4189 tf The Manchester, Bolton, and Bury, and Man- by the said ^ Ashton, Stalybridge, and Liverpool chester and Leeds Canal and Railways Act, 1846?" Junction Railway Act, 1844;" such alteration to " The Liverpool and Bury Railway Act, 1845;" commence at or near a certain occupation road, " The Liverpool and Bury Railway Act, 1846;" in the Hartshead division, in the parish of Ashton- " The Liverpool and Bury, and Manchester and under-Lyne, in the county of Lancaster, numbered Leeds Railways Act, 1846;" " The Huddersfield 8 on the plan of the said Ashton, Stalybridge, and and Sheffield Junction Railway Act, 1845;" Liverpool junction Railway, referred to in the " The Huddersfield and Sheffield Junction, and said last-mentioned Act, and to terminate at the Manchester and Leeds Railways Act, 1846;" present terminus of the said Ashton and Staly- « The West Riding Union Railways Act, 1846;" bridge Branch Railway, at or near the town of " The Wakefield, Pontefract, and Goole Railway Stalybridge, in the said last-mentioned division Act, 1845;" "The Wakefield, Pontefract, and and parish; which alteration will extend from, in, .Goole Railway Branches Act, 1846;" " The through, or into, or be made within the several Wakefield, Pontefract, and Goole Railway, and parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or other Port of Goole Act, 1846;" "The Manchester places following, or some of them, that is to say, and Southport Railway Act, 1847;" " The Old- Ash ton-under-Lyne, Hartshead division, and ham Alliance Railway Act, 1847;" " The Lan- Stalybridge, all in the county of Lancaster. cashire and Yorkshire Railway Act, 1848;" an And it is also proposed by the said intended Act, passed in the session of Parliament held in Act to enable the said Lancashire and Yorkshire the ninth and tenth years of the reign of Her Railway Company to make and maintain an present Majesty, intituled " An Act for vesting in extension of the Clifton Branch of their railway, the Grand Junction Railway Company, and the to commence by a junction with the said Clifton Manchester and Leeds Railway Company, the Branch, in the township of Clifton, in the parish North Union Railway, and all the works, property, of Eccles, in the said county of Lancaster, at the and effects appertaining thereto;" an Act, passed distance of twenty-one chains or thereabouts from in the said session of Parliament held in the and on the westerly side of the point where that ninth and tenth years of the reign of Her present branch railway crosses the turnpike road leading Majesty, intituled " An Act for enabling the Hull from Manchester to Bolton, and to terminate at and Selby Railway Company to lease and also to or near to certain vitriol works, in the occupation sell their railway to the York and North Midland, of Harrison Blair, Esq., in the township of .and Manchester and Leeds Railway Companies, Kearsley, in the parish of Dean, there to form a or one of them, and to authorize the raising of junction with . the extension line of the said additional money by both or either of the last- Clifton Branch already authorized; which said mentioned companies, for those or other purposes;" last-mentioned intended extension will pass from, an Act, passed in the said session of Parliament in, through, or into, or be situate within the held in the ninth and tenth years of the reign of several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial 'Her said present Majesty, intituled " An Act for or other places following, or some of them, that making certain lines of railway in the west riding is to say, Eccles, Dean, Clifton, Kearsley, Little of the county of York, to be called ' The Sheffield, Hulton, and Worsley, all in the said county of Rotherham, Barnsley, Wakefield, Huddersfield, Lancaster. and Goole Railway;'" " The York and North Also a branch railway, commencing by a double Midland (Hull Station) Railway Act, 1847;" and junction with the intended extension railway " The Leeds Central Railway Station Act, 1848." lastly hereinbefore described, on the south-easterly And it is proposed by the said intended Act side of a certain moss called Kearsley-moss, in .to enable the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway the township of Kearsley, in the parish of Dean, Company to make and maintain an extension of and terminating in a certain field called Moreton the Ashton and Stalybridge H ranch of their rail- Moss, part of the Wardley Hall Estate, in the way, heretofore called the Ashton, Stalybridge, township of Worsley, in' the parish of Eccles, and Liverpool Junction Railway, to commence at occupied by Peter Nightingale, there to form a or near the terminus of the said Ashton and junction with the Wardley Branch of the Man- Stalybridge Branch Railway, at or near the town chester and Southport Railway, at the terminus of Stalybridge, in the Hartshead division, in the thereof, which said last-mentioned intended branch parish of Ash ton-under-Lyric, in the county of railway will pass from, in, through, or into, or Lancaster, and to terminate by a junction with be situate within the several parishes> townships, the Huddersfield and Manchester Railway, in the and extra-parochial or other places following, or said division and parish, at a point about eighty- some of them, that is to say, Dean, Eccles, Kears- two yards on the west side of Stamford-street, in ley, Little Hulton, and Worsley, all in the said Stalybridge aforesaid, which said extension line county of Lancaster. of railway. will pass from, in, through, or into, or And it is also proposed by the said intended be situate, within the several parishes,, townships, Act to authorize the said Lancashire and-York- and extra-parochial or other places following, or shire Railway Company to abandon the formation some of .them, that is to say, Ashton-under-Lyne, of and to relinquish such portion of the extension Hartshead division, and Stalybridge, all in the of the Clifton Branch of their railway as au- county of Lancaster; and also to enable the said thorized to be constructed by the said " Man- company to alter the levels of a portion of the chester and Leeds Railway Act, Np. 3, 1847," as said Ashton and Starybridge Branch, as authorized lies between the junction thereof with the said.
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