The Weatber WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 19«5 Average Daily Net Press Ron Fereeaet .of U. S. Weathra 9 m a o 0 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR For the Week Ended ;^anrl|ifBt?r lE m in g U m lli February *0, 1965 Very windy tida araalm g, niB ending, eolder tonight, tew none Infant of Prague Mothers beocmie $10,379, and $300 will planning assistant, T a m ^ oold 14,126 €upmtt *8; partly tammy and aalM Circle will meet tomorrow at be added to the town’s oontri- that ths man would plan indus­ 0 m v m i row, high 28-80. About Town MartinBars bution to ths Capital Region trial parka, including tnveatiga- Annottfieiiig lh« Member of the Audit 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Rareon ef Circulation Dominic Catalbo, 19 Green Planning A gency, bringing tion of n eesm ry and aviUlabls Manche»ter— A City of Village Charm Ronald Jodoin, son of Mr. Manor Rd. Mrs. James Blanch- $ 7,000 Aide that sum to $1,887. utilttlee; would oo-ordtn^ in­ Mid Mrs. Maurice Jodoin of 40 field will be co-hoetess. The remainder of the depart­ dustrial and commeroiiu con­ HEBRON'S (Claaetfled Advertising on Page 18) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ment’s Increased allotment will struction; would aaaln in rs- MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1965 Green Rd., has been named to VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 124 (TWENTY PAGES) the dexm's list, with high hon­ Members of Girl Scout Troop For Planner go for operating expenses, In­ zontng land adjacent to new ors, at Worcester Polytechnic 606 will meet in uniform to­ cluding the expenditure of $150 highway construction; and, par­ Salon of Beauty ^ Institute. The 18-year-old fresh­ morrow at 1:45 p.m. in the for a buHetln board for the ticular, would prepara a more man, majoring in physics, Nathan Hale schoolyard and > General Manager Richard planning offide. detailed Town Master Plan for WEDNESDAY, F B a 24th writes for the Worcester Tech proceed to the Lutz Junior Mu­ Martin wasted no ttma yester-< Martin deleted a request of the southwest section' of town Events student paper. He was valedic­ seum. day in vetoing a recommenda­ $500 for ths purchase of a cal­ (South of Hartford Rd. and west SPECIAUZINO la AIX PHASiai of BBAUTT OUL’tU M torian of the Manchester High tion for a $7,000-a-year osslat- culator-printer, and suggested of Keeney St.). ROUTE 6A, Next to the Post O O es __ A baked ham supper will be ant to the town planning direc­ to Tamsky that he utilize nm- Martin told Tamsky, *Tn cut­ One Charge Dismissed School class of 1964. HEBRON, CONN.----------- PHONB **8-8888 served Saturday at Wesley Me­ tor. chines now av^ahle in other ting this $7,000 Item from your In State In cutting the item out a t the town departments. proposed budget, I am only Best Wishes from Caron and Topper Builders, Ino. Donald Gobeille, son of Mr. morial Church, 110 Ellington Rd., East Hartford. There w ill! planning department’s 1965-66 In an explanation of his re­ beating the board of directors and Mrs. Donald Gobeille of 30 proposed budget, Martin told quest for the $7,000 per year to the punch." Harlan St, has recently been be continuous servings from Planning Director Joseph Tarn- R.R. Hearing pledged to the New Jersey 5:30 to 7 p.m. | sky, "There are so many plans Alpha Chapter of Sigma Phi Mrs. Eleanor Vibbert will give that we have yet to place lAto May Be Held Civil Rights Deaths D{^lon Fraternity at Stevens operation, that I can't see why Institute of Technology. A a demonstration of watercolor we need another planner.” sophomore at the college, he is painting tomorrow at 8 p.m. at He sliced that item, plus an ‘THRIFT” IS A HOUSE & HALE CHARGE ACCOUNT In New Haven smrking toward a BE. degree Lutz ji^ o r Museum. The event additional 81,810, from .Tarn- In engineering. is open to adult members of the sky’s $32,305 budget request, museum only. Guest Soloist HARTFORD (AP) — ' “T-"“ More Serious and set it down for $23,495, Gov. John N. Dempsey said Ronald S. Pirkey of S5 Brook- Angelo Gesmundo, director of which is $3,975 more than the The Golden Age Club will today a possibility still ex­ fitid St will appear in an all- Instrumental music for the Cov­ $19,520 that was allocated to student chamber recital Thurs­ meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. in the the planning and zoning de« ists that a congressional Indie tm e n t day, March 11, at 8:15 p.m. in Senior Citizen's basement club- entry school system, will be a partment for