VOLUME XXIL NO. 8. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16,1899. PAGES 1 TO 8. THEIR SILVER WEDDING. >8he married William Foster thirty years A-FAIR AND FESTIVAL DEATHS JDUKINGTHEWfiEK ago. She leaves five children. They THINGS WON AT A FAIR. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Koch Mar- are John-Foster, Mrs. Kate Wilmot, Mrs. A HARVEST HOME AT LITTLE ried Twenty-Five Wears. WILLIAM H. GUERNSEY DIES AT FAIR HAVEN DAUGHTERS OF Thomas F. Ga$ill and Lena and Cornelia ° ' SILVER LAST NIGHT. Last Thursday night was the twenty- LIBERTY MAKE 8100, Foster. fifth anniversary of the marriage of Mr Held hu the Women of the Metho ne was Owe of the Most Pronounced - Albert nankins. Miss Anna B. lUinton Won a Bicy- dist Church-Over Eight Hundred and Mrs, Herman Koch of Shrewsbury . ProhibittoMstu ofJUonmouth, and cle, Wm. Bennett Won a Barrel of. Persons Present and About $ftOO avenue. A number of their neighbors •ForTe'tiifr-iBe Kept Up the-Apita- Albert, son of EHPS Hankins of Mata- Potatoes and Charles Dennis Won - Cleared. ; .. and friends arranged a surprise,visit in UanatOelfora.. •.;..:;.•..' •.'[ wan, died of consumption on Monday of a Writtna Desk-Other Winnings. " ©vereighfc hundred persons attended celebration of the event. The.evening William H. Guernsey...of Ce'nterville, last week, aged 22 years. Hejiad been The fair .held -by the Fair Haven the harvest home at, Little.Silver yester- was spent with dancing, singing and in Raritan township,.died last Saturday confined to the house six weeks. He Daughters of Liberty in Monmouth hall 1 day afternoon and evening/The music. The lawn was illuminated with of intermittent; fever , aged fifty years. was not married and besides his parents, laBt week was very successful and over vest homo was held to make up a deficit, Japanese • lanterns. Among those pres- He had been sick about three weeks. he leaves three sisteraand a brother. $100 was icleared. Tlje fair. opeffed-on ; in the pastoft salary,; It was held in ent from Red Bank were Mr. and Mrs. Hewas the son of John C. Guernsey, who Wednesdayjiigh^ and, closed pn .Satur^. the vacant lot on the corner of Prospect G.'. D." Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. formerly lived' at Red Bank "ana"who 1B A FRUIT STORE ROBBED. day night. Tfipre~were five booths at avenue and .the south Rumeon road- MacGlinchy, John Houlihan and Miss- now living to, New ^ork state. About which cake, candy, china ware and Katherine Houlihan. Others present twenty years! ago. William H. Guernsey The Two Thieves are Now in, The ~The~ place waa;;:.decorated w\th bunting County Jail.. fancy articles were sold, ' The booths : ' and Chinese lanterns. Supper was served were from New York.. Mr, and Mrs. moved to what'is riovf Belford to become John Smith of Borden streetand Clar- were decorated with bunting and Chinese from half-past three o'clock in the after- Koch received a number of presents. teacher of the public^school tber§.,. He ence Blackstock of New York, who has lanterns. The booths and the women noon until eleven o'clock at night. Mr. and Mrs. Koch were married on. taught school a few years and. afterward been hoarding" this, summer at Henry who tended them were as follows: ,. < About 400- persons took supper, tickets the island of Heligoland on August 10th, became*a carpenter;and builder, •' He Conk's on Wallace street, are now in Cake—Mrs. Mary Little. Miss AnDle Haise.' - for which cost 85 centB eaoh. lived at Belford until about two years Candy—Mrs. C. D. Chandler. • 1874,_:The island was then a part'of the county jail. They were arrested Chlua ware—Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. W. Edward The chairman of the supper committee England, but' has since been ceded to ago when he traded his house and lot at on Monday for breaking and entering G. Taylor. that place for a farm at Centeryille owned , Mystery table-Miss Elizabeth Cbadwick. was Mrs. Richard Parker. 'Her assist- Germany. They remained, in Germany S. Rogers's fruit store on, Broad street. ; Fancy table—Mrs. 0. P; Wurthley, Mrs. David ants were Mrs. T,homas Lake, Mrs. Ben- until 187,9, when they came to this coun- by'MelVin Yard, and: moved to the latter They stole fruit, cigars, cigarettes, and Bennett, Miss Alice Worthloy. jamin F. King, Mrs. W. H. Carhart.Mrs. try and located at Denver, Colorado. place. '''.•'" '; ' '• • •,'• soda water to the value of §20. "The ice cream tables were waited on Quackenbush, Mrs. Errickaori", Mrs. W, They were in Colorado three years, dur- Mr. Guernsey was a member of the The theft was committed on Sunday by Mrs.