The Columns OF WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY ------------------.---------------------------------------Volume III LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, APRIL 19, 1946 Number 22 Five Students DancitJg in the Dark Are Elected to George Wood Reveals Phi Beta Kappa Van Gelder, Criminate, Ray McKinley Engaged Dempsher, Guthrie, and Holley Are Named The names of ftve students elec­ To Play at Final Dances ted to the Phl Bet.a. Kappa honor­ ary rratemtty we~ announced last week followtna the annual ~tln1 of that chapter. College Preside11ts Here Veteran's Band Has Stmultaneously, the election of April 26-27 Set new omcers tor the coming year As Guests of Dr. Goines were revealed by the secretary or Famed Drummer, By Glee Clubs In ~lebrnUon of lhe tuty­ the chapter, Dr. Allen W. Moger, fourth birthday of Pre:oident They were: Dr. W. W. Morton, Frnncls P. Games or Washington Vocalist as Leader president; Dr. Olllnrer Crenshaw, For Performance and Lee Unh·erstty on April 21, George Wood, president of final vice president; and Dr. Ailen W. Dr. and Mrs. Gaines will have as dances, thls week announced that Moger, secretary. Tage Munthe-Kaas Will their ruests this week-end Pres­ The students who were elected tdent Oliver C. Carmichael of the Ray McKinley has been contrnct.­ Be Featured Soloist in ed to play for the Washington Into the chapter were: W. B. van Camegie FoundaUon, and Mrs. Gelder, L. Rex Crlminale. John and Lee Final Dance Set. The pro­ Joint Concert with MBC Carmichael; Prcs.ldent Raymond gram for which McKinley has Dempsher, David v . Guthrie, and Paty of the University of Ala­ John Holley. For the fu·sL time since the be­ been enqarcd IJ1cludes the first A scene photographed in Doremus Gymnasium of the Black and White bama. and Mrs. Paty; President Van Gelder, at present serving ginning of the war the Washing­ Goodrich c . White or Emory UnJ­ night dance. the second night in the Navy as second lieutenant Ball which was sponsored the first nlght. of Sprlna dances by the ton and Lee Olee Club will parti­ Senior-Alumni Ball and a tea Washington and Lee CoUlUon Club. verslly. and Mrs. White; Presi­ junior grade, was riven his de­ cipate ln a Joint concert. to be held dent Theodore C. Jack oi Ran­ dance which has not yet been gree last February and voted to with Mary Baldwin College on the dolph-Macon Woman's College, definitely sc:heduled the Phi Beta Kappa in recogni­ evening or Friday, April 26 and and Mrs. Jack; Dean Calvin It had been expected that a. Uon of work done elsewhere. Ganong Chosen S. P. S. Presents Saturday, April 27. Hoover oC Duke University, and band would ha.ve been dcctded Cruninale, from Mobile, Aia­ Seventy-five girls of t.he Mary Mrs. Hoover. upon pt1or to this date but Wood, bama, entered Wa.shlnaton and Baldwin Glee Club. under the di­ And Prestdent Rufus C. Harris knowing that a name band was Lee In the fall of 1943. He has To Head Calyx Bronze Plaque rectorship of Mr. Eugene cassel­ of Tulane Unh·erstty, President. essential to real success. refused since been attendlna continuous­ men will join with thirty Wash­ Umphrey Lee of Southern Metho­ to make any compromises In t.he ly. maJoring In languages. For Next Year To University Ington and Lee men on Friday dist UruversttY. and Pres.ldent J. matter. Guthrie, wh06e home is In Ba­ night at Lee Chapel, and on Sat­ Ross McCain of Agnes Scott Col­ The final result, then. alter ton Rouge, Louisiana, came to E.C. Anticipates Choice Tablet Commemorates urday night a return visit wUI be lege. weeks of wuing and callini vari­ the university In the fall of 1943 made to Mary Baldwin. On Saturday evening aL 9 ous book.lni al{ents was a con­ and maJored In political sc:lence. By Publication Board 22,000 School Graduates Highlighting the Friday nJ(ht's o'clock In the Student UnJon the tract With ex-G I Ray McKinley Holley entered Washin&ton and To Insure Early Start W ho H ave Been at W &L con~rt. Will be t.he combined slna­ university will give a reception and his aU-veteran orchestra. Lee In the fall or 1942 and has ing by both groups or "I.Alndslght­ honoring President and Mrs. Drummers• Drummer since been majorlnr in lanruaaes. John F. Ganong, a Law Student. At a special assembly at 12:10 lng" by Grieg. "Landslghting" Is Gaines. His home is Unadilla, New York. was appointed "Temporary Chair- Thursday morning, Washington an old Norwegian ballad, and the In big time baseball they call Dempsher, who served overseas man" or The Cal.Yx for next year and Lee was awarded a beautiful baritone solo