Earl Wooster High School Student Handbook 2019-2020 THANK YOU TO OUR PARTNERS IN EDUCATION Eldorado Hotel & Casino Wooster Alumni Wooster Boosters Wooster High School 1331 E. Plumb Lane Reno, Nevada 89502 Telephone: (775) 321-3160 Fax: (775) 333-5108 FOLLOW US Website: www.woostercolts.com Twitter @Woostercolts Instagram: Wooster Colts Facebook: WoosterHighSchool Youtube: Earl Wooster High School THIS HANDBOOK BELONGS TO: _______________________________________________________________________ (Student Name) PRINCIPAL Leah Keuscher ADMIN TEAM Susan Schraeder– Dean Trina Olsen - AP Interventions/Safety/Discipline Buildings/Activities 9th Grade Specialist 10th Grade Specialist Marly Barainca - AP Charlie Walsh - AP Curriculum/Testing Grounds/Athletics/Attendance 11th Grade Specialist 12th Grade Specialist COORDINATORS Athletic Director: Michael Anderson IB DP Coordinator: Jennifer Lienau IB CP Coordinator: Dustin Coli IB MYP Coordinator: Nicole Grose COUNSELORS IB & Lead Counselor: Erin Danielsen 9th Grade: Diondra Mieras 10th Grade: Sheryl Hicks 11th Grade: Erik Tjeltveit 12th Grade: Casey McCann OFFICE SUPPORT STAFF Principal’s Assistant Judy Shively Athletic Secretary Kim Boldi Bookkeeper/Fees Vicki Ahrens Campus Monitor Dustin Hopfe Career Center Nancy Thiele Clinic Nurse/Aide Susan Buehler/Patty Day Library Mary Beth Brooke Family Graduation Advocate Araceli Ramirez Cruz Registrar Dianna Adame School Police Officer Baker Site Facilities Coordinator Chad Nesler Student Services Office Jorge Hidalgo Reengagement Specialist Torrey Muao-Sandoval Transcripts https://washoeschoolsnv.scriborder.com Student Body President Boris Carpio Student Body Vice President Allyssa Pippin Senior Class President Sanpreet Singh Junior Class President John David Aucoin Sophomore Class President Avery Kittrell ***Freshmen class president elections will take place Fall of 2019 WCSD 2019-20 Holidays & Breaks Labor Day: September 2 Fall Break: October 7 - 11 Nevada Day Observance: October 25 Veterans Day Observed: November 11 Thanksgiving: November 27, 28, 29 Winter Break: December 20 - January 3 MLK Holiday: January 20 Presidents’ Day: February 17 Spring Break: March 16 - 27 Memorial Day: May 25 Last Day of School: June 5 Contingency Days: June 8, 9, 10 _________________________________________________________ 2019-20 Academic Warning Mailing Dates October 2, 2019 December 4, 2019 February 24, 2020 May 13, 2020 2019-20 End of Grading Period Dates October 17, 2019 December 18, 2019 March 12, 2020 June 4, 2020 2019-20 Finals Dates December 16, 17, 18, 19 2019 June 2, 3, 4, 5 2018 ***Dates are subject to change. THE WOOSTER FIGHT SONG The Wooster Colts Will Ride the Side of Victory, We’ll Back Them Up With Spirit That Is Hard to Beat, Our Colts Will Fight For The Scarlet and White, And We’ll Go Far Because We Are The C-O-L-T-S The Wooster Colts! THE CODE OF THE COLTS If you think you’re beaten; you are. If you think you dare not; you don’t, If you like to win, but think you can’t, It’s almost a cinch you won’t! If you think you’ll lose; you’ve lost. For out in the world we find, Success begins with a fellow’s will, It’s all in the state of mind. If you think you’re outclassed; you are. You’ve got to think high to rise. You’ve got to be sure of yourself, Before you can ever win a prize. Life’s battle doesn’t always go To the stronger faster man. But sooner or later the one who wins, Is the one who thinks they can! Welcome to Wooster High School Wooster High School is a comprehensive high school located in the heart of beautiful Reno, Nevada. Wooster has a rich history of academics, arts, activities and athletics and is the only high school with the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme in Northern Nevada. We pride ourselves on hav- ing high academic standards for all students, and having fo- cused intervention programs designed to help you graduate college and career ready. Our Vision - To change societal beliefs on what is pos sible in every single child. To help our children build a better tomorrow for themselves and for generations to come. Our Mission – We aim to develop inquiring, knowl- edgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. We encourage our stu- dents to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. (Adopted from the Inter- national Baccalaureate Mission Statement). I hope you find this student handbook to be a useful tool as you plan for upcoming school activities, testing dates, athletic contests, academic responsibilities, etc. As a member of our school, you are expected to work and live within the guide- lines outlined in our handbook. Just as you have rights, you also have responsibilities. Your rights will be respected, and you must respect