\ 6, BREEZE )e---- Volume 64 July 17, 1926 Number 29 I. Hessian fly conirolled 100�. / 2. Smut of whea • .;: ,dIld, sorqhum controlled 8'0 %. 'J£>, ,3.tlarkel Reports fol,lowed �110"4 V ·.of f�miers. 4. Wheat sold on protein tln4 qr4df: b�is by 60� <If farmers . .s. Standard varieties planted, by 86�. 16. ,Crop' rQtations Plldiced on' S � of (M'� �1/f()(/J1tal1i;qJ in crop raId/ions. lelJumts.. 'Kansa« .WheatBelt SeM supply. S"d e",h4"ge: ""IMds./)t,,,,s/r4Iti1ns ""ri",,,,,,, pllrily 01 NI/lw Irwi',Sf'lC;",; �"d 9'rmill�l/o" {tJfT1 ""dlNfil' 'OIIIf'll'is(II1; dtmonstrdlion$ • 11MrJe 01 K,lir. Proyam Sltt/i", Whuf lillip, , 1925"1930 L"lul"lS ""tI Anillysis o� , Supply pill" s"d'. Sum,",r Itil/ow tJrwid, dtll1011Sfrdh'olls on . mlfrluf sillI4lifJl1,' SiN! t.l'ClltlI191S,v.m'e'y spm;" dtmonslr� lio(ls, se/11119 4ntl �ufln9 ISSllil1� of 'tsls. S14M4'" Hlde"ts. Wtlrl(0II1r�/· IIoislllft �, on .pr"fun "iTt! "'onlhly M4r/(,,1 dlid "rI1/I1141/on d'" pilrily Whnt. corn 4111/ I fr.dd� .oIlSIS r,.."n(l$.' ltd demonsflillions, sor�h(Jm t;l/lllJr�, ;.� " I I' , I ,I' f .� .... , 2 I- Kansas Farmer for July 17, 1926 These 100.00O-Mile Studebwrs are proofof One-Proft� Val� In March we published a roster of 274 Studebaker owners who had driven their cars from 100,000 to more than 300,000 miles - a few of the veteran Studebakers throughout the world. tj Since then, hundreds of new names, voluntarily submitted, have been added to this record of Studebaker dependability and stamina. The list below ccntalns 817 hundred.. thousand .. mile Studebakers. Dailv, new names are being added to this honor roll of service. tJ Here is con.. elusive proof of the thousands of miles of excess transportation buUt into every Studebaker. Studebaker Proves Stamina by Smashing Transcontinental Record On June 17th, a stock model Studebaker Big Six, driven rainstorms, fog and deep mud. Even under the extreme.y by Ab Jenkins and Ray Peck of Salt Lake City, estab­ unfavorable conditions encountered throughout the gruel-' 13.4 miles lished a new transcontinental record, bridging the 3471. ling trip, gasoline consumption averaged per gallon, and oil 3 f5.5 miles per quart. fj It is doubtful ifyou mile gap between New York and San Francisco in 86 will ever demand such severe service from your car as hours, 20 minutes. It lowered the automobile previous tliis transcontinental run required. Yet it proves why record 16 hours and 25 and beat the fastest by minutes, Studebakerperforms 80 unfailingly in everyday use-why time bV train 6 hours and 25 minutes. An average speed hundreds of owners have testified mileage reCords ranging of 40.2 miles per hour was maintained in spite of terrific &om 100,000 to 300,000 miles. • Name and Addren Mileage Name and Addrt:u Miluce Name and Addres. Nileaee· - Name"and·Addrtss Mileage Name and AddrtSl Mileage Name and Addrei. .Mileage ump Ab O. Can;avari, HlDhok.... N. J. 16i.468 Ohio Transil Co., Lancas.ltr, Ohio. R. W. Remius, Sioux Falls, S. D. IIO,OCO �' �y�an Wa�. ��n. ::Z'� ��'F': ���-:n�5s��;��5�!