Read us and advertise online - www.mafikengmail.co.za - like Life improves in the North West –Survey Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG; According to Statistics transparency you can see Accurate. Believable. Consistent South Africa, the outcome of a recent community survey has shown that life in the North West was making remarkable improvement for residents in the region. Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa North West Premier, Supra Mahumapelo made the observation Established 1889 transparency you can see Accurate. Believable. Consistent during a post-EXCO media briefi ng at the Taung Skull precinct in Buxton where he addressed the media on the decisions of his executive committee’s meeting held on September 28. Mahumapelo said according to the presentation EXCO received Severe political pain from STATS SA on the latest Community survey results, poverty headcount in the North West had dropped from 9,2 per cent in 2011 to 8,8 in 2016. He said the survey had shown that more people in the province now suffocates ANC alliance had access to water, housing and fl ush toilets and that nine in every MAHIKENG MAIL–MAHIKENG: Despite the fi nal decision of the South African National Civic Organisation ten households had access to piped water. (SANCO) to stay in the ANC alliance, the alliance in the North West was continually suffering from severe “Progress was also made in the provision of decent human political pain, suffocation and marginalisation and SANCO wants out of this relationship. settlements, with about eight in every ten households(78,3%)residing These remarks were made by SANCO’s provincial alliance or to opt out, citing the ANC’s “marginalisation in a formal structure compared to nearly a fi fth who stay in informal executive committee following the organisation’s tactics”. dwellings (18,4%). meeting held in Lichtenburg over the weekend. Clarifying their standpoint following the meeting “About a fi fth of households in Bokone Bophirima have benefi tted ANC alliance partners including SANCO and where they had contemplated ending their “marriage from a government subsidised dwelling, with 21% of households COSATU have been at loggerheads with the ANC of convenience” relationship with the ANC, SANCO’s in the province reporting that they reside in a government funded both on national and provincial levels with voices of provincial secretary, Parket Seaketso said SANCO had dwelling. discontent coming out of the alliance who were accusing much against their will, decided to carry on despite their “The majority of dwellings (56,8%) in Bokone Bophirima are the leader of the alliance (ANC) of “using us only when dissatisfaction with the ruling ANC. “SANCO in the owned and fully paid off. they want our support during election time”. North West Province is appalled by the collapse of the About 2 in every 10 households (18,1%) rent their their dwellings, SANCO went into the weekend meeting seeking a Alliance in the province which and nearly a tenth (9,96%) stay rent free in houses they do not own”, directive from its branches on whether to stay in the Continued on page 3 he said. The Premier said Exco received progress report on the implementation of a shared services model which would enable Mahumapelo and Sambatha unveil new road upgrade government to delivers much needed services within the confi nes of existing budgets. The shared services model will be implemented on Infrastructure and ICT transformation projects amongst others. Mahumapelo added that EXCO had approved the PAAP support plans tabled at the meeting which seek to ensure that Provincial Departments and State Owned Entities improve on the AG fi ndings and implement consequence management. Continued on page 3 We have a winner! Arnold Truter is our monthly Clas- sified Smalls winner. The simple click of a button gained him R1000 hard cash. “It was so easy and ef- fortless! I went onto the website and within minutes my advertise- ment was placed. The great advan- tage is that it appears in the paper as well as on the website. I will definitely use this facility again,” the overjoyed Arnold said. For fur- Premier of Bokone Bophirima, Supra Mahumapelo and MEC for Public Works and Roads, Madoda ther information on this competi- Sambatha on-board a cherry picker truck on Tuesday this week to unveil yet another bill board in Taung tion, turn to our Classified pages. illustrati ng the soon- to-be upgraded project from gravel to surface of the road from Taung (D221) through the villages of Manok- wane, Maphoitsile to the end of the tar at Magogong in Dr Ruth Segomotsi 0DVVLYH Mompati District. The constructor is /$81&+2))(5 fi nally on site for the R147m project which should take approximately 18 ƌŽĂĚǁĂLJ months to complete. (PHOTO: MAT- ϮƉĐĞ SHUBE MFOLOE). ŽƌŶĞƌ^ƵŝƚĞ 13 Martin Street; ^sZϯϬϬϬ Galleria Arcade; EŽǁ ĂƐŚ Shop no 1 & 2 5 ƌŽĂĚǁĂLJ E-mail: [email protected] tŝŶŐďĂĐŬ <ĞůǀŝŶĂƚŽƌ GPS Co-ordinates: 25” 51’ 49,42 S ϯƉĐĞKǀĞŶн • 25” 35’ 40,52 E ŚĂŝƌ ,Žďн 7 OCTOBER 2016 ŽŽŬĞƌŚŽŽĚ ^sZϭϮϬϬ ^sZϭϱϬϬ Tel: 018 381 1330/ EŽǁ EŽǁ 381 2884 5 ĂƐŚ 5 ĂƐŚ Fax: 018 381 0425 R4-00 VAT INCL PAGE 2 MAHIKENG MAIL 7 OCTOBER 2016 Scouts mourn Rabi Presbyterian Church says thank you Mahikeng Mail-Mahikeng-The Presbyterian Church of Africa leadership in Mahikeng expressed great gratitude to several businesses and individuals who recently assisted the church with donations towards its annual conference held in Mahikeng. “The conference was very inspiring and well Kia Motors; Auto Master; Mouse Panel Beaters; organised. As a small church everything went Sams Outfitters; Grand Café; Avalanche; Aqua according to plan and we heartily wish to thank all Diamond Water; George Nkachela; Zolile Qoma; for their great help”, said the leadership of the church. Bonds Outfitters: Boitshepo Mmono and Du Lux They thanked Xolani Mokitime; Dada Motors; Paints. Bishop Swartz confirm 100 new Anglicans The Mahikeng Scouts Association and the whole Scouts Movement has been saddened by the passing of one of their own. The young scout Reabetswe Ikgopoleng died last week following medical com- plications at a local hospital. Rabi as he was known in the Scouts circle was a sexier leader in his Scouts unit and Sunday school in the Methodist Church. Through his young life he was a dedicated scout serving his Duty to God, others and his Country. The 13 year old Rabi was a true scout who was also a violinist, drummer, guitarist, fine artist and adventurer. A joint Memorial Service will be held for the Grade 7 learner and Prefect with the Scouts, School, and Sunday school will be held today (Thursday) at the Living Faith Com- bined School in Unit 15 at 12:00. The funeral will be held on Saturday start- ing at his home in Motlhabeng Village House 30175 and proceed to the Methodist Church in Montshioa at 07:00. All Scouts are re- Bishop Oswald Swartz of Anglican Church from Kimberley and Kuruman diocese conducted an- quested to go into a nual confirmation ceremony at Lomanyaneng village in Mahikeng. He welcomed 100 confirmants period of mourning who vowed to serve the living God. “You are now full members of the church and servants of per Scout Uniform God. God wants faithful and obedient servants. You have taken responsibility to pray to God and Policy. May his life read the Bible every day so you can grow in your faith,” said Swartz. Photo: Otsile Tlape. progress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³MDFX]]LSRRO´RXWVLGHHQWHUWDLQPHQWDUHD YHJHWDWLRQIRUWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKHDEDWWRLUDQGEXWFKHU\ YHKLFOHEXWGRQઆ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