a. —¦¦__ ¦ — , i.— ' .—... ¦- ¦- '¦ —¦ — ¦ —¦ Frida y Assembl y: Siail To The Eustis And Cham pion Baske tball Breckinrid ge Tea m Professors Speak fylcNutt Ur ges Colleges TWELVE NEW INSTRUCTORS At Workers9 Classes To Justif y Existence Also Advises Men NAMED TO TEACH CADETS Wilkinson To Lecture To Remain Sn College On Peace March 8th ITS YOUR MOVE NOW . Paul V. McNutt, chairman of the . Marriner App ointed War Manpower Commission wants to For several months volunteer pro- see the liberal arts colleges preserved, Arm y Dean but added , in testimany before the for fessors have ' conducted classes House Military Affairs committee last workers of the community and pro- week, that every college in wartime President Bixler announced last viding a weekly opportunity for dis- must be able to "justify its own ex- Monday the appointment of twelve cussion and instruction in problems istence." new instructors for Colby's Army Air McNutt told the committee—-which Force Training Program. The arrival of current interest. These classes arc is investigating wartime college edu- of 250 cadets who will start classes held for the benefit of wage earners cation—that he wanted to see every on March 1, is expected sometime of the vicinity but are open to all. one of America's 1700 colleges utiliz- this week. A second group of the The reason for tho organization of ed in the war effort, but that under same number is expected in March the present Army-Navy plan for and will start classes on April 1. For these classes is that the general opin- training men in the colleges only the first two weeks, these men will ion among educators is that many about 500 institutions would be in- not be allowed off the campus. workers have not had access to many cluded. McNutt stated that his plan During the live months course, one of normal channels of information which aims at using all colleges for which will be spent training at the therefore, the college can do a great training necessary civilian as well as local airport, each cadet will have a military personnel would soon be pre. total of GO class hours service in providing- opportunity for and 120 labor- seated to Congress. atory hours. the interested to receive this instruc- Bringing the committee up to date The difficult job tion. This is especially important at of arranging the on the workings of the Army-Navy classes has been accomplished during general trend a time like this when a plan , McNutt read his previously un- the past few weeks by Professor Mc- toward greater freedom and power of disclosed order outlining the method Coy. Numerous changes are being the wage earner is seen. For the wel- by which colleges are to be selected. made in tho regular schedule includ- fare of society as a whole the increas- The order provides that a joint ing the omission of a chapel period on Army-Navy-WMC committee will se- ing participation of wage earners in all clays except on Saturday, when a lect the colleges by unanimous con- general assembly will be held each government should bo us in- affairs ol: sent of its members. The colleges week. The purchase of books and telligent and enlightened as possible. will be chosen on the basis of "their other supplies has been taken care of v;: . -A"Hrit' of tho topics discussed at available administrative and instruc- through the office of Professor Eustis. some-of tho meetings of tho workers' tional facilities including staff , li- Pro fessor Newman is to ho chaplain classes indicate the typo of work they brary, laboratories and equipment, as of the group, which will be in charge are doing: Labor in a Democracy, well as on the basis of housing, mess- of Captain E. T. Patterson, the com- Propaganda nnd Public: Opinion , Col- ing, and recreational facilities." As manding officer of the school, lective Bargaining—Past, Present many colleges as possible will bo The position of Academic Dean of and Future, British Labor- and tho used ,.."not . omitting, the smaller insti- the training school will be filled by tutions, and taking geographical War, Labor and Politics, Inflation and " dis- Colby's Dean of Men , Ernest C. Mar- tribution into consideration. Liberal Related Problems. RIGHT: ABOUT FACE ; . F reshman co-ccis Barbar a Pattee , Barbara l iner, who will have charge of all arts and non-technical institutions i Russell ,. Gerry. ' Flic ge, Ben . Lancaster and Pat Wotherspoon vacate Foao educational matters, working in close The professors who have volunteer- will be used primarily for basic train- Hall as tho Army takes over , Sgt. Hale Pangmnn and Sgt. Robert- Gar- contact with members of the Army ed their' time and have conducted the ing. Tho fact that a college has n rett , advance guard of 250 cadets due this