Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami - •*** *THE VOICE 1 Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida P.O. Box 52-684, Miami 52, FJs. I Return Postage Guaranteed I Volume 1, No. 2 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy March 27, 1959 itdeet. cut Diocese to Observe April As Vocation Prayer Month To the Priests, Religious arid Faitllfal of the Diocese: Ths month of April is to be observed as Vocation Month in the Diocese. During these four weeks, we will concentrate, first of all, on fervent prayers for a great increase in the numbers of priests and sisters; and then on frequent, simple instructions, so that each may understand the meaning and dignity of a vocation and be aware of his responsibility in encour- aging young people to dedicate themselves to the service of God. If all of our people come to an understanding of the critical shortage of priests, I am confident they will be impressed with the obligation of cooperating in every way possible in this most noble work of pro- viding the Church in the Diocese of Miami with priestly laborers for Christ. The full program of activity during Vocation Month will be curried weekly in THE VOICE. The prayer for Vocations is to be said after every Mass on weekdays and Sundays. I earnestly commend to ever;- family the most praiseworthy practice of pray- ing fas vocations immediately after the evening meal arid begging God to bless them and their relatives and neighbors with the privilege of having a son a priest, a daughter a nun. - A Triduum of prayer in behalf of vocations "will beheldih every parish on April 14-15-16. - On April 19, Vocation Sunday, there will be a Pon- tifical Mass at the Cathedral, at which altar boys and youthful representatives from every parish, along with their* parents, will join with Bishop and priests in imploring the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His vineyard. Thus united in prayer and apostolic action, we may be confident that Christ, the Great High Priest, will stir the hearts of our young men and women to answer this pressing call to the service of God. Imparting to you my-paternal blessing, I remain ' Devotedly yours in Christ, THE RESURRECTION,''painted l>y in Washington, D. C. The artist's con- Italian artist Borgogiione (1480-1523), Coleman F. CarroM ception of the Resurrection h Bishop of Miami hangs hi the National Gallei^y of Art the Samuel H. Kress Collections. (Vocation Stories ami Prayers on Page 2) Diocese To Unite In Vocation Prayer Crusade In April More than 1900 years ago, Retreats have been conducted at: when Our Lord lived on Central Catholic High School, Fort Lauderdale, with Father earth as God and Man, He Robert P. Reardon and Father told His disciples: "The har- Thomas L. McDermott; Arch- vest is plentiful, but the la- • bishop Curley High School, Mi- borers are few. Pray there- ami, Father Neil J. Plernming; fore the Master of the har- Christopher Columbus High School, Miami, Father Louis C. vest to send out laborers Roberts; Immaculate Academy, into His harvest." Miami, Father-Thomas J. Gog- gin ; Notre Dame Academy, Mi- In answer to that call, ami, Father Charles Mallen, C. Catholics of the Diocese of SS. R.; St. Patrick High School, Miami will join in a month- Miami Beach, Father Claude E. long Crusade of Prayer in Brubaker; St. Ann High School, April for an increase in vo- West Palm Beach, Father T. Noel cations to the Priesthood Fogarty. and to the Sisterhood. Benefits Explained Bishop Coleman F. Carroll has "The exercises of the retreat," designated April as Vocation Msgr. McKeever explained," aie Month. In & letter to Priests, calculated to impart to the stu- Religious and Faithful .of the dents a more serious attitude re- Diocese, the complete text of NEW LABORERS for Christ's vineyard are shown prostrated before the altar dur- garding their lives. It is this ing ordination ceremonies for the priesthood in the Archdiocese of Boston. The "Which appears on Page One, period that has proved so fruit- Bishop Carroll has directed ful in the past in fostering voca- Diocese of Miami needs more priests and during Vocation Month in April a united everyone to take part in united tions to the sisterhood and the Crusade of Prayer will be offered in every church for an increase of candidates to prayer and apostolic action which priesthood, and the diocese an- the diocesan priesthood. •will "stir the Hearts of our young ticipates that an increased num- men and women to answer this pressing call to the service of ber .will, this year, accept the God." call of-God." Bishop Carroll. One of the most pressing Most US. Seminarians Frogram Detailed needs <tf the Church today, not only in the Diocese, but To Celebrate Father James J. Walsh, direc- throughout the world, is an From Average Families tor of vocations for the diocese, increase of priestly vocations. Easter Mass has outlined . a full program of Shortage Varies » Most seminarians to the priest- activity for the month which will hood in the "Drifted States come Youth Ready-- Miami Include: According to the latest avail- from Catholic families that are Solemn Pontifical Mass will be Prayer for vocations to be able statistics, there are 393,925 average in size as well as in eco- But HOMES? sung by Bishop Coleman F. Car- said after every 3Jass on week- priests for approximately 2,650,- nomic security. roll qn Easter Sunday at 11 a. m. days and Sundays. 