wUI be sung by Tage Charlie Gehringer. the 2nd base­ with the Army Alr Forces is a. by the Executive Committee at Its bronze plaque by Colonel W. H. Munthe-Ka.as. a Norwegian stu­ man or the Detroit Tla-ers, "the senior pre-medical student. He t-egular meeting last. Tuesday Quarterman on behalf of the dent now attending Washington Plans Completed ballplayers' ballplayer.'' Which came to the university in 1038 nlght, with recommendation that School for Personnel Services and Lee. This song is very famous means that. his playing is reSpec­ from Coaldale, Pennsylvania. he be made Editor by the Publl- which only recently disappeared In Norway and bas often been ted by h1s team-mates and those Crlminale, Guthrie, Holley, and catJon Board when It is reorgan- from the campus. , sung by Tage in his native coun­ For Graduation against whom he plays nUke. In Dempsher are to be graduated In Lzed. It was deemed wise not to de- Dean of the UnJverslty, Robert try. popular music Ray McKinle~, the June. lay the appointment as there is Henry Tucker, called the meet- Friday night's program also in­ Full Program of Exercises SUlJfini and dnmuning person­ In addition to these students, a great deal or work on The Calyx ing to order, and after the invo­ cludes the singinr of seven num­ Prepared for 17 Seniors ality, who b11nrs his orchestra to several alumni were elected as which must be carried on during cation had been delivered by Dr. bers by the Mary Baldwin Glee Washington and Lee on May 30 members of the chapter, it was the summer, and also there are William w . Morton, Dean Tucker Club, some of which are: "Day­ On the first day of June at 11 :00 and 31, holds a similar POsition or announced. certain reductions in price which made several announcements of break" by Grofe. "Tutu Maramba" a.m., sevenLeen seniors will grad­ honor a.monv his fetlow muSic­ Dr. Moger stated that plans are I can be obtained by submitting general Interest to the student by McKinney, "Let My Son& Fill uate from Washington and Lee, Ians. They consider him Just belng made for a public Initiation material for the annual earty. body. H e then Introduced Colonel Your Heart" by Charles, and ''The according to Mr. C. P. Light, pro­ about "tops" In his field and the of the new members durin& the A fo e Washingto d Lee Quarterman. Cloths of Heaven" by Dunblll. fessor or law who is In charge of best all-around skinbeater in lhe earlY part o! May rm r n an business. · student, Ganong was very active Colonel Quarterman, in pre- Among the six Washington and arrangements ror the graduation ------------ on The Calyx before the war, hav- senUng the plaque, rave a brle! Lee Glee Club's numbers are exerdses. With Polla.ck The Baccalaureate Sermon will lng served as Managing Editor history of the School for Per­ "Swing Low Sweet Charlot" with McKinley got his first "break" be delivered by Dr. W. T. Hanz­ New Publication during his Junior Year. Whlle In sonnet Services, recalling how a tenor solo by William Rattner, with the famous old Ben Pollack the Navy Ganong helped In pub- from December of 1942 to J an­ "Stouthearted Men" by Romberg, &c:he of the Prospect Street Pres­ band. Glenn Miller, Benny Good­ byterian Church, Trenton, New Ushlng several class year books. uary of 1946 he saw over 22,000 and "What Shall We Do With the man and lots or othet· btg names Board To Form A member of the camera Club at men and women or the armed Drunken Sailor,?" an old sea­ Jersey. The presentation of de­ were In that crew but because grees will be made by Dr. Francts Washington and Lee before the forces ao through the special chanty. Pollack himself liked to play the Pendelton Gaines, pres.ldent of Re-establishment of News war, Ganong also worked on Pho- training at Washington and Lee. After the Friday night's con­ drums Ray had to find some other tography in the war, and has had The thing, however, which 1m­ cert. whtch begins at. 8 o'clock the UnJverslty. work. Pollack thought "the kid" Organs To Be Determined Those who will receive LL.B. a Job at Andre's Studio since re- pressed him most was not the t.here Is planned for the vlslttns was so terrific that he recom­ The Publication Board Is to be tumlng to Washington and Lee. number Involved but the quality s.lngers. a party by the Washing­ degt·ees are: E. W. Butts, Jr., and mended him to a band known as H. McFarlane. Bachelor of Arts re-established soon as possible When asked about his expec- of the graduates; and this he at­ ton and Lee Glee Club In the Stu­ c.
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