RESTRICTED COM, HI/59 GENERAL AGREEMENT ON 8 September 1961 TARIFFS AND TRADE Limited Distribution Committee III - Expansion of Trade DOCUMENTATION FOR COMMODITY STUDIES ON THE THIRD LIST OP PRODUCTS Note by the Secretariat Summary Schedules Fish, including Erawns and Shrimps, Canned and in Other Airtight Containers In paragraph 9 of document L/1435 (report on the meeting of Committee III of 21 to 28 March 1961), the secretariat was requested to prepare draft summary schedules showing details on tariffs, quantitative restrictions, revenue duties and internal fiscal charges, State-trading and other measures in force in relation to imports of products in the third list to be examined by the Committee in September 1961« In response to this request, the secretariat produced a draft summary schedule for fish, including prawns and shrimps, canned and in other airtight containers, which was circulated to contracting parties for comments. On the basis of various comments received, the secretariat has now produced a revised version of the summary schedule for the products in question. i FISH. INCLUDING PRAWNS AND SHRIMPS. CANNED AND |M OTHER AIRTIGHT CONTAINERS COM. 111/59 Page 2/3 (Brussels Nomenclature Ne e" 16-04, ux 16,05) United States Canada Full Rpdu^ed _BP JFN _6en. New Zealand 718(a) Fish, prepared or preserved In any manner, If packed In oil or In oil and Agreement other substances (the following values per pound Include «eight of ]]$. jardines, sprat or pilchards, packed In oil or otherwise, In sealed tin Immediate container): jcntiifiers, the weight of the tin container to be included in the weight for duty: Sardines: (a) When weighing over 20 ozs. and not over 36 ozs. each (per box); 3*)5 3*)5* 6)5 Not over 9)5 per pound (b) When weighing ever 12 ozs. and not over 20 ozs. each (per box);. ,'. m 3)5* 4*/5 Not skinned or boned: (c) When weighing ovor 8 ozs. and no': over 12 ozs. each (per box); <• 2(5 2/5* 3*)5 (•.i) When weigh'ng 8 ozs. each or less (per box); 1 1/4)5 Over 9)5, not over 13/5 per lb.. 442 1*»5* 2*<5 120 Ancnovies, packed In oil or otherwise, in sealed tin containers, the weight Over 13/5, not over 18<5 per lb0 302 of the tin container to be Included in the weight for duty: Over 18)5, not over 23)5 per lb: Smoked 302 12*2 (a) When weighing over 20 ozs„ and not over 36 ozs. each (per box);. ...... 3/5 3)5* U Other 302 202 (b) Whsn weighing over 12 ozs. and not over 20 ozs. each (per box); 2*l< 2*/5* 4*/5 Over 23)5, not over 30)5 per lb. 302 152 (c) When weighing over 8 ozs» anr not over 12 ozs* each (per box); . 1*«5 1*)5* 3*«5 Over 30)5 per lb:' (d) When weighing 8 ozs. each or less (per box); 1/5 . 1«5* 2*«5 Smoked 302 12*2 121 Firh preserved in oil, n.o.p--; .' 152* 202* 352 Other 302 152 Ex 121 Bonito preserved in oil;. ......... * 17*2* Skinned or boned, "over 9)5 per lb. 302 122 Herring (not including kippered herring in sealed containers) packedin oil Anchovies: or otherwise, in sealed containers;. - . « 152* 252* 35,6 Not over 9)5 per lb. 442 222 123 Fish, prepared or preserved, n.o.p.: Over 9<5 per lb. 302 152 (a) Kippered herring In sealed containers; .....•*...«..'• 17*2 17*2* 302 Tuna 452 352 (b) Salmon; „ , .... e ........ e .«= .. * 152 152* 302 (s) All other fish, n<.o.p.;. » » « *.c... .................. 17*2 22*2* Bonlto and yellowtail: 302 Ex 123 Canned whitebait; ........... ......'..,.... Free Not over 9)5 per lb. 442 222 124 a. Shellfish, prepared or preserved, n,.o.p.; . „ . ., 17*2 22*2* 302 Over 9<5 per lb. ?02 152 Ex 124' a^ Shellfish known as'Toheroas, in sealed containers including liquid Antipasto: content; .,<,<,. .>«:...•>.««........... ...... Tariffs Not over 9)5 per lb. 442 222 Frw Ex 124 a, Mussels, prepared or preserved; o ..... 17*2* Over 9jÉ per lb. 302 nu Ex 125 a. Oysters, prepared or preserved;. ..,.........,., 152 152* 252 Smoked pollock: 126 Ci ans in sealed containers;. 17*2 442 402 402 "Not over 9)5 per lb. Ex j2? Crustaceans, prepared or preserved, n,o.p« 12*2 17*2 252 Over 9)5 per lb. 302 152 _E:^j_27 Canned crayfish;. „...". .<..,<.. Free Other: 1,28,'av;' Lobsters, prepared or preserved;. c . « 17*2 22*2* 302 .... Not over 9)5 per lb, 442 .i?JL Crabs in sealed containers;» ,......., 17*2 302* 402 Over 9)5 per lb:. MU uhri dip; « -5 o o o o o . o ' * - a o ;. .. 