opinions features sports a & e ... April 15, 2021 The future of The COVID 2020-21 Duke Recital Halls, Volume 104 sports... workforce Awards 'Fearless' Calls In a world Incoming Music School Number 12 The Duke without the pandemic adjusts to online recognizes DU's coronavirus workers discuss performances www.duqsm.com top players post-grad life PAGE 4 PAGE 6 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 THE DUQUESNE DUKE Proudly Serving Our Campus Since 1925 Dannielle Brown, Duquesne University reach settlement St. Martin's Makeover: renovat- ing one of DU's oldest dorms Mary Liz Flavin staff writer St. Martin Residence Hall will be undergoing renovation begin- ning in May of this year. Since the 1960s, St. Martin has been a residence hall for the students of Duquesne. With the Alex LaFontaine | Staff Photographer Zoe Stratos building in need of an update, This mural honoring the late Marquis Jaylen "JB" Brown sits underneath an overpass on Fifth Avenue, just blocks away from Brottier Hall, where JB fell to his death staff writer Duquesne has partnered with the on Oct. 4, 2018. The mural has also served as the site of some of Dannielle Brown's protests. Radnor Property Group as well as the Harrison Street investment Colleen Hammond continue to take a proactive ap- son and on social media — “You media post. “This is an excel- management firm to accomplish news editor proach to cultivating a safe and came for the wrong mother, un- lent organization for mother’s this task. socially conscious environment til my last breath.” voices and student social activ- Currently, Martin's holds 485 After over two and a half for our students.” On Sept. 25, Duquesne an- ism to be channeled in a collec- residents — the majority of them years since her son’s death, Although Brown had not spo- nounced they had purchased tive front where all parties are being freshmen, with 20 of them Dannielle Brown has reached ken to university officials in body cameras for all 40 involved in a healthy, holistic being upper-class students. an agreement with Duquesne some time, this past July, she Duquesne Police officers. In approach to changing the cli- Chloe Brendle, a sophomore at University. abruptly moved from her na- addition, the university also mate of injustices on college Duquesne University, reflected According to Brown’s law- tive Washington, D.C. and took stated they were investing in campuses, collegiate communi- on her time living in Martin's her yers and Duquesne Media and up residence on Freedom Cor- enhanced de-escalation train- ties and systems.” freshman year. Communications Manager Rose ner in the Hill District where ing measures. “In bringing this case to a “It was OK. I was on the highest Ravasio, “The terms of the set- she began a hunger strike. At However, despite these ef- close, Dannielle Brown will now floor, so it was kinda sad I didn’t tlement agreement are not be- the beginning of her hunger forts, Brown continued her devote her focus and energy to have an elevator to go all the way ing disclosed.” strike, Brown issued a series of hunger strike until March 11 a broader mission of achiev- up there. I had to climb down the Brown, the mother of late demands to university adminis- – her 50th birthday. In total, ing social justice through the one flight of stairs and then hop Duquesne student Marquis Jay- tration. Brown stated she was on a hun- Marquis Jaylen Brown Founda- on the elevator,” Brendle said. len “JB” Brown, has been in a “1) An independent investiga- ger strike for 237 days. tion,” said attorneys Paul Jubas Brendle is under the opin- virtual deadlock with university tion with full access to informa- At the conclusion of her hun- and Max Petrunya. ion that Martin's was not the administration since JB tragi- tion and resources. ger strike, she hosted a small, Reflecting on the experience, ideal place to live. In addition cally fell to his death from the 2) Body cameras for all uni- outdoor gathering at the place Brown said she visited the me- to the elevator issue, Brendle 16th floor of Brottier Hall on versity police. where it all began — Freedom morial bench dedicated to her says that the bathroom situa- Oct. 4, 2018. It was JB’s 21st 3) Mandatory certification Corner. There she announced son, facing the Duquesne foot- tion wasn’t good either; there birthday. training in mental health crisis the launch of the Marquis Jay- ball field where he once played. were dim lights in the showers “Our deepest condolences, intervention and de-escalation len Brown Foundation, an or- “As the tears rolled down my and “you kinda just sat there.” thoughts and prayers will for- for police and first responders,” ganization with a major focus eyes, I took a deep breath and Thankfully with the