
~ al- . Serving the State Uni~ersity of IOWli and the People of Iowa City Eli/abUshed in 1868 - Five CI'IllS a CO!lY Member of Associated Pres - AP r.cased Wire and PholO Service Iowa City, Iowa, TlieSd8Y. JUly 24. 1956 The Pause That 'Refreshes' After Proposing Herter 'for 'Veep'- PANAMA I.fI - President Eisen. WASHINGTON!A'I- Presidential hower closed out Monday night Showers assistant Harold Stassen said Mon· good will conferences with fellow day night he had "no intention" of rcsi~nlng despite a White lIol'l5e American pre ldents. ParUy cloudy skies and scatter· disclaimer of his move endorsing He mllde friendly ge tures to· ed thunder~howers are foreenst Gov. Chrlstlan H:Jrter oC Massachu· ward Panama and delivered a jab for the Iowa City area today. setts for vice prC!lldent. at Harold E. Stassen's endorsement Temperatures will rcach into Stassen proposed that Herter be (0 ..117 ' .... n Ph.lo) the 80 with lows in the 60s. Cool· ONE OF IOWA CITY PARK'S back home of Gov. Christian A. given the nomination in place of er telllt)Craturcs li re expected to­ Vico Presid~t Richard Nlxon. newe.t r ••ldents Ii thl. Male Herter of Massachusetts fOr vice night. White House Press Secretary buffalo WII' evIdently'" not ·Seek Brawny 'Suspect president. II JamC!l C. Hagerty sald In Panama lib phOfOtrophers. She, -mer llill h readin in Iowa City femlli. and a m.le buffel. ar. Saying he is [celing "better every Monday were in the low 80s. that Presideot Eisenhower told Stassen Friday it was "obvious riv.d .t the 100 hturday, Th. day," the President talked separ· Little change in temp<.rature Is that he could not make a statement In Lake Front Slaying buffalo ar. oxpected to beer ately at the U.S. Emba sy with 11 cxpccted through Wednesday. calve. this '1' ..... They w.re d0- T mperature! throu Qhout lh as a member o( the President's CHICAGO fM..-Two witnesses 10 the lakefront park slaying of a spin· prcsident$ or presidcnts-clect of oCfielsl family." nated .nonymov.ly to the , ... Am rican republics during the day. week will O\'erag six to eight de· ster church worker gave pOlice Monday a description of a muscular gree below normal high of 91 While Stassen had told the news rapist with a foolish face who stalked his victim Hke a liger. He put In longer hours on the eon· conference he was not acting "as a ferenees than on any task since his degrees and normnl lows of 66 The victim, pOunced upon and beaten to death as she basked in the dcgrccs. personal representative" of the Sunday afternoon sun, was Mi s June 9 intestinal operation. President, he denied he wa,s a Margaret Gallagher, SO, part own· To Present With President RicardO Arias o( "renegade" from the Eisenhower el' of a North Side beauty salon. Panama by his side, Eisenhower team or that rus statement would signed in the embassy a bUt en­ endanger his job. The stealthy, beast-of-prey at· Fledgling Marines House OK's acted by Congress authorizing a In an interview, Stas~en said he tack was watched two blocks ·Art Lecture bridge across the Panama Canal :It does not believe a comment by away by Arthur Kirk Besltly, 52, a Balboa. Defend McKeon as Hagerty shduld be interpretell as a hospital superintendent: and his 1t was through Presidenli I suggestion he quit hi" post as I ivil Rights wife, Adrian, 47, from their 15th· Press Secretary James C. Hagerty special aide 011 disarmament to Mr . floor apartment window through O,n Museums that the chief execuli ve let hi po. Top Notch Trainer Eisenhower. binoculars. sltion on the Stassen·Herter politi· PARRIS ISLAND, S. C. 1ofI- Two Stassen reiteraled Monday night Halton Granl, 19, a motorist, Francis Henry Taylor, former cal situation become known , r1edgling Marines testified Monday hi view that Herter would be a 'egislalion director of the MetTopolltan Mu· II d h stronger vice presidential candi­ told police he saw Miss Gallagher, scum oC Art in Now York City, will Hagerty dec ne to say whet er S. Sgt. Mathew C. McKeon slapped and a brawny, shirtless man the President and the White Hou e them in anary exasperation J'u t date than Nixon on a ticket headed ,.WASHINGTON (A'! :... The House give an illustrated Iccture on art I • by President Eisenhower. Monday passed the civil rights bill watching her from nearby bushes. arc disp cased with Sta sen's ac· be(or leading their platoon on the Grant, who said he did not see the in the Main Lounge of the Iowa He said he Intended to work for and supporters. started