www.ukrweekly.com 1776 Happy it Birthday it America \m The Ukrainian Weekly Edition СВОБОДА SVOBODA УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN D A I LV VOL. LXXXIII No. 123 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 4,1976 25 CENTS Thousands Help Celebrate Bicentennial- Centennial in Nation's Capital bylhorDlaboha George Washington WASHINGTON, D.C.—They came from all major Ukrainian communities east of Chicago with their American and Ukrainian flags, with placards calling for the release of Valentyn Moroz and with a great deal of pride in their past to the nation's capital, to pay homage to the Father of this Country, George Washing­ ton, and the Poet Laureat of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko as a Bicentennial-Cen­ tennial tribute to the bi-national heritage of Ukrainian Americans. The parade here Saturday, June 26, and the two rallies at the Washington Monu­ ment and the Shevchenko Monument were the culminating events of a week long program celebrating the two anni­ versaries. Beginning last Monday, June 21, Ukrainian Americans, lead by the Ukrainian Bicentennial Committee of America the sponsoring organization, set Girls proudly carry banner telling its a Ukrainian parade. up several displays of Ukrainian culture and scholarship through out the capital TheFdtherOf city. White House Reception Hosts A fine and folk art exhibit at the Martin Luther King Library, a White House Our Country reception for Ukrainian youth and wo­ of the Ukrainian Bicentennial Committee 80 Ukrainian Youths, Women men's representatives, a scholarly sympo­ by Roma Sochan of America. sium, and finally today's manifestation, Mr. Lesawyer summarized the history which included Ukrainians from some 15 of Ukrainians in America, beginning with cities, all reflected their wanting to the arrival of Lavrentiy Bohoon in 1607 become a integral part of the American with Capt. John Smith, and said that all political, economic and social system, yet subsequent immigrations of Ukrainian desiring to foster their identity and here was a result of flight from oppres­ culture, as George Shumko, a representa­ sion. tive of the World Congress of Free "Today's celebration also reminds us Ukrainians, said at the Shevchenko Monu­ that we are paying homage to the ment rally. principle upon which this country was The day's activities got under way at founded-'freedom and justice for all,' " 11:00 a.m., at the Washington Monument. said Mr. Lesawyer. From a platform constructed between Turning to the Ukrainian American the memorial to George Washington and contributions to the United States, Mr. the Lincoln Memorial, Dr. Stephan Kury- Lesawyer said that early settlers helped las, president of the local UCCA branch, build this country with their muscles, and and coordinator of the Bicentennial-Cen­ wherever they went, "they never asked tennial program, opened the rally and for special favors or preferential treat­ asked Pastor Wolodymyr Borowsky, from ment." the Ukrainian Evangelic Alliance of North "We have come here today to remind The participants of the White House Conference pose for a group photograph. America to deliver the invocation. ourselves and all the world that Ukraine's Keynote speaker at this portion of the sons and daughters are a viable part of WASHINGTON, D.C.-Nearly 80 re­ National Women's League of America and activites was Joseph Lesawyer, president presentatives of Ukrainian youth and Women's Association for the Defense of (Continued on page 3) women's organizations took part in a Four Freedoms of Ukraine made up the White House meeting sponsored by the Ukrainian delegation. Office of Public Liaison in cooperation The representatives were welcomed by with the Ukrainian Bicentennial Commit­ William J. Baroody, Jr., Assistant to the tee on Thursday, June 24 here. President for Public Liaison in the Family From the Publisher: Theater of the White House. Dr. Myron Members of the Organization of Ameri­ In accordance with a decision of the Supreme Assembly of the Ukra- can Youth of Ukrainian Descent (ODUM), B. Kuropas, Special Assistant to the Piast Ukrainian Youth Organization, President for Ethnic Affairs also greeted nian National Association, this and subsequent copies of The Ukrainian Ukrainian American Youth Association the delegation in Ukrainian: "I have the Weekly will be printed in the tabloid form, 16 pages per issue. This edition, (SUMA), Federation of Ukrainian Student extraordinary pleasure to welcome you to however, is not in the finalized version. The newspaper will be dated Sun­ Organizations of America (SUSTA), the White House. This is a historic day, and will printed and mailed out Fridays. Ukrainian Students Organization of My- moment - it took us 100 years to get This is another convenience the UNA affords its readers. kola Michnowsky (TUSM), Young Ukrain­ here." ian Nationalists(MUN), Zareyo, Ukrainian John B. Shlaes, Director of White (Continued on page 4) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 4, 1976 No. 123 Entire Nation Joins in Bicentennial Celebration WASHINGTON, D.C.