the rights of others and meet the responsi- bilities of a Wooster Colt. Today (like every day) is a great day to be a Colt! Leah Keuscher Principal Bienvenido a Wooster High School Wooster High School es una escuela secundaria integral colocada en el corazo n de la hermosa ciudad de Reno, Nevada. Wooster tiene una historia rica de acade mica, artes, actividades y atletismo y es la u nica escuela secundaria con el Programa de Bachillerato Interna- cional (IB) en el norte de Nevada. Nos enorgullece de tener altos esta ndares acade micos para todos los estudiantes, y de haber enfo- cado los programas de intervencio n disen ados para ayudarles a graduarse y estar listo/a para la universidad y una carrera. Nuestra visión: cambiar las creencias de la sociedad sobre lo que es posible en cada nin o. Para ayudar a nuestros nin os a construir un mejor man ana para ellos y para las generacio- nes venideras. Nuestra misión: nuestro objetivo es desarrollar jo venes inqui- sitivos, conocedores y comprensivos que ayuden a crear un mundo mejor y ma s pacífico a trave s de la comprensio n y el respeto interculturales. Animamos a nuestros estudiantes a convertirse en estudiantes activos, compasivos y de por vi- da que entiendan que otras personas, con sus diferencias, tambie n pueden estar en lo cierto. (Adoptado de la Declara- cio n de la Misio n del Bachillerato Internacional). Espero que encuentren este manual para estudiantes como una he- rramienta u til para planear las pro ximas actividades escolares, fe- chas de exa menes, competencias atle ticas, responsabilidades aca- de micas, etc. Como miembro de nuestra escuela, se espera que tra- bajes y vivas dentro de las normas definidas en nuestro manual. Así como tienes derechos, tambie n tienes responsabilidades. Tus dere- chos sera n respetados, y debes respetar los derechos de los dema s y cumplir con las responsabilidades de un Wooster Colt. ¡Hoy (como todos los días) es un gran día para ser un Colt! Leah Keuscher Directora de escuela Disclaimer: This document contains references to Board Policies and other documents pertaining to the rules and regulations of the Washoe County School District. The District reserves the right to revise any of these documents during the course of the school year. For the current version of any of these documents, please check the District’s website at www.washoeschools.net/Policy. Descargo de Responsabilidad: este documento contiene referencias a las po lizas de la Junta y otros documentos relacionados con las reglas y re- glamentos del distrito escolar del Condado de Washoe. El distrito se reserva el derecho de revisar cualquiera de estos documentos durante el curso del an o escolar. Para la versio n actual de cualquiera de estos docu- mentos, por favor visite el sitio web del distrito en www.washoeschools.net/Policy. Non-Discrimination Statement: The Washoe County School District is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin or ethnic group identification, marital status, ancestry, sex, sexual orienta- tion, gender identity or expression, genetic information, religion, age, mental or physical disability, military or veteran’s status in educational programs or activities, and employment as required by applicable federal and state laws and regulations. No District employee, including, without limitation, administrators, faculty, or other staff members, nor students shall engage in acts of bullying, harassment, or discrimination on the premises of any public school, school-sponsored event, or school bus in the District. Prohibited behaviors include cyber-bullying, sexual harass- ment, hazing, intimidation and retaliation. Declaración de no Discriminación: el distrito escolar del Condado de Washoe esta comprometido con la no discriminacio n por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional o identificacio n de grupos e tnicos, estado civil, as- cendencia, sexo, orientacio n sexual, identidad o expresio n de ge nero, in- formacio n gene tica, religio n, edad, incapacidad mental o fí sica, estatus militar o de veterano en programas o actividades educativas, y empleo segu n lo requerido por las leyes y reglamentos federales y estatales aplica- bles. Ningu n empleado del distrito, incluyendo, sin limitacio n, administra- dores, Facultad u otros miembros del personal, ni los estudiantes debera n participar en actos de intimidacio n, acoso o discriminacio n en los locales de cualquier escuela pu blica, evento patrocinado por la escuela o autobu s escolar en el Distrito. Los comportamientos prohibidos incluyen ciber- bullying, acoso sexual, novatadas, intimidacio n y represalias. ACADEMICS Wooster’s Course Offering Book is available
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