000,000 souls in the world. That^ ' in the Cathedral. njfiansjttiai thoreTs-one-priest-lbf' '•' "THese facts "Were revealed in the heroism geeded for religious a survey conducted by the Cath- Msy. Patrick J. O'Donoghue, Family prayer Jmni*«li»ieJy * about every 7,000 pei'sons alive vocations, but the Catholic home Vicar General, Cathedral rector, .JfoltewiiHT-tftt evening meal. today, and about one priest for olic Students' Mission Crusade, life that is also required could in which 45 per cent of the stu- will be assistant priest and Msgr. A Triduum of Prayer in every 1,300 Catholics in the be strengthened. ,. ' James F. Enright and Msgr.. world. • • dents enrolled in major semi- That is the opinion of voca- every parish on April li, 15 naries of the country during George Rockett will be assistant ant] 16. tional directors-in many: dioceses. deacons. In the United States, there 1951-1952 participated. The Other factors commonly number of seminaries represented Other officers of the Mass will Vocation Sunday, on April is one priest for every 690 blamed for failure of some young be- Father Peter Reilly, deacon; 19, when the Bishop will cele- Catholics. Canada has a priest was 94 out. of 186, or 50.5 per people to hear God's call are: cent. Father Francis Dixon, sub dea- ibrate a Pontifical Mass at St. for every 560 Catholics,- and "Materialistic culture." eo»;-Father Joseph M. McLaugh- Mary Cathedral. Present will Mexico one priest for every Results of the survey, screened The "spirit of freedom" lin, master of ceremonies, and be altar boys and other youth- 5,080. from Questionnaires returned by which fails to tafte into account Father Patrick Taaffe, assistant ful representatives of every Switzerland leads the world 6,304 students, have been pub- the fact that "ao one is more master of ceremonies. parish, along with their par- with one priest for every 440 lished- in book form by the Cru- free than the man who serves A 72-voice choir, consisting of ents. Catholics, while Guatemala is at sade National Center in Cincin- God." 60 boys of St. Mary's School and nati. As a prelude to Vacation the other «hand of the scale with •• Religious vocations, it also has 12 men, trained and directed by Month, a series of retreats was one priest for every 18,400 Cath- Three to Five Children been emphasized, often come Clayton Brenneman, diocesan or- held on the first three days of olics. from "homes where family ganist, will be heard for the first The survey showed that fam- prayer is as important as family time during the Mass. Music will Holy Week for high school stu- The United States has one ilies most productive of priestly dents under the supervision of seminarian for every 3,840 Cath- meals." include the Ecce Sacerdos by vocations have three to five chil- Stadler and Missa Melodica by Msgr. William F. McKeever, di- olics and France has one for' dren. The medium average for ocesan superintendent of schools. every 4,400 Catholics. 10,000 Stores Close, Pietro Yon. Kegina Coeli by Jan families sending boys to the dioc- Kieland of the Netherlands will esan priesthood is four children. Observe Good Friday be sung at the Offertory and the Of all vocations, 83 per cent Cleveland—{NC> Proper will be in Gregorian came from families in urban Move than 10.000 stores and chant. SERRAN PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS surroundings—towns and cit- •business houses in the eight- ies exceeding 2,500 population county Cleveland diocese closed (The following Serran Prayer for Vocations will be recited after —qjtut 80.4 per cent of the all or part of Good Friday in OFFICIAL '•• every Mass during April. Copies of the prayer will be distributed Catholic population is located commemoration of Christ's death The Chancery has announced in all churches.) • . in these areas. on the cross. A closing campaign the following clerical appoint- was spearheaded by the diocese's As to the economic status of ments in the Diocese of Miami: O God, Who wills not the death of a sinner, but rather Holy Name Society.
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