-Parades and provided official recognition to the Bicen­ pageants, prayers and picnics, bell-ring­ tennial efforts of 11,738 communities ing, candle lighting and fireworks will across the land. The final tally shows over 0 America's "200th" usher in the nation's third century over 85 7o of the people live in a recognized Independence Weekend 1976. community. Across the nation and around the world, To be recognized, a community had to What do you say to a country that has which made life easier for everyone-the pause will be taken to note this special form a committee representative of its survived for 200 years under the same steam boat, steam locomotive, sewing moment in the history of the world's citizens, develop plans and programs for political system? machine, telephone, telegraph, airplane, commemorating the Bicentennial, and oldest continuously existing republic. Two hundred years-a drop in the automobile, television and space travel. submit them through state commissions to ocean compared to the eons the world has It would be foolhardy to think that only Beacon of Freedom the ARBA. At least one of the planned existed, but a period of time, yet to be activities had to have lasting value past virtue prospers in America, but as in all surpassed by any other modern country. other countries, America also had its "To Americans, it means that the 1976. The last 20 decades witnessed the blueprints of the nation-the Declaration Similar programs for colleges and share of shame - Manifest Destiny, the downfall of many governments and politi­ Indian Wars of the 1870's, black slavery, of Independence, the Constitution and the universities and Armed Forces installa­ cal systems, and the creation of new My Lai, and Watergate-but despite Bill of Rights-still serve them well. To tions were set up and 929 campuses and states, each aspiring to assume their them, the democratic constitutional sys­ foreigners, it means that the 200-year-old 600 military activities have been recog­ rightful place in the world. Yet, amid that, tem here did not collapse, as it might have experiment in self-government continues nized. at times, turbulent era, the United States under similar strains in other countries. to stand as a beacon of freedom." was able to weather all conditions. Probably one of the principal reasons That is the opinion of John W. Warner, Alliances The American Revolution was said to why the system worked here is the Administrator of the American Revolu­ have inspired the French Revolution of tion Bicentennial Administration (ARBA), To further stimulate active participa­ 1789 which overthrew the Bourbon Mon­ Constitution and the Bill of Rights. the federal agency established to stimu­ tion in the commemoration, the ARBA archy and the old feudal system. While it The Founding Fathers led the Ameri­ late and encourage participation in the formed various alliances for organizations did not establish a lasting government in cans 200 years ago to freedom from Bicentennial. and groups pledging to encourage indivi­ France, the revolutions there and in oppression, be it monarchical, military or In Mr. Warner's view, the grassroots dual members and employees to get American signaled that man would be civilian, and said so in the Declaration of celebration of the Bicentennial involved. oppressed no longer. Independence. They made sure that the "...in every respect befits the dignity and The Bicentennial Alliances and the While during the 19th century the rights of future generations would be the greatness of this nation." number of member organizations are: traditional colonial powers of Europe guaranteed in writing by the Constitution In its annual report to the Congress, the Service, 84; Hospitality, 10; Ethnic/Ra­ stabilized control over their holdings, in and the first ten amendments. And while ARBA outlines a vast mosaic of citizen cial, 63; Sports, 43; and Business, 29. the following century their territorial at times they seem to protect the law­ participation in almost every community claims substantially dwindled, creating breaker more than the lawabiding citizen, from coast to coast, in each of the 50 many new states. in the long run they protect everyone. states, the territories, Puerto Rico and America also suffered from internal Through the Bill of Rights and the the nation's capital. strife which threatened to destroy a elections, elements of a true democratic Mr. Warner told the Congress that "the maturing nation, and even before it system, the people have the opportunity Bicentennial is neither a boom nor a bust learned how to walk foreign powers tried the know the goings-on in the govern­ but reflects the will and the determination to choke it. ment. of the American people to honor their The War of 1812, the Mexican War, the If they approve, they say so, and if they past, share their present and build an Civil War all left scars on the land, but do not, they also say so, because it is their even greater America with an improved mysteriously the new American rallied right.
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