102 102* 252 Fish sticks and similar products, fillets or portions of fish, If breaded, 'Concessions granted under GATT. coated with batter or similarly prepared 302 - Other '• 302 25*2 718(b) Fish, prepared or preserved In any manner, if In airtight aontainers weighing with their contents not over 15 pounds each (except fish packed in ol 1 or In oil and other substances): Anchovies 252 12*2 Salmon 252 152 Tuna 252 12*2* •Applicable to about 57 million pounds In 1961 (Tariff quota) Fish cakes, balls, and pudding 252 52 Herring: Smoked or kippered or In tomato sauce, over 1 lb. each 252 102 Other 252 52 Sardines: Under 8 ounces each 252 1C2 Other 252 6 1/42 __: Other (including bonlto. antipasto and pollock) 252 12*2 COM. IJ J/59. F!3.i, l.yCL'iDIwG PON'S ABD S^!j^.MOET i.rg_IBJ>T!IER AIRTIGHT CONTAINERS (cent.) Page 4 (Brussels Nomenclature No. ax:16«04, ex 1,6.05) ... , j__.;; United States (cont.) Canada (cont.) Full Reduced • •_.;•; •... •••••. ----- .720(b) Fish, prepared or preserved, n^s.p.f.: - - '" In bulk or 1n immediate containers weighing with their contents over 15 lbs. each. ]è lb. \i lb. net wt. ..-..•;• .•-•;••_••• ...-7- • net wt. Other 252 12k . 721(a) Crab meat, paste, and sauce; in airtight containers 22*2 (part) :-721 (b) Clam juice, and clam juice In combination with other substances, in airtight containers 352 17*2 Clams in airtight containers: Razor clams 232 7*2 Other 352 202 . -. • Clams in combination.with other substances, in airtight containers: Clam chowder ....... 352 Tariffs (cont.) 17*2 Other ..,.-.;.-.. 352 202 721(c) Fish paste.and.sauoe • < . ..' •. 302 102 721(d). Caviar roe for food purposes: Boiled and In airtight, containers,.whether, or not in. bouillon or sauce: Sturgeon 302 _ Other 302 7*2 Not boiled, etc. Sturgeon ......... 302 - Other .... 20^ lb. H lb. 721(e) Oysters) oyster .ju.1ee,, or either in combination with other substances, in airtight containers H lb. H lb. ... , including wt. of including wt. of immediate container immediate container 1761 Lobsters, shrimp, and other shellfish, prepared or preserved in any manner, (including pastes and sauces) n.s*p,f. Free - • "*.'". (part) • Quantitative None Restrictions None Revenue and • • • Internal Fiscal ' ' ' None Charges State Trading •'•'! . None None and Monopolies Note: 1. Imports' of 'fishery products muât meet the requirements of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and are subject to inspection, for compliance with the provisions of Note: 1. Imported fish must be sound and wholesoae, the Act. ' and the labels of cajinud products must be cleared 2. United States Imports of edible fishery products consist to a large degree of processed fish and shellfish, both frozen and canned. Imports of cod, haddock, and with the Inspection Service of the Department of ocean perch fillets (and blocks) are mainly from Canada, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, and the Federal Republic of Germany. Imports of other fillets aro principally from Fisheries as well as with the Department of National Canada. Imports of canned fish and shellfish products are mainly from Japan, Norway and Portugal. Imports of canned shrimp are primarily from Mexico and India. Health and Welfare, ;• 3. Under the Internal Revenue Code there is a complex set of additional taxes on certain oils added to fish. The aggregate amount of such taxes is neg igible and 2„ In v'uly 1947, a Fisheries Prices Support Board the effect on trade is nil. was sot up (undor the Fisheries Prices Support Act of 1944) to recommend price support measures to the Government for application at times of sharp price Others fallso The Board is authorized to buy fishery products under prescribed conditions, to dispose of them by sale or otherwise, or to pay the producers the difference between a price prescribed by the Board and the actual price, In the period 1947-55 the Board engaged in twelve support operations involving an expenditure of £4,1 million. Since then, there have been no support operations of this type. No price control of any kind may be imposed under the law. • COM .111/59 Page 5 FISH, IKCLUniiiG .FA; .NS.AND S JUMPS, BANNED AND IN OTHER AIRTIGHT CONTAINERS (cont. ) (Brussels.,Nomenclature No. ex 16.04, ex l6.Q5) EEC EEC France Federal Republic of Germany Common External Tariff MT EEC - TCF.0 MEN Binding 16.04 Prepared or preserved fish, 16.04 Prepared or preserved fish, including caviar and caviar 16.04 Prepared or preserved including caviar and caviar substitutes: fish, including caviar and substitutes: A-a. Caviar; 21$ caviar substitutes: A. Caviar and caviar substitutes; A-b. Caviar substitutes; 30$ 21$ A. 1. Caviar; 2U% 30$ B Other: in airtight containers; in glasses, jars, tubes 2. Caviar substitutes;. 20^ 25$ 25$ B. Salmon; and the like: B.
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