The Ann Arbor VOL. XXIV. NO. 18. ANN AKBOB, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 5.1808. WHOLE NO. 1219. A GENEROUS_GIFT THE I'MVIiHMTV RECEIVES $142, QUEER CASE OF SIX OOO Flion THE I'UOPERTY OF A 8THANGI5K. LADIES, LISTEN! Dr. Elizabeth II. Bates, a New York Reported that County and City Officers Capture a Half Dozen Lady, the Douer. Bauker D. H. If you will come into our store while down Smith, o! IIHuoes, Brought the Selfishness town we will show you a large selection of.... Boys-Are All Locked in Jail Then All Are Set Free Rood News. The Univtrsity authorities had a most pleasant and unexpected surprise is not considered one of the cardi- last Monday. A fino looking old gen- nal virtues, yet nearly all our METALIC BELTS tleman came up the walk to the main actions in life are governed by self- FOR A VALUABLE MONEY CONSIDERATION hall and asked for Mr. Wade. Upon ish considerations. It is self inter- est that makes people look after of the latest designs. being taken to the president's office to the money they are spending very ntroduced himself as D. H. Smith, a carefully these days; and we are Our spring styles of Shirt Waist Buttons, No Justice Courts Show Records of Trial-Boys Claim They banker from Princeton, 111., and execu- free to confess that it is also self tor of the estate of Dr. Elizabeth H. interest that moves us when we Cuff Buttons, etc., has also arrived. Were Told They Must Pay a Certain Amount or Stay Bates, of Port Chester, New York. make it a futile waste of time for He announced that Miss Bates, who re- you to search anywhere for a sav- Nothing sets off a pretty garment so much cently died, left property to the amount ing upon our prices. Hence it is in Jail Thirty Days-Too Much Beer Cause Boys of $142,000 to the University for use in that despite weather and war this as does some appropriate jewelry. Store is busy every day—and then to Break the Law-Too Much Avarice the medical department and for the there's a satisfaction in receiving establishment of a chair of the diseases prompt attention, in being in a of women and children. place thal's comfortable and home- Cause Officials to Do the Same. Miss Bates is not an alumnus of the like and where you can got any- Tuesday THE REGISTER investigated a peculiar case of spree oa the part of Fniverslty, and it is a great surprise thing you may want. some six young men, some of whom were students, the others being boys resid- that one who U such a total stranger should give the University the largest ing here in the city. It seems that on Friday night last the six youn£ fellows We invite you to went on a lark on the North Side somewhere in the neighborhood of the brew- bequest it has ever received. The ery in that part of the city. They were evidently out for and did make a night property will come into tho possession 216 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. of it. About six o'clock Saturday morning, so the report goes, somebody noti- of the University soon. An aunt of the Anothei fied the officers and four county and city officers arrested all six of the donor, who is eighty-five years old, will fellows, some of whom were sons of prominent citizens in Ann Arbor. The receive $1200 per year till her death and Lively Week in boys were lodged in the county jail and kept there until ten o'clock in the fore- and the university will have tho re- noon. Then, so we are creditably informed, they were all discharged. From mainder of the income, about $7,000 Dry Goods... W. W. WETMORE, per year. the statements of those who are in a position to know all the circumstance; in When cloths are now in brisk de- the case, there was some very strange conduct on the part of the officials in this Mr. Wade and President Hutchins mand, in which we have a special matter. In the first place, the officers had no business, whatever, to arrest were interested to know why a stranger offering this week in All-Wool Co- 106 S. MAIN ST. these fellows unless they were guilty of some breach of the peace, or else the should make such a bequest but could verts, Mohairs, Hard Twisted and not learn definitely. They think Mr. Firm Mixtures, Botany Mills Wor- officers had good reasons for suspecting that they were guilty. In either case sted Fancies, Fancy Colored Mo- Having received a fresh supply of the latest styles of the officers had but one course to pursue if they hai the least regard for their Smith, the executor, who