new reno- ever be with the Brown Fam- read a sign at Brown’s protest on campus police reform across exhaled,” Brown said via social vation, all of these problems ily,” said Duquesne University site. the country. media. “The sun hit my face President Ken Gormley. “JB Brown repeatedly stated that “I am so excited to team up and I felt the warmth of your remains an important mem- she would not end her hunger with Duquesne (maybe) and spirit JB, shouting, ‘Well done ber of the Duquesne University strike until all her demands had universities around the world,” mother.’” see MARTIN— page 3 community. The University will been met, stating — both in per- Brown said in a March 13 social 2 Even in a pandemic, Duq boasts POLICE briefs Student Here are the crimes reported record freshmen application rates from April 5 to April 12. COVID-19 On April 5, a fire alarm was Kellen Stepler activated in Duquesne Towers. editor-in-chief The cause for the alarm was that While some colleges and uni- Relief someone discharged a fire extin- versities are facing a decrease guisher causing the smoke detec- in admissions, Duquesne Uni- tors to activate. It is unknown at versity is experiencing just the Funds this time who discharged the ex- opposite. tinguisher. Duquesne drew a record Kellen Stepler & amount of freshman applications On April 7, a commuter student Katia Faroun – more than 10,100, to be exact reported a “road rage” incident – for the upcoming fall semester. the duquesne duke where an unknown male exited The university admitted 8,400 his vehicle and punched the hood freshmen and 230 transfer stu- In a message sent to all stu- of the commuter’s car, which re- dents, and is expecting between dents Wednesday afternoon, sulted in damage. 1,193 and 1,248 freshmen, about Duquesne President Ken Gorm- 150 transfer students and 979 ley announced that the univer- Also on April 7, a student re- Griffin Sendek | Multimedia Editor new graduated students, accord- sity will be distributing funds to ported a theft from her dorm ing to Joel Bauman, senior vice every student to provide assis- room. The student reported re- Despite the challenges of the pandemic and a decline in college applications president for enrollment man- across the country, Duquesne has received a record number of applications. More tance in light of the COVID-19 ceiving threats from her room- agement. than 10,000 students applied for admission in the upcoming semester. pandemic. mate’s boyfriend over the Easter “As a philosophy, we seek in- The university received holiday period while at home. tellectually motivated and aca- rience while also adapting the one another, faculty, profession- roughly $14 million as part of demically curious individuals on-campus experience to follow als and in communities here.” the American Rescue Plan act of On April 10, a student contacted with leadership potential, stu- all CDC and Health department Despite the uncertainty of 2021 — the most recent stimulus Pittsburgh Police, Zone 2, to file dents who have records of per- guidelines,” he said. “We also the past year, Bauman said that package provided by the federal a report regarding fraudulent sonal growth and community created a fully online virtual op- the focus has still remained on government. The funds were charges on her credit card. Zone service who will thrive in our portunity to directly meet with students. provided to the university in or- 2 police referred the student back classrooms and bring vibrancy to counselors and instituted a ‘live “Everyone in the Duquesne der to help them cover costs in- to Duquesne Police. A DU police our campus,” Bauman said. chat’ feature for the admissions community rallied. The fact that curred by the pandemic and to officer met the student in the lob- Due to the COVID-19 pan- and financial aid office.” students and faculty still partici- provide aid to students in need of by of Brottier Hall and a report demic, Bauman said that the big- Nearly 40% of the incoming pated in as much of a residential additional assistance. was taken. The student contacted gest change this year was test- class comes from outside the experience and as impactful and So far, the university has dis- the credit card company and she optional admission. For fall 2021 commonwealth of Pennsylva- supportive a year bodes well for tributed funds to students with will not be responsible for the to fall 2022 freshman applicants, nia, which Bauman attributed to the future of Duquesne and of qualifying financial needs twice. credit card charges. all majors are offering a test-op- Duquesne’s “national and inter- those students who will gradu- However, the university will now tional opportunity.
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