Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, May 26, 2016 OUR 126th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 21-2016 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Westfield BOE Addresses Strategic Plan, Class Size By ROBYN ORR-GIOFFRE partnership with families and commu- moved to Westfield “for the school Specially Written for The Westfield Leader nity, to educate all students to reach system,” took issue with the direction WESTFIELD — The Board of Edu- their highest potential as productive, related to goal number one, which sets cation unveiled a draft of the Strategic well-balanced and responsible citizens to strengthen deeper learning for all Plan for 2016-2021 at its meeting on who respect individual differences and students with a directive that encour- Tuesday night. diversity in an ever-changing world. ages a curricula that engages and chal- A new Strategic Plan is created every There are details in the plan about lenges all learners. five years in Westfield. The plan ad- what the perceived roles of the staff, the Ms. Murphy wanted a definition of dresses the visions, beliefs and strate- community and the parents are, and the what “all learners” entailed. She asked gic directions related to goals estab- plan outlines important educational the board, “will the board put in place lished by the Strategic Planning Coun- goals, offering strategic directions on for the children with special needs a cil. how to accomplish those goals. psychologist at the school” that will The Council is made up of board Superintendent of Schools Margaret help deal with self-esteem issues? members, teachers, administrators, resi- Dolan outlined the proposal in a Superintendent Dolan acknowledged dents, parents, alumni, Child Study PowerPoint presentation. Concerns “the range of students within special Team members and the superintendent. were raised at the conclusion of the education is vast” and because of all of The Mission Statement of the Strate- presentation. the challenges faced in this area, and gic Planning Council is, with the Resident and parent Kathy Murphy, because the students’ needs are con- Westfield Public School District and in who described herself as someone who stantly changing, “there’s no one right answer.” She described the “learner” referred to in the goals as “the child who arrived from another country, the child who has challenges along the spectrum, the child Paul Lachenauer for The Westfield Leader who is gifted in science.” Superinten- JOCKEYING FOR THE LEAD…Youngsters, with adults in tow, head out at the start of the one-mile Fun Run as part of dent Dolan assured Ms. Murphy, “we the Westfield Recreation Department’s Run the Park event in Tamaques Park on Sunday. truly work to reach all students.” Strategic Planning Council member Lindsey Zerafa expressed concern over goal number three, which looks to fos- Cranford Introduces ter a culture of health and wellness with a directive that encourages resiliency, coping skills and balance. $3.77-Mil. Capital Budget Ms. Zerafa said balance was an im- portant enough issue to be set apart as a separate goal. She expressed the need By CHRISTINA M. HINKE public buildings, including the reha- Memorial Field. The project is to cost for there to be more emphasis placed on Specially Written for The Westfield Leader bilitation of the basketball courts at in excess of $800,000, Commissioner balance in general. CRANFORD — The township com- Lincoln Park and renovation of the Patrick Giblin said, with the total sum Ms. Zerafa told the board, “There is mittee introduced, buy a 5-0 tally, ap- council chambers; new vehicles for the coming from the Board of Education Robyn Orr-Gioffre for The Westfield Leader FULL HOUSE…Students and parents fill Cranford’s Lincoln Elementary School no balance in Westfield. What the kids proved a $3.77-million capital budget Department of Public Works and com- (BOE), funds raised from the Cranford gymnasium Monday night to voice their concerns to the school board about its expect of themselves, what parents ex- Tuesday night. Of that amount, some puter equipment; computer equipment, Soccer Club, and the township. The decision not to renew the contract of Cranford High School Principal Kate pect of their kids, what teachers expect $3.4 million is to be bonded, while the bailout systems, turnout gear, and self- BOE is to also have its own vote on the McCabe. (See story on page 2). of the kids, none of it looks like rest will be paid by way of grants, contained breathing apparatus for the project. Once completed, multiple balance…from sports to arts to aca- Mayor Andis Kalnins said. fire department; a truck and teams would be able to practice on the demics.” Capital projects covered by the bud- defibrillators for the police department; field at once. Memorial Day Parades Superintendent Dolan entertained get will include: about $2 million for a senior bus for the Parks and Recre- Two ordinances were