~ W O O O TELEBIT T3000'" Uata Comprcssion. CC ITI VA2bis dala Thc Industry's Fastcst Modem comprcssion. for 1ll0dcms incorpol"atin g Y.42 LAP-M, provides compression capabililie s 01' With transm ission speeds oI' LI ]) 10 57.600 bps. up 10 4: I. The T3000 is al so downwarcl ly Tclcbit has reached ti ncw mi lcslunc in V.32bis cOlll p:lIible with l110Jems using MNP 5. modem capabilities. This ra w spccd pcrlllils raslcr fil e lransfe rs. sercell fill s. and nClwork Use I' Friendly. Equ ippcd with 15 pre-sct conncctions - anel in lll:tlly applications a dial­ ~ Full y V.32bi.\" V.32, configuratio ll s Ihal are pcrmancllIl y slorcd in lhe up modem ma)' be lIscd 10 rcplace a 56K164 K V.22bi .~ , V.22, V.23, V.2 1, modem. lhe T3000 is easily con fi gu rccl for BeIl212/ 1U3 comp:'ltible Ica scd line. This can dramat ic,tlly rcduce costs specitic lI ser applic<l ti ons. Adelitional!y. the anel increase producli vilY. ~ Operates fuI! duplex ai T3000 provicles 10 front pane1 LEDs. which 14,400, 12,000,9600, DISTlNCTIVE FEATURES di splay the status 01' alllllajor ElA leael s. 7200, 4800, 2400, 1200 I'astost Throughput. Tho T3000 is a ful l and 300 hps Modcm Security. The T3000 protects 1I 0s1 dllplcx modem 1ha1 combines V.32bis trellis Supporls IJTE spccds UI' comput crs aga insl ll llau lhorizeu access wilh Iwo ~ codcd Illocl ul ation with V.42 error cO l1 trol anel lo 57,600 hps types 01' dial-access securit y. Password securi ty V.42bis data comprc ssion. This po\\'crfuJ requires lhe ca ll cr 10 enter hi s or her password ~ Fu ll y compliant CCITT cornbination can boas! your asy nchronous data bcfore gain in g access. \V hen callbad security V.42 crroJ'·l'onlrol Ihroughpllt to speeds 0 1' IIp to 57.600 bps. The is enabled. lhe cal ler gaills access lO the hosl prolocol support for benctil oI' thi s incrcascd spccd mcans rcduccd error-fl'ec tnlllSl11ission only afie I" lhe T3000 has successful ly complctcel Iclcphonc tine coSts anel in crcased prodlll'li vilY. a retllrn calllo lhe tclephone numbcr Ihat is ~ Pro\'idcs Y.42bis a nel Easy Migration. The 1'clebil T3000 indcxecllO the cal le r s passworel in lhe T3000 MNP Class 5 dntn alllolllaticall y adjusls ils 111 odulalion speed lO modem' s database. cOl11prCSS ioll Ihal 01' lhe connecting 111 ode 111. enabling users 10 ~ Asynclu'onolls anel cOllll11unicale wilh ali CCrIT-stall cl ard anel I{emote Managernent and Diagnostics. sy nchl'onolls o]lcnltion Bcl l-slélndard ful l duplex 1110del11s. 11 lranspar­ Relllole acccss allo\vs lhe central site :l<.Im ini stra­ ~ Suppo"ls remule en lly conneCIS wilh olhe I" Y.321Jis modems ai lor 10 confi gure. leSI anel el iagnose 1'30UO rnodclll s conli gllnltioll anel I .. L400 and 12,000 bps: Y.32 1ll0de1lls :11 9600. in lhe fie1d . To ensurc reliable network pe rfor­ diagnostics 7200. anel -1. 800 bps: Y.22 :lIld Be ll 212A ai mance. lhe T3000 performs inl ernallogic and PI"O\'idcs password anel 1200 bps: anel V.ll anel Bel! 103J modems aI memory lests. local anel remote loopbad leSIS. ~ ca llback sccllrity 300 bps. The T3000 allows an easy mi gration and analog loopback checks. 1'1'0111 lowe r spccd modems lO hi gh speed ~ A \'ail ablc in standalonc Y.32his in the l11os1 cost .. cffcctivc way. Internai Support for Fi le T ransfcr and ra('kl11o lllll \'crsions Protocols. Thc T3000 provieles illt egraled Enor Control. V.42 error ctmlrol provides support fuI' UN IX UUC p, Kermil. Xlllodc lll anel you with superior pcrfonn:Illce and crrOl' .. frec Ym odelll fil e lransfer protocols. Thi s integral dala cOllllllunications. cvcn OVl.!f poor qualily supporl provides oplilll UIll e1 ala throughpul in a lelcphonc lines. anel cnsures downward broad rallge uI' applicalioll s. compalibility with lhe broadcsI ran ge 01' modems. ~TELEBIT Firs t in Dial-Up NClworking. T3000 MODEM FEAT U R ES/ I ~ENEF I ' I 'S TEC H N ICAL General OfJerali(J " .