�����if. �:� �::n�'H:�s-=!:.tb�� CiIY, Kan. :�� A. Goirdina, Hnboken, N. J. 156.397 6 cars: 100,ooS 10 115.480 .... F V:c,t.:�:;, M��;';'rr� Ala. IOR:cm O. A. SIJobriligt'. S41n Lorenac, C""lil. 21tl,OOO F. E. Spieer, Dndgt City. K""n. 100.(0) ,. Romano, Hoboken. N.. J. li'S,98O s, � Nelson, Lancasler, Ohio 150.000 �:;::;L�����L��:M��:'���:�;-�nn. :�= \&«W Rt< .. hlll, Bbbee, Ariz. 150.000 C. C. Heyer, San Pedro, C""lif. uo.ooo H""m""r Ilrotht'r" Pewter, K""n. 150,(1)) P. ROlondi. Hoboken, N. J. 196,576 S. E. Nelson, Lancaster, Ohio 250;000 c. A. Hale, Amarillo, Tnt. 150.000 13J.tm p, Ruocco. Hoboken. J. R. )farry Howbtrl, lima, Ohio. Ike Ward, Amarillo, 'ru: I05,(XX) t; / N.J, 156,789 �11�:t:::l:!��!;z�rlL :g�:� �1:�nC��lr���� l:,�I��:""liL ttr�·�iW!:,ln!ieC;;�d����K�n. :��:� J. Sica. Hoboken, N. J. 136.754 .han: each IOO.�_ A, E. Lawrt'nec,-t"Austia. Ita. 108;000 San Calif. 120.(1)) H. E. Kan. "au Thede, Mesa. Ariz, IJI.tm Pedro. He"son,lndepc"d�"ce, IIO,(XX) Carl 8-. Jiarbtr, Lambertvil1c. N. J. 137,000 JM lamsy;lrma, Ohio JoZO,OClO K""n. nUl ��rF� .. I Evcrl'etn. Salu Co., Clneland·sandusky Ce., � r:!d��'tlDU::�T��& ��?� Ohio O. H. ==:i:�:��:::::i����:��l:: ffl:� ���: �r�!�;,a��:�����iif. :f�:� {t�nHA�i:�'t�.�lri��teK�ri. :�::: , Moorutown, N. J. 123.546 lorain. Ili'.ooo Hurd, lIeaumoDt,·Tex. liO:CJO I Bell UrolhrTl, Maritt1a, Ohio 111.(105 Ed. Garrett. B..umonl, Ttx. ,125,000 Calliopc Adv. Co.. Newark, N. 1- 2SO,oc.o :��:� 135,000 \V. H. Perkins, Beaumont, Tex. 125,000 li�C.F�rnt:i�(l��¥:����·ria. �:� tt,a�?J.('L��:·CS:�������i�""IiL :���: A Strickland, New Brunlw1t11, N, J. 140,0CK) "... Kopp. Tucson, Ariz.. 100.000 Funk D.llilh('r.S:mlaBarba.ra.Calif. 1511.000...RE'-::u�:':n.li:lD�'�"dYyd",·yi.:!,�nok',�G ••K.�.'oa�_ •• Ky. 100,000 �:�:���he���'a�:t��tBa�sO��� AS. Reynolds. TDCson, Ari.. IOO.fX)) H. A. Spricl2. Sanla D:lfNra, Calif. W.O» Red Star Transp., Luin(tan. Ky., Marit'l1a, 0., 10 un: 102,<1<10 to 157.1� �.:.c�.Spi:kel�. ������¥�ex. :�:= 9 tars: lOO,9I81o�914 '���i��n�!;��;;,D�%�.':;.r.:t. �:� Dr. J:ames A. Webb. I Taxi H·K Trutk lines-l.a. CruuSo N. M. 152.00> - (0., th�'!. ClInsti, Tex. 110,000 �Df.r�_l.��!:�i.l�c.;c:,���.i'Ark. :�'.� .�·a�R�:�g�Vb�i�:5.:a�����ia�c�:i{. �M:�: Truck N. NG�����':t�:k�()�:io ,��� • l.inu.l..a. M. I!U.ooo I .. J87 .;J"II I Crecee, _ t:. H. Brune, Fl. Smith. Ark. IlJ.270 Jnhn Qut'unul. Santa Paula, Calif. 164.000 So.u',h,',',n LUin,,rt2012,,. Ky_". 2".632. H.� Gobel Taxi Co .• Newarll. Ohio JOO,OOO' CI,)�Us . I Ark. Santa Paula. Co" y,. J40,lXXl Ft. Smith. IOJ,tXD ce., • �,��·b��g�iial�;1. :f� McBra,er. Rdinin& I tr�J. ....••�h Ltxinrto�IK_ ..l88 10 _,-�.