Sedgemoor 2050 Transport Investment Strategy October 2019 Sedgemoor 2050 Transport Investment Strategy 2 Contents Overview Ì What is the 2050 Transport Investment Strategy? 4 Ì Sedgemoor’s local transport context 5 Ì Sedgemoor’s national position 5 Ì Scale of ambition 6 Ì Development of the Sedgemoor 2050 Transport Investment Strategy 6 Ì Living Sustainably 7 Ì Enjoying and Achieving 7 Ì What would that transport network look like? 8 Context Ì Commuting patterns 10 Ì Connecting businesses 11 Ì Enabling development 12 Ì Socio-economic factors and trends 16 Ì Deprivation 16 Ì Sedgemoor’s transport network 17 Ì Summary 18 Building our communities Ì Strategy 20 Delivery Plan Ì Phasing 30 Funding and Financing Options Ì Introduction 40 Ì Central Government grants – capital 41 Ì Central Government grants – revenue 42 Ì Local government 42 Ì Private sector 43 Ì Financing options 43 Ì Summary 43 Appendix 3 What is the 2050 Transport 1 Investment Strategy? 1.1 Investment in Sedgemoor’s transport is a key enabler for delivering sustainable growth by increasing competitiveness, supporting employment and creating opportunity across the district. The Sedgemoor 2050 Transport Investment Strategy identifies the Overview key transport schemes required to support economic growth and new housing in Sedgemoor – aligning transport infrastructure with development to achieve long-term, sustainable growth to 2050. The Strategy considers all forms or ‘modes’ of travel and all areas of Sedgemoor, as well as connections to and from the district. It also considers the opportunities of new and so-called disruptive technologies in transport such as on-demand and shared mobility. The strategy considers how best to achieve wider economic, social and environmental goals and priorities. 1.2 The Strategy builds on the Sedgemoor Local Plan 2011-2032, identifying additional infrastructure requirements to support development beyond 2032 or even to accelerate development, recognising that major infrastructure can take decades to plan, design, fund and build; and that in a pro-growth, pro-business district, like Sedgemoor, starting discussions early is important for getting buy-in to a shared vision for growth between the District Council, residents, businesses, and other key partners. 1.3 Economic growth is supported by improving connectivity between businesses and their supply chains and markets; helping businesses to access larger labour market catchments to secure the right skills; providing access to international gateways for trade and investment; for enabling and incentivising development; and supporting social inclusion and creating opportunities for all. This requires investment in improving both local and strategic transport connectivity, and not just by motorways and by rail, but also on local roads – by car, bus, cycling and walking, as well as shared modes such as taxis and car clubs – and investing in and preparing for new technologies and mobility solutions. Sedgemoor’s local transport context Sedgemoor’s national position 1.4 Sedgemoor District Council is the Local Planning Authority, 1.7 Sedgemoor District Council does not control planning, design, responsible for strategic planning, housing and economic growth. funding or delivery of works on the rail network or the M5 As an integral part of this, the District Council produces an motorway. This is the responsibility of the Department for Infrastructure Plan to coordinate infrastructure needs and priorities, Transport, along with Network Rail and Highways England and works to secure funding contributions from developers (e.g. respectively. However, the District Council does influence Section 106 contributions and Community Infrastructure Levy) to Central Government and has an excellent track record of working invest in infrastructure. To ensure Sedgemoor is prepared for the closely with local, neighbouring and national partners to secure future and is able to provide top levels of performance, the District investment that is in the best interest of Sedgemoor residents and Council is also investing in highways and traffic management advice businesses. in relation to future development and producing a long-term transport 1.8 Consideration is also being given to forming Sub-National strategy, this document – the Sedgemoor 2050 Transport Investment Transport Bodies (SNTBs) with two potential SNTBs being Strategy, to shape longer term spatial development patterns. identified for the South West. Central Government is promoting 1.5 Somerset County Council is the Local Transport Authority. The their formation, and membership of such a body will be the County Council has a statutory responsibility to develop and refresh decision of Somerset County Council as the Local Transport a Local Transport Plan, containing a long-term