~ SPECI F ICATIONS CO lllllland Seis Fcature. Data rales rrom 300 to Tclchit Corporation Daltl Del'ice fllferface Supports Tclcbil's Extenucd 14.400 bps wilhout dala COlll llland Sei Data Formal 1315 Chcsapc;lkc Tcrran' cornpressioll. Power RC<j uiremcllts Serial binary. asynchronous. Bcncfil. Allows applieations 10 115 VAC=\O%. -15% synchronous oper,ue OveT ordinal) ' tclcphonc 60l-l z @ 0.55 Amp. m:lx. Intcrfacc Specds lines aI rapid spccus. TCllIflcratllre 1-80tJ-TELEBIT 300. I 200. 2-100. ~ 800 . 7200. 9600. Fcature. V.32bis/V .32/ Opcraling: 50 10 120F. 10 lo SOC ccrn 12.000. 14.400. anu V.22bislV.22/V.2;'IV.2 1 :!!1d Slorage: --1010 149F. -40 10 65C 1·800·835-3248 57.600 bps Bcl1 212N103J lIlodulalion I'hysical Charactc ristics Fhed spced OI' <llllObaud olX'ralion 2.4"( 1-1 ) x 8's"(W) x 13.0"(D) (40S) 734-4333 cornpatibililY· Fio\\' Conlrol Rendit. COllllllunicalü wilh 6.lclll(H) x 21.6cm(W) x SOftware no\\' control using Fax: (408) 734-3333 V.32bis modc ll1 .~ aI I ~Aoo and 33.0cm(D) XON/XOFF commands ;mdlor HP 12.000 bp'i; V.32 ll1 0derns aI 9600. Reglllator}' COlllflli:lllCC ENQ/ACK protocol. Hardware 7200 and ~ 8oo bp:.: and lhe rvkCls rcquircmcllls of FCC Part 68 no\\' conlrol using RS·2)2C inSlallcd b;lsc of low .~ IX'ed modems and DOC CS-Q3 fo r dirccl RTS/CTS signak ai 2~00. 1200 anel 300 bps. Iclephone nelwork cOllllcclinn ;mJ Tclchit Nctwork FCC Pari 15. Subpan J. Class A fo r ICcalurc. Hi gh speed imcrfacc. Te/cp/wuc Line fmerface raJialioll limÍls. Tcchllolngics, S.A. Bendit. AlIows DTE interface Dial-lIp- RJ II specels oI' IIp lo 57.600 hps 10 cnsure Two-wirc Ullcondilioned 255, rotlle d'Arlon highcsI Ihroughpul. leased line I.-MO 11 SI m sscn Featurc. Complianl wilh CClrr Cuml':llihility VA2 crror-cOl11rol prolocoL cCln' V.32bis ( I~Aoo and Distributed by G.D. de Luxcmbourg Bcndit. En s ure .~ errar-freI.' daIa 12.000 bps) lrcllis coded lransfcr bClwecn V.-I2 modem., and modulation. 9600 bps uncodcd. +3523 1 9645 C'xisling 1\'IN r 2--1 prolOcol 7200 bps. and -1800 bps) ll1odcms. ccrn V.22bis (2400 bps) Fax: +35231 96 72 ccrrr V.23 (1200175bps) Featurc. CCl'rI' VA21Jis dala ccrlT V. 22 ( 1200 bps) compression. Ucl12!2A ( 1200bps) 8ellclit. lnt'rcases lhe spced of dala Bcll 103J (300 bp _~ ) IhroughpuI by a ralio oI' uI' IO~: I. Telchit U.K. Ltd Edl(! Canccllalion Fcaturc. Full asynchronousl Ncar- and far-cnd ccho cancel­ Wntcrlll,lIIS Court synchronoLl s olX'ral ion. laliOI1 for V.32bis :lnd V.32 8cllelit. Support ~ COll1 ll1unic:u iollS 1ll0dulatiOllS KingslHlry C rescent in asynchronous and synchronous Error Control envirollmc nl ~ . u ~ in g e ilhcr dial-up V.42 illc!lIdes ccrn LAr -r,,1 anel Thc Causcw;lY or Iwo-wirc 1cascd lines. MNP C lasses 2-4 Slaincs TWI83BA Feature. Faclory prc-slorcd nata Coml'ression eonfigllratioll protiks. V.42IJi.~ +44 784 441986 BCllclit. Conlains 15 eommonly ~' I N P C lass 5 used configllralions Ihm are easil y Diagnostics Fax: +44 784 442437 sc1ccled by lhe opcralOr from lhe Providcs pn wcr-on sclf-test. in­ from pane!. lernal self-lesl. local digilalloop­ back. local anatog loopback. and FC:ltu rc. In h::rnal suppon for UN IX remOle digil:!1 loopback fu ncli ons. UUCP. KermiL Xmodem. and RCl:c i\'cr Scnsitivily Tclchit Bang Kong Ollicc Ymodem prolocols. -43 dBm UCllclit. Prov ides oplirnulll dala Translllil Lc\'cI 1133 Central Building lhroughpul in a broad range of -9 dBm ddaull: O 10 -12 d l3m compu ler cnvirunments. I I'cddcr Slrcct sc leclablc via externai progr;ull­ Featurc. Remole configuration and ming resislor (via RJ45 conncclor) Ccntrnl Hong Kong managCIllCI1t. Frcllucne_,' LC\'cl Ucncfil. Permils t'onfiguraliol1 and ±7 I-I z lolerancc + 852 841 7870 Icsting of remole 1l1odc ll1 s from lhe central sile. Eliminales expense of Fax: +852810 1868 on-sitc lechnici;IIlS. T dcbil i< ~ rcgi'lcrcd IrJ(kllw). orTc1cbil Corporalion. Olhcr IrJdcrnar).' nr crcdil' uwd ,m: Ihosc of Ihcir rc'JlCcü\C holdcr-. '~ Cop}righl 1991 Tdchil Cnrpor.uion. Lilho in USA 1/92 ~TELEBIT Firsl in Dial-Up Networking. .
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