for years has hairs, All-Wool Beiges, Plain aud oath of office. But the fellows had monoy, and a regular law proceeding would been Dr. Bate's banker and financial Fancy Cheviots— not pay the officers as well as some other disposal of the case. The boys were manager had something to do with the anxious to avoid a public trial, just as anybody is who has violated the law, and ift, though that gentleman is too 65c and 75c Values were willing to consider an offer to settle. It is asserted on good authority that modest to make any such claims. WALL PAPER, the officers proposed that each of tho boys pay over a certain sum or else go to For 30 Cents jail for thirty days! The boys, or at least all but possibly one or two, paid, and PRESIDENT ANGELA'S NKICE and having retained the services of a first class workman as then they were all discharged ! While we have not a particle of sympathy for —«— the young men for the conduct of which they were guilty, it is but natural that Is married, Alter a Romantic Court- j Cotton Iheel Cloths in Double Fold foreman, is prepared to do all kinds of such fellows would gladly pay liberally to bribe an officer rather than submit to ship, to a Si. Louis ISan, Covert Mixtures—16c. the disgrace of a trial. This, however, does not in the least, palliate the con- A Chicago dispatch to the Detroit duct of the officers. They had a duty to perform. They had taken their oath Tribune says—The marriage of Miss At 65C—81.00 Colored Dress Goods, Mary Angell, daughtorof Mr. and Mrs. in Silk and Wool Mixtures, Fancy Painting and that they would perform that duty—but they ignored their oath and allowed Mohairs, Brilliantines, Satin Ber- guilty people to escape and did it for a money consideration! And they did it, VV. T. Angell, to Frederick Scullin of bers, Coverts, etc. too, BO we are creditably informed, by threatening to assume judicial functions St. Louis was celebrated at 10 o'clock this morning at the Holy Angels' $2.80 Suitings ) Decorating and impose a penalty upon the prisoners whom they had in charge. This is 12.50 SuitiDgs I indeed a shameful state of affairs. church. The ceremony, which was $2.25 Suitings j in the best manner and at the most reasonable rates, and in- performed by the Rev. Father Tighe, $2.00 Suitings J to $I.5O was the culmination of a pretty vites all to examine his stock, and ascertain how cheaply a WHO RUNS THE REGISTER? romance. About 200 friends and rela- room can be decorated with good papers, and in appropriate tives were present at the wedding, a styles. v For several weeks past the report has been persistently circulated in all special car having brought a large parts of Washtenaw that THE REGISTER is being used by certain politicians to party from St. Louis especially for the overthrow Sheriff Judson's influence in the county in order that said politicians occasion. may have better opportunities for preferment. Attempts along this line have The bride is well known in society W. W. WMTMORM, gone so far that Boss Judson has made affidavit that certain articles which have circles of the south side, as well as De- 106 S. Main St. appeared in THE REGISTER were the joint productions of the editor of Thetroit, St. Louis and Ann Arbor. Her Register and certain attorneys who were using this paper as a tool to injure him. uncle, Dr. James B. Angell, the pres- These statements, while absolutely false in every respect, are being eo gen- ent minister to Turkey, is the presi- erally circulated by Boss Judson's tools and sworn to by the Boss himself, that dent of the University of Michigan, it seems proper to declare that there is not a word of truth in them. THE but now on leave of absence for diplo- "Sorosis"-The New Shoe REGISTER desires it to be distinctly undersood that its own editorial force is matic duty. ontirely competent to prepare its own matter for publication and that it does Mr. Scullin came to Chicago this not find and never has found it necessary to employ or to make use of legal tal- winter, expecting to remain temporar- ent to prepare its news items or editorials. Every word of the matter that has ily, until he met Miss Angell; it was a For Women appeared in THE REGISTER in referenco to Boss Judson has been prepared by case of love at first sight. There was the editor of this paper or those regularly employed by him to do newspaper obstacle in the way, however, in work.
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