THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE UADING AND MOST WIDELY CIMCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPEK IN UNION COUNTY KnUrtd a* Second CUM Post Ol»c«. WestUId, „ Publlihe* WESTPIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1951 Rvcry Thursday fense Groups Second Candidates Cancer Drive To Open Methodists Slate Plan Good Friday Meeting Planned April 1; To Seek $4,500 Bach "rtasion" By COP Clubs Tomorrow Night •rt Progress Seeking a quota of $4,500, the Westfield Chapter of the Ameri- Services Here can Cancer Society will lanch its annual fund drive April 1 under Nulton, Mrs. Dwyer, the leadership of Stewart C. Morton of 021 Kimball avenue, east. Richard R. Alford JV© Enter Egg Mini Towner To This year's goal is $500 above the 1950 figure. The drive, which itionOf HuntThU Year will be carried on through coin boxes and direct mail only, will last To Conduct Good Church Council To Sponsor Speak April 4 throughout April. Red Cross vol- James S. Green Tumor Clinic at Friday Performance The. early Easter this year unteer workers are now assisting Cards Westneld's second annual joint in the preparation of campaign lit- the Elisabeth General Hospital, Union Devotions Tomorrow caused cancellation of plan* the cancer clinics at Muhlenberg Johann Sebastian Bach's monu- Republican candidate*' meeting erature which will be mailed to mental choral masterpiece, "The of the Lions Club of West- Hospital, Plainfield, and at Over- field for its annual Eaater will be held Wednesday, April 4, residents during the first week of Passion According to St. Matthew," , "The Seven Words From the Cross" will be the theme of tha Here at 8 p. m. in the new American the drive. Service League volun- look Hospital, Summit. Moat of will be given by the Sanctuary traditional three-hour Good Friday devotion to be held tomorrow, Eg* Hunt in Mindowaskin the equipment in these clinics, in- Park because of soft greund Legion Hall, North avenue and teers, led by Mrs. John M. Wittke choir of the First Methodist beginning at 12 noon at the First Congregational Church, 1SB Elmtr , of state "kitchen Crossways place. Thia yearly panel of 431 Hillside avenue, will be including "gold radon seed pools," Church tomorrow at 8 p. m. Rich- street, by the Westneld Council of Churches. The service will op«« and the very good possibility is paid for by the county chapter. ..ning instruction, in that'the park lawns might be presentation of all county-office charge of poster and coin box dis- ard R. Alford, minister of music with the "Andante" from the "Grande Piece Symphonique" by Ceaar ran »ir raid, has been candidates seeking Republican tribution. Gold radon implants is one of the at the church, will conduct the Franck played by Sylvanus W. a sea of mud. It is th« sec- approved methods of cancer treat- iere, R°y Canfield, ond time that the hunt has nominations in the April primary Also serving on the local cam- performance, and the organist will Jenkins, organist, and will be con- ^reported to the Pe- election is sponsored by three local paign committee are Wank H. ment. be Gladys Crosby Could. Rev. Auto Inspection cluded with Bach's "Our Father betn calltd off for this rea- In addition, the clinics continue fat its meeting Tuei- son. ' - political groups, the Men's, Wom- Beti, treasurer; Postmaster John Fred E. Miles, minister, has an- Who Art In Heaven." fcese who have not re- en's, and Young Republican Clubs. H. Traynor, and Mrs. Robert E. to receive Anancial assistance nounced that the service will be Rev. Merle 8. Irwin, associate [ iiay' net them at the Candidates for nomination for the Ewart, chairman of volunteer from the chapter in accordance held in the church sanctuary, East Fraud Charged minister of the Presbyterian Mil office on the first State Senate, Bute Assembly, services. with the number of indigent pa- Broad street at the Plaza, and that Church, will be the first speaker at Municipal Building Kinney To (lead county clerk, and county Board of The contributions of Westfleld tients being treated. During 1949, the public is invited to attend. this service. His text is Christ's Freeholders will participate, being PairHeidFor prayer of forgiveness, "Fatter, iu(h Fridays, from 9 residents sent during 1960 to the (Continued on page 3) Eight soloists will be heard in limited to short talks. Union. County Chapter, American the presentation of the "St. Mat- Grand Jury Action forgive them, for they know net head of the Young GOP Refreshments will be served fol- Cancer Society, have maintained thew Passion." Two of them, Kent what.they do." Others will parti* cipate as follows: Rev. J. Barnard unit, reported lowing the program, giving citi- a broad program of cancer re- Padgett