rescinded and ideas about how to change the wording roadwork; handicapped ramps and side- ation Department, and other items. replaced as part of the town’s recodifi- Slated for Monday in Towns of the bullets to reflect on this issue but walks and curb replacements; storm Commissioner John Mallon said, cation of the master plan. The commit- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 sewer improvements; improvements to “One of the most important things we tee replaced the vicious dogs ordinance were able to do this year is the amount and an ordinance regarding home-based REGION — Local towns will hold LaGrande Park in Fanwood. we are borrowing is less than the amount businesses. Memorial Day parades this coming The Cranford parade lineup will form Garwood Council OKs in principal in past bonds…” Mayor Kalnins said under the home- Monday morning. at 8:30 a.m. at the Cranford Commu- The township received four grants: a based business ordinance home-based Westfield’s parade will start at 9 a.m. nity Center, located at 220 Walnut Av- $2,500 Middlesex County Fitness Kit businesses included working from home with ceremonies at the World War I enue. The parade will commence at 9 $445K Ordinance For Roads Equipment Grant, $10,000 PSE&G was “considered illegal.” The new or- Monument Circle. In addition to vet- a.m., ending with a ceremony at 10 a.m. 2016 Municipal Grant Award Sustain- dinance has restrictions and requires a eran groups, Mayor Andrew Skibitsky at Memorial Park on Springfield Av- By BRIAN TRUSDELL grants,” Ms. Cuccaro said after the able Jersey Grant, $51,258 Clean Com- permit for such a business. and the town council, Westfield Police enue. The Cranford High School Mad- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader relatively brief 62-minute semi-monthly munities Grant, and a $1,000 Youth Commissioners Giblin and Thomas and Fire Departments, Department of rigal Ensemble and the Cranford High GARWOOD – The borough council meeting of council. “I have a real prob- Academy Kids grant. H. Hannen Jr. voted against a resolution Public Works and various youth and School Band will provide musical se- approved a $445,000 bond ordinance lem with them giving us money they Memorial Field may see a new base- that authorizes a new business at 101 civic organizations will participate. The lections during the ceremony. for new street repairs Tuesday night, already took from us.” ball and soccer synthetic turf field. The Miln Street to install an awning and parade will proceed from the monu- In the event of inclement weather, the second meeting in a row it had She suggested an annual allocation committee introduced an ordinance to sign that encroaches onto the township ment on East Broad Street to Fairview services only will be held at 10 a.m. at authorized borrowing for road work. from the county based on an average authorize $300,000 for a synthetic turf right-of-way. During Monday’s com- Cemetery for the closing ceremony. the Cranford Community Center. Tuesday night’s ordinance covered doled out on a five-year average, “so field for soccer and baseball fields at CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Music will be provided by the The Mountainside parade will begin $145,000 for the repaving of several we can pay cash for capital projects.” Westfield High School Marching Band with a veterans’ ceremony at 11:30 a.m. blocks of Center Street and $300,000 During council debate, fellow Re- and the Westfield Community Band. with the parade to begin immediately for the resurfacing of Hickory Avenue, publican and Ms. Cuccaro’s running Mountainside Approves The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Memo- afterward at the Veterans’ Memorial, from East Street to Lexington Avenue, mate in last year’s election, Joe Sarno, rial Day weekend will begin with a located at Constitution Plaza between and West Street, from Spruce Avenue to said he had no problem with the match- patriotic concert by the Westfield Com- the library and fire house. Marchers Beach Avenue. ing portion of the grant. He said he 30-Unit Condo Complex munity Band this Sunday, May 29, will include veterans, Scouts, fire and The measure passed 5-1 with the understood the county’s objective, but beginning at 6:30 p.m. It will take place rescue squads, police, the Rotary Club, only no vote coming from Council- only said he wished state authorities By RACHEL LOGAN ers, despite the variances. He said the at the Alan Augustine Village Green, and marching band. woman Ileen Cuccaro, who voiced dis- would require municipalities to spend Specially Written for The Westfield Leader property would be a “desirable visual adjacent to the Scotch Plains Munici- Residents are encouraged to line approval over the fact that money for more than the current 5 percent on a MOUNTAINSIDE — The board of environment” in an “integrated, cohe- pal Building at 430 Park Avenue.
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