efforts to Memorial Union tlon or whether Stassen is on the April 8 death march. Herter's nomination "in loyalty to stave off apaprentiy certain death attack, said he was positive he Thursday at 8 way oul. There seemed to be lit· One oC them, Pfc. Gerald C. could recognize the man, "a 200· President Eisenhower." fQr the measure in the Senate. The p.m. tie other conclusion to be drown . Langone Jr. of New Hyde Park, ( r 1\'lr.pb••• j Stassen, In effect, challenged the liIIuse vote was 279·126. pounder with massive arms," if he I The lecture, en- Hagerty himself has said as far N. Y_ said McKeon also challengpd GOVERNOR CHRISTIAN A. HERTER (R.Mlln.), left, sits In lin saw him again. Republican Nallonal Committee to Sen. Lister Hili (D-Ala.l presid. titled "The Great as he is concerned there is no him to a fistfight but that he did .Iectrlc cut on the !lolf cour •• lit tn. Blu. Hill Country Club at Can- cllnduct a poll to lind out, as he big when the bill was br,ought ov ,:: r Grant said he was particularly Collectors" will doubt the R publiean ticket this not accept the dare. ton, Man.. watching the .eml·final matches in the 31th National PGA year will ElS' enhower and NI'xon . Chllmplon.hips II. Harold Stllnen, White Houn s-cial 11l5lstant on said earlJer, that Herter's name 110m the House, promptly referred impressed with the "foolish [ace" S how how, the I ' But both the young Marines said ,.... when Hnked with Mr. Eisenhower's if without objection to the Judiciary of the muscular man. tastes and habits He was beaming and gay as he M~eol)'s slaps were light and :::~'::~~~ ::;.';o:c:::'a~n h~:~~n~:o~O~j~~~:~Z,,:;:~=~ :; was 6 per cent stronger willi voters Committee, whose chairman is Sen. The attacker's attempt to rape of -princes, popes played ho I to fellow chiefs 0' produced no pain. And both de- vlc •.pre,ident. than Nixon's. James Eastland (OoMiss.), an ar· his victim was confirmed by cor· and palrons were state at th cmbas y. He met wilh fended him as a top·notch trainer __________ Stasscn viewed the crlUcal com· eIent foe of such legislation. oner' 5 pathologist. transCormed inlo each [or a halC hour or less. of recruits at this 5,000·acre base, ment that has erupted In some The bill, which would give the at· Miss Gallagher:S, beaten body the public muse· Eisenhower stayed over for an Langone, 20, said he was sum- quarters as "a flulT)' oC eritiel mOO /orney genera~ more legal weapons was found minutes aftcr the slay· Ums of Europe. extra day on his good will visit to moned to McKcon's room just be. which he expected. to deal willi infringement of voting ing by Besley and his wife, who and America. Panama In order to hold Intim· fore the Marine drill instructor He added however that he was Dr. Taylor is a critic, art ad­ ate farewell conferences. marched 74 members of Platoon 71 Navv Building Site aM other rights, is suppOrted by found a motorcycle policeman and crtain this would die down and most Northern Democrats and Re­ led him to the spot. ministrator, historian, and author He planned to leave by plane for into Ribbon Creek where 6 of them that "the Republican party will publicans. But the Southerners The victim, who had been clad In of the book, "The 'l'a te o( An· Washington at 10 p.m. (11 CTI Mon· drowned. realize I did them a favor" in have fought it with every parlia­ a check-striped blouse and shorts gels," which embraces the history day. "Sgt. McKeon and I had a lillie • openly endorsing Herter as a vice men(ary maneuver in the books. when the Besleys saw her, lay in of art from Ramescs to Napoleon. Eisenhower lold one of his argument," Langone testified. presidential canclidate. ; Taylor became director of the At SUI Approved Stassen emphasized anew he was The final attempt of House South­ the bushes naked except for her guests, President-elect Herman Si- "When Sgt. McKeon opened the erners Monday, a motion by Rep. torn blouse_ She had been killed Melropolilan Museum of Art in les Zuaze o( Bolivia, that "on this door he told me to come in swlng­ speaking "as an Individual" and 1940 Land located southeast or the SUI stadium bas been tentatively ap­ Richard PoIC IR-Va. ), to kill the by repeated powerful blows. trip 1 have been improving every ing. I said 'Nb, sir.' Then Sgl. proved as UIC site of a naval reserve training center. The approval was that it "was my conclusion alone In order to havc more time tor day.
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