�' A. L. Uallai, . Ark. 100.000 V·P,',i" I . Ccflman, Tes. 108,(0) W. Finlt'1 & San. Teurkan"", 15J,0X) V�Cn.,u"!I.a �:��\8.t���o������Y�N�Y.N. V. .��=: �:��e;·����n�U�J������:�o.. L. S. Fornu, I,"l'lan,., 121.280 Ohio L. DaU.. .. Hamilton, Winthtlter, Ky. 115,000 C.). Newark, 250,000 A. Collman, , Tex:. 120.6«J E Ritcbie. Tt'xarhna.Ark. 126,1XO Spr«kclsSuJrarCo Sprt'tktls.Calif.I".l,OOO Cllhtfl Amst�rdam, N. V. )J8,(Q) Ark. Arie den Dulk. Secekton. Calif. 100.000 E. 1_ Proctor. Winchester. Ky. ItO,OCQ C()V�y. Chat. Warner, Ntwark, OKlo 125.otXt Sinclair. Tua,kana. 147,000 & C. Tn, Co., Amsterdam, N. V. 110.(0) .-r Ark. 1J6.000 Dan Sto<klon. Calif. 127.000 O. E.: Shuman. Winchulcr, Ky. 120.000 K: Jack AJl'a. Paintsyillt. OPlio 135.000 ,. � Sinclair. Tl'xarilanl, Linn. Rttter Cbem Co., Ams.terdam, N. V. 12;).000 I;.frl��;�ID"r.:�;�Tex. l�::: M. A. Co.. .. l>avis. Poland, Ohio �,OOO .' rry D. Rill'Y, Anahl'im, Calir. 1504.851 Heckwith, Torrance. CaliL ,100,00.> W. Meyron V & Tax. Co.• Amsterdam. JOO.OCO : f Tbos. MacGiII. Jr., VaUtjo. Calif. 120,cm , 'n�::::��r��aLa� 207.(00 N.,Y. Earnt'SI C. Wt'glty, Piqua, Ohio J75,fXX) {V�\��r::·g:,',':::i:: I�� GC'o. J. Webb, Amutrdam, N. Y 126.000 Cannon Dall Tr'n Co., PorlSmouth. -l�;:1:l't�;S��e�'B<;t���field.Calif.1�� Dc-nton. llaker. N. Y. 110.(01) CaIiL ]nhn Ohio, 6 c.ars� lOO.CXKllo 200,000 :: 3: \ K.... I�OOO N. Y. �!:l:: g:�::�: �::: ,: Cali� Chtll.,Cover.1 Beacnn. ISO,OOO Rtliabl�TaxiS�rv.,PortsmouIIt,O. 225.0:0 B. ,... Darnn. Dwlin. Tex. 156.OCQ �nz o� U.k�"fi�d.o. £:::fl�:��;.r�r,�����i lii::: I W�L������;'������ :ra:e R. F. Orockporr. N. V. 2"9.(0) Drnver,Slramboal Co., _ c. W. Evan•• Waltnrille, Me. 115.(0) C.ooper. Salem-Warren nus Cn., salem, Ohio,.l_olO.OOO S. H. Prim, Dublin, Tel(. 105',(0) ;:;kl'��fie��:u�r:�I,on '118.000 Stalt' Thos. BuRalo. N. V. 114.<XX> Md. 132,CXIO f. �hule, LciNdi Auto Sak.. OhlO 237·.000 Calif. Denv",. Colo.. 2cars� 125,000 and IW,CO) Ja('k Brady. Ballimore, ,Saad\lslty. E.M:.ybm, "erkeley, .JJ6.cro Mr. BuRalo, N. V 112.(xx) • Calif. 100.000 Brouks Hariman Motor I 0110 Ntuman, Baltimoft'. Md. '''''',000 GLllftle. , Chat., SChuler. Sandusky. Ohio 215.000 I. Mucci. Bukt�ey, Co.. M. L. BuR.lo, N, V. r 21',000 �r�te ��������rn:�� rsg:= \ �'lIelte, F. O. Flo_cu. Sidney, flhio 110,001) Ike Tolar, Dublin, Tu. 100,000 120,cm N. nuRalo, N. Y. Colo. �:� Rotumi�m, 12R.5(tZ G, A. Grandin, SkJney. Ohio 140.000 Oscor Ftlrtit'I, 1::1 Paso"Tex. 125,000 :Fr:����t w���t��n�n����' Pttili. :;b:= �:�tl�tt����;:�eH�:;:!���J:'d. F. H. ! ��r�;n�r:nd' Whunty, Uufh.lo, N. V. 190,tXO C. £. Picken., Sidney, Ohio.. 210,000 \Vt:bb Grter, Houslon, Tex., . J. E. Dabr. Dobttt V. 116,211 . CallI. ��:� ��b::�S�����:��tt:.b��I;.olo. ��:g: ��,:� Howard, Smith6tld, Ohio 12S,(X)) J cars: 100,000 to 135,000 e W�:�:I���'t�., Berhle1.
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