week , look on sympathetically. group, Professor Brcekcnridge has ¦classes are : President J. S. Bixler, Reserve Officer 's Training Corps or Professor Wilkinson , Professor Ful- boon appointed assistant dean of men other Army and Navy programs al- for the regular students and will take lam, Professor Palmer before he loft ready in operation will be given !'duo over most of Dean Marriner 's present Colby, Professor Eustis, Professor consideration." duties Seepo, nnd Professor Wilson. , although the latter will remain McNutt disclosed that the Army Great Exodus Begins To Hill As the official head of this department. for the intends to use colleges which can ac- Tho mooting scheduled bix ol the new teachers will be m 22 was cancelled commodate as fow as 250 students, night of February tho physics department. According The program while Navy units will bo about 400 freshmani Co-eds Vacate foss Hall because of the holiday. to the plans of Professor Brown, who includes a dis- men as a minimum. for the coining weeks has been working on this section of Pence," cussion on "Workers and the Figures presented to tho Military The freshman women aro on the Harvard Libra rian To tho academic schedule, Professor led by Professor Wilkinson on March Affairs Committee by Army officials move ! With the army literally clam- Stanley will bo one. of the lecturers Sec- S; on March 15, Cecil Goddarcl , at an earlier hearing showed that ap- oring at the doors of Foss J-Iuli tho Speak Here Feb. 26th as well as the following who have retary of the Alumni Association will proximately 37,000 WAAC's would girls have been faced with the prob- been secured cither as lecturers or as politics; Dr. load a discussion on got collogo training, indicating: that lem; of getting themselves nndi all laboratory assistants: John J. Sopke, Guenthor is Hchoduled to speak on tho women's colleges will not be ex- their possessions up to tho Hill l and ' Mr. Keyes D, Metcalf , librarian of graduate of Hurvartl , Magna Cum March 22; ami on March 20 , Profes- cluded from government contracts. into tho suddenly limited confines of Harvard , and president of the Amovl. Laudc , '42 , who is at present doing sor Fiillum will speak on "Problems Mary Low and Louise Coburn Malls. Questioned by Congressmen who can Lihraiy Association , will speak research work at M, I, T.; Carl Kunz, of Democracy," Tho moving of trunks and larger at were relaying tho doubts of their col. the next .meeting of the Colby Waterville , electrical engineer and u articles of furniture was done by tho Li- According to those taking active logo-age constituents, McNutt stated brary-Associates on Friday evening, former consulting engineer for West- collogo truck, but excess baggage1 and part in this phase of Colby activity, that all young men should bo advisor] February -fl , . at 8 :00 V. M „ in the Inghouso Electric, Edison , and other smaller itoins had to bo transported tho interest of the workers has hold to stay iu college until called, Young 1 lounge -' of the Women's Union at companies; Ca rlefcon D. Brown, Wa- by hand via tho bu s. Despite the dif- ,u p very well and tho number attend- men should take "advantage of every Mayflower Hill. Mr, Motcalf's topic terville, Colby, '!i:i, photographer and ing tho clnssen 1ms not decreased chance thoy have to get as much of ficulties'involved Wednesday evening former radio engineer; Ande Baxter, slnco tho initiation of tho program. collogo us possible," McNutt said. should * nee everyone moved to tho (Continued ;on page 0) Hill , and Foss Hall in tho hands of (Continued on pago C) the army, . , ' ' Tho first problem which arose from Fall Term Dean's list Released tho influx of somo seventy additional women was that of room space, Tho Life In Colby's Library; or, line Who, 1944 few vacant rooms available in tho Onl y 51 Survive Roland Barrlault, dormitories woro not sufficient to ac- What And How Many In The Stacks Efthlm Economu. commodate tho now arrivals. So tho Raised Standards Alden Wagner, annual spring custom of drawing Philli p Waterhouso, numbers by classes for rooms was Wo woro in our bank tho other day on tho same business. 1945 ronowod, Tho seniors wore given tho trying to unovordrnw our account Finally wo got into the sanctum It wan announced this wook that Everett Folker. privilege of retaining their single when ono ol! our follow students cani o sanctorum of Mr, Nathaniel Orwin flfty-ono ' mon and women wore named Lnuro»co Kaplan, rooms. The majority of tho rooms, in with an eye to borrowing forty dol- Rush and ho graciously rubbed out for tho Dean's Lint f or tho first torn Roscoo Schlossln gor, however, have boon converted Into lars.
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