An Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Continuous Time Harry van Zanten November 8, 2004 (this version) always under construction ii Preface iv Contents 1 Stochastic processes 1 1.1 Stochastic processes 1 1.2 Finite-dimensional distributions 3 1.3 Kolmogorov's continuity criterion 4 1.4 Gaussian processes 7 1.5 Non-di®erentiability of the Brownian sample paths 10 1.6 Filtrations and stopping times 11 1.7 Exercises 17 2 Martingales 21 2.1 De¯nitions and examples 21 2.2 Discrete-time martingales 22 2.2.1 Martingale transforms 22 2.2.2 Inequalities 24 2.2.3 Doob decomposition 26 2.2.4 Convergence theorems 27 2.2.5 Optional stopping theorems 31 2.3 Continuous-time martingales 33 2.3.1 Upcrossings in continuous time 33 2.3.2 Regularization 34 2.3.3 Convergence theorems 37 2.3.4 Inequalities 38 2.3.5 Optional stopping 38 2.4 Applications to Brownian motion 40 2.4.1 Quadratic variation 40 2.4.2 Exponential inequality 42 2.4.3 The law of the iterated logarithm 43 2.4.4 Distribution of hitting times 45 2.5 Exercises 47 3 Markov processes 49 3.1 Basic de¯nitions 49 3.2 Existence of a canonical version 52 3.3 Feller processes 55 3.3.1 Feller transition functions and resolvents 55 3.3.2 Existence of a cadlag version 59 3.3.3 Existence of a good ¯ltration 61 3.4 Strong Markov property 64 vi Contents 3.4.1 Strong Markov property of a Feller process 64 3.4.2 Applications to Brownian motion 68 3.5 Generators 70 3.5.1 Generator of a Feller process 70 3.5.2 Characteristic operator 74 3.6 Killed Feller processes 76 3.6.1 Sub-Markovian processes 76 3.6.2 Feynman-Kac formula 78 3.6.3 Feynman-Kac formula and arc-sine law for the BM 79 3.7 Exercises 82 4 Special Feller processes 85 4.1 Brownian motion in Rd 85 4.2 Feller di®usions 88 4.3 Feller processes on discrete spaces 93 4.4 L¶evy processes 97 4.4.1 De¯nition, examples and ¯rst properties 98 4.4.2 Jumps of a L¶evy process 101 4.4.3 L¶evy-It^o decomposition 106 4.4.4 L¶evy-Khintchine formula 109 4.4.5 Stable processes 111 4.5 Exercises 113 A Elements of measure theory 117 A.1 De¯nition of conditional expectation 117 A.2 Basic properties of conditional expectation 118 A.3 Uniform integrability 119 A.4 Monotone class theorem 120 B Elements of functional analysis 123 B.1 Hahn-Banach theorem 123 B.2 Riesz representation theorem 124 References 125 1 Stochastic processes 1.1 Stochastic processes Loosely speaking, a stochastic process is a phenomenon that can be thought of as evolving in time in a random manner. Common examples are the location of a particle in a physical system, the price of a stock in a ¯nancial market, interest rates, etc. A basic example is the erratic movement of pollen grains suspended in water, the so-called Brownian motion. This motion was named after the English botanist R. Brown, who ¯rst observed it in 1827. The movement of the pollen grain is thought to be due to the impacts of the water molecules that surround it. These hits occur a large number of times in each small time interval, they are independent of each other, and the impact of one single hit is very small compared to the total e®ect. This suggest that the motion of the grain can be viewed as a random process with the following properties: (i) The displacement in any time interval [s; t] is independent of what hap- pened before time s. (ii) Such a displacement has a Gaussian distribution, which only depends on the length of the time interval [s; t]. (iii) The motion is continuous. The mathematical model of the Brownian motion will be the main object of investigation in this course. Figure 1.1 shows a particular realization of this stochastic process. The picture suggest that the BM has some remarkable properties, and we will see that this is indeed the case. Mathematically, a stochastic process is simply an indexed collection of random variables. The formal de¯nition is as follows. 