and Ruth'Gloria Hayman, Harry W. Cree of Rahway, an Music Festival Waller, Bethel Baptist Church, have completed zens present a chance to meet in- search, education and service, ac- are senior students at Westminster employee of the Westneld inspec- Local Attorney cording to the chapter's annual re- Choir College in Princeton. Mr. "Words to the Penitent Thief; feourse and will be- formally with the candidatei. tion station of the State Depart: Rev. J. L. McCorlson Jr., First port released this week. ' Padgett will take the role of St. ctlon next week, To Replace Smith Among candidates who are ex- Program Listed ment of Motor Vehicles, an^ Ste- Congregatioaal Church, "Christ's pected to speak are Assembly- Of the money collected last Matthew, the Evangelist, who tells phen Jarema, garageman, 444 _.. Linden of the the story of the events leading up Commendation of His Mother"; jtnt said that mem- Samuel M. Kinney Jr. was elect- woman Florence P, Dwyer, Miss year, the national organisation re- South avenue, released on $600 and Rev. Elbert E. Gates Jr., Firit ceived 40c of each $1; 10c was to the Crucifixion as found in the ball Saturday after arrest on i Auxiliary are well ed president of the 'Westneld Ethel Towner, candidate for the Students Rehearse, 26th and 27th chapters of Mat- Baptist Church, "The Cry o( retained by the state division for charges of selling a windshield ' training and that Young Republican Club Monday Assembly, and County Clerk Hen- For Annual Event thew. Miss Hayman will sing the Dereliction." The last three speak- [ «re wanton* is con. evening at' the' club's meeting in ry G. Nulton. education and service, and the part of Mary Magdalene. Sally inspection sticker to a woman mo- ers are Rev. Fred E. Milt*. First the Municipal Building. He will other 50c remained In Union torist whose car was rejected, en- ,w«liation of the Dam- Mrs. Bette Schafer is serving WesWeld High School's 20th an- Schmalenberger, soprano, will be Methodist Church, "I Thirst"; Rav. fill the unexpircd term of Norman County, it was pointed out. tered pleas of not guilty to graft I unit, under Henry L. as general chairman of the meet* nual spring music festival will be heard as Mary, the mother of W. B. Cowherd, St. Luke's AMB L. Smith, who resigned early last I under way. Mr. Host ing, Samuel M. Kinney Jr., newly- The largest portion of the presented in the Roosevelt Junior Jesus, and will sing the arias and corruption Tuesday night be- Zion Church, "It Is Finished," and month to return to military serv- ,„_ the following as elected president of the Young money remaining here was allo- High School auditorium March 30 "Bleed and Break" and "Although fore Magistrate William M, Beard. Rev. Dr. Robert M. Skinner, tht ice. Councilman Donald H. Bag- j charge of various pub Republicans, will preside and John cated for services, including op- and 31 at 8:30 p. m. The pro- Mine Eyes With Tears." He referred the case to {he Grand Presbyterian Church, "Father In- ger, club vice president, has been [tin Vinceritsen, A. H. Glendening Jr. will act as timer. eration of three cancer clinics, the gram has been completed and the Jury, Bail was continued. to Thy Hands I Commend My iplr- serving as acting president. The words of Christ will be sung lest Lawrence, and Councilman Donald H. Bagger various musical groups are contin- by Mr. Alford. The role of John The complaint was made by [Vanderbilt. Mr. Kinney is a graduate of of the Young Republicans is in uing their daily rehearsals. the Disciple will be sung by Low- Chief Motor Vehicle Inspector Dr. McCorison will pronounce Lawrencevillc School, Pennsylvania charge of publicity, while hospi- Kenneth Post. The court was in- I Cross has completed a College Women Miss Janet Grimier, vocal music ell M. Douglas, tenor. The aria, the benediction, The people of the State College, and the Rutgers tality will be handled by Mrs. formed that Cree will be repre- immunity are Invited to partici- ..uctors' course and 41 director, is rehearsing the vocal "I Would Beside My Lord Be Universtiy Law School. He is anSuianne Bacon and Mrs. Jane groups, while Anthony P. Ingram sented by Frank Ryan of Eliza- pate. ! tbeUlast have been Watching" will be sung by him. attorney and serves as the assist- Small of the Woman's Club. Serv- Offer Scholarship is preparing the orchestra for its beth, and Jarema by Jack J. Ca- In Holy Trinity Church tomor- tetch, according to Carl D. Humphreys will Blng the ant counsel to Daystrom, Inc., Eliz- ing on the reception committee are contribution to the program. millo, but neither counselor was row, the Mass of the Prt-SanctU hi, head of the Public part of John the Baptist, which abeth.
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