transport strategy Authority. The District Council is supportive of local government and shorter, five-year delivery plan. The Sedgemoor 2050 Transport coming together with Central Government to plan transport Investment Strategy is complementary to the Local Transport Plan, strategically, appreciating that in a thriving economy, travel is not the Somerset Future Transport Plan published in 2011, and provides limited to local or national boundaries. Sedgemoor District Council greater focus on Sedgemoor, its economic development, and looks will want to ensure that regardless of the SNTB geography in which further into the future. it is located, that the priorities of the district are at the fore of the SNTB’s agenda. 1.6 Sedgemoor District Council is also within the geography of the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership, covering Somerset, 1.9 Efficient access by road, rail and other forms of public transport Devon, Torbay and Plymouth. The Local Enterprise Partnership to London and its airports, Bristol and Bristol Airport, Exeter and is responsible for developing a Strategic Economic Plan, directing Plymouth and other south coast ports, as well as the Midlands and economic development across the area. The plan also identifies beyond, are important for Sedgemoor and Somerset’s businesses strategic transport priority corridors and international gateways and economy. Sedgemoor is extremely well placed to access many (including the M5, A38, Bristol to Exeter Line and Bristol and Exeter of the country’s major economic hubs and international gateways, Airports), as well as priority issues (e.g. improving the resilience of and continuing to invest in strategic connectivity is important for not the Bristol to Exeter railway line to flooding), and has agreed funding only the local economy, but for the national economy too. to invest in the local area (e.g. funding for Huntworth Roundabout 1.10 The District Council works closely with the organisations described and the access road to Gravity – the innovation campus at the above to plan and design infrastructure and secure funding for Enterprise Zone on the former Royal Ordnance Factory site). The transport infrastructure and wider economic development priorities. Sedgemoor 2050 Transport Investment Strategy provides details of The Sedgemoor 2050 Transport Investment Strategy identifies transport interventions along these priority corridors and in relation transport infrastructure and service investments that cover the to economic growth in line with priority issues. responsibilities of all tiers of government, as well as identifying where the private sector can play its part in the investment of transport infrastructure and service enhancements. 5 Sedgemoor 2050 Transport Investment Strategy Development of the Sedgemoor 2050 Transport Scale of ambition Investment Strategy 1.11 The scale of ambition for economic development, new housing 1.18 Sedgemoor District Council appointed transport and economic and transport across Sedgemoor is bold and transformational development consultancy Steer to support the preparation of this and well aligned with the government’s National Planning Policy strategy. This strategy covers the period to 2050, going beyond Framework, the Industrial and Clean Growth Strategies and Somerset County Council’s current Local Transport Plan, which the drive to increase productivity and deliver Local Industrial runs to 2026. Strategies, as well as recent transport, social and 1.19 Development of the strategy began with a review of local, regional environmental policy. and national planning and transport policy, establishing the context 1.12 The vision for the strategy stems from the vision of the Sedgemoor for the Sedgemoor 2050 Transport Investment Strategy. After this Local Plan, and the vision statement, goals and priorities of the a draft vision and objectives for the strategy were developed. Sedgemoor 2050 Transport Investment Strategy are shown 1.20 The strategy is founded on a technical evidence base drawn from overleaf. Our vision is to support the delivery of a low carbon, clean relevant development planning, transport strategy and modelling growth transport network for the future that creates opportunities reports, and additional traffic surveys and junction modelling. for all by improving the day-to-day accessibility and connectivity for The strategy also considered the potential future scenarios that Sedgemoor’s residents, businesses, and visitors. might provide the context for implementation of the strategy over 1.13 This vision statement is supported by four goals linked to the Local the years to 2050. Variables within these scenarios included the Plan: ensuring economic wellbeing; enjoying and
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