-John V. Woodward, Mrs. Wil- C Lippincott, Mrs. W. W. Shampanore, ing the big boom of the Leadville mines. New Montnoutb. Baptist church and of night. The men got.an the building by liam DeWolff, BJrs. George W, Smith Mr8. Judson Mount, Mrs. J. William Lee In 1881 Mrs; Koch's inbther, whof had the Belford; American Mechanics'lodge. forcing the bolt on the rear door. When and Mrs. John Bennett. Mrs. Charles and Mrs. Richard Morris. come to this country with them, died, During the later years of his life he was Mr. Rogers opened the ,store on Monday VanBrunt was cashier and.Mzs, Nels.pn;.. At the ice cream tables about $50 waa and they went back to Germany to settle a radical prohibitionist. He organized morning he discovered that, the place Little acted as general manager. taken in. Miss Bertha King acted as up her estate. They came back to this a prohibition league at Belford'and for bad been robbed. He notified Constable • Several articles were disposed. of by .cashier and she was assisted by Eugene country againin 1886 and located in New several years the prohibition vote at that Wallace Bennett. chance. Miss Anna B. Minton,-daughter Cooper. Those who waited on the tables York.. They lived there two years, when place was larger than the combined pro- Mr. Bennett looked over the premises. of George Minton, won a bicycle. Miss were Mrs. Gilinan Brower and Misses Mr. Koch's health broke down and they hibition vote.in all the rest of Middletown In the rear of the store he found several Minton had but«one chance on the bicy- ' Jennie Heyer, Nellie Zeigler, Viola moved to Red Bank. They have lived township.. When Mr. Guernsey moved bananas that the theives had dropped in cle. A week ago her sister"Mabel won a " Moore, Lottie Quaekenbusji, Mattie Casey at this place ever since. from Belford the interest in prohibition their haBle to get away. He also found bicycle which was chanced off at the ^and Bessw Parker.'~"~ ~ ~Mr. iKboh was born in New York in at that jplace died put -and the league a regular trail of banjanas which led to. Methodist fair. ..!.. '_..::,.. .,i_j ....:„. ' The flower stand was in charge of Miss 1848.' He was actively engaged in busi- disbanded. '...,, .,''.. Wallace street. Continuing on down - A barrel of potatdei, which_lwas do- Mary Parker. Her assistants were Mis: ness enterprises until he moved: to this Mr. Guernsey rmirried Mary Emma Wallace street, Constable Bennett found nated by George Hendrickson, was won; - Mabel White and Miss Grace Crater. place, and for many years was a mem- Compton,' daughter of the late Isaac a banana peel every few feet. In front by William Bennett." „ \ • -. :At this table about $8 was taken in. ber of the firm of Koch Sons & Co.' Mrs.- Compton of.Eelfordi She arid five chil- of W. A. Truex's house on Wallace street A writing desk was donated by Stephen • Koch's name before she was married In a tent on the south side of the lawn dren survive him. • The children are the trail of banana skins stopped. McQormick and this was won by Charles was Baroness Adeline Alexander Wied- was an exhibition of curiosities from Mrs. Joseph Heyer of Belford, Mary . Mr. Bennett discovered that John Dennis. inghoff, daughter of Squire Wiedinghoff. Cuba, South America, Hawaii and India. Emma, Lilian,-, Urosmus and Edward Smith, who is employed by Mr. Truex, Miss Mira Doughty won a silver butter She was born at Riga, Russia, in 1852. The curiosities are pwned-by P. F. Farley, Guernsey. He leaves also two brothers. had been loitering around the fruit store dish, a table cover and a pair of slippers. •a retired miner who has,traveled exten- They, orb Elmer and Urasmus Guernsey on Sunday night. The constable got per- Mrs. ~W. Edward- Taylor won a hand- sively. Mr. Farley gave an exhibition An Epworth League Sociable. of -Ne\r York. The funeral was held mission from Mr. Truex to~search his some china cup and saucer. Numerous of washing gold and he also showed the The Epworth league of the First Metho- yesterday at eleven o'clock at the house. barn, and he and Constable Walsh made other small articles were chanced off. • manner of taking gold from quartz rock. dist church held a sociable in the lecture Rev. William V. Wilson and Rev. M. M. the^ search. Some of the stolen goods The American Mechanics fair will An admission fee was charged and $10 room of the church last Thursday night. Finch had charge of the service. were found. The constables then went open next Tuesday night and will be con-, was taken in. The sociable was to have been held on to'sS^nith's' house on~Borden street and tinued for the rest of the week. ; Cigars, soda water and watermelon Arthur L.
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