2 Stochastic processes 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Figure 1.1: A realization of the Brownian motion De¯nition 1.1.1. Let T be a set and (E; ) a measurable space. A stochastic E process indexed by T , taking values in (E; ), is a collection X = (Xt)t T of E 2 measurable maps Xt from a probability space (­; ; P) to (E; ). The space (E; ) is called the state space of the process. F E E We think of the index t as a time parameter, and view the index set T as the set of all possible time points. In these notes we will usually have T = Z+ = 0; 1; : : : or T = R+ = [0; ). In the former case we say that time is discrete, fin the latterg we say time is1continuous. Note that a discrete-time process can always be viewed as a continuous-time process which is constant on the intervals [n 1; n) for all n N. The state space (E; ) will most often be a Euclidean space¡ Rd, endowed2with its Borel σ-algebra E(Rd). If E is the state space of a process, we call the process E-valued. B For every ¯xed t T the stochastic process X gives us an E-valued random 2 element Xt on (­; ; P). We can also ¯x ! ­ and consider the map t Xt(!) on T . These mapsFare called the trajectories2 , or sample paths of the7!process. The sample paths are functions from T to E, i.e. elements of ET . Hence, we can view the process X as a random element of the function space ET . (Quite often, the sample paths are in fact elements of some nice subset of this space.) The mathematical model of the physical Brownian motion is a stochastic process that is de¯ned as follows. De¯nition 1.1.2. The stochastic process W = (Wt)t 0 is called a (standard) Brownian motion, or Wiener process, if ¸ (i) W0 = 0 a.s., (ii) W W is independent of (W : u s) for all s t, t ¡ s u · · (iii) W W has a N(0; t s)-distribution for all s t, t ¡ s ¡ · (iv) almost all sample paths of W are continuous. 1.2 Finite-dimensional distributions 3 We abbreviate `Brownian motion' to BM in these notes. Property (i) says that a standard BM starts in 0. A process with property (ii) is called a process with independent increments. Property (iii) implies that that the distribution of the increment Wt Ws only depends on t s. This is called the stationarity of the increments. A sto¡chastic process which ¡has property (iv) is called a continuous process. Similarly, we call a stochastic process right-continuous if almost all of its sample paths are right-continuous functions. We will often use the acronym cadlag (continu `a droite, limites `a gauche) for processes with sample paths that are right-continuous have ¯nite left-hand limits at every time point. It is not clear from the de¯nition that the BM actually exists! We will have to prove that there exists a stochastic process which has all the properties required in De¯nition 1.1.2. 1.2 Finite-dimensional distributions In this section we recall Kolmogorov's theorem on the existence of stochastic processes with prescribed ¯nite-dimensional distributions. We use it to prove the existence of a process which has properties (i), (ii) and (iii) of De¯nition 1.1.2. De¯nition 1.2.1. Let X = (Xt)t T be a stochastic process. The distributions 2 of the ¯nite-dimensional vectors of the form (Xt1 ; : : : ; Xtn ) are called the ¯nite- dimensional distributions (fdd's) of the process. It is easily veri¯ed that the fdd's of a stochastic process form a consistent system of measures, in the sense of the following de¯nition. De¯nition 1.2.2. Let T be a set and (E; ) a measurable space. For all E n n t1; : : : ; tn T , let ¹t1;:::;tn be a probability measure on (E ; ). This collection of measures2 is called consistent if it has the following properties:E (i) For all t1; : : : ; tn T , every permutation ¼ of 1; : : : ; n and all A ; : : : ; A 2 f g 1 n 2 E ¹ (A A ) = ¹ (A A ): t1;:::;tn 1 £ ¢ ¢ ¢ £ n t¼(1);:::;t¼(n) ¼(1) £ ¢ ¢ ¢ £ ¼(n) (ii) For all t ; : : : ; t T and A ; : : : ; A 1 n+1 2 1 n 2 E ¹ (A A E) = ¹ (A A ): t1;:::;tn+1 1 £ ¢ ¢ ¢ £ n £ t1;:::;tn 1 £ ¢ ¢ ¢ £ n The Kolmogorov consistency theorem states that conversely, under mild regularity conditions, every consistent family of measures is in fact the family of fdd's of some stochastic process. Some assumptions are needed on the state space (E; ). We will assume that E is a Polish space (a complete, separable metric space)E and is its Borel σ-algebra, i.e. the σ-algebra generated by the open sets. Clearly, Ethe Euclidean spaces (Rn; (Rn)) ¯t into this framework. B 4 Stochastic processes Theorem 1.2.3 (Kolmogorov's consistency theorem).
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