days 11a- - able, every moment 'flcd High Sheriff Brown by telephone erial. Office. 411 Port St. Tcmpsky, of Ma !estln?? Incident of the old of of 155C Mr. McKinley made ono re-- kawao. wnll written by Mrs. Elizabeth Klnau It was not long before we were all of a shocking discovery which had ' Up In "Wal-n- ot BTACB.-Wholei- w,e and found situation been made the hills behind rale and Retail Gro- - nuUK wn:cn went to wie nciiris ui The brig Lurllno sailed last Sundny, Wilder, mother of Mrs. Helen Wilder convalescent the a (Jay's Mo-f- or rer. 212 King St.: Tel. 119. Family, plan- - country to rur pas- - the-edito- r only novel but Interesting, nut not nlua plantation near Ranch, -- . 1 -- . people from one end of the the i.'nu, ban Francisco. Her Craff, of the Educator: -- i.i.. ii. i -- - :.u sengcr II, ' tf. did we wish kuloln. body of W. E. Miller, by every the other. It was. Open tlio mills. list Included Mr. n..l Mrs. J. In the "early forties kindness nnd not a moment to return! The a notice. New goods steamer, Nlshwltz of Kula and Mrs. W. F. We were too grateful for the sudden water prospector for the plantation, Orders from (he other Islands faithfully mij Gen. Charles Dick, secretary of the of Tain. competition wns the life of trade. xecuted. I ... ,.., There were no Iron clad time tables In release from misery to desire anything hnd been found in his lonely tent on liejIUUllCUIl .UliUUU, WU1I1I11IILW, luutlj, The II. A. Unldwln family and their days owners to better thnu to go home nnd lo stay the hillside, with every evidence thnt CONSOLIDATED SODA 'Those three words met with a rcspon-bli- c guests are Ollnda house. those nor bnrd hearted WATKR at dlctntc terms io the public and to such theic! Of course thu children In Wnl- he had mot his death by violent means. WORKS CO., Ltd. Esplanade, Coi. chord from the tens of thousands The moored In har- Kort and Allen Holllstcr & Co., vessels Knhulul an extent uas the spirit of accommo- luku would never see our umbrellas, A telephone message from Gay's St. during Demo-ciut- lc bor are the Emily Reed, the Bangalore .Agents. ho had been Idle thu hut dation carried, vessels came nnd that wns a pity, but It could not bo Ranch to Deputy Sheriff Cox wan thu Administration, and tho empty nmi the Mury Wlnkelinan the last that named having arrived from San Fran- went' at the bidding of the passengers! helped! As soon nH we were able to first intimation that he had of the HONOLULU IRON WORK3 brigade to tho polls and to climb we tragedy, he it of every doslrlptlon made to dlrner pall went cisco during the past week. O nil the little fleet, then sailing Knisp them and the stairs and summoned coroner's order. voted for a full dinner pail, and for the among the Islands, the writer most dis- saw Honolulu slowly Hearing. There Jury at once and repaired to the place opening of tho mills. tinctly remembers the Kamchameha was the big stone church, the old where the prospector had been living fami- past. "In order to gain somo Idea of tho ef- Third, for it wns In this small schooner palace, Punchbowl, all the dear for a few weeks The party went LIFE IN THE CAMP sights when length our Into the tent and beside a nauseous fect of restoring tho home market to our she embarked on the first voyage of liar and at feet her life. That the good ship never stepped on solid ground we felt like odor, a' scene horrible in its details met RATIFICATIUN own peoplo tho Republican National IN MAN0A VALLEY travellers from nfnr. The father greet their gaze. Upon the floor was stretch- CcmmltUo sent out blanks to member.! reached Us destination on that occa- sion') should not reflect In any way up- - ed us with a smile, and (as we after, ed the badly decomposed remains ot of tho National Association of Manufac- wards learned) without any special M'JIer. Little was left of the skull. turers, asking them to kindly furnish us Youug Men's Christian As-- surprise. The trip had not been a suc- I bm a cursory examination the party with the number of men whom they had fcociidum Members Have cessful one ns far ns Walluku was a once concluded thnt Miller had coma employed In each year from 1800 to 1&03. concerned but It wns not without Its to his death by foul play. The entlro Republ icans Hold Forth Plea-ur- e. Inclusive, as well as with tho total lesson, nnd no children loved home top of his head was blown off and por- amount of wages which they had paid more ardently than we did for a long tions of tho brain nnd fragments! of the Saturday. during tho samo years. (Special Correspondence.) time to come nnd for the happy man- skull were found clinging tu the canvas ner In which trip ended child- wnlls of the tent. 200 replica. this the "Wo have received Tlieso Y. M. C. A. SUMMER CAMP, Minion ren will always remember with grati- Tlio tent was also found full of holes show that there was a steady increase In Valley, July 30. Friday was at home day Torch Light Parade and a Big tude tho Kamchameha Third. us If done by 'several discharges from u the number of hands employed In tho 200 at tho camp and everyone got up early shotgun.
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