the current fis­ hearing will be held in New the Von der Mehden Recital rooms at 89 School St., weather guest soloist at the Third Grand cal year. Hall, University of Connecticut. permitting. There will be penny Night of Music, sponsored by Most of the Increase ($2,406) Haven on proposed federal Thrown Out sale. legislation affecting the A Junior at the college, he plays Campbell Council, Knights of is earmarked for the wages of END OF THE MONTH CLEARANCE ON the French horn. the department’s two clerk- Columbus. The event will be New Haven Railroad. JACKSON, Miss. (AP) stenographers, who will go E arlier this month. Sen. John —The more serious of two Town Democrats presented April 3 and 4 at East from part-time status to full­ One of a Kind — Discontinued Styles Pastorc, D-R.I., invited the gov­ Catholic High School. time. ernor to come to Washington to federal indictments against Another $379 wMl be added te.stify. In his reply. Dempsey 17 men.rfkarged in connec­ Meeting Tonight Gesmundo, a graduate of to Tamsky’s salary, which will Hartt College of the Urriversity Odds’ N Ends — Closeouts — Save said he would be glad to do so, tion with the murder of of Hartford and a clarinetist and but .suggested that the hearing three civil rights workers The Demo<matic Towiv Com­ saxophonist, will play two se­ be held in New Haven. mittee will meet at 8 tomght in lections with the KofC orchestra. Dempsey said at his press was dismissed today. the Muidcipal Building Hearing conference today that he had Ttie charge thrown out by He appeared two years ago in DON'T Starts Tomorrow — 9:30 A.M. — No Layaways U.S. Dist. Judge Harold Cox Room to elect a new correspond­ the FTrst Grand Khight of Mu­ received a lette>- from Pastore ing secretary and to hear the still plenty of wear left In saying this might be possible. carried a maximum punishment sic with a small Jazz ensem­ of a $5,000 fine and 10 years in town’s two state representatives ble. He also performs >with sev­ your shoes when yon have Said Pastore; explain some of the bills pending ”In line with your proposal, pri.son. before the State Legislature. eral Manchester dance bands. them rebuilt In a professional Girls'Infants-Boys SPORTSWEAR I A .second indictment pending The event is under the direc­ MEN’S , the rommittee is considering shoe repair shop. ALL 10 BETTBSl WOOL SKIRTS $4.50 against the men involves a mis- Mrs. Patricia Conti, the com­ tion of Enrico Reale. Proceeds JUST 5 SKI SWEATERS.. .$6. 6 QUILT ROBES ................... $3. j hearings at a later date in your WORK GUARANTEED! Reg. 8.99 Assorted sizes. st''te.” ' deameanor, in.stcad of a felony. mittee’s recording secretary, is will benefit the Knights of Orion, wool, $8 and $9 Values. Reg. $6. Broken sizes. TOP BANANA slated to be moved up to the va­ 14 TODDLER DRESSES ----- $2. JUST 8 WOOL SKIRTS .... $8. I However, Pastore added, in I It.s mauximum punishment would Columbus Msgr. Hannon Schol­ ONLY 19 ALL WEATHER be one year in pri.son and a $1,- cant position to replace Miss arship Fund. Reg. $4. Several styles. Reg. $5.99 Broken sizea colora the meantime the .‘ttuation is This 10c sale all started Barbara Coleman, viho last COATS ................................... $18.88 8 PAIR I "so critical” that it would be 000 fine. SAM YULYES $30 Value. With zip-ln liner. 10 BOYS’ SLACK SETS ----- $1. with Bananas. And when month was elected to the post Reg. $3. Name brand, cloeeout. STRETCH SKI PANTS best t"! go ahead with •'lars for I Eighteen men were Indicted of vice chairman. A new re­ Cavagnaro, the town's state rep­ 14 PAIR Reg. $15 Nylon/Wool, side zip. a Washington hearing on March ; last month in the case aifter one we say top banana. we Same Side As Watldns CORDUROY SLACKS .......... $2. 6 INFANTS’ PLAY SETS $2. mean just that . top cording secretary will be chosen resentatives, will discuss the Reg. $5. SllghUy soiled. 10 PAIR ; of the FBI’s most intensive in- at the March meeting. many pending bills vriilch af­ 23 OAK STREET Values to $4. Two styles, CORDUROY SLACKS Looking like ‘‘fingers of war” these Mar.ne Corps riawk mi.ssiles peer over the _____ I ve.stigaliona. One of them, 10 PAIR , GROUP OF BONNETS ...........99c ' i jinide bananas . ,. Check Atty. Paul Groobert and Steve fect Manchester. Only 20 — assorted stylea Reg. $4. Mostly Black, washabla James E. Jordan, ranks as a TRAVEL SLIPPER SETS ...25c shoulder of Gen. William C. Westmoreland, commander of U.S. forces m Viet Just in Time I government witness.
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